

@stuckatmyhouse12 / stuckatmyhouse12.tumblr.com

[Header ID: White clouds against a blue sky.] [Icon ID: Digital art of a Litwick, a small white candle Pokémon. It has a small red bow on it and is holding its short arms up and smiling. The background wall is yellow with lighter yellow dots. The floor is red.] Icon by @giraffalope! Name: Sandy. Gender: Cis girl. Pronouns: She/they. Age: 21. Sexuality: Lesbian. This blog was made on 10/24/17, around 9:14pm.

My favourite trope has to be:

I sacrificed myself to save you. I didn't plan to survive. I burnt all the bridges. I intended to break your heart with my death, but that would be all right, because I wouldn't be around to see you. I pretended that you'll mourn me for a while and move on. I convinced myself I was going down in the blaze of glory. That my deed was appreciated. That everything was going to be all right afterwards, and I didn't need to be there to see it.

But I survived. And now I have to look you in the eye. I have to pick up the pieces of the life I shattered and figure out how to put it back together. If it can be done at all.


💚 Artists and titles will be revealed after the poll closes, so check back for results! Until then, please don't mention the song title in reblogs! (Guesses about everything else are fine and encouraged though; have fun!) 💚

Song 103 is: COMFORT ZONE by Ferry

Comfort Zone's MV focuses on Dmitry, a mutant who was previously trapped in a government facility along with another character, Katya. Dmitry was actually a prominent presence in a previous song called Punch It, Punk! (Which got really popular at some point, actually, because the thumbnail picture features a very eye-catching dynamic pose and his girlfriend's energy is extremely charismatic.)

The lyrics detail a very clear image of systematic medical abuse along with the focal character's superiority complex, combined with an even more artificial sound that marches on at a fast pace. No time for breaks, no time to stop against the rhythm of the system pushing you on. The language used is also very dehumanising, yet cheery?

'Oh it's noble to serve as means to meet an end / (means to meet an end) / So sentiments aside why don't you take pride / In being an important asset / For our experiment' and 'The only use for a motor not meant to start / is to become an expendable part' and after the bridge of fast-paced unaccompanied beats there's 'They just don't understand you're too precious to waste'

The song only starts properly referring to people in between this kind of language in the final chorus as the worldview portrayed starts breaking down. It's a REALLY fun way of setting the tone.

and just. AHHHHHH. There's more but at this point this message is already getting too long, so I will spare you. But Ferry's lyrics…. They've been getting increasingly spectacular and I love it.

One last thing; I tried focusing mainly on the music itself, but the MVs are legitimately spectacular. Ferry draws all of it him or her or themself, and they've been making each song more impactful as they start to emphasise the themes. The Mill strips colour from the characters as soon as they enter the Zone, Comfort Zone comes in either dull monochrome or oversaturated 'warning sign' colours on a TV screen (not to mention making the MV the size of an old-timey TV screen for most of it…) and 100 Epitaphs laying it on thick with the biblical/holy imagery in the midst of anime opening-style visuals. Feast your eyes. They are gorgeous :D

(description submitted by anonymous, cut by me. full, unedited version posted as replies. thank you!)


the pokedex holders in pokespe are kind of the pokemon equivalent of magical girls cursed to suffer isnt it

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