
clinically evil

@thugshaker9000 / thugshaker9000.tumblr.com

all pronouns!!! X3

"disability only exists because the world isnt accessible" idk how to tell you this but chronic pain still hurts

i like the sentiment and i think its true in many ways, but people with mobility issues will still have mobility issues in an accommodating world, people with sensory disabilities will still have those disabilities in an accommodating world. and thats not including neurodiversity where two people with the exact same disorder will have very different experiences with them. like there's not a world where someone with agoraphobia wont be scared to leave the house just cause outside is more accessible

i dont think it accounts for the wide range of disability experience and caters more to low-support needs people. i think life would be so much easier if being disabled was less stigmatized, but disability wont just go away once it is

you can't autism proof a bright summer day, but you can normalize stimming and using sensory aids in public


When a meme is representing the "bad/wrong" opinion with an image of a drooling person with a dented head, especially contrasted to white people with blonde hair and blue eyes, maybe it's time to reconsider posting or reblogging it. Just a thought.

a proposal;


Stop Going in the Ocean

There are Monsters down there, and you are making them ANGRY

We crawled out of the oceans for a REASON! Our ancestors KNEW!

They feared the denizens of the deep so much they grew LEGS just to ESCAPE!

We must heed their warnings!


tomorrow……… is august„„„„,?????

its augu…….st?? tomorrW???????????

8th monTH???????? 4 ,more mont hs of 2013?????????????


happy one decade to this


is herobrine behavior/lore not common knowledge anymore …. has the world really forgotten about the 2x2 tunnels .. trees with their leaves all gone … the sand pyramids in the ocean … the herobrine shrine that would apparently summon him … the lost to time brocraft hoax livestream that further popularized herobrine as a concept (of which herobrine was just a painting from a texture pack, later removed to which the streamer would continue to act freaked out until the end) .. the original forum post from sometime in august 2010 that detailed encounters with a pseudo-player in the distance on a singleplayer world which included this screenshot

does anyone even care at all. about a herobrine so small


meows morales is the only bright spot in this stupid baka life

meows morales is

the only bright spot in this

stupid baka life

Beep boop! I look for accidental haiku posts. Sometimes I mess up.


Sometimes in my darkest moments I wish during that early 2010s era were they were like. Rebooting nostalgia cartoons into bad cgi movies we got like. A ninja turtles movie like it. Like the Smurfs. Or Alvin and the chipmunks. Think about it.

This franchise needed something like this I think

All I ever want to do is share my ideas :/

no wait keep talking i wanna hear more


personally i think there should have been at least one episode where sokka collects aang and zuko and is like, “looks like we’re running low on supplies.  time for a GUYS-ONLY field trip.  three days of hunting and fishing and polishing our swords.  y’know, manly warrior stuff.  (aang, sotto voce: actually sokka i’m a vegetarian as you know–)  you girls have fun sitting around braiding your hair and talking about your crushesand then the entire episode is just zuko and sokka lying around by a river, plucking blades of grass and staring up at the stars confiding in each other their deepest feelings and most secret insecurities while aang braids flower crowns, and whenever the screen cuts back to katara and toph and suki, they’re fighting and screaming and hacking away at river pirates and evil spirits and legions of assassins and hired mercenaries with swords.  you know, as girls do.

and when the boys finally drag themselves back to camp (they stayed up way too late discussing what true leadership really means and whether or not power always corrupts)  they find suki and toph and katara lounging around with black eyes and fresh bruises and bloodstained weapons and sokka shrieks, “what were you guys DOING while we were gone???”  and karata just shugs innocently and says in her sweetest voice, “oh, you know.  just girly things”

they are absolutely still wearing the crowns and they don’t have a single fish to show for their efforts


i did it


remember to drink water!

here is a list of some things that are not water

  • Soda!

It's delicious, but even diet soda isn't as refreshing as water, so it should only be drank in moderation!

  • energy drinks

Like coffee they can help give you a nice boost in the morning, just don't drink too much in one sitting!

  • juice

Even though it's made of fruit, it isn't a full replacement for fresh water!

  • Beef Broth

No matter how much you love drinking Beef Broth, you need to drink water sometimes too!

  • sweet tea

"Sweet" isn't in the name for no reason! Sweet tea has a lot of sugar, but don't feel bad for having a glass every now and then!

  • paint

do not drink paint

  • paint

this should not be consumed, even in small quantities, paint is highly toxic

  • paint

I have no control over you, I cannot stop you, I don't even know you. I can only beg you through the screen. paint is not something that you should drink

my words are powerless unless you choose to give them power


Group of friends who are close because they all have the same superpower except no they don't.

As in, they all think the other ones have the same superpower as them, but, in fact, they do not.

For example:

Time traveler who always is running into these other people who seem to know what's going on or what will happen and is so happy he can finally share his travel stories.

Precognitive who is relieved he isn't the only one with the gift and who is glad to get help averting future disasters.

Mind reader with a horrible memory who tries to stay on top of things by skimming surface thoughts. You want to talk about next week's election results and how they changed the next decade? She's with you.

Totally normal guy who thinks the others have the absolute best bit ever and loves playing along.

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