

@gaily-daily / gaily-daily.tumblr.com

This is a fandom blog for gay things. Lots and lots of gay things. My AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/passionateartist My writing blog: @gaily-daily-musings
Anonymous asked:

Who has more pinup posters done of them, Obi-Wan or Anakin? And what would their reaction be to discovering one of the other?

I actually think obi-wan has the most pin-up posters done of him and it’s completely anakin’s fault

the market was not that big for pin up posters of the Jedi generals at the beginning of the war but anakin is asked about the concept in an interview shortly after the battle of geonosis and the interviewer wants to know if they make him comfortable - ones of himself? and anakin is like what do you mean ones of myself? People want pin ups of me??

(the idea makes him feel sorta weird. He was never self conscious before but now he’s a married man and also now he has lost an arm and he’s feeling weird about it still and he’s not sure he wants people to have posters of him when he’s feeling weird about losing his arm and also when he’s a married man)

and he’s asked if the idea of pin ups of his master make him uncomfortable and then he laughs himself silly because he can’t even imagine it. Risqué photos of obi-wan??? What is he doing? Showing off his ankle? That’s what his master views as risqué hahahaha

which of course leads obi-wan to leak his own nudes/risqué photos to the press for the express purpose of being used as pin-up posters. take that, padawan. anakin’s master will show him what risqué means to him and what it means is like. straight up porn shots. holy shit.

(anakin’s face is permanently red for a month everytime he sees obi-wan in the aftermath.)

(what makes him even more red faced and squirmy is when someone shows him a video of a holo interview the same interviewer did with obi-wan where he’s asked the same questions: do pin up photos of himself make him uncomfortable? and obi-wan raises a cool eyebrow and is like ‘obviously not’

and then the interviewer is like what about pin up posters of your former padawan? and obi-wan is like I don’t think he wants to sit for them at the moment.

and the interviewer is like oh because of the injuries he sustained on geonosis? Very understandable. But what about if they were using images from before the war broke out?

and obi-wan is like oh? When he was a child? in like the coldest most unamused voiced ever)

anakin has no idea why this video makes him so squirmy but it does. oh it does


Sorry, sorry, but manipulative hurt/comfort is fucking cocaine to me. The predatory aspect of it. The vulnerability—500% better if the hurt party knows they're being manipulated and is past the point of caring. The juxtaposition of sweet and sharp flavours. Barkbarkbark


The Rebels episode Wings of the Master shows us very tidily why Kanan's love doesn't constitute an "attachment" (in the Jedi sense of the word) while Anakin's did.

When there's a dangerous mission that requires Hera's particular skills, Kanan is not only fully on board - he's the one who convinces her to do it, because he has full faith in her abilities and fully respects her priorities. Contrast Anakin, who was frequently in opposition to Padmé's personal missions on the grounds that they would put her in danger. In other words, he put his own feelings ahead of her sense of duty, and only "allowed" such missions reluctantly.

Kanan loves Hera, but he doesn't feel any sense of ownership over her. That's the difference.

Drunk Anakin is just hysterically funny to me, as a concept.

Look, Obi-Wan is a sad drunk, drunk Obi-Wan can bring down a party like nobody’s business, but Obi-Wan is a good drinker, he knows how to pace himself and where his limits are and stays on a pretty even plateau until he goes hurtling into depressive territory.

……..whereas Anakin has never really understood the concept of “limits” or “restraint” and certainly isn’t going to start with whisky.

Luckily, while Drunk Anakin is chatty as hell and in danger of spilling his own or Jedi Order secrets, he’s also totally harmless and absolutely cheerful, significantly less homicidal and dramatic than his sober counterpart. Drunk Anakin has, at various points:

  • Explained the finer points of podracer mechanics to Obi-Wan, in great and enthusiastic detail
  • Shared stories about how small his happinesses were as a small slave boy on Tatooine, and then asked, “what? what’s wrong?” at Obi-Wan’s stricken expression
  • Kissed Obi-Wan sloppily on: both cheeks, forehead, chin, shoulder, elbow, mouth (they were all different nights. He was very drunk for the elbow.)
  • Talked about Padme in the same enthusiastic and delighted tone of voice with which he described the podracer.
  • Except for sex. That he talks about that in the hushed, awestruck tones he usually only reserves for the Force.
  • Ranked the stormtroopers he has worked with, in order of physical attractiveness. The reminder that they are clones was brushed off without any consideration.
  • Told Obi-Wan that in the Force, Obi-Wan feels “mostly green and gold” while Anakin is “all red and purple-yellow, like a bruise”
  • Padme is a soft blue, almost white. They discuss that too.
  • Made flowers bloom by touching them. “How the…?” Obi-Wan asks, staring as Anakin coaxes a vine to climb up from the Coruscanti filth, twining around an old statue’s legs. “The Force moves in everything living,” Anakin says, like it’s that simple.
  • (Obi-Wan is not jealous of Anakin’s burden, except those moments.)
  • Told rambling fantastical stories that Obi-Wan realized later were fairytales from Tatooine. Lots of morally-ambiguous tricksters, there in the sand.
  • Spoken in Huttese.
  • Spoken in Bocce.
  • Booped Obi-Wan’s noise, and immediately fell over laughing. (Obi-Wan thought about leaving him there in the gutter, but eventually decided someone would miss him. Not Obi-Wan, of course, but….someone.) 
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