


She/Her Art, Nature, Space & Reading, Writing

Some of my most favourite AUs from HoO is of

1) Roman!Percy being switched to Camp Half Blood while Greek!Jason is in Cam Jupiter

2) Annabeth and Reyna are the ones who are switched instead

There are some really good stories in both of these.

But what I am quite interested is in Annabeth and Reyna are switched except this time there is also Roman!Percy at Camp Jupiter as the Co-Praetor with Reyna and Greek!Jason is the leader of Camp Half-Blood with Annabeth.

This is a good plot point to dish out their powers, skills and trauma ('cause where will we be without angst and PTSD).

I just think there is a lot of potential to it. I kind of got the idea from would it really kill you (if we kissed) by @greenconverses. It's one of the best stories ever, go read it if you haven't already.

Plus there are quite a few stories where Percy is a god and Annabeth's the Titan Killer not unlike the aforementioned story where both are Titan Killers.


•Kit is great at household chores. In canon it's proven that Johnny never cared about appearances other than his Shadow Market identity. So, Kit did grow up knowing how to cook and keep the house clean. He and Julian regularly hold cooking competition with Aline as the judge and it's just both of them because no one wants to eat Izzy's cooking and there is terror running through Blackthorns and Cristina that Helen might make porridge or something similar again.

•In the very first chapter of LM Kit's clothes are tattered so he obviously had to sew and mend them. Hence, Kit also knows embroidery and weaving. Just imagine Kit weaving beautiful tapestries of his times at Shadow Market and of the new view of Shadowhunters. He'll be very popular that Clave-in-exile and Unseelie Court have many of his tapestries which makes Seelie Queen curious of the Lost Herondale.

•Kit wants to be a journalist when he grows up. He was raised with a biased view by Johnny but he was able to see the faults in his father's teachings when he was with the Blackthorns. Plus he lives with Jem and Tessa now who along with Catarina, Magnus and Ragnor will tell him the true history of Shadow World.

*Kit is very intelligent and studious. In LoS When Zara mentioned the Downworld Registry Kit made mention of Mundane History even though Johnny had pulled him out of school when he was quite young. He knows of Greek mythology and in QoAaD he was quoted Shakespeare easily which he taught himself.

*Kit is also quite observant. In LM when Emma and Cameron visit Johnny's stall Kit was able to draw conclusions about them with no difficulty. It was the same when Jemma found that Ty had sneaked with them to Rook's house. Apart from Mark Kit was the only one who was suspicious of Magnus in LoS when the warlock at the second day in London Institute made Blackthorns lives easier.

*Therefore, I've a feeling that Kit will do a wonderful job as a journalist because who else than the boy who grew up in the Shadow Markets, is member of one of the most famous bloodlines among Nephilim and is the First Heir, will no how necessary it is to have truth spread and how to soread it. Alec, Ash, and Kieran had to bid (conducted by the rest of the TMI gang, Jessa, Blackthorns, Emma and Cristina) for having Kit as their official journalist.

Plus my personal headcanon Ty is conducting a Centurion investigation and he runs into Kit who in typical Kit Herondale fashion is there at the right place at right time and is following a lead for his research. Needless to say they are on the same case.

Just picture Irene instead of the dog. Sorry but I don't have a drop of artistic blood in me.


It's from And Death Shall Have No Dominion from City of Ashes. There is Jace Herondale and the black haired boy is Sebastian Morgenstern when he had coloured his hair while pretending to be Sebastian Verlac.

Though I keep on getting Kit and Ash vibes from this ecene. In Forever Fallen we learned that in Thule Ash gained black wings which Thule!Sebastian quotes are wings of a Fallen Angel. So what if Kit has wings too?

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