A Writer in Progress

@katolden / katolden.tumblr.com

Kat. Librarian. Finn. 30s. Avoids writing whenever she can.

MUT verse Masterlist


Resolve (Sumire’s POV)

Ready to Party (Akira’s POV)

  1. The Discovery (Miki’s POV)
  2. The Experiment (Miki’s POV)
  3. Choice (Miki’s POV)


  1. Questions (Akira’s POV)
  2. Development (Akira’s POV)
  3. Spring Cleaning (Sumire’s POV)
  4. Snap (Miki’s POV)
  5. The M-Bomb (Akira’s POV)
  6. The Outlier (Miki’s POV)
  7. The Talk (Akira’s POV)
  8. Investigation (Miki’s POV)
  9. Coming Clean (Miki’s POV)
  10. Decision (Miki’s POV)
  11. Rote (Miki’s POV)
  12. Advice (Akira’s POV)
  13. Brainstorm (Akira’s POV)

Divide (Miki’s POV)

  1. Change (Miki’s POV)
  2. Rebirth (Miki’s POV)

Trust (Miki’s POV)




[Flash Fiction Friday Prompt 119: Deja vu]

Fof @flashfictionfridayofficial​​​​​​​​​​​

535 words.

Continues Decision


No matter how monumental changes Miki had gone through, life still went on. A new day dawned and she woke up to her alarm, groaning as she groped to her nightstand in an effort to silence it.

After some fumbling, she managed to both locate her phone and swipe the screen to turn the alarm off. She took a few more minutes just to stare at the bedroom ceiling before she finally forced herself out of the bed.

Her brain was still foggy as she trudged to the bathroom. She was mildly surprised at how rested she was feeling, at how much sleep she’d managed to get. Talking with Saori last night had really helped. Nothing better to lull you to sleep than confessing a long-held secret to your best friend and letting go of all that guilt you’d been trying to ignore you were carrying for the past decade or so. 

From the bathroom, Miki made her way to the kitchen. As she made herself a cup of tea and went about preparing a quick breakfast, her mind started to clear. She put enough rice in the rice cooker so that Saori could have the leftovers whenever she got up.

Miki ate her breakfast quickly, got dressed, grabbed a bag. And then, she was out of the apartment, hurrying down the stairs. Out on the street, she walked towards the train station, her pace brisk,  shoulders hunched, her head down. Her straight, semi-long black hair fell in a curtain, partially covering her face. 

Old habits. They died hard.

Miki boarded the train at the station, gritted her teeth at the crowd of the morning rush hour. She kept to herself during the familiar commute. She always did. She got off the train at her stop, walked to work. She greeted her coworkers on her way to the staff room. There, she changed into her uniform, tied back her hair. 

And then she was throwing herself into the work, putting her brain on hold.

She was trying, as she’d been all morning, very hard not to think. She was avoiding the memories of yesterday, pushing away all the information she’d learned. Shying away from the decision she’d made.

It was too much, too big, too sudden.

Instead, she went about her normal life. Found comfort in the routine. This day, as she took orders, carried trays, cleared tables, pasted on that practised smile, was familiar. A day very similar to so many other days she’d lived through, in all the long years she’d worked here.

It all should have been a relief to her. To know that nothing here had changed.

But it wasn’t.

Because at the back of her mind, Miki felt untethered. The role she’d been living here for years was now chafing at the edges. Everything about this morning, this day, the lunch hour rush, the afternoon lull… everything had been the same as always before, to the point where she had carried a vague sense of deja vu throughout. She’d been living this day for so long, with only minute variations.

And now it no longer fit. Miki didn’t fit. Because, she realised now, she had changed.

She had stopped hiding.




[Flash Fiction Friday Prompt 118: Yonder Hills]

Fof @flashfictionfridayofficial​​​​​​​​​​​

395 words.

Continues Advice


Akira paced his living room. It was difficult, trying to put himself in Miss Kitagawa’s shoes. Given who he was, what his magic could do, that was a delicious irony in itself. But the fact was the two of them might as well have hailed from different planets, given how opposed their respective situations were.

She was an outlier, one of those rare magic users born outside the clans. And to stay away from the clans, she’d gone to considerable trouble to stay unnoticed. She’d avoided going to university, to bypass the testing done during the entrance examinations. She’d remained unregistered. She’d worked for years as a waitress in one of the big chain izakaya in a tourist-heavy area of Tokyo. Her entire life, molded to keep her magic hidden.

Akira had been born the heir of one of the Thirteen clans. Since he was a child, long before his magic had bloomed in puberty, he’d been carefully groomed, given all the skills he would be needing as the heir of the Fujibayashi clan. Lessons upon lessons, from magic theory to martial arts, from acting to firearms, from costuming and makeup to powers of observation. His entire life, molded to make the most and best use of his magic that he could, to instill in him all the abilities he might need. 

For him, magic was a way of life. But Miss Kitagawa viewed it as a curse. 

What did she want? What could he offer to her, to make her more amenable to the marriage he wasn’t yet sure himself he truly wanted?

Then again, Akira mused with a wry smile, being the heir of the clan and carefully groomed as such, he’d always known he’d have no way of avoiding his duty, and would not be able to freely choose his bride. 


Akira stopped. 

That was the trigger. 


Wanting to stay free of the clans’ influence had been what had driven Miss Kitagawa into hiding. 

Marrying him would make her a member of Clan Fujibayashi. There was no getting around that. But there had to be ways to ensure she would have freedom inside their marriage, within the clan. 

Akira had talked with his father. Received sage advice from his mother. 

But now, he needed to brainstorm, and for that Akira needed the most logical person he knew. His little sister.




[Flash Fiction Friday Prompt 117: Stars and Shadows]

Fof @flashfictionfridayofficial​​​​​​​​​​

550 words.

Continues Coming Clean


Saori’s eyes grew serious. Hard. Her jaw clenched. She reached across the table and took a hold of Miki’s hand.

“Are you in danger?”

And just like that, Miki knew that her secret had not driven her away, that finally telling the truth hadn’t cost her her best – and only – friend. Her shoulders slumped in relief and she gave Saori a tremulous smile. She had to swallow around the bit stuck in her throat before she could answer the question.

“I don’t think so,” she said, squeezing Saori’s hand. 

“What happened? How did the clans find out?”

“One of the clans suspected I was a magic user. So they hired people to look into me.”

“You were being spied on?” Saori gaped. “People, what people?”

“A clan, rather,” Miki amended.

Saori hissed. “Did they sic the Fujibayashi on you? Are you all right?”

“I’m… as well as can be.” Miki shrugged. “Confused. Trying to process everything that’s happened. Everything I’ve been told.”

Saori’s eyes narrowed. “Been told by who?”

“Fujibayashi Akira.”

“You – you’ve been talking with the heir of the Fujibayashi clan? After they have been investigating you?” 

“He was the one investigating me but then something happened and he broke his contract.” Unconsciously, Miki rubbed the back of her hand with her thumb. She could vividly recall the rush of magic when her skin had brushed against his. Like shooting stars bursting through her veins.

Saori groaned. “You’ve been a magic user in hiding for years and never told anyone, not even your parents. One of the clans hired the Fujibayashi to snoop on you and they send out their heir and then you tell me there’s more?” She rubbed at her temples.

Laughter – carrying a shrill edge – bubbled in Miki’s throat. She knew the feeling. She’d been steeped in it for hours now. 

She stared down at the back of her hand, at the skin that no longer tingled. At the skin that still seemed to carry the shadow of the briefest touch.

“Did you know there’s such a thing as magical soulmates?” she asked Saori.

Saori’s hand fell from her temples, thumped against the top of the table.

“There’s what? Tell me you’re shitting me.”

“Apparently, on very rare occasions, there is a resonance between two complementary magics. A perfect match. Typically, when this occurs, the two magic users that matched will marry. Or so Fujibayashi Akira told me.”

Saori’s mouth was open but no words were coming out. She blinked and stared at Miki in the stretching silence.

“I leave the country for two days and your entire life implodes?”

Somehow, Miki managed not to roll her eyes. “You leave the country all the time, Saori. You’re a flight attendant.”

“That’s not the point.” She waved her hand, the gesturing revealing her agitation. “You just told me that you are magical soulmates with the heir of the Fujibayashi clan.”


“That’s… wow. What are you gonna do?”

Miki’s hand clenched. It was hard to get the words out. They churned on her tongue tasting like madness. Yet, given the limited options she had, it seemed like the best decision she could make. The only decision she could live with. Or so she hoped.

“I guess I’m going to marry Fujibayashi Akira.”


Coming Clean


[Flash Fiction Friday Prompt 116: Deceiving Fragrance]

Fof @flashfictionfridayofficial​​​​​​​​​

831 words.

Continues Investigation


Miki’s mind may have been settled, but her nerves weren’t. She shot off from her desk. Spent a moment pacing her small bedroom. She started straightening the items scattered on her desk but then turned away with a sigh. She ran her hand through her hair. And wondered, not for the first time that day if she was going mad. 

She must have been, Miki concluded ruefully. Otherwise, she would not even consider throwing herself at the Fujibayashi’s mercy. 

Even if they were the lesser of two evils.

Even if she might use the Harmony as some kind of leverage, try to negotiate with Akira. About what, she wasn’t yet sure. 

Her feet restless, her body too wired, she meandered out of her bedroom. Wandered for a moment in the empty apartment. And ended up in the kitchen.

Before a conscious thought had entered her mind, Miki was rifling through the kitchen cabinets, pulling out pans and bowls, a bag of flour, a bar of chocolate from her secret stash. 

Miki was just pulling out the pan of baked chocolate muffins from the oven and trying to figure out what she’d do next when she heard the front door open.




[Flash Fiction Friday Prompt 115: Endless Greed]

Fof @flashfictionfridayofficial​​​​​​​​

689 words.

Continues The Outlier


The fierce resolve that had made Miki call Fujibayashi Akira was ebbing away, devoured by the shock – no, the multiple shocks – she’d just received to her system.

Another clan had been after her. Had hired the Fujibayashi to investigate her. The heir of the Fujibayashi clan was her magical soulmate and wanted them to marry. 

Burying her head in the pillow didn’t quiet down the buzzing in her head. It was as if her brain had been infested by bees, her thoughts scattered and frantic and too busy to stop, too flickering to make sense of. 

So Miki got up and went to take a long, hot shower. She felt better after that, and better still after putting together a quick meal and filling her stomach.

But her mind still hadn’t settled, anxiety still crawled along her skin, her heart beat still a little too fast. Miki did the only thing that she could think of – sat down in front of her laptop. 

She was no Fujibayashi – and right now, she wasn’t planning to be one, either. But she needed more information to make up her mind, needed to verify the things Akira had told her. 

Miki did one search after another, starting with the Shinjou clan. According to the results, the Shinjou was a newer clan, not one of the Thirteen.  But they were climbing the ranks and fast. Greedy. Ambitious. That much was clear from reading between the lines. Not a clan she wanted to have anything to do with. Not a clan she’d want for an enemy, either – though it might’ve been too late for that.




[Flash Fiction Friday Prompt 114: Fleeting Hearts]

Fof @flashfictionfridayofficial​​​​​​​

578 words.

Continues The Talk


Akira’s mother didn’t meddle in his life. Much. But when she did have an opinion to share, Akira had learned it was better to listen. So when he got the message inviting him over to tea the next day after he’d come clean to his father about the situation with Miss Kitagawa, Akira recognised it for what it truly was: Summons. 

When Akira arrived at the Fujibayashi clan’s main house, he was directed to the western parlour. He knew what to expect and soon enough, as he walked in the stage had been set. The fine design china was out, his cup of Darjeeling already poured out for him. Fujibayashi Tomoe sat on the divan as if she was ready for a photoshoot, her simple chich clothing perfectly in place.

Briefly, Akira wondered how Miss Kitagawa would react if she were to walk in on this scene.

“Ahh, there you are, Akira,” his mother greeted him, her voice warm.

“Hello, mother,” Akira replied, inclining his head in respect.

“Don’t dither in the doorway. Come, sit!” She gestured at the seat next to her on the divan.

Akira crossed the room and sat down. Accepted his fine teacup with another nod. 

“So, your father tells me we have a situation on our hands.”

“We do, yes,” Akira said, the corner of his lips curling into a wry smile. “What do you think?” “Why, it’s wonderful! Absolutely wonderful, my dear.” His mother patted his knee and took a delicate sip of her tea. “I’ve been worried for you, you know – but here you’ve gone and made a match all by yourself!”

“Yes. There’s no escaping my duty now.” 

Akira’s mother set down her tea and turned to frown at him. 

“Marriage doesn’t need to be just about duty, dearest. Of course, in our class, we rarely have the chance to follow our hearts as we need to consider our clans. But your father and I, we have been very happy.”

Akira’s shoulders relaxed, his face softened. “I know mother. I’m sorry.”

“It’s a complicated matter. I understand it will take some time to get used to it all. But I hope this match will be good for you. If you have found Harmony in truth, I’m sure you’ll suit.”

“Thank you, mother. But there are still ways to go before worrying about all that.”

“Yes. Your father told me this Miss Kitagawa is skittish. Unregistered and has been hiding away for years.”

“That’s right.”

“Could you try to court her? Would she be receptive to that?”

Akira shook his head. “I don’t think so. That seems a bit too dishonest. At this point, any match between me and Miss Kitagawa would very much be a marriage of convenience.”

Fujibayashi Tomoe nodded slowly. She sipped her tea and considered. “Then be earnest. How would this match benefit her? What does Miss Kitagawa want? How can you make the marriage convenient to her?”

Akira paused. Those were very good questions. 

“I’ll need to think on that. Thank you, mother.”

“If I may give you one piece of advice, my dear it’s this: start small. Don’t try and propose to her. Try and get her to agree to a marriage meeting.”

“That’s very helpful. What would we do without you, mother?”

“I hope you’ll never have to find out.” She smiled. “Drink up, your tea is getting cold.”

Akira hid his smile behind the rim of the teacup and obeyed his mother.


It's 2 AM and the house is silent. The darkness is deep, muffling everything like a soft blanket. Outside, the wind howls in a swelling gust and tosses a few scattered raindrops into the window with a clatter.

She's still awake, a lone warrior battling the lure of sleep. There is much still to do and never enough time. Sleep weighs on her eyelids but her mind's a busy whirl, an unending kaleidoscope, unwilling to shut down.

Minutes tick by, slow and sluggish. Sleep inches closer now, its susurrating shadowed wings nearly touching her temples.

And, at last, she surrenders.


The Talk


[Flash Fiction Friday Prompt 112: Sunny Delights]

Fof @flashfictionfridayofficial​​​​​​

833 words.

TW: Alcohol

Continues The Outlier


Akira put the phone down and slumped on his sofa. For a moment he simply lay there, eyes closed, his poor overworked brain trying to simultaneously process this entire mess of a day and somehow think three steps ahead. One long moment later, he got up with a groan and wandered across the room to a sideboard. He got a glass, grabbed a bottle of his second-best whisky and poured himself a generous helping. 

After a day like this, it was a wonder he even bothered with the glass and didn’t down the entire bottle.

Akira swirled the amber liquid in the glass, inhaled the sharpness. He took a slow sip and the alcohol slid down his throat with a delicious burn, sweet as sunshine. And as he sipped the drink, felt the warmth spread through his body, Akira focused on the positive. 

Miss Kitagawa had called him back and hadn’t hung up on him when he had brought up marriage. He took both of those things as good signs, although it was clear that Miss Kitagawa had her reservations – and was wholly justified in having them.  As he had told her, Akira wasn’t entirely too happy about the Harmony forcing his hand either. Yet, somehow, little as he knew her, he could picture himself marrying Miss Kitagawa. There was something about her that had always piqued his interest.


The Outlier

[Flash Fiction Friday Prompt 109: Littered Souls]

For @flashfictionfridayofficial ​​​​​​

670 words.

Continues The M-Bomb.


A shiver skittered down Miki’s spine. The knuckles of the hand that was holding the phone were white and in her stomach sat a clump of thorns that weighed a ton.


If there was such a thing as magical soulmates, magics that resonated and perfectly complemented each other… For the clans that would be like winning the lottery. Of course they’d hurry and agree on a marriage, to make sure their clan would get the best of both worlds. And more importantly, so that ideal match of magics could be passed on to the future generations.

Yes, from the clan’s perspective, a marriage between two magic users who had found Harmony made perfect sense.

But unlike Akira, Miki wasn’t in a clan. She was an outlier, one of those few scattered souls born outside of the clans’ influence but who still carried the magic within.

Miki took a deep breath, trying to gather her thoughts, reading between the lines and making sure she hadn’t misunderstood the implication behind Fujibayashi Akira’s amused declaration.

“You can’t mean that we should get married,” she said in a voice muddled with a mixture of scorn and fear.

“I’ve been ignoring my mother’s gentle prodding for a while now, subtle hints dropped in conversations. I had no intention to marry anyone for a few more years, heir or no heir,” he replied.

Miki could only imagine. The pressure and expectations. The duty to his clan that bound his every action. There was a good reason why she had hidden, why she hadn’t wanted to be pulled under the thumb of some clan.

To marry the heir of the Fujibayashi would be insanity. 

“But then the Harmony happened,” Akira continued. There was a wryness in his voice that made Miki clench her jaw.

“And suddenly you’re ready to marry?” Miki asked, incredulous. Even more incredulous was that one word rattling in her brain that she didn’t dare to voice: me.

“I guess I’ll have to be. I don’t think it will a hardship, though.”

“So because of Harmony, we don’t have a choice?”

There was a pause then, during which the drumbeat of her heart filled Miki’s ears.

Then, in a softer tone, Akira answered. “The is always a choice. Marriage was always in my future. It’s one of my most important duties as an heir to my clan to make a good match, to help make my clan stronger. Finding Harmony… That means I’ll be making the ideal match. It’s not an opportunity I can pass by.”

“Look… I understand that all, I do. But it’s not the same for me. And I’m hardly an ideal match. I’m an outlier. A waitress. A nobody. I bring no value to your clan.”

“That’s not true, Miki. The Harmony alone brings value. Your magic will be valuable to us. The fact that you’re an outlier means you may not have the kind of connections someone in a clan would, but it also means you bring in fresh blood. And then there’s you.”

“Me?” Miki laughed, with just a twinge of bitterness. “You don’t know me.” “That’s true,” Akira’s calm voice agreed. “I don’t. But I have observed you. And I liked what I saw.”

Miki frowned. 

“Look. This has been a lot to take in,” Akira continued. “So take your time. Think about it. May I call you again in three days?”

Miki closed her eyes. There was entirely too much to think about, Akira was right about that. She didn’t know how she felt about any of this, it was all muddled up under the crushing weight of anxiety.

And somehow, despite everything… Although she should have every inclination to, she didn’t dislike Fujibayashi Akira.


“Thank you. We’ll talk more later. Take care, Miss Kitagawa.”

“Sure. Thanks. Bye.” 

Miki disconnected the call. Let the phone fall from her numb fingers down to her bed. And then following her phone and its trajectory, Miki curled into a ball and buried her face in a pillow.




[Flash Fiction Friday Prompt 105: Ruined and destroyed]

For @flashfictionfridayofficial ​​​​​​

348 words.

Continues The Experiment.


Kitagawa Miki was a magic user. An outlier. Sometimes that happened, magic manifesting in someone with no apparent connection to the clans. 

Her little experiment with Saitou’s blood had made it undeniably clear. Another magic user’s blood would serve as a catalyst to her own, making her able to steal their power. Or mimic it. 

Or something.

Miki didn’t know.

Miki didn’t want to know.

She didn’t want any of it.

She’d read through her magic theory textbook. She’d gone to the library to find more books on the subject. She hadn’t seen a single mention of the kind of magic she could do anywhere.

Maybe it was something new. Maybe it was old but rare. In either case, magic like hers could be valuable. Something the clans would like to utilise.

Miki had thought about it a lot. Her magic. Her future. What she should do. 

She’d had a lot of time to think. Three sleepless nights since her experiment, nights she’d spent tossing and turning, staring into the darkness, her restless brain churning, a tangle of anxiety like a ball of lead in the pit of her stomach.

Miki tried to imagine them, different scenarios, potential paths her future might take. 

And then, finally, she knew which one to choose.

It was a Friday.

One full week after the experiment with Saitou’s blood. In their homeroom class, their teacher handed out the career questionnaires. 

Miki stared at the lines where she should write her desired careers. Name the universities she would wish to apply to.

Her throat closed up, tears burned in her eyes. She blinked them back, clenched her jaw.

Her breath was caught in her lungs, trapped just like she was.

There was only one option Miki could stomach, only one future she wanted to work towards.

There was nothing she could write on those lines. If she did, she’d truly have no choice. Just a lifetime doing the clans’ bidding.

Miki would not go to a university. She wouldn’t have a career. She would hide. Keep her magic secret.

She would be free.




[Flash Fiction Friday Prompt 103: Burn It Down]

Fof @flashfictionfridayofficial​​​​​

576 words.

TW: Blood and needles

Kind of continues Change


Miki’s mind was whirling as she followed after Akira, dazed. She’d been gaping like a goldfish ever since they’d pulled up at the luxurious apartment building. Pretty sure her mouth had been hanging open a fair deal, too.

“And this is the second bedroom. I had it styled as an office for you.”

An office! What on Earth would she do with an office? Or a second bedroom, for that matter. Miki walked into the room and looked around, quite unable to grasp that this whole apartment was all hers.

“It’s only temporary, of course,” Akira said, turning back to her, “but I hope it will do.”

Miki clutched at the strap of her backpack like a lifeline. 

“Are you kidding me? You saw my old apartment just now. This place is… This place is unbelievable.”

Well, it’s yours for the time being,” Akira replied with a small, crooked smile. 

“Thank you. This is all very generous of you.”

“It’s no problem, really. We always have apartments available, in case we have clients who need a safe house for the time being.”

Miki shook her head. Her mind refused to wrap around that concept. She’d known that the clans lived in a wholly different world, of course, but seeing it was staggering.

Akira shifted and crossed his arms. 

“I hope you don’t mind, but I also took the liberty of arranging something else for you.”

Miki went full goldfish. “There’s more?”

Akira stared at her for a moment, then turned and walked over to the wall. He grabbed the corner of a framed painting and swung it aside, revealing a built-in safe. 

Miki stepped closer as Akira punched in the code. From the opened safe, he pulled out a box that he set on the nearby desk.

“Go on,” he prompted, gesturing at the box.

Equal parts curious and apprehensive, Miki walked over and opened the box. There was some kind of instrument in its own slot inside the box and six vials that looked like…

“Is that blood?” Miki asked, her mind racing.

“Yes. Since you mentioned wanting to learn more about your magic, I procured these for you. This is the kind of kit my family uses.” 

Akira picked up the instrument, held it up for Miki to see. “This is where you attach the vial, you can feel it click into place. This end, you’ll insert the needle. Then you push here to administer the blood.”

Miki stared. She’d been ignoring her magic  and had never paused to consider what blood-based magic actually required to work. Apparently, the Fujibayashi clan had it all figured out.

“Can you prepare it? I want to see how it’s done,” she asked Akira.

“Of course.” 

Miki set her backpack on the floor and watched closely as Akira prepared the device. His movements were slow but sure; clearly he’d done this many times before. He handed it to Miki. She turned it in her hands, studying it. Caught between caution and reckless desire. Reckless desire won.

“May I?” she asked.

“Go ahead.”

Miki bit her lip. She plunged the needle into her arm and pushed the button, before she could have second thoughts.

A gasp escaped her lips. Her magic sparked in her veins, then flared to life with a roar. Bright and free, it filled her.

Miki raised her hand. Whitehot flames licked at her fingertips, flickering in a hypnotic dance.

Miki met Akira’s eyes and laughed.




[Flash Fiction Friday Prompt 98: The last time]

475 words.


Miki stood in the doorway of the small bedroom. Took in the faded wallpaper, one corner behind the door gaping a little. Breathed in the echoing emptiness. Looked at the small, smudged window and the familiar view of the city that it offered. 

All her belongings had been taken away already, packed and sent over to the building that the Fujibayashi clan owned. 

Only the overnight bag remained, slung over her shoulder. 

Saori was gone as well, off to work an early morning flight. Miki hoped she wasn’t dead on her feet, since the two of them had stayed up late, a going away party filled with drinks and laughter and, towards the end, tears.

Miki didn’t mind leaving the apartment behind. It had been a home to her for almost a decade, but in the end it was just a place. Leaving Saori was the reason for that hollowness ballooning in her chest, for the tears pricking at the corners of her eyes again. 

They would remain friends, of course. And Saori would always be welcome to visit Miki’s new home. But it wouldn’t be the same. 

And that was the crux of things.

As soon as she left this apartment, nothing would be the same.

Miki would go from being a nobody izakaya waitress to the betrothed of the Fujibayashi clan’s heir. She’d carefully cultivated her life so that she’d draw as little attention to herself as possible. To stay in hiding so her magic would stay secret. Now, she was about to crash land into the jungle of the magic user clans.

Miki shook her head at the mental image, her lips twisting in spite of herself. Well, in that scenario, she guessed Akira was her parachute.

The pit of her stomach flipped at that thought.

Her fiancé. 

Miki leaned her shoulder to the doorjamb. That would take some getting used to, for sure. And though this whole marriage business had been sprung on her – and Akira, for that matter – without any kind of warning, though this wasn’t the way she would ever have expected or wanted it to happen… 

The doorbell rang.

Miki grabbed the strap of her overnight back and turned away from her bedroom, crossing the hall to the entrance way. She opened the door, met Akira’s dark eyes.

“Are you ready?” he asked. Then, his voice softening, he added: “Or do you need a moment?”

A smile tugged at Miki’s lips. Her stomach did another little flip. This, right here, was the reason why she wasn’t more freaked out about the marriage looming large in her near future. Why she wasn’t more opposed to it. 

“No.” Miki pulled on her shoes and glanced over her shoulder, stealing one last look of her old bedroom, her old apartment, her old life. 

She turned to Akira. “Let’s go.”


The M-Bomb


[Flash Fiction Friday Prompt 97: Cleansing of the soul]

477 words.

Continues Development.


An unexpected feeling flushed through Akira as he answered his phone. Relief. Something he’d examine later; for now he needed to have a serious discussion with the undoubtedly skittish Kitagawa Miki.

“Miss Kitagawa, thank you for calling.”

“You said we needed to talk, so talk,” came the gruff reply.

“I’d feel better if we had the conversation face to face.”

“I wouldn’t,” she said in a brutally honest dismissal. “What happened today?”

Akira sighed. “I believe we experienced a phenomenon called ‘finding Harmony’. Have you heard of it?”


“It is believed to be a type of a… resonance between two complementary magics.”

Silence stretched for a second or two. 

When Miss Kitagawa spoke next her voice had lost its edge. “What does that mean?”

“Harmony is rare and highly desirable for any magic user. Basically it’s like finding your ideal match, magically speaking.”

“You’re saying we’re magical soulmates,” Miki replied, her tone flat.

“Yes. That’s a very good way to put it, actually.”

“That does not sound good at all,” she countered.

“You’re right, it does rather complicate things.” Akira ran his fingers through his hair, bracing to breach the next topic. Miss Kitagawa seemed like an honest person, so she’d probably appreciate him being frank.

“For starters,” Akira continued, “it’s forced me to break my contract.”

“You contract?”

“I’m sure you are aware of my clan’s business.”

He could hear the fear in her voice. “Fujibayashi Investigations and Security.”

“Yes. We were hired by another clan to investigate you, Miss Kitagawa.”

“What? Why? Have you been following me around? What clan?” Sharp questions, falling from her lips like rapid fire.

Akira’s jaw clenched. “I was following you around for the past few weeks, yes. But before you get too upset, you have my word that any information we had gathered on you, Miss Kitagawa, has now been deleted.”

“Who hired you? Why?”

“The Shinjou clan. They believed you had something to hide. I think it’s likely they suspected you were an unregistered magic user.”

“And now that you know their suspicions were right?”

“I’ve broken the contract and we’re not giving the Shinjou anything. Harmony takes precedence in this. In everything.”

“...You really deleted all the information on me?” she spoke after a brief silence, the words hesitant.


“Thank you, I guess.”

“Miss Kitagawa, I’m sure you’ve had your reasons to remain unregistered. I’m guessing you wanted to avoid being pulled into the world of the clans. But I’m afraid that’s no longer an option for you,” Akira said softly.

“Because of the Harmony?”

“Yes. There’s one very important question you haven’t asked yet.”

“What’s that?”

Wry amusement laced Akira’s tone. “What usually happens after two people find Harmony.”

“What?” Miki asked, the single syllable word full of dread.

A smile – wan and resigned, but a smile nonetheless – stretched Akira’s lips.





[Flash Fiction Friday Prompt 96: In Your Arms]

686 Words.


There had been moments here and there, scattered over the long, lonely years when Miki had longed to be in her arms. Dark hours of night when sleep had eluded her and the fear – her constant companion – loomed much too close to her skin, pressing on her lungs. Bouts of wistfulness striking her out of the blue, halting her in her tracks as memories of happier days resurfaced.

Storytime had been her favourite time of the day, back then. Sitting in her mother’s lap, safe and cared for in the warm cradle of her arms, her mother’s soothing voice a steady murmur in her ears, the picture book held in front of her full of wonders.

Storytime had trickled to a stop when the years had marched on. Instead there had been the evenings of doing homework at the kitchen table while her mother had prepared dinner, delicious scents, her mother’s soft voice and laughter filling the room. 

That routine had morphed too, into doing chores around the house to help her mother out. 

But her presence had been a constant comfort, her arms always open for Miki.

Until Miki had discovered the magic, burning deep within.

It terrified her, so she buried it. To keep it a secret she started building walls around herself.

The distance had begun to fill the air between Miki and her mother soon after. 

And then Miki’s senior year in high school arrived. There had only been one choice for her to make, even though her heart ached. She’d stood before her parents, watching the disappointed dismay spark in her mother’s eyes as she told them she would not go to university.

Her father had shaken his head, brusquely told Miki to stop talking nonsense. Of course she would go!

Her mother had only uttered a single soft word.


The magic weighed heavy in her soul, her walls were brittle yet but built high. 

I don’t want to, Miki had said, the lie sour and prickly on her tongue, yet falling from her lips with a practised ease. Too many lies already stretched between them.

After all, she could not confess the truth. That she did not wish to be discovered. Attached to the university entrance exams were the aptitude tests for magic, designed to find the scattered outliers. Magic users born outside of the clans. Magic users like Miki.

Her father had been furious. Fights had broken out frequently as Miki’s final year in high school neared its end.

But her mother had been silent and somehow that was worse.

Miki had found a job and moved out soon after graduating high school. She visited sporadically, once or twice a year. She talked on the phone with her mother at least once a month, but the conversations were stilted and awkward; walking on eggshells, tiptoeing around the mountains of lies and secrets and the black holes of silence.

The safety and love she’d once known in her mothers arms was only a memory now.

Maybe that, too, could change, now that Miki’s life was spinning out of control. Fujibayashi Akira had blasted a hole right through Miki’s walls by exposing what she’d had strived so hard to conceal.

The worst had happened, the secret was out and the walls around her were crumbling in the aftermath.

Miki let out a breath and reached for the phone. Her stomach churned as she found her mother’s number in her contacts and dialled. Her throat was tight when her mother’s voice, achingly familiar, called out a hesitant hello.

“Mom,” Miki replied, voice close to breaking. “Are you and dad free next Saturday?”

“I don’t think we have anything planned,” her mother said after a brief and cautious pause. “Are you planning to visit?”

“No. I need you and dad to come with me.” Miki swallowed.

Even now, when all her efforts had failed, it was so hard to let go. She couldn’t find the words to explain all those things she’d never told her mother, so she simply told the truth.

“I have a marriage meeting with the Fujibayashi.”




[Flash Fiction Friday Prompt 95: Dance the night away]

603 Words.


Kitagawa Miki was wearing a gown. It boggled the mind, even as she stared down at the sleek shimmering expanse of midnight blue. 

The whirlwind of the past month had brought along a multitude of changes, but tonight truly highlighted the stark contrast between her old life and now.

Once again, Miki ruefully thought that instead of stepping into the arms of the Fujibayashi clan, she’d stepped into a whole other universe.

Because here she was, wearing a gown for the first time in her life, jewels glistening around her throat as she was about to walk into an actual ball – one held in her honour, no less.

“Are you ready?”

Miki whirled around with a little jump, a wan little smile tugging at her lips as she met Akira’s dark eyes. 

“I don’t think I’ll ever be ready to face the clans so might as well go for it,” she replied, hugging herself.

The corner of Akira’s lips quirked. “That’s the spirit. You’ll do great.”

Miki grimaced, but didn’t offer a reply.

Akira’s voice softened. “Don’t worry. I’ll be by your side all evening.”

“Isn’t that the whole point of this whole brouhaha?” 

“That,” Akira admitted with a grin, “and presenting you to everyone, of course.”

“That’s the part I’d rather not think about.”

“You’ll do great,” Akira repeated. He offered her his arm. “Shall we?”

Miki stared at him for a moment, then squared her hunched shoulders and crossed the room to him. 

The receiving line was a blur of faces, the only bright spot within was Saori, beaming and bursting with happiness, drawing Miki into a tight hug. The Shinjou clan head’s was another face that stayed in Miki’s mind though for the opposite reason. The empty polite smile paired with black eyes burning with silent menace still sent a shiver down Miki’s spine. Trouble was brewing there and sooner or later the two clans would come head to head.

It soon went from bad to worse, as after the receiving line Miki found herself standing with her parents and the main family of the Fujibayashi clan, while all the guests they’d just welcomed – representatives of various clans – stared at her. The glass of champagne didn’t make for a very good shield to hide behind. The habits accrued over years were not so easily broken. 

Akira’s father was talking, making the announcement, but Miki didn’t really hear the words. Standing still in front of the crowd, bearing the weight of those countless eyes on her, took all her willpower. 

Miki forced a smile on her lips and raised her champagne glass in the toast Akira’s father proposed, even as the anxious voice at the back of her mind was urging her to flee.

And then she found herself wrapped in Akira’s warm, steady arms.

Music flooded her ears as she met his eyes. 

He grinned, the corners of his eyes crinkling and swept her into a slow waltz.

Miki forgot to worry about the too-big too-fancy hall stretching out around them. She forgot about the crowd of clan-get magic users. She forgot about the sharp, assessing stares sizing her up. 

There was only the music and Akira’s smile, the firm hand pressing against her back in unerring support, his fingers cradling hers in a secure, gentle grip. 

Butterfly wings fluttered softly in the pit of Miki’s stomach. In her chest something slowly unfurled, something dangerously akin to hope. A smile bloomed on Miki’s lips, bright and bold, straight from the heart. Her steps light, she followed Akira’s lead across the dance floor and trusted.

She’d do great.




[Flash Fiction Friday Prompt 94: Riveting Revival]

487 Words.

Continues Development.


She had been found out. By a Fujibayashi. Cold sweat dripped down her spine. The business card she couldn’t have refused no matter how much she’d wanted to trembled in her hand. The back of her hand still tingled with the aftershocks. 

She had no idea what had happened. Her magic had never reacted like that to anyone. She’d kept it under lock and key. Shoved it deep into a dark corner of her soul and ignored it.

For eight long years, ever since she’d realised the true nature of her magic, Kitagawa Miki had been hiding.

And now her worst nightmare was springing to life. Her magic had been found out by one of the big clans. If this man did not already know what she could do, he’d find out soon enough. 

He was a Fujibayashi. That clan made their living on investigations. And he wanted them to talk. He was expecting her to call him.

For the rest of her shift, Miki worked mechanically, the business card burning in her pocket and her mind in turmoil. 

The closer the end of her shift got, the heavier the panic grew within. Would he lie in wait for her? By now, he probably knew where she lived. He could be sitting in the restaurant right this very moment, wearing someone else’s face. He could be watching her and she wouldn’t know. 

Fear squeezed her throat. She kept fumbling with the dishes.

And all too soon, her shift came to an end. She left the building in a hurry.

Miki headed to the station, her steps quick. She clutched at her bag in a white-knuckled grip, kept throwing glances over her shoulder. 

Standing on the train platform at last, time stood still. Her gaze bounced around the crowd around her, scanning the unfamiliar faces. Her muscles quivered with the need to run, the panic an all-consuming crescendo. She could jump into a train right now. Go to another city. Start over. She could –

Laughter bubbled up her throat as something inside Miki snapped.


She was done.

Done with the running. Done with the hiding. 

For eight years she had been so afraid of the gilded cage – being reduced to a valued pawn to a powerful clan – that she had been blind to the actual cage she’d been building around herself.

For eight years she had denied a part of herself, ignored the magic she’d been born with. Yet, perversely, her whole life now centred around the magic she’d been refused to acknowledge. Every decision she had made since she was seventeen had been motivated by one thing alone: how to keep her abilities secret. For so long, she’d been making herself small so she could go unnoticed.

Well, it hadn’t worked.

So now that the worst had happened, what did she have left to lose?

Maybe, at last, Kitagawa Miki would start living.

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