@standardfujoshi /

| Here the gay at(☞˚∀˚)☞ | NSFW | I don't tag SHIT (be warned) | NOT SPOILER FREE | contains mostly BL and occassionally GL | Since I'm mostly inactive here, I recommend following my Twitter @midorimariee :3 I

thinking about how damen’s household probably included everyone who raised him as a child and kastor just had them all slaughtered in one night


I have a lot of lamen doodles that I don't post because they're messy af but I've been told lately to post more of them, so here we are with this old forever unfinished piece


“Pallas’s mouth opened. Damen saw what Pallas saw…" 

 For the sake of keeping things pg, you’ll just have to fill in the next line in that passage.

 I wanted to practise drawing faces at unusual angles and this was the result.


Merry Christmas! From all of us at Nendoshinkai! We hope you have a safe and happy holiday and get together with all your friends and family!

Happy Holidays!!!!


Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays!


Nanahara and Kamiya are always A Mood. Someone needs to remind Nanahara to never play poker aksalhsl


Giving - A Saezuru Christmas Ficlet

After the last chapter I figured we could all use something soft and warm so here’s a little Christmas gift for everyone  ♥ I hope you all have a safe, healthy, and lovely holiday!


It had been five months since Doumeki ripped Yashiro away from Kido.

Five months since Yashiro – surprisingly afraid and shaken by Doumeki’s anger - broke down and confessed how he felt.

Five months since the storm across Doumeki’s features broke and, with a smile, he said I knew you were in there.

Five months since the love that had been slowly growing between them was finally exposed to the light, unfurling like a flower leaning toward the sun.

And something inside Yashiro had changed. Soothed. The turmoil in his mind was no longer a hurricane but a soft rainfall that grew lighter by the day. Was this growth? Healing? Maybe. All he knew was that waking up beside Doumeki, lying naked against his warm body on a cold winter morning, gave him a strange sense of calm.

“Good morning.” Doumeki kissed the top of Yashiro’s head, brushing a strand of hair behind his ear. “And Merry Christmas”

“Is it Christmas?” Yashiro feigned ignorance but he was waiting, biding his time. As usual, Doumeki saw right through him and, with a quirk of his lips, sat up, causing Yashiro to do the same. Turning, he reached into the bedside table and Yashiro once again found himself admiring the colorful tiger tattoo that ran from the back of Doumeki’s neck down to his waist. He should hate it, for it represented all the things Yashiro had tried to steer Doumeki away from; however, he couldn’t help thinking that it suited Doumeki. He was a tiger: strong, striking, willing to take down anything in his path, a true hunter.

He had certainly hunted Yashiro for years, capturing his heart. And now Yashiro saw the other side of the tiger, the soft, catlike, purring part of Doumeki, especially during mornings like these.

Pulling a small black box with a red bow atop it from the drawer, Doumeki placed it gently into Yashiro’s hands. Yashiro blinked, not knowing what to do or say. A small part of him said not to accept it, to throw it away, but he wasn’t listening to that voice anymore; instead, he listened to the pure one that came from inside, from what he guessed was his heart. It was much easier to hear these days.

“Wait.” It took him a few seconds to scramble off the bed and search for his suit jacket. Doumeki had torn it off him last night as soon as they’d walked in the door and he followed the trail of discarded clothing until he found it on the floor near the entryway. Padding back to the bedroom, Yashiro gave Doumeki a longer sleeker box, something he’d sent Nanahara to fifteen different stores for, with very specific instructions.

“For me?” Doumeki blinked at the box then up at Yashiro, who climbed onto the bed again, leaning against the headboard.

“No for Tsunakwa, I shopped for your boss, OF COURSE it’s for you,” Yashiro was tempted to throw a pack of cigarettes at him. Doumeki quirked his lips again, staring down at the package with something akin to reverence. “Open yours first.” Yashiro was still battling with his inner voice, which wouldn’t tell him how to react to a Christmas gift - it was the first he’d ever gotten - so he was going to study Doumeki’s reaction and learn.

Carefully, Doumeki lifted the lid and his eyes widened as he caressed the pair of leather gloves inside. They were sleek, pitch black, with a small golden tiger embossed on the back.

“Kashira…” Doumeki’s soft smile turned wide and genuine, reflecting in his eyes, and Yashiro forgot that he was supposed to study Doumeki’s reaction, instead he got caught up in just how beautiful the man was. How striking, how gorgeous, and how he was all Yashiro’s. “Thank you very much. I will treasure them.”

Absently, Yashiro wanted Doumeki to try them on and caress his body but he still had to open his own gift first. Especially when Doumeki looked at him so expectantly.

Taking in a deep breath, Yashiro considered the small velvet box in his hand, knowing that it contained something precious, something that would have him cross a line, and once opened, he couldn’t go back.

But he didn’t want to go back. No matter how loudly his past screamed, Doumeki was literally the man of his dreams and he wasn’t going to send him away, not again.

Slowly, Yashiro cracked open the box to find a gold ring with a small hummingbird engraved on the front shining up at him. With shaking fingers, he lifted it, noticing a single word written on the inside.


“The hummingbird is a symbol of joy, healing,” Doumeki gently took the ring from Yashiro, grasping his hand and sliding it on his fourth finger. “And love.”

“Are you asking me to marry you?” Yashiro flicked his hand around, looking at the ring, wondering why he liked it so much and just when he’d become this kind of person. Maybe he’d been this kind of person all along, it had just been smothered under so many layers of his old rotten life that he’d never had a chance to breathe. A chance to spread his wings and fly.

“No, not yet,” Doumeki blinked again, stoic as ever, but Yashiro could see the small hints of emotion in his face: in the flush of his cheeks, the heat in his gaze, and the tender way he held Yashiro’s hand. “I’m…I’m telling you that I love you.”

“Okay…” Yashiro found himself at a loss for words. Not a single snarky phrase came to mind. The only thing he could think of was to say what was in his heart. “I guess I love you too.”

Doumeki immediately seized his lips and the kiss was deep, sultry, and had Yashiro falling back onto the bed ready to celebrate Christmas the right way.

Flashing his ring at Doumeki he threw his arms over his head, arching his back in an enticing invitation and smiled. “Now put on those gloves and touch me.”

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