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Anonymous asked:

Hiii I’m the anon that sent you the question about baby steps a few months ago!! Are you planning on working on it or stopping? I’m sorry if this sounds rude or rushy, it’s not my intentions at all

Hey hun! don’t worry I don’t mind you asking at all— so I am definitely going to finish baby steps and varulfur I won’t leave them unfinished! There have just been a lot of drastic changes in my life recently and I’m still adjusting and finding my free time again between paperwork and actual work

Anonymous asked:

Hi, where can i download the sims of jimin? the one that should be in tray folder? hehe

Hey sweetheart! Not sure what you mean with the tray BUT here you can find the post with all the details on how you can get the sim! It’s a list with all the CC I used and once you have that, you can just download the sim from the gallery where it’s called *NEW* ChimChim (make sure you have custom content enabled during your search)

I hope you understand that I won’t make a file for this sim that includes all the CC already since it’s the creator's property and we should always support the original creators. 

Anonymous asked:

Hiii I was wondering when you’d make the part 3 of baby steps sorry if I’m bothering you or asking for to much

hey hun it’s fine I completely understand that you want the story I don’t mind you asking- Sadly I have to say that it won’t be for another while as university stress got me bad lately and then I’ll be busy with moving so most likely not before July. I really hope you can wait a bit longer and understand. I feel awful for not being able to properly provide you with updates.


Jimin (SIMS 4)

So a while ago I posted that I had made a Jimin sim where I messed with his hair and a bunch of you guys asked me where you could get him soo- here I’ll share the CC used (with links where to get the stuff) and a version of the sim with new hairstyles (in case you already saw my old one in the gallery).

Since I can’t give you stories at the moment- make your own in the sims? idek haha anyways here the cc list. The sim himself you can find in the Gallery if you allow custom content and search for ChimChim (it’s called  *NEW* ChimChim )  

For all of you non-simmers out there just ignore this post.

Jimin + Sims 4 + posepacks = still smol bean


Jimin (SIMS 4)

So a while ago I posted that I had made a Jimin sim where I messed with his hair and a bunch of you guys asked me where you could get him soo- here I’ll share the CC used (with links where to get the stuff) and a version of the sim with new hairstyles (in case you already saw my old one in the gallery).

Since I can’t give you stories at the moment- make your own in the sims? idek haha anyways here the cc list. The sim himself you can find in the Gallery if you allow custom content and search for ChimChim (it’s called  *NEW* ChimChim )  

For all of you non-simmers out there just ignore this post.


Hiatus notice

I want to apologise to all of you who were looking forward to the next story which I announced for April. It isn’t happening.

The reason for this is that my deadline, which was originally set at the end of March, got pushed back to May, just before my final exams start. I will be busy with moving, visits and graduations throughout June and July and therefore most likely not have any time to write either.

Having one breakdown after the other due to my dissertation, I need to officially put this blog on hiatus as the guilt induced by neglecting it is just adding to my stress. I feel awful for not being able to keep this blog as alive as I promised but I guess I overestimated myself.


180309 Hoseok’s Tweet

생일축하해 형🎉 -호석이-

Happy Birthday hyung🎉 -Hoseokie-

Trans cr: Bem @ allforbts © Please credit when taking out
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