
Cutie Pie

@tucuteforyouuwu-blog / tucuteforyouuwu-blog.tumblr.com

16, demigirl/magiboy/ascxboy, multikin (mosskin, bedkin, lemongrabkin) uses lems/lems/lemself or it pronouns. Autochoris-gray-asexual and idemoromantic. Self diagnosed with autism and BPD. I identify as multiracial (I also identify as Pepegender for reclamation). Triggers:...

Keep Going, It's Okay

Dear Angels,

I know this is the world you once protected from above, so, spread your wings, even if they can’t be seen and protect the ones you love. And even the ones you don’t, let them feel your holiness and calm.

Dear Gods,

I know it’s a little rough watching the world you created get destroyed, but you can always keep it in your hearts that you can create another, even with human hands.

Dear Demons,

I know you’re angry, and you want to unfurl your wings and bare your fangs, but that’s okay. Keep feeling everything your feeling and know you can walk with your head high despite it all.

Dear Faes,

I know it’s hard, and that sometimes you want to join arms and feel

different emotions, but dance the dances only you remember, let the music you were born with flood your senses and take you away.

Dear Galaxies,

Can you still feel the way the stardust washed over you? And how the other stars around you breathed? Remember that, it’ll make this life all worth while to know that you have experienced things no other human has.


stop. colonizing.

the apropriation of the identity “factkin” from people like terfs and truscum is factkin erasure and this misgendering is an exampl of continued patriarcy. ono

if u identify as factkin but u rnt factkin get of my blog RIGHT NOW 


finally!! aesthetic attraction version (^(o*o)^)

already done a gender, sexual, romantic and platonic orientation version. this is the last on  <(0-0)>

Arterioaesthetic - aesthetic relationships are very central and flow through the body like a blood system

Marx-aesthetic - rejects heteroaestheticism because of its ties to capitalism

Iteroaesthetic - aesthetic orientation that changes whenever iterated

Voltiaesthetic - aesthetic orientation that frequently escapes during speech and actions, is hard to catch


The one reason you shouldn't support new HP

Now if you don’t care, okay. Go ahead and support it. But the new Harry Potter is literally the pinnacle of white appropriation.

But, you say, but Alicyn! It’s not! She’s honoring Native Americans!

No she isn’t. And let’s go over why. -She isn’t using any creatures real name, she’s using English or made up names. - She isn’t using any creatures real origin story. - She is attributing each houses discovery to a white man. (I wanna kind remind ppl the Spanish and French were also in America.) - Some of these creatures have sacred colors or names associated with them and they do not correlate to the colors JK Rowling chose. - In fact, no Native American was consulted or asked and when they found out, the community was very barefaced about their outrage.

So Alicyn what can I do?

-Don’t go see that movie that she’s making. -Don’t get sorted in the new houses. -Spread the real stories of these creatures instead of the white washed version. -Encourage people not to make fan fiction based on it.

But Alicyn! I don’t want to do those things.

Well, that’s fine too. But be aware that you are an active participant in the erasure of several cultures.


I hate the word because of how it’s thrown around on this website, but self-diagnosis is ableist. Claiming to have something you haven’t been medically diagnosed with is ableist, I bet 90% of you who self-diagnose wouldn’t know the half of your ‘illness’.

truscum b like “water is dry!!!”


platonic attraction version. /^(0*0)^\

list of aesthetic attractions coming soon. already don a gender, sexual and romantic orientation version! <(0u0)>

Arterioplatonic - platonic relationships are very central and flow through the body like a blood system

Marx-platonic - rejects heteroplatonicism because of its ties to capitalism

Iteroplatonic - platonic orientation that changes whenever iterated

Voltiplatonic - platonic orientation that frequently escapes during speech and actions, is hard to catch


my break ono

so i took a brek from this website, because in my country something horrible happend.

im not gonna talk about it or say any names. every1 is still living in fear, but i am posting for self care??


homophobes be like: bein gay is a choice!

transphobes be like: bein trans is a choice!

tucutes be like: bein trans is a choice!

do you see what the fuck i’m talking about

transphobes be like:this post



stop making up genders

stop making up genders

stop making up genders

genders don’t exist just because you say they do. just gtfo with all of this bullshit. if you don't fit into the existing gendes then that would make you non-binary. there is no need to make more genders.

me: *throws genders into the air* *passes out genders as flyers* *sends genders to your local representative*


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