


19➰Pili➰TSC Fandom➰And anything I find interesting

you guys don’t understand how much these fictional stories and fictional characters fill me up with joy and make this insane stuff we’re going through bearable


Just thinking about how thoroughly wrecked Hunt was when he had to kill those men and then come back home to Bryce. How badly he has to dissociate with his actions to even be able to live with himself. That hurts. Thinking about how many years he had to act as the shadow of death without Bryce being there to help him. Imagine his pain, how haunting it would’ve been, and he couldn’t have show the impact it had on him to anyone, just letting that build up inside of him.


The last 200 pages of House of Earth and Blood killed me about 5 times and it was horrible and I loved it

Sarah J Maas does that to you 


One day, I’d like to embody Jesiba Roga fully. By that, I mean that I wish to be able to threaten to turn someone into a lizard and be taken serious.

My father says that’s demonic, but I say it’s simply that I have dreams.


Bryce and Hunt: *having a moment*

The Kristallos: ...I think NOT

Bryce and Hunt: *having a moment*

The burning eggs: ...I think NOT

Bryce and Hunt: *having a moment*

Sabine: ...I think NOT

Bryce and Hunt: *having a moment*

Hunt’s injured back: ...I think NOT

Bryce and Hunt: *having a moment*

Ember Quinlan: ...I think NOT

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