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@seedotsam / seedotsam.tumblr.com

Hi! I'm Sam. Bi. 21. I love anime and kpop a lot. I write fanfiction that I post on fanfiction.net and Ao3 under the username sammyo3w. I also have a side blog for all things witch called stoneportal09. Please don't hesitate to say hi or fangirl with me!!

It has been literal years but every time I see Martin’s tweets posted somewhere and his word is shared as truth while her post is not shared it sort of reiterates the fact that we trust men to speak about feminism more than we believe women who experience it. 

Reading her account of how their boss treated her blows me away. Men are so emboldened that they will literally admit to illegal discrimination casually and face no consequences.

In all the years of seeing this post I’ve never seen a link to her side. Didn’t even know she’d written one.


Adding screenshots of her post. His whole post is there without needing a link. Hers should be, too.

Also, she posted this is 2017! It’s fucking 2020 and I’ve seen his side of this for years, but it took 3 years for her side to make its way to my dash…

I’ve reblogged his story at least twice; it’s time for Nicole’s.


Fullmetal Alchemist was the only decent shonen ever created, and that’s the truth.

I ranted in the tags, but you know what fuck it let’s go.

FMA is shonen. It’s targetted primarily at young boys like most shonen is.

And it deals with heavy shit. It has gore, it has parental abandonement, it has abuse, it deals with genocide and militarization and a fuck tonne of rights abuses. But it also deals with it sensitively. Arakawa wrote a compact story with great escalation and increasing of odds.

It also has fucking complex characters. FMA is one of the few shonen series that has made sure it’s female characters are on par with it’s male characters. It would’ve been easy to fall into the shonen trap and just sideline the female characters. But no. All the women hold their own, they do stuff. Winry is the mechanic. Lust is a great spy. Riza’s importance is never toned down. In fact she serves as a great escalation point to show shit hitting the fan. Olivier Mira Armstrong fucking commands one of the tightest and most brutal regiments, and she will chop heads. Lan Fan goes from bodyguard to assistant revolutionary. Mei chan’s development is huge for a kid. Izumi is the badass mentor.

But it’s not just the women. Even it’s male characters are varied. They’re soft. They emote. Maes Hughes won’t shut up about his family and how much he loves them. Alex Armstrong is a gorgeous buff dude who’s the second softest dude in the series. And they’re all shown as complex people.

It also was set in a crapsack world that relied on teenagers to do shit. But you know what else it did. It made it clear that this was not what teenagers and kids should be doing. It made it clear that this was the fault of the adults, and adults should make the world safe for kids.

It had teenagers and kids who grew up, emotionally too. It showed that the emotionality was valid. It broke up pairs of it’s most codependent characters to do this. Ed and Al get a fuck tonne of development once they get separated. The same goes for Ling and Lan Fan. And you know what, even though the circumstances that separated them were shit, it’s shown that their growth away is equally important as it is together.

You know how great that is for the young boys the series is primarily targetted at? To see badass women who emote and are different? To see buff men being gentle and emotional?  To realise that you have to take responsibility for your actions? To realise that yes saving the world is good and all, but it should not be your responsibility?

FMA is fucking great, and all shonen works need to get on it’s level.


For anyone in Canada, this ID card is fake.  This was made by the anti-mask group called hugs over masks. 

If you have a business that does online purchases or curbside pickup, and someone demands you let them in while holding this card, you do have the right to refuse them to come into your workplace, and you can advise them to purchase online or make an appointment for curbside pickup.

You DO NOT need to allow them entry into your business, only provide an accommodated service instead such as delivery, curbside pickup, performing the shopping for them, etc. to avoid any prosecution under the Disabilities Act. 

This has been a Public Safety announcement

Watch out, USA, because the covidiots will be printing a version of these en masse and presenting them at Walmart


Worry not, friend! We’ve been seeing em for a few weeks now-only ours actually look much worse. 


As an American I’d still say the Canadian one looks fake because it’s in English only


This pandemic has left me astounded with how much more people will spend and how much more people will do, just to avoid REALLY FUCKING CHEAP & SIMPLE safety measures like washing your hands with goddamn soap, and wearing a goddamn mask in public.

Doing more work, paying more money, & dying from the goddamn virus, to own the libs. What the fuck is wrong with you.


This is such an important and genuinely terrifying post. I could completely go off on the rise of anti-science, but for now I’ll just add: it isn’t just boomers that get deceived. This is a warning to all of us.

Pay ATTENTION to what you are being told. If you think you cannot be deceived, you leave yourself open to deception. Question, doubt, research research research. Learn about your personal biases, dig up any subconscious cognitive dissonance. Keep an eye on your mind.



I know we love to complain about incels but a similar thing happens to them. A young boy who maybe got rejected by his first crush or didn’t get as many valentines at school logs on a finds himself sucked down a wormhole of hate and conspiracy. It can happen to anyone.

It’s so hard to remember when you talk to conspiracy theorists and incels and far right people that a lot of them used to be just like you and me. Some of them are monsters but some of them are just followers looking for a community and this hate filled community is always actively recruiting


[Image caption: a series of screenshots of a Twitter thread by @/pookleblinky at 8:13 am on Juky 12, 2020 (link to thread)

Tweets read:

My mom got a pulse oximeter.

She asked me to put a mask on and check to see how my blood oxygen lowers.

I put a mask on at 98% oxygenation, and it stayed at 98% while I told her that as a former nurse she should fucking know better.

She took tests on this stuff. She had thick textbooks on this stuff. She got hired to know this stuff. She got paid to know this stuff. She worked with people who spent hours wearing masks.

Youtube literally wiped out 15+ years of being a medical professional.

I could maybe get a semiliterate shitstain thinking that.

But she was literally a nurse, paid for years to understand things like blood oxygen, blood sugar. Paid to wear masks for hours at a time if necessary.

Her brain is so rotted by nazi youtube that I wouldn’t trust her to put a fucking bandaid on a papercut anymore. 

It’s wild that 8+ hours a day of youtube can so completely wipe out a *literal career* of medical knowledge. A whole career, just turned into a shit-covered hamster spinning on a wheel in someone’s skull. 

Her oximetry reading is about 92%, due to her COPD. If it dips 7% lower she needs to be hospitalized.

She will, absolutely, die when she gets covid. Which she will, because she can no longer understand the germ theory of disease. 

Years ago, she made clear that she no longer believes in evolution.

“But you were a nurse. You know why people need to take a full course of antibiotics. You took tests on it. You saw what happens when people don’t. You have seen MRSA.”

“that’s just micro-evolution.”

I cannot overstate that she was an RN. She took college courses, she got hired, she got paid, to understand the basics of modern medicine. She’s smelled C Diff. She’s intubated people. She’s kept charts. All of that knowledge and experience is gone. 

It’s gone, as surely as if she had alzheimers. It’s been replaced with whatever nonsense the last angry guy in sunglasses screaming at his camera from his driver’s seat screamed.

And this is someone who was *paid* to understand basic shit about human health. Imagine what youtube autoplay is doing to boomers with no medical degree or experience. 

End of description]

Hey I know not everyone has time to add image caption (and it’s kinda weird to cram it under a post like this, but I’ll repeat this as many times as needed), but when it comes to tweets, they are EXTREMELY easy to find and link to the source. They’re the easiest kind to find source + add caption to, as I literally just google a few phrases, found the original tweets and copy the whole thing from Twitter, without having to read the image & type the description myself, everything took me less than 1 minute. Anyone with sufficent vision can add caption to a post that contains only screenshots with no source, it’s really fast, easy and low effort.

If you have a leisure couple hours browsing, please consider sparing 5-10 mins of that to caption and link sources to these image posts. You’re helping out Blind users and people who don’t have time but want to spread captioned images to all corners of Tumblr, while linking to sources (if you have to extra time - also archive them on archive.org, so even if the tweets got deleted there’d still be a record) help push back against misinformation and/or disinformation, when people can easily refer back to the original conversation, grasp the context and see how it evolved (whether the OP changed their minds or new information is added by others or if misinformation is called out etc.)

Spare 1-2 mins to add source and caption to image posts of tweets. Even if someone had already done it, it might be too far up in the notes chain that people can’t find it to reblog on mobile. We can’t force everyone to caption their posts, I know not everyone’s got time - or just plain don’t care, in case of bots like this, which programmed to grab popular tweets’ screenshot, but intentionally not the links so you’re at their mercy of the veracity and narrative of the things they posts. But we can make image captions (and sources) as abundant and as easily available from as many people as possible. I can’t stress enough on the link to source, it’s just so easy: look it up - copy text to image caption - remember to link to source. Captioning’s never been easier!


So I have read several people complaining that they can't be expected to know the "unwritten rules" of fandom. So here's what I wish people knew:

Fanfiction is fiction.

Fictional people are not real.

Fictional people do not have rights.

Fictional people cannot be abused.

Reading or writing about something does not mean the desire to do or support it in the real world.

If I find art upsetting/triggering/disgusting/outraging/unpleasant/squicky/distressing/offensive, it is on me not to read it, not the creators and hosts to remove it.

Curate your own experience. The back buttons exist for a reason.

If you don't trust yourself to do that, get someone you trust to do it for you.

Fandom is an adult space. Adults create and own and host fandom spaces. If minors want to participate, then the onus is on them and their parents/guardians/trusted adults to ensure they participate appropriately, not on strange adults to stop being adults.

You often don't know the assault status or mental health status or neurotype or race or nationality or religion or gender or sexuality or age of a creator or consumer, and they do not have to disclose to you to justify their fantasy.

AO3 is not a safe space. It is not intended to be a safe space. Proceed accordingly.

Just because you don't like something or find it offensive doesn't mean it is a "problem" that "has to be dealt with".

Most characters in anime are not white.

There is no onus on you to reblog or share anything.

Everyone makes mistakes in fandom and is less than their best self sometimes.

Persistent pseudonyms encourage long term relationships.

Ship wars are stupid.

Someone else enjoying things does not impact on your own enjoyment of other things.

Tagging and warning is a courtesy, not a requirement. Assume any fic might contain untagged content.

Rating is an imprecise art, not a science.

Don't hassle IP creators.

Most people who are in fandom are hoping to make connections based on a shared passion.

Trying to profit from transformative fanworks puts us all at risk.

No one is obligated to share your head canon or fanon.

Being kind rarely fails to pay off.

It is okay to block and remove people who make your experience unpleasant. You don't have to placate them. (Learn from my mistakes).

Britpicking is a good thing.

You don't have to justify why you like a canon/pairing/trope/kink. Sometimes navel gazing is fun, but you don't have an obligation to explain yourself, especially to strangers. I share the overwhelming desire to refute an unfair accusation, but the people accusing you are rarely doing so in good faith, so you're batting a losing wicket.

I'm not your Mum. (Well, okay, a very few of you can call me Mum or Mom, but if you are one of them you already know who you are ❤️)

If you aren't mature enough to take responsibility for your online experiences, you aren't mature enough to be in fandom spaces.




My bad,how could I forget her last time. Here comes our winter child Frida! , from twitter request. During the paint, I also think that all adult characters need love too, May draw them at once ;)


I like that there’s a genuine 10 seconds pause in this scene, lmao.


I binge watched Ascendance of a Bookworm yesterday and I have to say how much I’m loving this show. While it is true that it takes on the isekai bubble, I think this to be a really refreshing take on the genre, because it actually makes something different.

Compared to other isekai, the stakes are much lower. No Demon King, no epic adventure, just a reincarnated Japanese girl wanting to read books in a world that they cost more than a year worth of salary. And we finally have an isekai from the point of view of the commoners - Myne is the daughter of a soldier with rank high enough to give his family a stable life but not enough to escape poverty. Magic is dangerous to commoners as well as to nobility, but due to the costs of treatments commoner kids tend to die while noble kids survives, therefore magic is “noble’s thing” - we don’t hear about magic, besides in the prologue, until the middle of the series run. So it gives her a reason why she needs money and has to become a proto-capitalist, so that she can afford the treatment, survive and continue her journey to make books accessible for her (and by extension everyone else).

Myne is a really great character - while she has her knowledge of her previous life, she still struggles a lot to adapt. But it’s funny how even a standard knowledge of arts & crafts can give her an edge in this new world - like one has to think why things like tridimensional drawing only developed during the Renaissance, even though it seems completely trivial to us today, imagine if they were developed centuries before.

Due to being (kind of) an economic historian, I have always disliked the “one man industrial revolution” trope because it ignores that our industrial revolution was a network effort and that, due to specialization of knowledge, it’s nearly impossible for one scientist to manage alone all the factors necessary to kickstart an industrial revolution (an organic chemist will know little of naval engineering). But Myne here is so determined to read books that it might start her own industrial revolution, but she never tries to do things she can’t, that’s why she’s more of an artisan than a scientist and things she can add are small, but even these small things can have enduring results.

I highly recommending watching this anime if you want something closer to a slice of life.

And there’s Dio.


Do you like soft fantasy? Good worldbuilding that doesn’t tie into war? Do you love family, found or born? Do you like magic? Do you like a well grounded story? 

Well then  you really should watch Ascendance of a Bookworm!

It follows a young women who LOVED BOOKS MORE THEN LIFE ITSELF but sadly gets killed before she become a librarian. And with her last breath she wishes to be reborn somewhere where she can read all the time and with that she wakes up in a fantasy word as a young peasant girl named Main (I think that’s how it is spelled, I’ve seen a bunch of different versions) with a mom, dad and older sister, Turi.

Her goal: BOOOKS!!!!!!!! Just to be surrounded by them

But there is a problem, peasants don’t really read. Books are expensive and not available to some like her. Not to mention, she is born into a very sickly body and unable to do a lot of things.

So if she can buy books, she’s going to have to make her own!

And bring some comforts to this new world from ours while learning all about the one she is now part of.

It is really fun, really cute and just the soft fantasy tale that my heart yearns for. Learning about the business of this world, the religion, the people, how life works, it’s all amazing!!!!!


These children in Baptism’s costume are so cute! I love them so much  MUST DRAW IT!! 

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