
The Logan Paul Ordeal

Earlier I said I was unsure if I would make a video talking about this situation but I have since decided I won’t be making any videos on it directly talking about what exactly he did. I’ve already shown my disgust for it and other people have already said everything needed in regards to what exactly was so wrong with what he did. 

Instead what I would like to do is possibly make a video or stream discussing the topic and raising ACTUAL awareness for the subject matter in the best way I can and turning it into a teachable moment. I did say I wanted to make this a great positive year after all and what good is that if I don’t actually try. It’s easy to condemn it and say it’s messed up but actions speak much louder and we can turn this into something beneficial to the people affected by this whole ordeal.

That’s why as soon as I tweeted about it I also donated here: https://afsp.donordrive.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=donate.general

I donated again this morning to an organisation that helps specifically in Japan related mental illness cases because that’s where this event took place, here: http://telljp.com/help/donate/

I am going to also do some sort of fundraiser for mental health awareness and a charity stream to go along with it this month, as soon as I can get it up and running. I also think these steps are what Logan should do next as he originally said they wanted to raise awareness for mental illness. It doesn’t excuse or forgive what he did but it’s a step in a better direction.

 I care very deeply about people and especially those who feel like they have nowhere to turn. That’s what this community was built for and why I even started youtube to begin with, to give people a place they felt like they belonged!

 I will let you all know more about it all as soon as I have the details :)

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