
I Make Good Life Choices!

@imakegoodlifechoices / imakegoodlifechoices.tumblr.com

Things created while drunk. Because I make good life choices.

“Shiner” (1953) by Norman Rockwell

“My recollection of working out this picture with Norman is one of laughter and fun. He showed me the sketch and wondered what I thought about it. I got it. It was about role reversal. For once the little girl was victorious, and it did not matter that she had a black eye. That was the mark of the trophy!” -  Mary Whalen Leonard on Posing for ‘Shiner’

I grew up in a house with several books of Rockwell’s art, and my grandmother had several others, but I don’t recall having ever seen this particular portrait. I like her already!

Our Lady of Not Sorry


lesbians are like “wow i love this idealized fictional man who can never hurt me, touch me, look at me, harass me, or try to have sex with me because he isn’t real” and that’s very valid of them


hey all my peeps from northern climates you know how sometimes ya look outside and it just like has this Look and you just Know it’s cold out like there’s no obvious signs no ice no snow you just KNOW it’s cold because you’ve lived here long enough that u look at the sky and you’re like ‘it’s cold’ how fucked up is that

oh my GOD exactly thank u for putting it into words


you know it's REALLY REALLY cold when you look outside and everything is just a tad too bright and there's a glittery edge on the air


See, this, I think, is what I love about Kronk.  On the shallowest surface level, he fills the “low IQ sidekick” role.  But ONLY on the shallowest surface level.

I’d have to watch the movie again to go into any detail, but Kronk is actually the smartest damn person IN this movie.  There’s nothing he doesn’t know, he’s got all this specialized knowledge, dude is probably horrifically well read.  He’s NOT stupid, he’s just eager to please and doesn’t have a proper “No” threshhold.

In the second gif, he’s like - “No, wait, I’m not who you think I am.”

Then in the fourth, he’s like - “Oh my God, the cook is gone and she’s got all these orders.  If somebody doesn’t cook that up people are going to get upset!  They’ll take it out on this poor woman who’s been on her feet all day and doesn’t deserve their wrath!  And…oh my God…PEOPLE WILL BE HUNGRY!”

Then in the sixth gif he’s like - “NOT ON KRONK’S WATCH!”

He’s doing the right thing and he knows it.  No judgement, no condescension, just always a moment to register the task at hand, determine the most logical course of action to completing it, and then it’s GO GO GO.

His only problem is that he never stops to ask himself whether this is actually his problem to solve, or whether people are taking advantage of him, and I love him for it.

I just…love him.

Kronk is the best hands down.

Kronk is worth the entire movie. Watch the Emperor’s New Groove for Kronk.

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