

@slowillusion / slowillusion.tumblr.com

"How senseless death, How precious life." No images are mine unless stated.

"I just want to escape my mind. I can't take it anymore."


"Every time I think I am growing or finally getting better, something ends up happening & showing me that I am not. The harder I try to seek help, the more the universe is against me. What makes everything the more difficult is that I do not have a close friend to speak to. I keep everything in my head, my journal, or this Tumblr account."



"I hate this shakiness. I hate the thoughts. I hate myself."


"They're no longer metaphorical demons."


"God should've taken me away last year."


"I hope I'm left with white flowers at my funeral."


"Está dañada del amor

No siente ningún dolor

Su felicidad terminó

Su esperanza desapareció

Ya no cree en el amor, su fe se le acabó

Ya no cree en el amor, llueve cada día en su mundo"


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