
@marveldemigoddess / marveldemigoddess.tumblr.com

Marvel, Supernatural, Disney, Some random stuff

louis playing lego house the day after harry’s house came out knowing very well he wrote that line about them seeing ed in manchester that he would leak later

just to add to my tags

we know louis and harry saw ed in manchester on october 17 2011

and ed played lego house (7th song on the setlist but let’s not go there cause im already losing my mind)

oh and the concert happened two weeks after THIS

in conclusion, they saw ed in Manchester he held harry while he played every time he hears his songs it takes him to that place and i am so tired.


still don’t really understand how some people have trouble just being nice

Oh my gosh you’re such a good person. Hey everybody come look at how much of a good person this is.

i literally cannot comprehend how you got offended by this but thanks for proving my point anyway


I don’t mean to distract from OP’s post but my dash won’t let me see what the second image is, it’s just showing me this:

And I am losing my goddam mind.


You know what this reminds me of, only in reverse? …

wait. shit. oh god. I can’t unsee it…


Can someone put this one in on the reverse? with the ‘no fear –> Be Kind to each other –> one fear’?

The original comic was about Simpsons porn?

Every day someone new finds out that the original comic was about Simpsons porn.


choking on water is the worst because how do you stop choking? drink something? well ive got some bad news for you

Lean your head forward, preferably to knee level, and let the water kind of drain out of your mouth. When your are able to, take deep slow breaths. No heimlich maneuver or physical assists from somebody else should be used beyond this, otherwise you could vomit and escalate the issue. Its about keeping the larynx open. Hopefully this helps.

Reblog to fucking save a life.


i taught swim lessons and preschool, do y’all wanna hear the most ridiculous white kid names i’ve ever seen?

  • i’ve met at least a dozen children named some form of “jackson” but the best ones were “jaxon” and “jakson” 
  • a parent who i really liked named her son “jaycob” because she was worried people wouldn’t pronounce it correctly. when someone accidentally spelled it “jacob” she would loudly and obnoxiously ask “WHO’S JAH-KOBE?” 
  • two siblings named “thor” and “tiara”
  • i once had a classroom with four girls named “brooklyn”
  • if you sent me a list of popular boy names, i could guarantee i’ve met every single one of them
  • twin girls named paisley and brinley
  • a girl named reader
  • a boy named rocko
  • keighleey
  • kayde
  • kolten
  • if it can start with a “k” instead of a “c” i have met that child
  • brittalynn 
  • i taught a swim class with three girls named “london” but only one of them was spelled “lundon” and i know my boss did that to me on purpose
  • a couple named all their kids after places in arizona: tatum, payson, and hayden
  • and speaking of hayden, i’ve seen: haydon, heighden, and heydon 
  • according to some white people, there are sixteen different ways to spell mckenzie
  • lakelyn, blakelynn 

this is white culture

it’s her…. reader…… those self inserts are about her now….


starbucks barista: ive got a caffe mocha for… “russian spy”?

everybody: [remains seated and eyes each other suspiciously]

barista [throwing his CIA badge at the floor in defeat]: dammit i thought for sure that would work

Memes that are funny in 2018 and 1958


An action being “punishable by a fine” basically means “legal for rich people”.


Oh wow. That’s…

I once dated a rich guy and if I said “Hey it’s illegal to drink on the street” he’d respond with “Nah, it just costs £150″, or “You can’t park here!” “Yeh I can it costs £35″ like… literally… that’s how he saw fines, it was just how much you paid to do the thing. 


Reminds me of the double red lines in London. They exist because rich people kept parking on double yellow lines (which mean “no parking” in the UK) and then just paying the fines. So London started putting double red lines on major roads. If you park on double red lines, they don’t give you a ticket. They tow your car away and crush it. 

I like that.


omg I’m doing research for one of projects for college, and apparently, girls learn better when they’re in an all girls class, but boys learn even worse when they’re in an all boys class, because all the negative things become even stronger of there are no girls to act as “buffer”

get rid of the boys and let girl learn in peace, i couldn’t care less about them

It’s not our job to be a “buffer”

Separate boys from girls then, they don’t have to be acting like mothers at age 12, if boys ruin the education of others boys, um, idk, fix their behavior maybe?


I work at uni. My program is very competitive. Like you need a 92% or more to get in. We get 10x the applications than we can accept. So. This means our program is 95% female. Simply because girls do better in highschool than boys. Its literally that simple. However. This is a HUGE deal in the administration! Because OMG all those poor boys with less than a 92% can’t get into our program and woe is me, those poor poor boys. Every year we meet to talk about ways to “rectify” this “problem”. One year they’re going to stop inviting me to these meetings. Because I always ask questions like “how do we get boys into the program with lower GPAs without denying girls with higher GPAs? And how is giving boys preferential treatment not sexist?” Keep going good ladies, I’m saving your seat!

This type of thing always happens when women are dominating something, protocols are changed to accommodate and benefit men, and if this strategy isn’t successful the field is devalued.

Keep the good work!


The amount of times I heard my grandfather talk about the ‘feminization’ of schools because he wanted to blame the system for boys under performing (or, more accurately: girls out performing the boys) instead of, ya know, boys’ entitled attitudes and overall piss poor behavior when at school.

When women fail at something: there must be something wrong with women When women succeed at something: there must be something wrong with the system

I think I’ve talked about it before on other posts, but I once had an anthropology class that, completely unintentionally, was all women and one man, and he dropped the course after two weeks. The other section of the same anthropology class, taught by the same professor, was mixed with men and women. So, since it was anthropology, she asked if it was cool if she took notes. She said right away that the all female class had a wildly different vibe, that we spoke and acted differently and had different social expectations of her and the rest of the class, and that we let students complete their thoughts before disagreeing, while the mixed class was highly traditional and almost entirely male dominated because every time a woman spoke, a man jumped in halfway through to “correct” her by saying the same thing. Its a very small sample size, but I think about this a lot


So all those “girls shoulders and knees distract boys from learning” policies…..

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