
his username is bucky. his password is also bucky.

@buckybarnesss / buckybarnesss.tumblr.com

Teen Wolf Scholar 🐺 Heather | 34 | She/Her

fandom has really gaslit itself into believing tech isn't dead like it isn't speculation.

i get it. i've had theories near and dear to me that didn't pan out the way i'd hoped but also i hope y'all can temper your disappointment when tech being the cx-2 clone isn't the case because some of the comments and posts i've seen have been 😬


Heather - I once again come to you with strange character choices that Jeff made that actually make sense?

Like how Derek just stood there and took Allison's abuse of him (and by extension his pack) when she was manipulated into becoming emo!allison at the end of season 2 - but he still doesn't tell her??! that her mom was also a kool aid drunk psycho who wanted to kill the love of her life and also just a tiny baby 16 year old?! He doesn't tell her! He just stands there, stoically and withstands the abuse.

S3 derek is so _chefs kiss_ I LOVE LOVE that arc of him becoming more like his mother, where he embraces his ideals of power and family and pack and GOD I will never forget that moment in s4 where satomi looks like LOOKS at derek and goes "you really remind me of your mom" I gotta make that gifset one of these days.


derek and allison parallels my beloved.

derek is fully aware allison would never believe him about what went down with her mother no matter what he said. instead he tells her, "your family's little honor code killed your mother, not me." which is true. the argent code of suicide rather than be a werewolf due to their own bigotry is what ended up really killing victoria in the end. not once did chris or victoria stop to question it or the impact this would have on allison or how gerard could manipulate them and her. they're both fully indoctrinated into the hunting delusion of righteousness.

no the information that victoria attempted to kill scott has to come from scott. that's why derek kept pushing scott to tell her the truth. he could've ignored it all together but derek respected allison enough to believe that she deserved the truth of what happened. that it was unfair to hold back a vital piece of information as to what occurred in the timeline of victoria's death that led to allison being manipulated by gerard.

the truth doesn't exactly clear his name with allison but it provides context that derek was acting in defense of scott. something that could change allison's perception. i think some part of derek sympathizes with her because he's been manipulated, lied to and abused in the past himself. he knows what can happen to an otherwise decent person under those circumstances. he to an extent understands allison's pain.

scott withheld the information from a place of good -- he didn't want to hurt allison further by tainting the memory of her mother -- but ultimately doing so i think was selfish. the lack of information is what harmed allison more in the long run as it allowed gerard to manipulate her.

derek values truth and forthrightness which contrasts peter and lessons peter has attempted to teach derek. derek spends a lot of season 2 contending with that conflict and when he gives up his alpha spark to save his sister he proves to be his mother's son over peter's protégée. derek was able to walk away from power in a way that duecalion, peter, kate, gerard and jennifer were not. they were consumed by it and derek instead used his to save cora's life.


I just… love the mess that is teen wolf so much. I love the cheap fights with techno music blasting, the funny way they extend their claws, the villains that turn into allies because there’s even worst enemies to defeat, the healing abilities that work or not depending on the plot, the friendship of Scott “I’m not letting him die” McCall and Stiles “Could you aT LEAST thiNK abOUt letting hiM DIE??” Stilinski, the non existent lights from season 5 to 6, the highs and lows of lacrosse, the coach and Greenberg, the random resurrections, ….I just…. there’s twin werewolves that merge into each other creating a big ass dude, there was a dude with a mouth on HiS hAND. I love teen wolf. 


if laura hale's murder is the inciting incident of teen wolf than allison's death is the cataclysm event in the narrative.

it's why i hate the idea of her being resurrected. as much as i was pissed off about it when it happened allison's death gave weight to the character arcs that followed. especially lydia, scott and stiles's.


this this this



they're not MEANT to have longevity. they're meant to be exciting for 5 minutes and then forgettable as soon as netflix releases their next bingeable dopamine source, which you're then also supposed to forget in favor of the next thing. streaming services aren't trying to make cult classics or beloved cultural artifacts, they're trying to sell you a new show each month so you don't cancel your subscription. it's the TV equivalent of fast fashion.

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