
Enemies to Lovers H/C

@whumpyourenemy / whumpyourenemy.tumblr.com

Hey it's Emma (she/her) I write fics/ lists/ random scenes to get them out of my head - Favourite tropes: hurt/comfort, hidden injury, fainting, sickfic.

Do you have any advise for writing a character who hides his feelings from other people and pretends to be always be alright?


Oh my god - this prompt gave me butterflies

Not sure how helpful I can be but what I love about this trope in particular is the reveal scene. Say, wounded character only allows themselves to be vulnerable when they're alone and even then they may still be in denial and trying to do things as normal. It's only when another character comes across them that there's that *chefs kiss* confrontation about their issues. The wounded character may breakdown or they may still be in denial up until the end. But yeah, for me the best thing about this trope is having another character notice and now they can't really hide it anymore.


Tough love caretaker dialogue

  • Don't even think about trying to get up
  • Why do you always insist you've got it covered when you so clearly don't?
  • Get your head out of your ass. You're not strong enough to save us all on your own
  • And where did that get you?
  • I was going to have you punished for disobeying me but looks like they got to you first
  • You were stupid enough to get hurt in the first place so you're damn well not allowed to pass out now
  • Quit your whining or I'll shove the blade in further
  • (yelling) Afraid I'd yell at you? Your punk-ass would rather die than get yelled at?
  • Hey actually I do want your opinion on one thing- does it hurt more getting the blade shoved in (pulls blade out much to the painful surprise of whumpee) or out?
  • (Upon seeing whumpee's bandages drenched in blood) *Sighs. This wound is almost as stubborn as you are.
  • You have to eat. Don't make me beg you.
  • Never show up in front of me like this again.


Hi do you have a second to think about a whumpee on the ground in seriously heavy rain? And (wait!) they're bleeding heavily from a wound in their stomach but it's raining so hard, their blood runs rivers away from them. The whumpee drags themselves painfully forward with one arm - the other holds their wound. Their legs drag behind them, one broken and the other is too weak to hold weight at all. Raindrops piercing into them like icicles, the whumpee groans with every effort but each end up in a fit of coughs from the cold. The ground, though roughly paved, turns muddy. Whumpee grimaces at the pain but also at the sound of their useless body dragging heavily across the coarse ground, rain pelting onto them like bullets. They slow, unable to pull themselves much further and black out completely. The rain eventually stops and whumpee stays unmoving, barely breathing and cold as ice in a wide, slick puddle of their own blood.


Hero is on the run from a traumatic event and is looking for Villain, their last hope. Hero experiences more trauma and accumulates serious injuries along their journey yet they don't lose hope. The characters' history makes Hero nervous, given that they parted on less than amicable terms but they've come too far to be ashamed - Villain was right all along.

Hero nervously approaches Villain's camp in the woods, emerging from the dark like a wounded animal. They're starved, dehydrated, unwashed and bloody. Villain recognises Hero immediately and rushes to them.

'Hero, what are you doing-'

Hero's gaze meet's Villain's and their eyes immediately well up in tears. Their throat chokes up with sob and they begin to cry heavily.

Villain stares at them for a second before wrapping their arms around Hero, stroking the back of their head.

Nearby campmates reach for their weapons and slink away into the shadows where they'll have a clear shot of hero nonetheless.

Hero's sobs weaken to whimpers and their eyes roll back. Hero collapses suddenly but Villain lifts them and runs toward their tent. Villain yells to the others to bring water, medicines and other resources. The other campmates look wary but obey, hurriedly grabbing what they can and following Villain into the tent to collectively heal Hero.


A character's POV where a teammate offers a hand to help them up and they take it, grimacing and grumbling but relieved that everything is over. Yet when they are upright, the world tilts dramatically onto a sharp downward plane. They don't feel themselves falling, but the teammate's shocked face is moving further away. The sudden impact of the ground jolts their bones in their weakened body. Dizziness consumes them, the world spinning on a different plane to them. And pain creeps in - biting their brain, pinching their nerves, seizing their body to move awkwardly and pull at torn muscles.

There are snatches of voices - their name, reassurances, and they wish they could speak and tell them not to worry. But they are no longer in control. There is only dizziness and pain and soon, nothing.


A character who is suddenly mortally wounded drops to the ground writhing and screaming in excruciating agony. Their body quivers but they guard their injury rigidly as they scream and scream and scream. Team members rush to them, trying to pry their hands away so they can transport them to a healer. Their voice is pitchy and breaking with strain but their screams are relentless, begging them to stop moving them.

A character who stays in the room while the other teammates file out to tend to their own wounds. They grit their teeth at the sounds of their friend's unrelenting screams - voice now hoarse and grated. The doctor seems unfazed, working swiftly and binding their injury with confident hands. All while the character's own hands are gripped by their sides, unable to control their shaking. They stay even after the doctor leaves, till the hoarse screams die down to whimpers.

They stand against the wall, keeping distance between them and their friend. A distance they should have crossed before it was too late. They should have protected them, saved them. Instead they had stood helplessly and listened to their friend scream in pain for hours till they lost their voice. A friend who may not be okay again while they were perfectly fine.

[Everything is different now]


Scars. Just a post on scars.

  • Little white scars. Ones that accumulate on the hands and forearms from a lifetime of sparring.
  • Giant, jagged scars. They're breathtaking if they cross the face or go through an eye, leaving permanent damage to sight or the movement of facial muscles. Or even on the leg, giving them a limp. Strong characters who are proud of their scars. But I melt at the mention of these scars being hidden by a character who is ashamed of them. A large scar that constantly hurts them and people they've known for years who have no clue of trauma that they carry.
  • Angry red scars. Well, glorified cuts that won't heal. I'd give this to a character who's always getting a blade shoved beneath their jaw and refuses to get it looked at because 'the other bastard was just trying to send a message'. Also to characters who are still inexperienced at combat and always get run across with the end of a blade. Blood wells up beneath the surface but the cut isn't deep enough to break skin.
  • Surgical scars. Typically quite neat and discrete so are a good segue to a backstory of traumatic injury. Most noticeable (and badass) on the scalp as the white, hairless scar stands out from darker hair. These are so good for giving backstory for frequent serious headaches or migraines and even for slightly odd whumpy behaviour such as fainting, feeling dizzy, nausea, memory loss, drowsiness, spacing out, mood swings, changes to personality
  • Branding scars. Very few things are more traumatising to me in whump fics than branding and branding scars. The dehumanisation, the shame and the excruciating pain of the burning metal itself. And the symbol being a constant reminder of it all? It's serotonin in the most sadistic way. But I'm all about putting a character through the worst of times then splurging on the comfort chapter before repeating it over again.
  • Emotional scars. I know everyone has these, okay, I know. But a whumpee who needs a LOT of convincing that they are safe with caretaker to even talk about the smallest details about themselves is peak character design. I don't make the rules.

Kidnapping prompt

Whumpee is kidnapped and tortured for caretaker's identity. Every time they're asked 'What is their name?', Whumpee always answers the same.

'They never told me. They never told me'

But the punches and the stabs keep on coming. Till Whumpee is on the ground, terribly wounded and barely conscious. They still painfully mutter the same thing.

Till Caretaker shows up after realising that Whumpee is missing. They beat up the kidnappers and untie Whumpee. Caretaker supports Whumpee's weight, trying to keep them upright. But Whumpee whispers their name, Caretaker's real name, before collapsing into their arms.

Caretaker had never told them their name yet somehow Whumpee had figured it out themselves. They told half-truths to their kidnappers to protect caretaker and almost died in the process.


I dare you to write your favourite oddly specific whump tropes

These are mine:

  • Hidden injury
  • A stubborn whumpee and a caretaker who's angry at them for constantly risking their life
  • Exhausted due to excessive use of magic (and fainting afterward)
  • Trying to get up, then being immediately hit by dizziness and collapsing
  • Limping or staggering (this ain't even a trope but I'm obsessed with how whumpees are depicted as so vulnerable when they can barely keep themselves upright)

Tag a friend or five so they can add theirs!

Some accounts I absolutely adore and would love to hear from (hope you don't mind):


Enemies to Lovers dialogues that are pure tension

  • 'We all have our vices. You're mine'
  • [While pointing two fingers] 'Bang'
  • 'Have you ever considered that you're just lucky?'
  • 'Does it hurt? Just kidding, I don't care'
  • 'Skip the speech, Churchill. Just shoot me'
  • 'I know you, better than anyone else.'
  • 'Help yourself'
  • 'Who are you without me? You're nobody.'
  • 'Princess, I could do this all day'
  • 'Get up. Fight me the way I deserve'
  • 'What do you want from me?'
  • 'Oh you thought you could go die by someone else's hand and I wouldn't know? Well darling, you'll die when I decide'
  • 'Who gave you those bruises? Only a coward would hit like that'
  • 'You're distracted. Go pick a fight with the person you really have a problem with. I'm not your punching bag'
  • 'How can I show you that I'm being serious?'
  • 'I had nowhere else to go'
  • 'Why are you helping me?'/'Shut up. I'm already regretting this'
  • 'You're not the only one that's allowed to change'
  • 'I thought you had no weaknesses'/ 'I've recently developed one inconvenient one'
  • 'You're a fool'
  • 'I haven't stopped thinking about you'


[The first move of the game is always a sacrifice]

Scene opens: Amery stands at the foot of Felix's bed in the healer's tent. Blood smeared on the side of her head appears dark in the dim candlelight, blotting out her features. In contrast, Felix is clean and shaven as he lies injured on the bed. Above the blankets, a sash of white bandages crosses his left shoulder.

F: Do you think it's easy? To choose to put myself in the line of fire?

A: Of course it's not easy! You- I'm grateful. I'm so grateful, I am-

F: So just thank me and be done with it

A: YOU ALMOST DIED. you almost died

F: I didn't! And even if I had, I'd do it again

A: Why?

And there it is. Amery holds her gaze on him. Her pupils seem to shake in the candlelight. The word hangs heavy but Felix takes it in, he answers like it's obvious.

F: Because in case you forgot, you chose first. That bullet was coming for you, because u shot first!

A: So it was my bullet to take. I swore, TO YOU, that I would do anything to win this war by your name. I am your soldier- your pawn. What don't you understand?

F: This war is not a game

A: You have to sacrifice to gain!

F: Not you. Amery, I cannot give them you.

A: The Knight doesn't die for the pawns or the King will lose, Captain.

Felix bristles at the formality. His features steele as he realises she won't reciprocate the tenderness he's shown her; not like how she used to.

F: Amery. Don't you fear death? When you were standing there, on the other side of the line, waiting for them to shoot you as you did them.. weren't you afraid?

A: I was. I was afraid because I could hear you coming for me. That I'd done a desperate, foolish thing and the captain was going to die for me.

Amery starts for Felix's bedside. A heavy limp appears in her step. Her brow furrows as she tries to hide the pain in her right leg. Felix sighs, knowing that if he nags her about it, she'll implode.

A: How do you expect to lead now? Bed bound and too injured to lift a spoon!

F: Amery!

A: sir

F: I do not regret taking that bullet for you. I regret that you feel like you need to be shot to prove yourself. You are valuable to me Amery. As a soldier. As a friend.

A: Please do not call me your friend.

F: Ames-

A: Felix, I cannot forgive you.

F: I'm not looking for forgiveness.

A: Thank you, Felix, for saving my life.

Amery turns and limps awkwardly toward the tent's flap. Felix sighs, unable to hold it in.

F: Amery, your leg-

Amery whirls around, cloak spinning. Tear tracks shimmer on her face, her eyes are teary.

A: I thought you were dead.. and that I'd never see you again. I missed you. I missed you so much, Felix.

Felix smiles sympathetically.

F: I missed you too, Ames.


Dialogue that hurts and comforts

I love seeing dialogue that can be used in different ways. It's so cool when it's repeated, now with new meaning. As a reader, I feel a bit smart.


'Get away from me'

  • A yells, trying desperately to kick their attacker off of them.
  • A cries, chest heaving as sobs wrack their bound body. 'I'm dangerous'

'Watch your step'

  • B yanks A back by the arm, their foot about to cross into a place of danger
  • Villain smirks as Hero stands on the other side of the room, traps separating them.


  • As a threat. 'Watch your words or I'll nail your tongue to the door'
  • As concern. 'You're still injured. If you must go then use me as a crutch'
  • Villain challenges Hero who is gasping for air on the ground. 'I want a real fight'
  • Caretaker crying over whumpee's unresponsive form. 'Please get up'

'Can you hear me?'

  • Communications crackle as Hero tries to radio into HQ
  • Whumpee is fading and can hear Caretaker's voice as if it is in the distance. Despite Caretaker shaking them, their eyes close and their body becomes limp.

'Here, let me'

  • A is struggling to complete a task. Impatiently, B takes over.
  • Whumpee tries to stitch up a wound themselves but their hands shake in fear and pain. Caretaker gently takes the needle and thread from their hands and hands them a bottle of alcohol instead.

'I can't'

  • Hero drops the dagger, shaking. 'I can't. I can't kill you'. Villain, tied up, huffs and retorts 'So what are you good for?'
  • Tears run down caretaker's face. 'I can't leave you'. Whumpee smiles despite the pain and reaches up to cup Caretaker's face, wiping their tears gently with their thumb.

'Where have you been hiding?'

  • Whumper's sinister call echoes as they search the woods near their property. With those wounds, whumpee couldn't have gone far.
  • A strokes hair out of B's face as they lay beside each other. 'Where have you been hiding my whole life?' they say softly.



I didn't know this whump was a comedy

Classy (although cliche to most) examples of whump in comedies. I love them so much that even though the whump is minor it ends up being the most memorable part for me.

By trope:

Drunken misadventures

  • Getting injured while incredibly drunk and not even knowing it. Then, upon waking the next morning, realising that something really hurts and it's not just their hangover. Cue the awkward small talk about their heavily bandaged limb where someone asks about how it happened and they panic and come up with a crazy story that makes them sound like a hero
  • Getting absolutely hammered and taking a stranger home. Yet the next morning, the stranger wakes up injured and blames them for it.

Reunited (and it does not feel good)

  • Meeting a stranger while they're both in sick bay (or urgent care). Bonus point if protagonist ended up there doing something embarrassing. They tell the stranger all about their embarrassing tale, since of course they're never going to meet again. Cut to running into them later in life and they teasingly address protagonist by their injury (or a detail from their embarrassing moment).
  • Protagonist gets into a heated argument with a stranger (be it road rage, they're taking too long at the coffee shop), yet later they're injured and find out that the stranger is their doctor
  • Leaving after an argument only to get injured outside and then having to swallow their pride and call the other person to come get them

Impromptu mentor

  • Professional (Athlete/ dancer/ musician..) gets injured before a big competition and ends up having to mentor their replacement

It hurts on rainy days

  • Jokingly showing someone how their joint makes a fun clicking sound but the other person grabs them and tests it out. They cry out in pain, scolding the other person for twisting so hard but the other person just goes. 'It's broken'
  • Trying to reason with others as their limb is being bandaged and casted and they're told not to use it weeks. The dialogue is so chaotic - 'I'm fine', 'It doesn't even hurt', 'Guys, come on, you're joking right', 'This is ridiculous', 'I'm never telling you anything again'

Fool behaviour

  • Any instance of dumb protagonist accidentally ramming into another person - be it a door, hitting them with their car, skating straight towards them while not knowing how to stop or steer away
  • A clumsy protagonist that slips and panics, instinctively grabbing onto another person's shirt. The shirt rips, causing the person to fall and blackout anyway

Good taste

  • Character wears things for the sake of fashion rather than practicality:
  • Thin clothing - they start sneezing and feeling feverish
  • Tall heels - arguing with others that the heels are actually very comfortable despite how they look, then falling almost immediately and twisting their ankle
  • Shoes with no grip - causing them to slip and fall hard on their bottom
  • BONUS - if another character tries to help them but falls in the process too
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