
Memento Mori

@fenrirs-fury / fenrirs-fury.tumblr.com

28. Navy/OEF Veteran. Murray State. Law Enforcement. Доверя́й, но проверя́й

At work we have this mannequin, right? His name is Manny, and he is a pretty chill dude when you pass him in the hallway.


The second you look at him on the security cameras, he becomes the most terrifying creature in existence.

There is barely any activity to monitor in this corner of the hallway, none of the booths are even in the frame (except for 12), so why do we bother with this camera?

To watch Manny.

To make sure he stays contained.



Where do you work, the SCP Foundation?


Perhaps the most predictable element of the manhunt for Christopher Dorner was the LAPD’s characteristically ultraviolent response.

By the fourth day of the manhunt, police were willing to annihilate anything or person that so much as looked like Christopher Dorner, and even a few things that didn’t. On the morning of February 7th, at least seven officers opened fire on what they claimed was a suspicious vehicle. It was not quite fully explained how the group managed to leave over 107 bullet holes in the vehicle before realizing that a Blue Toyota Tacoma driven by two small elderly latinas did not even slightly resemble a gray Nissan Titan, but luckily, the two women survived the hail of bullets

Later that same morning, police managed to recall the color of the vehicle correctly, but not the color of the suspect, when they slammed a police cruiser into a Honda Ridgeline being driven by a white male on his way to work. Police then proceeded to fire into the vehicle, failing to actually hit their “suspect” even once.

Over the next few days, many people in LA who were either overweight black males or drivers of black trucks began to identify themselves as not being Christopher Dorner in the hopes of not being shot by the police, an irony that was apparently lost upon the police themselves.

Indeed, it became clear that though the police had no intention of taking Dorner in alive if they found him, they would have to beat him to death with their guns because they would have magdumped into everything but the guy they were trying to execute.

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