


string of nouns and acronyms

SWP Account

TW: transphobia, transmisogyny, SA, gaslighting/manipulation, general trotskyist bullshit

I first joined the SWP as a minor during the Honor Oak demos. When I attended one of the protests for the first time in May 2023, I knew fairly little about the British left and its intricacies. I joined at a time when I was incredibly vulnerable - I was an isolated trans teenager with a poor home and school life and few friends. I initially joined SUTR but was soon syphoned into the SWP and became a formal member around 1.5 months in. After four months I was lucky enough to meet people outside of the party, find my own systems of support, and start drifting away from them. At the beginning of October I formally left the party and rescinded my membership. I essentially speedran the process. I know that I am not the first to come forward about their experiences in the SWP, and that my account won’t be as horrific or traumatic as others’. But the more I sit with the memories of spending time in the SWP, the more frustrated and angry I become with how poorly I was treated, especially as a trans teenager. A while ago, I compiled a list of everything I could recall about being in the party and its impact on me, and I’m hoping sharing it will draw more awareness to the extent that the Socialist Workers Party hasn’t changed and actively poses a threat to young activists. 

Structural/Functional Problems

Most people are aware of the SWP’s overt focus on recruitment, but within the party it’s even worse than it looks from the outside. Recruitment processes target those new to activism, especially young women and queer people. On multiple occasions, SWP leaflets were purposefully plastered outside my secondary school and other schools in the area. Once you’re involved with the party in any capacity, there’s a lot of pressure to ensure you formally join - if you’re not a member, within a month you’ll have membership papers being shoved in your face constantly. The worst instance of this was when I attended Marxism over the summer while I was in quite a bad place. I ended up having a breakdown in a corner of SOAS, and someone walked up to me when I was visibly upset and somehow tried to use it as a recruitment opportunity. Although far from the worst of their faults, the recruitment means the party is incredibly stagnant and frankly, boring. The same meetings repeat over and over, the same discussions are held, conferences are repetitive and demos are attended only for the purposes of recruiting or selling papers. 

The general attitude towards other, non-SWP activists is extremely condescending and patronising, especially in both formal and informal discussions of anarchism and grassroots organising. I consistently heard anarchists being reduced to a violent, ineffective group of rag tag young un’s who don’t know what they’re doing. I think it must have been in their handbook to describe anarchism as “grabbing 15 of your mates and beating up fascists”, because I heard that exact phrasing used at least twice. The belief that the SWP’s unwritten values and structures are the only correct ones runs deeply, and since I was a teenager my age was often used to dismiss my actions as immature or naive. I was told I was being pretentious for wearing a mask at demos - I’d been doxxed before and was looking out for my safety but apparently this made me appear “hostile and unwelcoming”. 

I can’t emphasise enough how much everyone in the SWP is treated as disposable unless you work for them. They don’t care about arrestee support, accountability, or building safe environments. I was a trans teenager so I looked good for their party, but ultimately they couldn’t care less what I had to say and I was often shut down or told my ideas weren’t appropriate. The SWP consistently seizes the politics of individuals’ marginalised identities to create a more appealing facade, while also discarding the same individuals as soon as they are no longer politically convenient. 

Lack of Accountability

From the beginning, it was clear that there were zero helpful routes for complaints or conflict resolution. I asked multiple times at meetings what their explicit process was for dealing with internal issues, and at best I got an off-hand mention to the central committee. Mostly I was shut down right away and told it wasn’t the right time to ask - a better time never became apparent. There is zero transparency and it didn’t take me too long to realise that I had no faith in anyone in the party to protect me or listen to me if something went south. You’ll hear them talk about their “disputes committee”, which was established as a response to the Comrade Delta coverup, but despite all the time I spent in the party I still have no idea who’s in this committee, how to access it, or whether it’s ever successfully resolved a dispute. 

No one talks about the coverup. This isn’t too surprising but every time I tried to ask about it, I was met with the same awkward dismissal. It’s creepy how everyone who’s been in the party for a while feeds you the same “that was a long time ago and we’ve changed and learned from it” schtick. Even a month in the party would be enough to show you that this isn’t true. The process of covering up the reputational damage from Comrade Delta is very much still active and the more time you spend around them, the more subtly intrinsic it becomes to everything you do. I was walking with a paid member of the SWP and watched him slap an SWP “trans rights now” sticker over one that read “the SWP protects rapists in their party”. No organisation that’s suitably addressed its failures should feel so threatened by the reminder of them. 

More widely, there are never any internal criticisms of the party. When I was in, I was in deep. I went to their weekly meetings, their organising meetings, their conferences - I went to fucking marxism. Not once did I hear a natural critique arise, there’s a complete lack of self awareness. It isn’t an environment where you’d feel comfortable expressing criticisms, and this has led to an echo chamber of sorts in which many members are incapable of conceiving themselves or the party as imperfect. It’s a dangerous amount of self-assuredness and this attitude allows for a culture of racism and bigotry to underlie the party’s supposedly anti-racist fronts - microaggressions don’t get called out, racism gets excused especially in the predominantly white spaces. There aren’t any attempts to actually foster anti-racist mindsets or incorporate it into how they organise, it’s largely just for external presentation and again, recruitment. 

Any issues that do get brought up are met with absurd amounts of gaslighting and guilt tripping. The party runs on guilt and censorship. If you ask too many questions people start acting cold or frame your comment as needlessly confrontational. Even now, I still struggle to process a lot of what happened because I was constantly told it was normal, that I was overreacting, that because I was relatively new to activism I didn’t know what I was talking about. 

Transphobia and Transmisogyny

As I’ve mentioned, my main involvement in the party was based around my identity as a trans youth, but there was very little regard for my safety as it pertained to this. For instance, without any warning a parcel was sent to my house with my chosen name on it. This put me in a bad situation because my parents hated the thought of me going by another name, I had to lie and endure my home life temporarily getting much worse. When I brought it up with someone I trusted in the SWP, it was dismissed without so much as an apology for putting me in a dangerous situation. I spoke to another trans ex-member about this and they told me about going through the exact same thing a few years back - the SWP doesn’t learn or change. 

There is consistent, blatant transphobia in the party. There were too many occurrences to list out here, but it’s so profoundly endemic to the party that I spent a considerable amount of time feeling uncomfortable and objectified. I had someone tell me they wouldn’t use they/them pronouns because “it’s too hard”. I was constantly misgendered, and although it was sometimes a careless mistake it was often very clearly intentionally weaponised. Almost every time it happened there was someone in the room who knew me well enough to know what my pronouns were and correct the mistake, but that never happened. No one stood up for me. 

There’s explicit transmisogyny. In addition to being generally misgendered and sexualised, trans women are often referred to with they/them pronouns and as a “person”. There was a trans woman quite deeply involved with the party who I spoke with a few times, she often got dismissed when she contributed at conferences and one time, a cis dude fully stood up and started talking over her while the chair of the meeting allowed it to happen. 

Contrary to what the SWP would have you believe, there just aren’t many trans people in the party. Certainly not a proportionate amount when compared to the wider left, which isn’t surprising once you’ve experienced being trans in there - there aren’t any attempts to make you feel any less isolated, ostracised, or used. There are, however, plenty of cis people who think that just because they’ve attended a trans demo or two they know more about the experiences of trans people than we do. 

I want to note that all the transphobia I experienced and witnessed took place while London branches of the SWP were spending their time at HO trans rights demos, handing out their placards, using it for recruitment, and taking credit for the work that was mainly being done by grassroots activists. Transphobia is just one example of how hollow their ideals are. 

Non-Existent Consent Culture

When I was sitting in a conference at SOAS, a man I didn’t know sat next to me and ran his hand down my back while we were talking, and then repeatedly tried to scoot closer to me when I moved away. 

A different time, someone tried to get me to sit close enough to them so that our legs were touching. 

Both of these incidents were extremely creepy and uncomfortable, and just to be clear: I was visibly/openly a minor during both. 

In general, physical contact is heavily normalised and sort of expected. There was always an expectation that you’d hug people, that you were okay with being patted on the back or having an arm around your shoulders or whatever. I always felt uncomfortable with this and although some people were fine with it and people’s intentions weren’t always harmful, there’s just generally zero consent culture and most times I wouldn’t have felt comfortable saying no. 

When I was in a transition phase of technically still being in the SWP but trying to spend as little time around them as possible, one of them came up to me at a demo (where, for the record, I’d just been through quite a traumatic incident - not that it should have to matter) and tried to pull me in for a hug without asking. When I flinched away without saying anything other than “hi”, she later commented to a comrade that I was being rude. The persistent entitlement to my body and my consent was disgusting. 

Exit Process

When I started spending less time with the SWP and more time with anarchists and antifascists, they were semi-aware of it so I got lots of calls and messages purporting to be “checking in”, but the undertone was very much “why aren’t you standing with us at demos anymore”. No one ever checked in on me when I was properly in the party. One of the calls was particularly lengthy and pretty much summed up to “we feel like you’re drifting away, we really miss you and you’re our comrade” - more guilt tripping. The feeling that I was trapped because I was constantly being contacted and approached at demos was bad enough to make me actively suicidal. 

The final breaking point for me was a conversation that happened in the South London SWP group chat that had reached an intolerable level of censorship. Someone, very politely, complained about how the branch had made a commitment to doing hybrid meetings but consistently struggled to actually have working tech/mics/etc. They also suggested a possible solution. They got shut down with a curt “our main focus has to be in the room rather than on our phones”, a comment that rightfully got called out as being explicitly ableist, especially since the following messages implied that attending online was insufficient or lazy. This conversation was concerning enough, but the original person then got told they “sounded harsh” (they didn’t - I’ve seen more lively conversations in my extended family’s whatsapp group), and was explicitly told to delete their message. I finally had a good answer to what happens when you criticise anything the SWP does, and this was a fairly mild criticism too. 

Then, a comrade I know very gently expressed their support for the original person - literally just said that they agreed with them and didn’t think they were being harsh. This comrade (also a teen) got two separate DMs telling them that they “misunderstood” what was happening and to delete their message as well. The hierarchies and power structures within the SWP are so obviously corrupt, and this whole incident just made that much more clear to me. 

I sent a final message on this chat, calling out the patterns of behaviour I’d noticed and advising people to do what I had - take a step back and look at who actually gets listened to in the party, at the corruption that’s so deeply rooted in it. Then I left that chat. The next day I was removed from every SWP-related chat I was in - fine by me, I was done. I did get sent one DM telling me that I had misread the situation, was overreacting, etc. It was incredibly infantilizing and blamed the fact that I’d been associating with other people as the reason I’d formed these opinions - clearly the SWP was reliant on my isolation. 

I was out of the chats but I did get the aforementioned comrade to update me on the aftermath, which was mostly damage control. The upcoming conference got plugged, people talked shit about me for being immature and overreacting. I’ve got screenshots of this incident in particular but I honestly don’t think they’re too worth sharing. I firmly believe that painting the bigger picture of the party and how and why it operates like this is much more important. 

I’d say I made it very clear that I wanted nothing more to do with the SWP and its members, but to this day I still have issues with them at demos. I’ve had people come up to me and try to touch me in various ways - hugs, back pats, etc - that I’ve expressed I’m uncomfortable with. There’s someone who winks at me. The general attitude towards me seems to be either glaring me down when I walk by (I don’t mind this honestly), or being overly nice as if I hadn’t been groomed into their cult (this is considerably worse).

I think this summarises it pretty well. It’s not everything - some stuff is hard to talk about, some would involve revealing info about me that I need to be private, and honestly my brain has defensively blocked out a lot of the time I spent around the SWP, so I’m still remembering stuff out of the blue. But please listen to me, listen to everyone else who’s been through their pipeline and made it out the other end. They aren’t just an annoyance with boring placards, they hurt people. They prey on young queers and women and don’t actually give a shit about anyone. Kick them out of your demos, kick them out of your circles, and also - try to get people out! I owe my life to the anarchists who were like “hey, we see you’re in there and you probably don’t want to be - you can hang out with us”. Most of the people the SWP recruits are sucked in before they have a chance to form other networks, and it’s hard as fuck to leave a party when all your activism takes place within it and you’ve got nowhere else to go. The Socialist Workers Party is broken beyond repair and needs to be dissolved, and I would encourage its current membership to resign. Thanks for reading. 


😭😭 I love piggies so much

So all that time my mom said “your room is a pigsty” she was complimenting me


I thought everyone would appreciate knowing there was an update cause someone sent her a bouquet to decorate her place 🥺


Genuine question, do you believe messianic Jews are valid? Do you believe they are not just Christians? I am a messianic Jew, and it’s actually a long story on how my family ended up this way, but I don’t feel like dwelling. I saw one posts that said messianic Jews were just Christians who appropriated Jewish practices, and tried to trick Jews into following Jesus. I obviously don’t believe that is true, but please give me your opinion.  

That's not just one post, Messianic Judaism was formed by Christians in order to trick Jews who were disconnected from their religion into converting to Christianity. Over time it became more popular with Christians who appropriate Jewish practices and twist Jewish traditions. Most of "Messianic Jews" today have no Jewish connection at all.

On a cultural note, it's a terrible thing that Christians took advantage of Jews who were escaping places of intolerance and persecution in order to trick them into doing what force and coersion could not.

On a religious note, Christianity and belief in Christ is incompatible with the very core beliefs of Judaism. Those who fell for the trap no longer follow the Jewish religion in any form other than some outward misused trappings.

If your family was once Jewish and you would like to become Jewish yourself, reach out to a Rabbi. You would be seen in a sympathetic light and as the family member of a victim. They'd be thrilled to help you go through the process of conversion studies so you could return and be Jewish yourself.

If your family was once Jewish and you don't want to become Jewish, that's perfectly fine too. Everyone should be free to follow the religion and gods they want. Just because your family was once Jewish doesn't mean you have to be. The problem with Messianics is not that they are Christians but that they are Christians claiming they are Jewish. If you want to be/are a Christian. Be a Christian.

If your family never had Jewish members but you want to become Jewish, that's cool too. You'd probably be met with some suspicion in the beginning (because of the Messianic "Jew" history), but conversion studies are allowed for the general public, not just those who are from families that were Jewish once. Again, You'd do this by reaching out to a Rabbi, explaining your situation and describing your desire to become Jewish.

And if your family was never Jewish and you want to stay Christian, that's perfectly fine too. There are many different branches and movements and sects out there for Christians. I'm sure you could find one you jive with to be your new home.

So, in short. There are lots of valid ways to exist, and many paths open to you to move forward. However, Messianic Judaism was deliberately formed by Christians as a tool of cultural violence. As long as you stay affiliated with Messianic "Judaism," you will not find welcome or a home among pretty much any Jewish community. Not even the welcome that your typical Christian would receive.

Hi OP,

If you're curious about the underlying history and theology at work here, I strongly encourage you to read these posts from a person who was raised messianic and converted to Judaism as an adult. He explains the predatory nature of the movement and its true origins, and many of the problems that are rife within it:

Ultimately, however, it is deeply appropriative of Judaism and violates the most basic tenet of Judaism - one of the only three that we are commanded to die rather than commit - which is avodah zarah.

Christianity inherently worships different gods than Judaism, and is fundamentally polytheistic from a halachic perspective. While Christians may claim that the "Father" is the same god as ours, the problem is that the moment you divide G-d or try to add distinct elements to G-d, you have articulated a fully distinct god-concept from Judaism's god-concept. The most baseline belief in Judaism is stated in the Shema, which is:

"Hear O Israel, the Lord your G-d, the Lord is One"

It's worth noting that the utter intensity with which the Oneness of Hashem is meant is captured only in the Hebrew word "Echad," the final word of the Shema.

(It is worth noting that actually the concept Tawhid in Islam is very similar and likely accounts for why Islam is seen as a Noachide religion, while Christianity must first be declared shituf before a gentile practicing it can be said to be a Noachide)

While one could argue in good faith (ha) that the Holy Spirit is an evolution of the concept of the Shechinah, it is 100% impossible to argue that Jesus, as conceptualized by Christians or anyone else who holds him as Divine, can be "part of" G-d without destroying that unity. There are numerous problems with this: Jesus is said to be 100% human and 100% God. The fundamental condition of humanity is that we are not G-d. Therefore, no human could ever validly claim or be said to be G-d without adding a fully distinct entity to G-d. You not only have the problem of "dividing" or "adding to" G-d, but you also have the problem of trying to make something human into an idol.

Whether or not he was the Messiah is a whole other issue, but the bottom line is that the Jewish criteria for what makes someone the Moshiach are not met, at all, by Jesus. No matter what, though, Moshiach was never meant to be a divine figure and never to be worshipped as a god alongside Hashem.

Think about it like this: if someone came along and tried to argue that because many of the ancient Israelites also worshipped Ba'al and/or Asherah, that we should create a Jewish trinitarian religion based on these these three entities, would you still describe this new sect as either monotheistic or Jewish?

Well, even if you might, I can promise you that no Jew actually would. It's not some special hatred or disdain for Jesus or Christians; it's the idolatry.

Edit: I also wanted to second what @rose-in-a-fisted-glove said above and in the replies - my own personal Jewish community has had several folks who left messianism for Judaism and we welcomed them with open arms. It's not your fault that your family was preyed upon, and you are always welcome to return to the kehilla if you sincerely wish to convert. And if not, that's also totally fine! There are a number of really wonderful churches out there that I'm sure would welcome you as well.

TLDR No, messianic Jews are not Jewish. They are Christians that prey upon Jews and Judaism. They’re a lying disgusting antisemitic cult.

No offense theveganwhiterose, it may have started like that, but that’s not how most Messianic Jews see it. Also most messianic Jews I know, are ethnic Jews who converted. They are not evil old white man Christians.

I’m not interested in being nice to a concept that wants to see my family and I dead. Antisemitism is antisemitism.

While I do sympathize with people who have been pulled into a cult, I don’t sympathize with the concept behind the cult.

Antisemitism, like all other forms of bigotry and hatred, is evil. And fuck me I guess for being tired of always having to be the kind, understanding Jew that has to put my personal well-being and comfort aside for offended Xtians.

If someone wants to believe something for themselves, great. But messianic Judaism is evil and dangerous.

Okay then call me a Christian Jew, I’ll take that title. But I still consider myself a Jew. My family still had Jewish traditions, and I was raised to know I was Jewish despite religion or beliefs. You are an atheist Jew, and still a Jew.

Then I can practice Christianity and still be Jewish, if most Jews don’t believe that then okay, they are allowed not to, I’m going to mad at them.

I grew up with a different point of view if the Jewish community, religious and non, I still love it. I still thick it is a lovely community.

If you have that view okay, that is not my experience with it. As I mentioned most ‘messianic Jews’ or at least the ones I have met and grew up with, were religious Jews who just converted. Not white supremacist Christian who looked to end the Jews.

Things change and evolve. Maybe not everywhere, but some places.

I want to point out to OP that being an atheist Jew is not the same as being a Messianic Jew. Messianic Judaism specifically conflicts with Jewish halacha while being an atheist doesn't.

We don't have to believe in a god in order to be Jewish. We're an orthopraxy (about the practice), not an orthodoxy (about the belief). It has even been said that practice will beget belief, but that belief is not required. There's even a sect called Humanistic Judaism that is definitely a legitimate forn of Judaism that doesn't believe in a god.

But Messianic Judaism believes Jesus is a messiah and the son of God and part of God, which explicitly and specifically conflict with Jewish laws. The two cannot coexist.

I never meant to insult Jewish atheists. That was just how I was taught to look at it. When my grandmother ‘converted’, she kept Jewish traditions, that we still practice in our family today. That’s how she was able to agree to Messianic Judaism, was being able to keep Jewish practices.

Something else that you might also be missing is that Judaism is considered a closed practice, unlike Christianity. If someone is not considered properly religiously Jewish, they should not be practicing Jewish religious observances because they are meant only for religious Jews. So it is taking something sacred without permission, essentially.

Christianity is an open practice that tends to actually want people to adopt their practices. (I'd argue this is their way of trying to maintain dominance over a culture and a way to gain quiet power, but that's my interpretation.)

So while it might seem natural to you to take on Jewish practices, that is a decidedly Christian perspective to have on the matter.

I do think you're actually trying to ask questions and maybe mis-speaking from time to time. I saw you compare the two and wanted to explain why they're different.

You weren't raised with Jewish traditions though, OP, you were raised with a bastardisation of them.

Atheism is not incompatible with Judiasm, messianic beliefs are. The amount of Jews who consider you Jewish are almost none. There are whole Jewish groups dedicated to the fact that you are, in fact, not Jewish andI know people who spend a long time fixing misinformation on Google and recategorising Messy "synagogues" as they are, Christian Churches.

It may sound harsh to you, but that is the reality and you asked for hinest answers. Jews do not consider you Jewish and it is deeply offensive to a great deal of them that you would even utter it. It really doesn't matter how most Messianic Jews see it. There are people with interfaith families who were raised with varying traditions but most of them I have interacted with say just that, they are from an interfaith household. They don't claim something they are not.

My family is ethnically Jewish too. So? I had to begin the convert process like anyone else, you have to learn Judaism from Jews to be Jewish. It is not open.

Every single Jewish group I am in finds the existence of Messianics to be deeply offensive and their claims to be Jewish are deeply insulting and some consider it a part of the continued assault on Judaism by Christianity. Can't say I disagree.



あとで ふんでやるです

Now I'm annoyed by my landlady ... well, I'll step and step on her later!

nearly identical


What's this!? The isopod!?


the peaceful life of the isopod..



シカエシカクテイですよ💢 ふんでやるです!

Why can you do it so fast!? My landlady is laughing so much as there's no incompatibility! I'll revenge her! Step and step heavily!


I didn’t see this link in the reblogs but I love Mercury and she has a book out called “Safe & Sound: A Renter-Friendly Guide to Home Repair”. She is one of those beautiful souls who love to teach people new skills with compassion and joy, instead of putting down others for not having knowledge about (what others may consider) basic home repairs and DIY.


once my then gfs & i were talking about different words for smoking weed and decided to make up our own which evolved through a series of word associations into calling it "rolling a bercow" as in john bercow, the former speaker of the british parliament, and it never evolved from there. like he was just the natural endpoint


I haven't seen any dog stories in a while. How are Charleston and The Hanukkah Goblin doing?


Dog updates!

The first one is a little sad, but also how life should go. Arwen is 14 now and while she's still moving, eating, pooping and generally enjoying life, she also has canine dementia and sundown syndrome where she gets extremely nervous and her dementia gets worse after dark. She'll be with us for a while yet, but it's something we have to manage now.

One person who is very much helping her manage is Herschel. My parents are traveling a lot while they still have the knees for it so I spend a lot of time up at their house, and Charleston and Herschel come up too. Being a Corgi, Herschel likes to manage things, and Arwen would like someone to manage things for her so he's become her self-appointed guide dog.

When I call the dogs for food or outside, he goes and finds her deaf ass and herds her to the location. Normally she doesn't go outside after dark but when the boys are there she's willing to wait for Charlie to chase away anything that might be lurking out there, and then follow Herschel's ass around the yard at night.

Very literally.

She's also got cataracts forming and I think his bright white backside is easy for her to see in the dark, so she follows it around.

During daytime walks she sees well enough but neither she nor Charlie are fans of strange off-leash dogs running up to them (a regrettably common problem out here. I don't care if your dog is friendly MINE ARE NOT!), so both of them prefer to walk half a pace behind Herschel so his more socially adept and knife-filled face is out front to intercept any unwanted solicitors. This does tend to give people the opposite impression though- because he is so much shorter, Herschel gives the impression of a tiny, charming mafioso flanked by his two large and surly bodyguards.

Like, they absolutely would kill a bear for him.

But Charlie and Arwen would also try to kill a bear on general principle.

At night, when Arwen barks at shadows, Herschel runs up and stand between her and the alleged menace, and does his best to look large and intimidating and for as silly as he looks, he does have a very good growl. After a moment, when the alleged bear or congressman or other horror fails to appear, he will stick his nose into the offending shadow, and finding nothing, be satisfied that their joint effort has successfully chased the problem off, and report back to her. This, more than anything else, seems to alleviate Arwen 's fears.

I guess we all just need someone to take us seriously when we're frightened.

Charleston, meanwhile, has gotten into giving safari tours of the front range's small vertebrates.

After eight years of managing his exceptionally high prey drive, something clicked earlier this summer and instead of immediately lunging his whole face at any approximately bite-sized animal in an attempt to expedite it's journey into his stomach, Charlie has started *pointing* at things until I come look at them and tell him he's a good boy. This started with a mole, something he'd never seen before and that moves above ground in a strange way, so he wasn't sure about eating it, so he only alerted at it. "GOOD BOY!" I shouted, giving him all the cuddles. "GOOD SPOT! GOOD JOB NOT EATING IT!"

It's important to reward behavior you want to see.

Since then, he's been trying out pointing at small creatures in the grass and then making very pointed eye contact with me until I come look at them. This is a little tricky when walking both dogs because Herschel is still very much in his "inhale wildlife" phase, but usually I can lock the little gremlin's leash and go look at whatever Charlie has cornered while Herschel attempts to develop telekinesis to will the critter into his mouth.

So far, Charleston has found: a baby rabbit, several baby rabbits in a cluster, an adult rabbit with Jackalope virus, several voles, several moles, a fledgling owl, only the two mice, several mouse-sized grasshoppers and cicada, someone's pet rat (the person was searching within earshot and 'Socks' was collected forthwith), a beanie baby that had me fooled for a hit minute too, a marmot which I didn't know lived down here, a groundhog which I didn't know lived up here, a mink, so many toads, a wild turkey chick, so many more garter snakes and last night, an aquatic shrew.

I don't know if there's an Audubon Society for small things that scuttle around in the undergrowth, but I am inclined to join solely to get Charleston recognition for his service in surveying them.


GPS Trackers Reveal Your Cat’s Adventures During The Night


A recent research team attached GPS trackers to a group of pet cats to track their whereabouts when their owners were not around or sleeping. The daily movements of the pet cats surprised many owners. Take a peek below.

We’ve spoken out of this blog multiple times about the dangers outdoor cats are exposed to when they roam. Here’s a gps tracking study that shows exactly how far from their ‘safe home base’ outdoor cats in Wales actually go in just one night. 

“When you speak to a lot of cat owners they say: “Oh my cat just (…) doesn’t go anywhere.” (…) Some of the cats have “gone three kilometeres from home”.”

This cat went in such a straight line it can only have been following a major road for a long period. 

This cat went more than a kilometer into the wilderness at night, potentially exposing itself to all sorts of urban and rural predators. 

This cat traveled repeatedly through the yards of other houses as well as spending a good amount of time in the middle of the road. 

Don’t think your cat travels? It does. Keep your cats indoors. Keep them safe.  


dear god please let our new baby octopus feel confident enough to move out of her corner hiding spot today while i’m on exhibits so i can see her properly for the first time amen

she stuck out a single arm before changing her mind and deciding the rest of the tank is too scary, far too scary by far she is scared


so i havent been very active on tumblr lately and i dont know how many of my followers are still actually here or who is likely to see this, but its worth a shot

my beautiful baby boy Alice has an aggressive malignant tumour in his mouth. diagnostics and medication so far have cost around £1500 which has meant draining my bank account and maxing out my credit. i need to drum up another £1000 at least to be able to pay for his lump removal op on Monday

these tumours are usually painful and because it is right by his teeth, he is often bumping and scraping it which causes bleeds and secondary infections. it needs to Go to make him more comfortable and to give us the best shot of shrinking and slowing the remaining cancer cells so we can, with a bit of luck, have another couple of happy years together before we have to say goodbye

he is my oldest friend, an absolute angel of love and joy, and apart from this stinking cancer he is fit and well and full of life. if anyone is able to help me give him the best chance of putting this disease at bay to enjoy his golden years to the fullest, it would mean the world

if you cant spare anything, please do share widely. he's not ready to go just yet

thank you

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