
The Sleepy Ramblings of DommesticPet


Husband/Hypnosis Subject of @Dommestic. Mostly stuff about our adventures.  Hypnosis, D/s, snacks.

Champion Nine

I've got to be up for a flight in very little time, but I'm writing this anyway. On Sunday @dommestic and I got to try out the last arrival from Kink Advent - it came from overseas, and I think it's called a Head Harness Bit Gag. We may need to make a modification to it to fit better, but I can say it modifies one's headspace. I've never used one before, or thought about using one, or knew what it was called until I looked it up just now. There are other attachments on it that all seem optional: blinkers, to keep you looking forward, a bit on which to champ, and I think I heard mention of connection points for a leash or reins or something.

I definitely felt out of my head - I haven't experienced any sort of gag or bit before, and I admit the idea of having it in my teeth makes me worry I'm going to damage it. Maybe they include a spare. It did feel nice - it makes sense that a physical restraint specifically for the head could do a lot to make you feel wildly different without hypnosis or anything else, and it's fun to make discoveries about kinky things that can be new and exciting that I never happened to think about before. She seemed to enjoy me in it, and I certainly felt good as this sort of thing sets expectations. Even if I want to say something, it's not particularly easy to articulate it.

She made mention of using it to focus me specifically on her so I wouldn't be able to look away - which feels amazing to hear - and I hope we get to do more with it later. But sadly, it won't be for a while as I'm needing to go through security in fairly short order for what has gone from a fairly short trip to what is sounding like a damp trip across the country.

I already miss Echo. I'm not particularly looking forward to the main reason for the trip, but there should be some fun parts from the work part that I probably can't write about. I'll also probably be looking into some things from this world, which I don't know that I will write about, but one thing I can say is I have a ridiculously large list of podcasts to get through and I think I may be traveling so much on Monday that I'll get through them.

I hope you've all been well! Time for bed. Very little time for bed, but time for bed regardless.


Whip and Horse

Last December, @dommestic measured my skull for an unknown-to-me present. I assume it was a hood. I joked it was a muzzle. And the answer is... it's neither of those!

It came in the mail last week before we went out of town, and today she showed me what we got. I admit pony play things were not on my radar. It's got a bit (to champ at), blinders (so I can't see to the sides), some sort of reins. There's a lot going on here, but I haven't had a chance to put it on as of yet. I'm interested in seeing how those blinders work. Or... not seeing. (You know what I mean.)

She seems to have a lot of ideas for it, and I'm scratching my head a bit as to what this will become.

Also it is worth noting there is no tail. And I am OK with that. Have any hypno-inclined people used this kind of equipment and if so, how did you like it? And what did you do with it?


Kink Advent Grand Finally

And that's a wrap? About a month ago I was surprised by @dommestic with a Tumblr post that resulted in a series of gifts and kinky adventures, which is probably the most thoughtful set of experiences I've ever had thrust upon me. (Thrust.) I got some new toys - some we've tried, some we have not - along with a trip to the local dungeon, a lot of time in bed, and a lot of time out of bed. We've still got a lot of things left to explore or try, and we started the new year off with a bang.

One of the gifts she gave me was a magnetic white board for the fridge, which she is currently using to track orgasms in the house. Initially it was split down the middle with two marks on her side, and one on mine, because that's how the bang went. To anyone who sees it, it's just marks - so I said "We should call it an Org Chart" and she wrote that on the bottom. The three marks were the result of me finding a hood on my pillow when I came back to the bedroom after getting some water, and her talking me down and up and down and probably sideways. I have been instructed if I have fun alone, it has to be added to the chart and I have to make things up to her.

We had more communication. We don't touch base to talk about kinky or sexy things every day - we did in December, because either she had a plan to implement, or because one of us had to say "hey maybe tomorrow" a couple of times near the end. We've been together for a fair amount of time and so far we've been kept very busy by other aspects of life, sometimes to the detriment of this sphere. Kink engagement feels a lot better, although I assume the realities of not-the-holidays are about to take over one or both of our days most weeks.

More stuff is on the way. I was measured for at least one item that's yet to come. She's working on a recording to go with the sleep mask with speakers on it. Other things were alluded to and for all I know, are hidden away or en route or are on a wishlist somewhere. (Send her recommendations?)

Learning is good. We're skimming the local dungeon to see what else is coming up to see as a class... but we're not scheduled for any cons. We do have a book to finish discussing, though.

The hood is weirdly comforting. I was not someone who brought in a proclivity for hoods - she wanted to try it - and I have to say I wonder what it might be like to sleep in one. Maybe it'd drive me nuts. Have you tried it? We used it during various sessions/scenes/etc. a lot.

Unfinished Business. I believe she had a poll and I remember talk of a footstool thing earlier but I was very much focused on other things at the time. I think. I'm a little fuzzy on most of the details of Monday morning.

I am not exactly sure how the scoring system on that Org Chart is going to go. If I did, though, I would point to it as some sort of foreshadowing. Will the interwebs throw things at me I can't ignore? Will I just hold out and not need to do anything to make marks? Will the weather be nice today? Did Echo pack her leftovers for lunch? Stay tuned!

I hope your year is off to a great start and I need to keep in better touch with the very few people on here I keep in touch with.


Kink Advent Day Thirty-One

The grand finale... did not happen! Today's hint "Check out my rack" took me to the clothes drying rack, and the hint was "Super Nova." Due to various noisy factors (including some going on for hours now), we did not get to do any hypno kink stuff - we were tired and loud booms don't get drowned out very well. With all the fireworks the air looks terrible and it feels kind of unpleasant to breathe it in.

Here's hoping 2024 is a lot more conducive to fun. We haven't fully explored all the Kink Advent toys, the sleep mask is down here unused so far. The 101 Kinky Things book is only half-skimmed. There are so many things to do and explore - and loud popping noises outside as I write this - that I assume we'll have a lot to talk about and do if we can, you know, actually get some sleep at some point. I hope everybody has fun with their fireworks tonight so we can be back to normal this week.


Kink Advent Day Thirty

Today's clue: "Spin Me Round." Which means "Name That Tune" or "records," so I went over to pick it up by my records. The tagline: "Do over."

The short version is today didn't exactly work on a kink level, so we're going to need a do over for the do over. Some days you don't feel your best, so all you can do is pat yourself on the back for giving it a shot and apply the "get out of jail free" card.


Kink Advent Day Twenty-Nine

Today's hint: "Freshen up." Nobody was set on fire and there was no hot drinks, but there was a 29 on my sink drawer with a present inside. A magnetic white board!

I admit that one threw me.

The purpose for this one is, if I understand correctly, an orgasm tracker. I assume this is going to get me in trouble as like many of my generation, I generally had to hide whatever it was I was doing to myself by immediately disposing of the evidence as silently as possible. This stuck to adulthood - if I have to take care of something, I do it quietly when nobody is around and it's not something I tend to talk about at all. @dommestic seems to want hard data on my and her habits, and all of this is making me think of that "The Contest" episode of Seinfeld that I saw when it first aired and now all of you will know I am ancient. In terms of TMI I've only taken care of myself once in December, so I am unsure how this is going to shake out or how much work I'm going to have to do to make sure both our sides remain balanced. But as you can see from this blog, this is not a topic I tend to discuss here, and I don't tend to bring it up in person much either. I assume this present is going to get me in trouble.

After work I was summoned to the bedroom to makes sure business got taken care of - she brought out the infinity mirror, which had an incredibly bright green LED light mode that I could still see with my eyes closed. Trying to look at it caused some strain and was a little distracting from trying to be in the moment, but that might be because it's still a new thing and I'm not used to it. At one point I was turned away from it and it caused a green glow all over the room like some of those brainwashing technology photo manips we used to see around here all the time. You know the ones. This setting on the mirror is very good for setting up room ambience and when I wasn't staring directly at the mirror with my eyes closed, it felt like it transformed the room to a completely new location. I bet that could be used in interesting ways - it's not like we can paint the room for a session.


Kink Advent Day Twenty-Eight Misbehavin' I'm Saving My Love For You

Today's clue: "CRT." (There's an old TV in the house.) The 28 slip of paper says: "Book Club."

@dommestic dropped the 101 Kinky Things Even You Can Do book in my office which I got to skim through a bit while in between work things. (The illustrations are really good.) After work, she put me in the leash and collar and started going over the first half of the book in terms of "yes/no/maybe." I don't know that we really hit on much we haven't discussed previously but it was nice to bring up some things we left hanging for future research or discussion... and then we have the back half of the book.

I've really enjoyed Kink Advent. It's fun to touch on new things and read about stuff we haven't tried, but it also points out that I probably backslid a bunch as a sub-type in the last four or so years. I need to work on that. Or someone needs to work on that.

Echo asked if I was practicing kneeling on my meditation bench, and I wasn't - but I did last night for about ten minutes while watching TV. I'm not sure if that was the purpose, and I'm not sure how long I should sit like that. But it was fun to do.


Kink Advent Day Twenty-Sevonnnnnnn

Today's clue: "D/s (or DS)?" took me to an area where some electronics charge to find a slip of paper with the clue "dressed in black." I didn't assume this meant @dommestic got a new outfit - it meant I spent most of the day working (and, uh, everything but showering and going out) in my collar. Which I have not done before.

The weird thing about it is that it's a larger one, and it feels a lot like when I have my work computer headset around my neck. Every now and again it feels like "oh I need to hang this up" before I realize no, that's not what that is. It was also new actually seeing myself in the collar when I was in the bathroom to brush my teeth, particularly given how I am dressed, which is not remotely sexy. (I blame the cold weather.) It was a fun exercise, although sometimes you forget it's there, which is a mix of good and bad. Maybe it requires more interactivity to maximize its purpose and power? Or maybe this is the lesson unto itself - these objects have no real power other than that which is imbued unto them? Nah, that can't be it. Regardless, I recommend giving it a try if you are the kind of person who has another person that makes you wear a collar. It's more fun when someone is reminding you it's there, by commenting on it or pulling on it.

A mystery box came in the mail with A Gift in it, and I have no idea what it is! Also, a copy of Kate "The Dildorks" Sloan's 101 Kinky Things Even You Can Do book arrived, which I only briefly flipped through before it was reclaimed and taken upstairs. The design is good, with a simple cover that's unlikely to draw too much attention if it was accidentally left out. I'm really glad there are more books like this, and I hope there are more so people can see things and go "Oh, so that's what that's called." I guess that made today a two-for-one! (I'm spoiled.)


Kink Advent Day Twenty-Six Appeal

Today's hint: "Welcome to Chippendale's, episode 1." Backgammon! @dommestic typically leaves a hint in her office, which she's not in. Today she was in there, so I retrieved a piece of paper with the hint



A reference to a sketch from SNL when Phil Hartman hosted, which probably puts our age in the category of "Nosferatu" if you're hip and "Nostalgiaferatoo" if you're a horror buff. The point being, we need to do something, not nothing. The neighbor's pooch was indoors or on assignment somewhere today, so we actually got to do some kink stuff.

After work and before a later dinner, we squeezed in the LED Infinity Mirror. It's bright but not too bright, big but not too big, and not quite as in-your-face as the Nova Pro 100. I was laying on my side in bed under a blanket, and she was behind me talking to me. We've been doing hypnosis stuff off and on for a while so it doesn't take much for me to drop these days, but I did enjoy the light show for as long as I could keep my eyes on it. With sexy results. (I had a job asked of me.)

As to the mirror itself, it has a remote control that requires line of sight to what seems to be an infrared sensor on the wire plugging it in to a USB brick for power.


Kink Advent Day Twenty-Fi've had enough of distractions

Short version: X-mas kink does not go well.

I woke up this morning to the hint "Entrepreneur," which took me to a toy with a little slip of paper with a 25 and a drawing of Godzilla from the "Merry Crismas" version of that meme. @dommestic very rarely draws things with faces that I get to see, and she did an exceptionally nice job there. I'll probably tape it to my computer if she doesn't claim it as part of the sketch set.

Today's secret words: "Mirror Mirror or Muzzle." The goal was to try the Infinity Mirror again, assuming the neighbor didn't force their dog outside again as the poor little fellow sounded like they were barking to get back in.

Since there were several hours of visits for Christmas and that can take a lot out of anybody, things did not work out for the 25th. Hopefully people are good on the 26th so we can catch up. Even when it doesn't work, it's a great exercise to try this Kink Advent thing because we're both actually putting in a lot of time talking about things, and at least we're trying to make it work. It's really easy to take someone for granted when you live together and generally prioritize work over fun and are generally pretty spent by the end of the day, but I think we're making a lot of good progress that might pay off in the new year.

The important thing is, we're trying.


Kink Advent Day Twenty-Four Crying Out Loud

Today's secret word is "loud!"

Before I got out of bed to find Sunday's hint, @dommestic came back to bed for trancing, snuggles, and happy endings. (I didn't get a happy ending, she did. And I'm a little vague on the trancing part.) The clue for today was "The Battle of the Binary Stars," which referenced a print in her office. I admit I did check a couple of other things near my office first as it could reference any of a number of somethings worthy of my attention.

It was a weird day - warm (but cold), overcast (but then sunny), and quiet (but then noisy.) She was out visiting family, while I was working on my various projects, getting lunch, and listening to music - so that part of the day was mostly nice. We had dinner, I cleaned, and when we were done it was time for today's activity - "Triathlon." The plan? At least three different kinds of inductions.

This is why it's great to live with your special someone... until the neighbors have better ideas. A dog sometimes visits next door, so after we got to the bedroom, blacked out all the lights, put me in plain view of the light-up LED infinity mirror... the dog started to bark. And barked some more. We laughed, and said "well, maybe we'll try the Nova Pro." And then it kept barking. We took a break and watched a movie, during which I said "...do you hear fireworks?" That was a couple of hours ago, and I'm still hearing fireworks as of writing this on Christmas Eve at night. Things didn't quite work out today. Maybe we can squeeze something in tomorrow.


Kink Advent Day 23

Today's hint was "Circle Gets the Square", so day 23 was hidden in @dommestic's office on the wall. The clue: "Mystery Date!"

A board game? Am I being set up with someone? Or is it a surprise? (It was a surprise!)

She had a lot of appointments in the last day, so after a very late lunch I was called in to bed, put in a hood, and talked to until things went black...er? I couldn't see anything and she is incredibly warm, so it doesn't take long to feel like I'm dropping, or sleeping, or both? I think we both had an excellent time after she mostly brought me up. You could say it was a toe-curling experience, but apparently, that's actually foot cramping, and that's horrible. But it is a challenge to creatively use a vibrator on someone when you're not entirely brought up to "full" and you also can't see anything due to a hood on your head. She seemed happy, I think I did OK.

She also put the Infinity Mirror through some tests and as light shows go it's really neat. I didn't try it out myself but it does occur to me it's going to be weird seeing myself in a mirror light show. So far, we haven't done anything with the light-and-sound blindfold.

Be sure to let us know what, if anything, was dropped off at your place this week.


Kink Advent Day Twenty-Two

It was a gray morning! Cloudy all day, rainy at night, and @dommestic had to be out at night, too. But I found her kitchen-adjacent clue and found a gift! We didn't get to use it yet, but it's a sleep mask with bluetooth and LEDs in it. Va-va-voom, presumably, I have no idea how this will work. I tried it on, and it really does black out all the light in a room.

At the very least now, we have a mask session, a hood session, and a mirror session to plan for, I assume. She's super busy tomorrow (and Sunday) so I don't know how the next few days will go.

It's a pretty gray night too. Time for loafing.


Kink Advent Day 21

I did not succeed today. @dommestic left me a clue Thursday that took me to a drawer with my hood in it, which should mean that we were up for some fun after work, but despite the fact it's Christmas week everybody seems to be taking a "let's go into crisis mode" cue instead and it's hard to mitigate that combined with some other hurdles and appointments for the coming days. And dishes, so many dishes.

Excuses, excuses. So I wiffed tonight, and I guess there goes the "Get out of Jail Free Card."

Tomorrow's schedule doesn't look too great for "us" time but hey last Sunday was incredible. I'm taking the win.


Kink Advent Day 20

Today I woke up to find a hint that directed me to @dommestic's ottoman, which also opened up to store things. I didn't grasp that. I just saw the piece of paper with a 20, flipped it over, it was blank, and I went to go work on what I needed to work on today.

Later, it was pointed out that I should look inside, and what do I see? Some sort of LED infinity mirror with a remote control! Does it have animations? Does it do anything special? I don't know yet. But I look forward to finding out.


Party Like It's Kink Advent Day 19

I did not get much/any sleep last night. Also @dommestic got attacked by cell phone goblins in the middle of the night, so today was pretty much not an eventful day. Today's clue took me to a shelf in her office, with a 19 that features a teddy bear that looks like it is very much a boy, with today's gift: an actual Monopoly "Get Out Of Jail Free" card! It's a safeword you can put in your pocket, or use if there's a lot of action planned on a day you didn't get any sleep.

Since both of us had a rough night and long work days, there was not much kink. Also we're discussing the rule from yesterday and that might be swinging in a new (actually old) direction. Also I broke a fork at dinner somehow.


I'm Kink Advent Day Eighteen and I Like It

...admittedly I haven't been 18 for a while, but let's just say it's been a good couple of weeks. Last night I was writing up Sunday's mummified, hypnotized, sweaty (but showered first) adventures thinking a) I am extremely fortunate and b) things are going incredibly well for me. Too well.

Today's clue was "Checkmate," which I assumed meant something having to do with either the last Columbo we watched or the decor in the @dommestic offices. (It was the second one.) The clue? "Rule #1." It couldn't be a reference to the one Monty Python sketch, or the Rules of Acquisition, so I was left shrugging and didn't think about it until later.

On the way to dinner, I was informed that an old rule was coming back. A few years ago I was under orders that I couldn't eat until she took the first bite. Sometimes it was my food, sometimes it was her fod. This got rolled back during COVID (as did kink funtimes in general) so now I guess I have to pay close attention to who is eating first, as it was clearly explained "there will be punishments." I'm not sure if that's a coded "I found the paddle and crop so do whatever you want" or "do your best to actually follow the rule," but I guess we're about to find out.

Much like the Rules of Acquisition, I assume putting a rule out there was done to create demand for additional rules, although I have no designs on what those might be. There are two things I've been doing for her so the house and her office are ready to go for her when she comes home from work, so I don't know what I should be expecting from here on out. But we're having fun. It's a lot more fun discussing this stuff on the daily than not doing anything with it, I highly recommend it.


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