
Оранжерея Нарси


Narsi's little greenhouse. I'm posting all related to Midnight Cinderella and 100 day princess. Native language Russian, so from time to time I'm writing in Russian.

Sailor Moon Wedding Dress Collection

An official collection of wedding attires inspired by Sailor Moon will be available for rent on Japan by August 2020! 

The collection was made under the supervision of the mangaka Naoko Takeuchi. It features 6 dresses and 2 tuxes, listed bellow:

  • Usagi and Mamoru’s Wedding Attires
  • Tuxedo Mask
  • Sailor Moon (optional overskirt, collar and ribbon)
  • 5 Sailor Senshi & Sailor Chibi Moon Image Dress
  • 4 Outer Senshi Image Dress
  • Luna (The Lover of Princess Kaguya Ver.) Image Dress
  • Princess Serenity

Accessories also available!


8 Russian things even Russians get wrong sometimes

  • Struggling to remember where to put the stress in words? It’s a pain in the ass for us too. Догово́р/догово́ры (not до́говор/договора́, contract(s)), жалюзи́ (not жа́люзи, blinds), катало́г (not ката́лог, catalogue), краси́вее (not красиве́е, more beautiful), звони́ть –> он звони́т (not зво́нит, [he] calls)
  • Одеть/надеть: одеть (to dress) is often used instead of надеть (to put on). You should say Я надеваю рубашку (I put on my shirt), not Я одеваю рубашку
  • The endings тся/ться: ться in verbs that answer the question что делать? (that is, are in the infinitive) and тся in those that answer the question что делает? (in finite forms)
  • Ложить/класть. Oh man, this is the most irritating one. Always say класть (to put), ложить can only be a part of a word with a suffix or prefix: ложиться (to lie down), or наложить (to lay)
  • You aren’t supposed to use the word нету, and use нет instead of it, but almost everyone (exept grammar nazis) uses it and I do too: нету has only the meaning there is none/[I] have none/[I] don’t have any, as in: У тебя есть ручка? – Нету (Do you have a pen? No, I don’t). Нет just means no
  • Следующий, the next one, делающий, the one who does, знающий, the one who knows, but будущий, the future one for some reason
  • Some say Сколько время? (literally How much time?) instead of Сколько времени? or Который час? (What time is it?)
  • The suffixes н and нн: you just need to follow this simple little algorithm to choose between them

… or flip a coin


This is the Baby Money Yoda, reblog in the next 60 seconds of seeing this to receive a blessing from our green bean prince.


Anatomy Quick Tips - Ears

I created an ebook to help keep this site going: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/l/anatomybook. It would mean the world to me if you could check it out. 


This originally launched 10 days early on my https://www.patreon.com/astrikos

Thanks for reading! If this post helped, please consider reblogging it or sharing it with your friends! ❤️


Drawing Heads and Faces: Cheekbones

I’ve found that drawing the head starts to make a lot more sense once you start thinking about cheekbones and cheeks, and how the fit into the head structure.

You might be aware of the Mysterious Indent that Looks Good Next to the Outer Part of the Eye, or the Mystery Indent for short. 

Drawing a Mystery Indent may serve you fine if you only draw the head from flat angles, but it falls apart when you get adventurous.

Why isn’t this making sense anymore?

Drawing a ‘Mystery Indent’ is an attempt to imply cheekbones without knowing how they actually incorporate into the skull, and this is why it looks so unconvincing when you use it to draw the head in anything other than ¾ view.

The cheekbones wrap around the head and eye sockets from above the bridge of the nose.  The concave you draw if you draw the ‘Mystery Indent’ is a misunderstanding.  There is no concave.  You should instead be thinking of this as where the eye socket/brow overlaps the (convex!) cheekbone.

Compare the cheekbones on both sides for placement.  They should match up and correspond with each other.

(Knowing cheekbone structure helps when drawing gaunt characters, because their cheekbones may stick out.  Remember to compare the cheekbone placement on both sides!)

* This is part of a much larger tutorial I’m working on about head, face, and facial feature structure.  Hopefully more to come eventually?


part 2! they recolored the ecb dress! wish they used a diff shade of blue tho. ✿

Omg. That's really awful (( I'm disappointed. The dress doesn't match the background and the makeup for the dark skinned girl is... the blackface or how does that called? If I were black person I would be offended!


Injuries Reference List

If you’re writing anything where your characters are getting injured a lot, it might be helpful to have an injuries reference list on hand. WELL, DON’T WORRY ABOUT IT BECAUSE I CREATED ONE. This is mostly the result of me having to look up something every time a character was gravely injured/being a lifeguard for seven years. I have some knowledge of first aid and how it might apply to the characters in your story.

Simple scrapes/cuts: There’s usually not much to worry about besides MAYBE an infection, which can be avoided with rubbing alcohol or peroxide. Remember, peroxide usually doesn’t burn or sting, but rubbing alcohol probably will.  These injuries will bleed for a short amount of time, but it shouldn’t last too long.

Bruising: These occur when the blood vessels break under the skin, forming discoloration of the skin. The colors can vary, but they are usually purplish, bluish, or yellow. Again, this injury is usually not serious if it’s a result of a bump or cut, but if there’s significant bruising over a large area of the body there might be a serious problem. Usually time heals bruising.

Sprains: A sprain is torn or stretched ligament, but it is NOT a break. It is very common for someone to sprain an ankle or a wrist and it usually doesn’t require serious medical attention. The area might swell and should be iced. Sprains are usually treated with rest and a device that compresses the area—such as a sling or a bandage.

Broken bones (arms, fingers, legs, toes): Breaks can be serious, especially if they have to be set back into place. A person will most likely not be able to put pressure on a broken bone until it is healed (which could take weeks). A broken bone is REALLY serious when it fractures or breaks through the skin completely. If you write a character in this sort of situation, they will need to worry about infection and they might have to wait until the swelling goes down before splitting or covering.

Burns: Obviously, there are different degrees of burns, but simple burns will most likely be treated the same. Even the smallest burns will probably sting like hell, so it can be hard to function with an untreated burn. SERIOUS burns might require amputation (I’m talking about maybe 3rd to 4th degree burns). As a 1st degree burn is healing, it might itch—think how sunburn starts to itch after a while.

Broken back: A broken back can lead to paralysis, so you need to be very careful with how you treat someone. Your characters shouldn’t be throwing anyone over their shoulders with a back injury because it will only lead to more serious problems. If you suspect that someone has broken or injured their back, you need to keep them still until there is a way to safely move them.

Amputation: This happens when the removal of a body part because necessary to someone’s survival.If someone has a bad infection or there’s no way to stop the bleeding (you’ve applied a tourniquet, which will most likely end up causing an amputation later), a character might have to amputate in a serious situation.

Dislocated limb: If a bone “pops” out of its socket, a character might have to put it back into place. A dislocated limb restricts movement, so your character might not be able to go forward until the situation is resolved. Arms and fingers are commonly dislocated and there will probably be pain when they’re set back into place. Those limbs should be rested and iced to prevent swelling.

Jammed fingers: If you get your finger caught in a door, for example, and it doesn’t break; you might have a jammed finger. I’ve had a few of these in my life, which usually causes bruising and some pain, but it heals on its own. These types of injuries can be from jamming your fingers against something hard and you might lose a finger nail. They will most likely hurt for a while until they are healed.

Stab wounds: These are usually deep cuts by a knife or a sword or another sharp object. They need to be treated, as they are prone to infection, and they should be bandaged. If the bleeding is excessively bad, a common way to stop the bleeding is to get stitches or cauterize the wound. Cauterization is the process of burning the wound in order to seal it up. Think of lightsabers in Star Wars. No one bleeds when they’re cut because the “blade” of the lightsaber cauterizes the wound as it cuts. Your characters might have to stitch someone or cauterize someone in an emergency situation.

Gunshot wounds: Getting shot is a serious/life threatening situation, so your characters would need immediate medical attention.In an emergency situation, the bullet might have to be dug out and the wound cauterized if the bleeding is severe. If the bullet goes in and out, you might just have to worry about infection and covering the wound. A gunshot wound will be painful and will take a while to heal. If someone is shot in the leg, they will have trouble walking. The limbs will need time to heal.

Poisoning: This is a wide topic that could include food poisoning to being poisoned by another character, but they will probably feel very sick. Symptoms will include vomiting, dehydration, diarrhea, etc. Your character might get severe stomach aches and will not be able to function.Being poisoned can be deadly and can happen quickly. A medicine called Ipecac will induce vomiting in order to get the poisons out of someone’s symptoms, but will not work for EVERYTHING. Further treatment might be necessary.

Stomach wound: A person with a stomach wound will not last very long without addressing it. If it is deep enough, it will kill off your character unless the bleeding and infection can be stopped. Infection is usually what kills people with stomach wounds or gunshot wounds.

This is a list to be used for WRITING purposes only. Obviously you should call a doctor or get emergency treatment if something is serious. I also wrote this list assuming that your characters don’t have access to medical professionals, so keep that in mind. Hope this helps!

-Kris Noel


I've got the first of early bonuses at the new Japanese midcin "Melty hug ~Being wrapped in his warmth~" story event and proudly showing it off. Also, didn't I showed up the Halloween set and the frame? That's such a pity then! So, I'll show it right now too😅 @rosyangel95 and @o0w0o have already seen that, they always do, but I've might be forgetting to show it here, so sorry my poor memory and behold these cuteness @farihalove-mc-yume hope you'll inspire for something beautiful again♡

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