

@dragonolong / dragonolong.tumblr.com

virtual hideout for my fanart
It hadn’t been a big deal, Kim Dokja had thought, when he started feeling a little under the weather.  It’d just been a sneeze.  A cough.  Maybe a bit of a runny nose. It still wasn’t a big deal when he’d gotten the fever later.  These things happen.  It’s not like he’s spent how-ever-many years taking care of himself and somehow never run into a cold.  He’s made it work, dragged himself to work, and has done so multiple times over the course of his life.  Shocker of shockers, he’s never died even once throughout this entire process.  He can take care of himself.
Kim Dokja’s Company doesn’t seem to think so.

hey guys look i wrote a fic.  happyyy new year.

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