

@inkedroplets / inkedroplets.tumblr.com

A very slow writer

adulthood is just a constant struggle of, “man, i want cookies for breakfast, but I also recognize this is a bad nutritional decision.  On the other hand, the only one who can stop me is me.  i know that fucker’s weaknesses.  i could totally take me in a fight.”

frog and toad are my two remaining brain cells struggling to keep my horrible body alive



@eqt-95!!!!! look!!!!!!

“I’m monitoring the readouts from this program you designed, Boss Lady, and I have some concerns about the structural stability of that parapet,” says Jess over the comms link, sounding at once wry and resigned.

A chorus of chaos erupts all at once.

“Biomax to Iron Fist. Are we really going with Boss Lady?”

“If I recall,” Andrea interjects. “According to the last set of meeting notes, it was Boss Lady or Nepo Baby - ”

“Fuck you both,” Lena mutters.

“About that,” Veronica says silkily.

“We are not going there,” Jess says in a voice that brooks no argument. “Boss Lady, if you don’t pick a call sign, we are going to throw things at the wall until something sticks. Speaking of which, what is Supergirl doing?”

There is a thudding noise, and an ominous tremor, and there is a pause in communications as six different shadowy figures in six different locations peer outside, where Supergirl is fighting several aliens that look like - 

Insects, maybe?

Another thud, and this time there’s a rather unpleasant sounding splat.

“Ugh,” says Veronica.

“She’s throwing things at the wall until something sticks, obviously,” Sam says wryly, with an echo of the strange resonance that always kicks in when her power dampener is off.

There is a low pitched string of irritable sounding Spanish.

“Do you think,” Jack says mildly, as another thud rocks the parapet, “that they’ve perhaps forgotten that there are, you know, hostages to retrieve in this parapet?”

“Not our job, Biomax,” Jess says. “Our job is the data server in the basement. But seriously, these readings are looking worse by the minute. If this keeps up, Boss Lady isn’t going to have to use her high precision explosive.”

“It’s fine,” Lena says. “Reign flies, Acrata has umbrakinesis, Biomax can do his nanite thing, and - well - Roulette is crafty.”

“Thanks,” Veronica says dryly. “Good to know that’s why I’m on your six.”

“You are, though,” Lena says helpfully, and then curses.

“Acrata,” Veronica says. “I’m calling in that favour from the time I didn’t tell you-know-who about the you-know-what. You need to get us out of here now.”

“Spill the tea, Roulette,” Jack says immediately.

The next boom is louder than the previous ones, and the ominous creaking that follows is punctuated with a familiar voice to everyone on the S-Team echoing in the silence.

“Oh golly,” says Supergirl. “Oh, shoot.”

“Plan B, everyone,” Jess sighs. “Now.”

“I think, when a woman wants to feel elegant and powerful but in control, a very beautiful, tailored three-piece suit goes a long way to making you feel that … and I think that was part of what was going on there with Lena.” - KM

I don’t care if this comes off as cruel but you are not entitled to fanfiction. You are not entitled to podfics. You are not entitled to translated works.

Creators are not paid to make fanworks. People spend years of their lives writing fic and getting nothing in return except positive interactions. You can ask to make a translation. You can ask to make a pod fic. But you cannot demand it.

And because the only thing fanfic writers get in return for their work is positive feedback, taking away an authors ability to receive that is disgusting. Authors deserve to have full control and ownership of their works.

Fanfic isn’t a product to consume and then demand more of. Authors and creators deserve better.

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