
A Storm of Dreams

@yumearashi / yumearashi.tumblr.com


Stop telling yourself that the grass is greener on the other side, because it’s not. It is greener where you water it. So take control of your life and start watering your own pastures and grow your own greener grasses.


Fuck grass, clover is a nitrogen fixing legume and dandelions are super useful. Be the weeds. Grow on concrete in defiance of those who would thwart you.

It’s also greener where you bury a body


two three kinds of people

Four, if you count the body.


if you don’t know the difference between a hare and a rabbit you’ve never gazed into the cold wild eyes of a hare and known that if it could speak it would speak backwards


Jack Rabbits are North American Hares and they’re the WORST to encounter at night becuase:

  • You all know how big a rabbit is.  Jack Rabbits and hares are much bigger. they’re the size of large cats or small dogs or just-walking-age children.
  • They also like to hang out in gangs of a hlf dozen to over 30.
  • and in the middle of backcountry dirt roads.
  • perhaps they’re dustbathing
  • or blood sacrifce
  • I don’t know because when you come up the road at night because your dog has a tiny bladder and needs to go out at midnight and you have no yard so you’re walking him on the dirt road around your neighborhod because you might aw well get some stargazing in, and you come just over the ridge to see a coven of twenty jackrabbits in the middle of the road
  • and
  • they
  • all
  • stand
  • up
  • not just onto all fours like a proper prey animal
  • No they get up on thier hind legs and don’t just sit but STAND like tiny rabbit-skinned toddlers, wobbing slightly as they stare directly at you eyes shining in your flashlight’s glow
  • …Blood Red.
  • And a chill goes through you on that warm july night because while they’re a puntable size and allegedly herbivores they’re standing and watching you just like people and you are vastly outnumbered.
  • everyone freezes
  • you’re considering your odds aganst roughly 200lbs of Suspiciously Humanoid Hare
  • and they’re considering their odds against you
  • the only sound in the never-ending high desert wind 
  • somewhere in your peripheral vision you can see the streetlights but they seem awfully far away
  • The nearest Jack Rabbit
  • Blinks
  • and takes a single shuffling step
  • forward
  • You area an overdevloped monkey and your prefrontal cortex is capable of some amazing feats but it runs very slowly compared to the reflexes of a rabbit and you’re frozen as you desperately scramble for the appropriate course of action, hands feeling thick and useless, mouth dry and feet imeasurably heavy there’s no way you’d outrun THESE, god there’s a rabies outbreak going around that shit’s not curable-
  • The Dog
  • L U N G E S
  • It’s only the briefest of movements but the animal you’d picked out for his gangly legs and floppy ears and goofy smile is suddenly a dark shape of muscle and teeth and had flung himself at the horrible goblin rabbits faster than mere physics should dictate, appearing in the circle of the flashlight for only the briefest of moments before the jolt from the leash makes you stumble and the light falters
  • The Jack Rabbits
  • Scatter
  • Vanishing into the faintly starlit sagebrush in as so many faint gray shapes that might be mistaken for the dustclouds they kick up
  • Later, you sit on the couch disquieted
  • and you wonder
  • If the sight of the Jack Rabbits standing and studying you was frightening enough to make you yearn for the safety of the yellowed streetlights
  • what must it be like from thier end?
  • what terrifying creature 
  • deliberately ties itself
  • to something so horrible
  • As a Dog?

@gallusrostromegalus that last bit gave me such a strong mental image I absolutely had to draw it



is it ok if I print it out and stick it on the fridge?




See this shit? This is why I love Tumblr


It's still so strange to me how apparently taboo it is to like a post on someone's Instagram from a month ago when there are posts still circulating on Tumblr from 1550 BCE


If he didn't want it circulating in 2022 he should have sold better copper


90% of arguments about media could just be solved by saying “different people like different things in their stories” and leaving it at that


this person probably humanizes cops/racists, rape, child abuse, incest etc as long as its fictional lol

this is a good and normal leap in logic to make from this post!

I certainly hope they do, and not just when it’s fictional. Humanizing them is an important step in stopping the actual real-world harm.

If you recognize that they’re human, then you can understand it’s an issue of rationale and perspective, not Inherent Evil - and you can learn to think like an adversary. This is the first step in developing a good security mindset. That mindset, in turn, is the first tool you need to build functional safety measures and protections for your community.

There’s an added bonus, too - if you recognize that they’re people, you’ll notice that not many people are villains in their own narratives. They aren’t choosing to be evil, they’re rationalizing their harmful choices. And you start asking questions.

If you recognize that cops are people, you learn to ask yourself “Am I being reactionary, authoritarian, and needlessly violent?”

If you recognize that racists are people, you learn to recognize and unpack the racist lessons you were taught.

If you learn that rapists are people, you learn to actively verify consent.

By recognizing that terrible people are not Inherently Bad, but choosing to do terrible things for reasons they think justify them, you get better at protecting yourself from them - and protecting everyone around you from your worst tendencies. It’s a difficult and ongoing process, but it’ll protect you far better than any list of specific Bad Things to watch out for.

There’s a flipside to this, of course, and it’s important:

Anyone who tells you that your enemies are inhuman monsters is using you.

Either they’re trying to convince you that they couldn’t possibly be an Enemy because they’re a normal person… or they’re trying to keep you from noticing the little rationalizations. To convince you that atrocity is okay when you do it.

Don’t fall for either lie.


I have a lot of annoying Dungeon Meshi theories, but the one that I genuinely think has decent textual support is that the supplementary material's remarks about Marcille and Falin being "friends" are actually accurate for the timeframe it's discussing: prior to the bathing scene, Marcille honestly didn't realise her feelings toward Falin had a romantic component. Up until that point she'd managed to convince herself that what she and Falin had going on was a perfectly normal friendship dynamic – notice that she aggressively reasserts that dynamic immediately afterwards in order to avoid having to rethink some shit! – and you can see the exact moment the "oh no" hits her.

Falin: I am very pointedly observing that I'm all grown up now, while we are in the same bed.

Marcille: Whaaaaat no that's silly, you'll always be my little girl (shutupshutupshutupshutup)

Falin: :|


Excerpt from this story from Grist:

Wealthy investors and asset managers wield a lot of power over the major companies whose stock they own or control. Every year, shareholder advocacy groups hope to exert that power for good by filing shareholder resolutions — 500-word proposals that might ask companies to voluntarily reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, or to disclose more information on their resource use. 

Shareholders typically vote on resolutions between April and June during a period known as “proxy season,” named after the proxy statements that companies distribute to investors ahead of their annual shareholder meetings. These votes aren’t binding, but they can influence companies’ decisions and generate press around a particular issue.

This year, activist investors are notching wins even before the beginning of proxy season. Shareholder advocacy groups have already extracted a handful of plastics-related concessions from major companies — including the entertainment behemoth Disney, the food processing giant Hormel, and Choice Hotels, one of the largest hotel chains in the world. The companies’ new commitments include reporting on and reducing the amount of plastics they use in their packaging, as well as more closely monitoring hazardous plastic additives.

Activist investment firms like Green Century Capital Management — which manages over $1 billion in assets — must make a business case for environmental action. Douglass Guernsey, a shareholder advocate at Green Century Capital Management who helped negotiate the agreements with Disney and Choice Hotels, said the new commitments show that companies are waking up to the threat that single-use plastics pose to their bottom line. Between the prospect of more stringent state regulations, new lawsuits against plastic producers, and a global plastics treaty being negotiated by the United Nations, plastics are facing some potentially severe regulatory and reputational prospects over the coming years.

The companies’ pledges also shed light on the shareholder advocacy strategy, which is not necessarily to sway companies through voting on shareholder resolutions, but to use the prospect of a vote as a negotiating tool. According to Guernsey, shareholder advocates almost always prefer to reach an agreement with companies through dialogue — they only file a resolution if they feel that it’s needed to keep the conversation going. In some cases, after a resolution is filed, companies agree to make some kind of commitment in exchange for the resolution’s withdrawal.


plagues history and global epidemiology as an autistic special interest was already a heavy topic but not a day goes by I dont briefly recall drunkenly telling people at the bar in autumn 2019 “yeah the next pandemic will probably be a coronavirus and we’re due for one”

if they remember that i have to wonder if they think they met the devil at the club that night


Guys who complain about the friendzone often don’t care about their female friends’ personal boundaries, forcing their female friends build more walls up. A good cartoon.

- submitted by Gene


why is he tearing down a wall with an axe

i hate it when your put in the friendzone and made to tear down a wall

Mr. Gorbachev…tear down this friendzone

how you gonna draw some shit that makes you look like Jack Nicholson in The Shining and still feel like you’re the victim



“I’m going to wall you up now, Fortunato.”

“Ha ha, and then what? ;) ”

“For the love of God, Montresor!” -Cask of Amontifriendzone, Edgar Allan Poe

Incessantly, I heard a smacking, as of some entitled dipshit whacking, whacking on my chamber door.

Resignedly, I placed another layer, voicing a quiet, repeated prayer, “This dude thinks he’s a player, but I am not a point to score, he should fuck off and bother me no more.”

Quoth the friendzoned, “Fucking whore.”

- The Craven, by Edward Allen Bro

edgar allen bro

Oh my god

holy shit

“Nice guy!” said I, “Total dildo–nice guy still if nerd or dudebro, Whether reddit sent, or whether romcoms tossed thee here ashore, Barely known yet still entitled, holding now your Tom Waits vinyl, Begging me for something primal, tell me truly, I implore Is this–is this shit for fucking real? Tell me, tell me, I implore! Quoth the friendzoned, “Fucking whore.”

“Nice guy!” said I, “Total dildo–nice guy still if nerd or dudebro, By the mores that you abuse thus, by those films we both adore, Tell this soul with sorrow laden if, by stalking me through Facebook, You have gained a twisted outlook of whom those tropes are for, Paint a rare and radiant dream girl whilst you remain a bore, Quoth the friendzoned, “Fucking whore.”

“Be that slur our sign of parting, creep or douche!” I shrieked, upstarting, “Get thee back to lonely anguish and your friend’s used comic store! Leave no white rose as a token of the lust you claim heartbroken, Leave my scathing words to soak in! Quit the name calling of ‘whore’, When you lust for every girl, but when they say nay they are whores! Quoth the friendzoned, “Fucking whore.”

And the friendzoned, never scoring, still imploring, still imploring, On some fetid old subreddit for a girl who will adore The nicer guys and not the “douchebags”, unaware that it’s a red flag To be his soulmate o'er him learning they both like the movie Thor To fuck him for being nerdy even though he is a bore, Then she says no–fucking whore.

that internal rhyme scheme is a fucking master class

re-rebageling for the improved version of what i did, because fuck yeah

To friend, or not to friend, that is the question:

Whether ‘tis nobler in the heart to suffer

The slangs and insults of outrageous men,

Or to take arms against a sea of idiots

And by opposing end them. To love—to friend,

No more; and by a friend to say we end

The heart-ache and the thousand natural curses

That men are heir to: ‘tis a zone

Devoutly to be curse’d. To love, to friend;

To friend, perchance to zone out—ay, there’s the rub:

For in that zone of friends what enemies may come,

When we have shrugged off this dratted creep,

Must let us go—there’s the respect

That those tend to ignore.

For who would bear the ax and cusses of anger,

Th’oppressor’s wrong, the proud girl’s right,

The pangs of unrequited love, the zone’s brick wall,

The insolence of men, and the fool’s hatred

That drives merit to bring up unwanted love,

When he himself might get over his own sorry arse

And just accept it? Who would the zone bear,

To fume and curse under the weight of rejection,

But that the dread of being just friends,

That uncomfortable area, from whose heart

No traveller ventures, puzzles the man,

And makes us rather bear those joys we have

Than fly to who scorn us from their broken heart?

Thus love does make fools of us all,

And thus the native zone of friends

Is putting walls up o’er the men’s thoughts,

And enterprises of rejection and break

With this regard their friends turn away

And lose the name of love.

I’m so glad I live here on Tumblr


Twenty years ago, February 15th, 2004, I got married for the first time.

It was twenty years earlier than I ever expected to.

To celebrate/comemorate the date, I'm sitting down to write out everything I remember as I remember it. No checking all the pictures I took or all the times I've written about this before. I'm not going to turn to my husband (of twenty years, how the f'ing hell) to remember a detail for me.

This is not a 100% accurate recounting of that first wild weekend in San Francisco. But it -is- a 100% accurate recounting of how I remember it today, twenty years after the fact.

Join me below, if you would.

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