
you can't trick me anymore

@petersmparker / petersmparker.tumblr.com

🕸️madeline🕸️hello there! i write and i'd love ideas so shoot me an ask y'all🕸️this is a sideblog for roostergrin and you'll catch me in responses and asks under that url🕸️

my first girlfriend turned into the moon🌕

sokka finally joins my ATLA series! you can view the rest of my atla series below⬇️


I know a few of my bg3 artworks are already on here, but I thought I'd still share them again ✨️


The pastoralist fantasy of "modern life is too stressful so I should move to a remote area and do hard labor" is so funny

I have a theory about that.

I think that what people want, when they talk about a pastoralist fantasy is actually an anti-capitalistic fantasy: i noticed, even from my experience, that most people don't mind phisical labour if it gives them results: actual, tangible, results.

Once my boss asked me to copy every article from a website and paste them in the new one. It took me roughly four hours for three days to do and my soul was slowly leaving my body. It was easy work, i mean who wouldnt want to earn money to just click here and click there, rinse and repeat? But it was boring, ripetitive and basically useless.

But when I take some time and clean my house, i sweat, i am tired but... satisfied. I see in front of me the result of my hard labour and I am happy, or at least i don't think i wasted my time.

So the fantasy of working hard but at least getting something out of it is appealing: why do people work in kitchens? Or bakeries and wake up at dawn to make bread? Or any hard job like that? I knew a guy that had the possibility of having every job he wanted, but he opened a bar and couldnt be happier.

This is my idea, i'm not a student in sociology or anything but I hope i made a point.


I have two degrees, and my previous job was the marketing department head for an international biotech company. I was well-paid, but dreaded work every morning. The endless cycle of low-grade manipulation and feeling like “making money for someone else to pocket, HELPING no one else” felt miserable.

I left and now work at a garden center. I haul around plants and educate people about them, so they can make informed choices. I help people, and seeing the plants grow under my care is wonderful. My soul is flourishing, my heart is at peace. My coworkers are all honest (as far as I can tell), and there’s no push for upselling or pushing people to buy stuff if it’s not very suited for their landscape.

Even if my wallet is a lot lighter these days, so too are my worries!


I worked IT in a city and fuck. People try to controll your every second. Faster! More efficient! You took a second too long to type that. You drove 56 kmh but could have gone 58 without getting caught. I messaged you a minute ago but you didn't reply so I walked to your cubicle to ask you. Also let's have an efficiency meeting. You are too slow. That's your feedback. How long will that task take? Can we somehow shorten that?

And all for what? To manipulate the user to buy product. Not to improve the website mind you. Whenever I suggested: hey, our website is not useable for the visually impaired/people with motor problems. I got back an: we don't care they're too small of a market value

So can you really blame me for fantasizing about a life where I can just plant flowers and vegetables and walk everywhere without the need of manipulating people and mikromanage my every second


my current job is managing a plasma cutting machine, so i have to spend a lot of time dragging big chunks of iron on and off conveyor belts and i end up sore and filthy at the end of every shift, and usually a bit scratched up.

but it’s third shift and there’s no supervision whatsoever, so while the machine is running, i can type on my phone. i’ve written most of a novel so far with my thumbs, covered in grease and iron dust. and i also produced a lot of construction materials for bridges, dams, warehouses, and skyscrapers.

i really like my job.


This is Marx's theory of alienation.

When people are removed from the tangible results of their labor, they become distressed and dissatisfied - and this is the result of capitalist profit-focused processes.


The whole thing in 04.05 is that Barry is who he truly believes he always should have been & Sally is leaning into playing a role bc she's unable to be who she wanted to be and this is all that's left. (It's interesting to compare this to when she was working on Joplin and he reverted to being a miserable hit man again otherwise - it's the same scene with the players reversed).

I don't understand how people are saying she's in a hostage situation when she willingly went with Barry to begin with. She walked off a film set knowing he'd be there and told him she was ready to go. She made that choice by herself.

Everybody in this series is trapped by something, but Barry didn't force Sally to do anything. Nobody can force Sally to do anything, that's her entire thing. She comes from layers of trauma so she wants to rise above it but just can't. She's had bad luck and it's not going to change, so she's further accepting her patterns and growing in them, even if it's not the healthiest choice. She's at least embracing them on some real level while Barry is still embellishing the truth.

She's not suffering under Barry, she's suffering from her own life otherwise. Barry is the only constant. Barry is the only person she had left who gave her the type of attention that satisfied her. She's not sitting there now afraid of him being a killer at ALL. She's sitting there keeping tabs on her old life and working out her trauma on strangers and drinking and smoking bc of all of THAT. It's not because of her current situation. She just lives in regret and ran out of options that she wanted (emphasis on that, bc she did have other options, they just weren't what she wanted), so she's here.

Barry is playing house but she's just playing a role, and she's not even that present for it except when she's doing the wrong things. Being a parent or a partner don't register to her, she's consumed only by her past. She cared more for her fake daughter on the tv series than she cares about her actual kid she had with a known killer. And I'm sure people can argue all kinds of stuff about coercion but that's not how her character has been written so far. I think it's a ton of shit to say Barry just 'made' her do these things. Barry doesn't control shit here except his own fake narrative. Again, Sally doesn't do anything she doesn't want to do, and Barry has never had any kind of control over her. Even that screaming incident didn't bring any results. He's NEVER had control over her, come on.

She didn't want to be associated with Barry otherwise forever and feel like a victim, so she essentially joined him as an equal. That's really what's going on, bc we heard in previous episodes how well this association could have made her rich without getting involved with him ever again, and she chose to ignore that route. It was a rock and a hard place, but she still made her own decision.

Nobody is winning in this scenario bc their past life otherwise is always looming. They ran from it and then passed it to future generations. It's no singular person's fault. It's two people working together to settle into mundane domesticity like a lot of adults do. They're not actually any kind of team or any kind of couple, they never, ever were. They're just the convenient option for not feeling alone in the world. Again, what many families stem from.


“How many times have you rewatched Spider-man: Homecoming since Infinity War came out?” The answer is too many and not nearly enough



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