
Greenberg Writes

@greenbergwrites / greenbergwrites.tumblr.com

Des | She/They | 18+ Content | Here lies sub!Steve and porn, a size difference kink that will not go quietly into the night, and apparently Daddy kink. Who knew?


We’ve had quite the influx of new people over the weekend, so this seems to be the perfect time to make the pinned post I’ve been thinking about~

Hello, everyone, and welcome to my house of ill-repute. I am the sole curator of this trash pile; you can call me Des. I’m 33 years old, my pronouns are She/They, and I am ace/demi.

Here are the important things to know:

  • Everything you will find on this blog is 100% self-indulgent and 99% unedited. I write what I like, and if it doesn’t spark joy (or story ideas) then I move on to the next thing.
  • This here is exclusively a blog of bottom!Steve, sub!Steve, and omega!Steve. A lot of the times, all at once. 
  • Most of what you find here is of the kink variety, specifically Daddy kink. The older stuff does feature Master!Bucky--which I am slowly trying to tag as such--but all current universes are Daddy!Bucky. If that's not your thing, that's cool! Grab a fruit snack on your way out, I hope you find what you're looking for elsewhere. :)
  • I have a recently updated Navigation page that features 99.9% of every tag I’ve used on this blog. I cobbled it together over the weekend, so there might be some kinks (heh) to work out, but I’m going to be picking at it over the next week if/when I have downtime at work. If you see anything wonky, lemme know!
  • I’ve been writing Stucky since 2015. This blog wasn't created until 2017, so some of the older ‘verses have their beginnings on my main blog @greenbergsays. You can find my older stuff on that blog’s navigation page under the Captain America tab. 
  • This is mostly a prompt-based blog, so yes, I am always taking requests or ideas for new universes. All I ask is that you don’t send the same ask twice.
  • I don’t have a Patreon, because writing fanfiction is not conducive to that sort of thing, but if you like what I do and want to show your support, I do have a Ko-Fi where you can buy me the nectar of the gods a coffee. :)

Other than that, my ask box is always open for questions and I write when I can. Happy porning, fam!

Anonymous asked:

i’m so into the idea of criminal buck being absolutely taken apart by his stevie whether it’s by his mouth or [enter various sexual act here]. something about a dom who is always in control being reduced to moans and groans just does it for me. do you have any thoughts?

Oh man, you know Steve has to feel fucking powerful in those moments

Anonymous asked:

i’m sooo curious to know if you have any thoughts on criminal bucky n stevie that are non sexual? like, their interests, traits, etc? i’m not totally sure how to express this question, bear with me. i just find the porn so much more rewarding to know lil facts about them is all. you definitely drop some here n there (like steve liking art) and i eat that uppppp.

I'll be real with you, more than anything else that I write or have written, the criminal 'verse was created just for the porn. emotional, hurt/comfort porn but still....porn.

Way back when, I was not confident in my porn-writing abilities and I wanted to get better at it, so to practice, I made a 'verse that could exist for that purpose and here we are, like eight years later with eleventy billion words under our belt and at least two new kinks.

I don't have very many non-sexual thoughts about them for that reason, but some stuff has popped up along the way.

Writing porn at this point is like stress relief, I do it to get out of my head and away from the real world which means not a lot of non-sexual thoughts going on when I do it. (Sort of like what I imagine actually having sex is for other people.)

But I like plot and I do miss it if I write too much porn at once.

So, like. To answer your question, not REALLY but I'm open to suggestions.

Anonymous asked:

i may be wrong but i feel like i haven’t seen a post about the barnes twins lately and im aching for that good shit tbh. any new thoughts on them? perhaps related to ur Indulgent Daddy idea?

No, you’re right, it’s been a while! I actually had an idea for them the other day but now I can’t remember what it was 😩

I’d be more than happy to write them again but I’m afraid you’ll have to remind me what the Indulgent Daddy idea was because I can’t remember that either 😑😑😑

Anonymous asked:

Steve - I'm not jealous (he totally is) and please

Once upon a time (in 2017), I reblogged that dialogue prompt post for the first time and someone asked for this prompt + Steve meeting Bucky's ex. I started it and never finished it.

MOST of this is from that original post and I just tacked on the ending, finally. Enjoy~

Also, I sort of changed the prompted dialogue a bit? It's along the same vein, just not 100% the same.



Dialogue Prompts

Hello again, here’s another list of dialogue prompts because I really liked doing them and they make me super creative compared to other people just telling me what plot to write. My writer’s block is killing me so I think this might help. I’ll probably close my ask box once I reach like thirty requests though so do it while you can!

  1. “Marry me.”
  2. “Do you want me to leave?”
  3. “You are not going without me.”
  4. “I can’t believe you!”
  5. “I swear it won’t happen again.”
  6. “What did you say?”
  7. “I’m not jealous.”
  8. “You’re jealous, aren’t you?”
  9. “We can’t keep doing this.”
  10. “Isn’t this amazing?”
  11. “I’m going to take care of you, okay?”
  12. “Stay the night. Please.”
  13. “You can’t die. Please don’t die.”
  14. “Run away with me.”
  15. “Quit whining.”
  16. “Get outta my sight!”
  17. “Why are you so annoying?”
  18. “Were you ever going to tell me?”
  19. “Never in a million years.”
  20. “Don’t ask me that…”
  21. “I might have had a few shots.”
  22. “What’s with the box?”
  23. “W- What are you doing?”
  24. “Say it!”
  25. “I could kiss you right now!”
  26. “Are you done with that?”
  27. “What’s going on here?”
  28. “Stop pinning this on me! You started it!”
  29. “It’s your fault we’re in this mess.”
  30. “Did you do this on purpose?!”
  31. “Kiss me.”
  32. “Are you still awake..?”
  33. “Excuse you?”
  34. “This is all your fault!”
  35. “I can’t believe you dragged me into this.”
  36. “Don’t give me that look! It wasn’t my fault!”
  37. “I shouldn’t be in love with you!”
  38. “It’s not fair!”
  39. “I could kill you right now!”
  40. “Knock it off!”
  41. “Screw you!”
  42. “You’re a complete moron!”
  43. “I can’t be in love with you!”
  44. “Make me.”
  45. “Don’t tempt me.”
  46. “I hate you.”
  47. “You are infuriating!”
  48. “Just shut up already.”
  49. “That doesn’t even make sense.”
  50. “Bite me.”
  51. “Eat me.”
  52. “Kiss my ass.”
  53. “Just admit I’m right.”
  54. “Just admit you’re wrong.”
  55. “You are being ridiculous!”
  56. “That’s irrational.”
  57. “Listen to me!”
  58. “That’s not what I meant and you know it.”
  59. “Don’t yell at me.”
  60. “That’s it. End of discussion.”
  61. “I don’t believe you.”
  62. “You shouldn’t have said that.”
  63. “Fuck you!”
  64. “Shut your mouth before I shut it for you.”
  65. “How dare you?”
  66. “I dare you!”
  67. “It’s you, it’s always been you.”
  68. “Well this is awkward…”
  69. “Just pretend to be my date”.  
  70. “Are you really gonna leave without asking me the question you’ve been dying to ask me?”
  71. “I just did some calculations, and I’ve been able to determine that you’re full of shit.”
  72. “Do you ever think if people heard our conversations they’d lock us up?”
  73. “Do things that make you happy within the confines of the legal system.”
  74. “Can I touch your boob?”
  75. “It’s not that you’re wrong, exactly, you’re just extremely not right.”
  76. “You shouldn’t be trusted with small children, should you?”
  77. “Give me cake or give me death.”
  78. “On a scale from, ’I can sometimes make important phone calls without crying’ to ’I have a stable job with a steady income, a spouse who loves me, a dog, and two kids who are screwed up minimally at worst’, how much of an adult are you?”
  79. “You think I’m dumb enough to fall for that stupid move?”
  80. “Despite the cliche, it’s not me, it’s you.”
  81. “Obviously you can’t tell a woman you just met that you love her, but it sucks that you can’t.”
  82. “No, it was my fault for thinking that you might care.”
  83. “When you love someone, you just don’t stop. Ever. Even when people roll their eyes or call you crazy… even then. Specially then!”
  84. “If you’re not scared, then you’re not taking a chance. If you’re not taking a chance, then what the hell are we doing anyway?”
  85. “I think I’ve been holding myself back from falling in love with you all over again.”
  86. “What have I told you about the toilet seat?”
  87. “I tried to change the duvet and I got stuck inside.”
  88. “I vote today to be a pajama day.”
  89. “You have to tell me why we’re committing a felony before we do it. Not that that’s going to stop us, but at least I’ll have all the facts.”
  90. “I don’t leave messages. If I wanted to talk to a machine, I’d talk to my VCR.”
  91. “You know we’re suppose to be together. I knew it the first time I saw you, and you know it, too. I know you do.”
  92. “Those things you said yesterday… Did you mean them?”
  93. “I’m not going to apologise for this. Not anymore.”
  94. “What I hear when I’m being yelled at is people caring loudly at me.”
  95. “I am NOT crying, okay?! I’m allergic to jerks!”
  96. “This would not happen if I had a penis!”
  97. “That’s almost exactly the opposite of what I meant.”
  98. “All nighter, you and me. First one to fall sleep buys the other dinner.”
  99. “I don’t think I’ve ever played spin the bottle.”
  100. “Sorry! I didn’t mean to touch your butt.”
  101. “I’m ok, thank you. Just please, stop talking to me.”
  102. “To the night you’ll never remember!”
  103. “Could I sit here? All the other tables are full.”
  104. “You weren’t supposed to laugh! I’m so embarrassed!”
  105. “It must be hard with your sense of direction, never being able to find your way to a decent pickup line.”
  106. “This is the dumbest thing you’ve ever done.“
  107. “It’s a real shame nobody asked for your opinion.”
  108. “I could do that, but could doesn’t mean would.”
  109. “You cannot fathom the immensity of the fucks I don’t give.”
  110. “You’re like, five feet tall. How you gonna reach me, shortie?”
  111. “I recognize that you have reached a decision, but given that it is a stupid ass decision I have elected to ignore it”
  112. “Do you need me to kill someone for you?”
  113. “I’m gonna lay down and die for like half hour okay?”   
  114. “It’s midnight, what do you want?”
  115. “You are completely unfit to handle a child.”
  116. “We have to get out of this place. It is EVIL.”
  117. “Don’t you dare throw that snowba-, goddammit!”
  118. “When in doubt curl into the fetal position and give up on life.”
  119. “It’s not a double date, we’re just third and fourth wheeling.”
  120. “Your hair is so soft…”
  121. “You’re so cute when you pout like that!”
  122. “Just relax, I’ll wash your hair for you.”
  123. “I’m not going to stop poking you until you give me some attention.”
  124. “Are you wearing my shirt?”
  125. “You are ridiculously comfortable…”
  126. “I’ve had a rough day and honestly all I want right now is a drink and someone to cuddle with…”
  127. “You’re so cute when you’re half asleep like this…”
  128. “You’re beautiful, you know that?”
  129. “We should get a puppy!”
  130. ”Don’t apologize. That’s not the point. Did you mean it?”
  131. ”This is an apology pizza. Please take it or I will start crying right here.”
  132. ”I thought I lost you”
  133. ”Okay, when you say love, do you mean love as in like loving pizza or as in love, love?”
  134. ”They don’t like dogs. It wasn’t going to work out.”
  135. ”The hills are alive, with the sound of bullshit.”
  136. “I feel like I’m losing control.”
  137. “Okay, am I drunk or did you really just say that?”
  138. “I’m too sober for this shit.”
  139. “God, I missed you.”
  140. “I let you down. How am I supposed to forgive myself for that?”
  141. “Okay, the blood isn’t mind, calm down.”
  142. “Did you really think I’d leave?”
  143. “There’s a difference between being brave and being stupid.”
  144. “You’re proud of me?”
  145. “If love was easy, we’d be writing songs about better things. Like pizza.”
  146. “Is this supposed to be this hard?”
  147. “They’re going to hate me.”
  148. “Like I’d choose the laws of physics over you.”
  149. “Did you just blue shell me!?”
  150. [text]: What do you want now?
  151. [text]: Do you want to bet on that?
  152. [text]: So I might be in a hospital right now…
  153. [text]: We can’t keep doing this anymore!
  154. [text]: Can you pick me up from the bar? Too drunk to drive.
  155. [text]: You have no clue how I feel so shut up.
  156. [text]: I call bullshit.
  157. [text]: You thought you could get away with that, didn’t you?
  158. [text] Living alone for four weeks has given me unrealistic expectations of pantslessness.
  159. [text] Also, my bed has glitter in it for reasons I do not recall.
  160. [text] Who says no to sex and donuts?!
  161. [text] I know what you did last summer…

Sources: x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x


I subscribe to Onley James' Patreon where she posts chapters of upcoming books as she writes them and the next Jericho's Boys book is gonna feature a Daddy (actually, both of the books she's writing right now will feature a Daddy in the main pairing)

She posted the first two chapters of that upcoming JB book and the Daddy is going to be all Stern Daddy and don't get me wrong, she's already got me hooked, this pairing is going to be awesome, definitely recommend subscribing if you like Onley and you have ten bucks a month to spare

but all I want in life is for one of my favorite writers who also writes kink to give me soft indulgent Daddy and the boy he spoils mercilessly

Everyone writes Stern Daddy, where is the Soft Daddy love????

Anonymous asked:

I just read your Bucky vampire fic, and oh my gosh, it is SO GOOD. I love Bucky being almost baffled that he's brought Steve to his lair, and Steve seducing Bucky simply by being himself, sweet and innocent and cock-hungry! If you ever decide to write more in that verse, I'd be very excited to read it-- maybe something from Steve's POV, or Bucky getting used to having Steve in his life/space? Or maybe even someone from Bucky's coven finding out that he brought a human home. I love your writing!

I knew I had another vamp!Bucky ask somewhere in the bowels of my inbox.


Part 2 as requested <3 You can find Part 1 here for a refresher.

Anonymous asked:

Hey Des. So. A question. Is there any possibility of you doing a part 2 for the vampire au you did a while back? As a treat? Pleeeeeeeease? 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺

If it's the one I'm thinking about, I started a Part 2 immediately after posting the Part 1 but I stalled out about halfway through

The funny part is, I got a message around Halloween time that was something like "what about a continuation of this 'verse but someone finds them" and that's exactly what I'd been writing 😂

This happens often. If you've ever asked for a continuation of something but it didn't happen, I guarantee you I have a draft of said continuation somewhere

But I'll try to find the vampire one and finish it for you, Nani <3

Anonymous asked:

Salutations Friend/Foe

I had never really watched much Marvel, other than a few Spiderman movies and Deadpool. I had definitely never seen any Captain America or Avengers movies.

I found your blog a fair while ago and fell in love with your Steve and Bucky. I decided that this year I would watch throught the MCU in chronological order.

I've just finished watching The Winter Soldier.

I don't know whether I want to say thank you or screw you for introducing me to this world of absolute pain. I believe there is one Captain America movie left, and be warned, if it doesn't end well (with a little kissie) I will haunt your blog until the end of time.

That said, could you spare a Stucky thought to soothe my wounded heart?



I feel very privileged that you read my stuff without really knowing the characters too much (although, honestly, at this point, do you really need to? it's not like I write canon compliant too often anymore)

bless you and your kind words

Because you're so kind, I feel the need to immediately respond to this message with a warning:

DO. NOT. watch Avengers: Endgame. If you absolutely must, cut it off about 10 minutes before the end, this is for your own sanity. It came out in April of 2019, I saw it the first night in theaters, and I am STILL furious any time I think about it.

That being said, you should know that you've reached The Peak of the MCU. There are very few MCU movies better than Captain America: The Winter Soldier. One of them is Black Panther.

Of course, I will be happy to soothe the wounds brought on by TWS. Any special requests or will anything suffice?


(Please share your thoughts on this)

I live for the day that Stevie realizes that he’s spoiled. Maybe he woke up on the wrong side of the bed, but all day he has been pouting and stomping around, and all Daddy can do is smile because he made him that way! Daddy isn’t even upset with his baby; he’s just giving into all Stevie’s whims and smiling at all his pouts! After a full day of being pampered and babied like the boy he is, Steve realizes just how much his Daddy loves and cherishes him.


This whole scenario ate up my brain last night

Anonymous asked:

I was looking for a couple cowboy Bucky things you wrote a while back and can't find them. I know one was an A/B/O but the other wasn't. Can you point me in the right direction, please? I've scrolled back a couple years and searched the tags but nothing came up. Thanks!

Found 'em! :D

  1. Cowboy Bucky #1
  2. Cowboy Bucky #2
  3. A/B/O Cowboy Bucky

Edited to add: I don't know how to add this without it sounding snarky, so please know I really, really don't mean it that way. I absolutely don't mind helping anyone find anything, but I figured mentioning it might save someone else some time if they're scrolling back years and years.

The navigation page had a Cowboy Bucky tag and that's how I found these. It's always where I start when someone asks me for the link for something and luckily, this one was pretty easy :)

Anonymous asked:

hear me out: bucky doing hole inspections on his pup.

Bucky is no small man, so maybe this time he felt like he was a bit too rough with his boy; and although steve loved it he insists on checking, just to make sure.

Big hands holding each cheek open, cooing when he sees how puffy and pink steve is there, pressing soft kisses and kitten licks to ease the soreness. Apologizing for hurting his little hole, just babying him completely. the whole thing is a mix of embarrassment and pleasure for Steve, which makes him feel so so little. his daddy treating him like this while he’s so exposed short circuits his brain probably

10/10 no notes, you are so right

Anonymous asked:

there’s something so heart warming about how you write age play..it’s so cute and gentle it is definitely my guilty pleasure. i never used to like age play but I find myself constantly returning to your blog on particularly hard days to read the dynamic you’ve created between s and b 💗

Another message that I distinctly remember and definitely thought I replied to

I just wanted to say thank you very much for this! <3 I'm really finicky about age play, like I've read quite a few Daddy m/m books and there's something off or missing with the dynamic or the age play that makes it a little unsatisfying

Some of them feature ABDL which I'm not a fan of, but even the ones that don't just...I can't really put it into words, I just know that they don't scratch the itch quite right. I think they feel too clinical, if that makes sense...?

(I find that with a lot of published books, not just the kink ones. My ace/demi brain needs some kind of emphasis on the emotion and the author is focusing on the physical, so a lot of things feel clinical or empty and it leaves me disappointed.)

So I totally get what you mean about not generally liking it, there are so many ways to do age play that finding that thing that hits just right for you is so hard

But I'm very, very glad that my version is something you can enjoy! <3

Anonymous asked:

Can i just reccommend "married to the mafia" by Leighton Greene, for anyone who likes your criminal bucky, I'm like 4 pages in but long haired mafia who wants twink boy to be his and only his and its also like 9 books long, but they meet in a club and bucky I mean mafia guy scares away twinks persuer just by glaring at him, twink is a bit more confident than sugar baby Steve but you can just imagine that being him as spoilt

I'm going through cleaning out my inbox of really old messages and I found this one from Dec of 2021 and I swear to fuck, I thought I answered this one

Biggest apologies, Nani, I draft replies in my head while I'm on the go and then sometimes forget that I didn't actually write it out so that's my bad

I've read a Leighton Greene title specifically because of this message but it turns out it wasn't this book, it was one of their other ones. Now I'm gonna go add this to my TBR before I forget I have a Wish List on Amazon of Things To Read so that I don't keep switching out books on KU and then forget which ones I read and which ones I never got around to

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