
Close Enough


things that entertain me and some of my writings. heavy on the supernatural and marvel and dc universes. Master List

Ok but like how do you draw eyes?

Im working on a picture and while there are few incomplete parts (like I need to make the shadows deeper and stuff) the most incomplete portion is the eyes.

Like I feel like the drawing might look ok if I could just get the eyes to look decent.

Here’s the picture:


Hey weird request

So I’m looking off a picture from supernatural when Dean was a demon. It’s when he has the knife to his throat and he clenched his jaw and kind of like snarls. I know there are gifs a million of it but I’m technologically challenged and I am looking for a still image of the jaw clech.

Help me?


The Ivy League: If They Were Hogwarts Houses

Two years ago (goes to show old this blog is), I posed the question to my (very small) group of followers — which Ivy Leagues represented the Hogwarts school houses most accurately?

I thought the answers would be the more interesting part, but I actually found some of the comments to be more hilarious. They’re posted after the jump.


As a Columbia alumna and a Slytherin I agree!


#tony stark, teacher’s pet

So this shows something I think about a lot with Tony and his genius. While it’s easy to portray him as arrogent and quick to assume he’s smarter than everyone, the opposite is just as likely to be a problem. The briefing packet included Selvig’s notes on the cube and it’s potential uses, so OBVIOUSLY he read through it and did any supplemental research needed to fully understand it, didn’t everyone?

Similarly in AoU, he tells the Avengers that they weren’t anywhere close to an interface, meaning “something outside of our work on the program caused this” and when they ignore him (without asking for clarification) he stops bothering to defend himself because he’s already said all he can say, rather than trying to walk them through why this cannot be his Ultron.

I also think this is half the problem in Civil War, in that he DOESN’T treat them like morons and spell out the background and political climate of what they are being presented with, instead assuming that they know the full scope and consequences of what is going on (and have recognized Ross’s manipulations) and still disagree.

tony’s biggest crime in the mcu wasnt manufacturing military weapons; it was assuming the other avengers had any functioning brain cells

Tony was a poem, but they couldn’t read


Oooh I like this


Don’t forget to be grateful and thankful for what is there in your life. Too much time is wasted on what we don’t have. Be good to yourself. Be kind. There’s always a smaller inner you that needs some love once in a while. Fear is OK. It needs a friend once in a while too. Be kind to others, your family… they won’t be around forever. And neither will you. Honor your truth. And those around you who support it. Honor your dreams. Protect them. Remember: every moment that happens exists only once, so what are you making it out to be? (insp)

Happy birthday, Sebastian Stan ♥ (August 13, 1982)


Let me tell you all the story about how my mom ruined some of the avengers for me:

First, some backstory- for every Marvel movie I go to the Friday morning release showing. This allows me to not deal with the five million people going to the Thursday night release but still avoid any potential spoilers. I also usually go alone cuz everyone else has work or school and doesn’t prioritize Marvel over it. I do.

Having said that; this past May for Avengers Endgame my mom happened to be off and asked if should could come. Sure no problem, ma.

Day of the movie- we see the movie and while she isn’t as invested in the story as me she laughs, she cries, she loves it. Great. The movie ends and she tries to leave. Uh no can do ma’am, sit your ass down we will be here until the end. She sighs but complies. Cool, crisis averted.

As we’re waiting for the mid credit scene she looks at me and says, “Don’t you think Captain America (she never calls him Steve, he is strictly Captain America to her) looks just like Ryan?” Errr, what? Ryan is my brother. Comparing my bro to someone I find attractive is never something I want to do but now I have that thought in my head. Chris Evans is now ruined for me forever cuz she’s kinda right. All my friends agree Ry kinda resembles Chris.

Fast forward to after the mid credit scene- she starts talking about the movies and in the midst of her talking utters this sentence, “Spider-Man is cute in a little boy sort of way.” Now I happen to know Tom Holland is in his 20s but now I feel real uncomfortable about finding him attractive and he too is ruined for me. At this point I utter the phrase that I’m convinced is the only reason I can still find the other avengers attractive as she is systematically ruining them for me, “Please, stop talking.”


One of the lads was over at my London flat the other day, and I Instagrammed a picture of him and said, “Look at this cutie,” and a million outlets reported that I was coming out as gay. I’m not gay, but two of my mates came out when I was 15 and it was a joy to support them because, as a group, we are all secure enough in who we are. I’m certainly not going to stop calling my mates cuties and gorgeous, because they are cuties and they are gorgeous. 

Literally if all straight men were like this the world would be 100% less awful


I found the polar opposite of toxic masculinity and I love it.

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