
A voice whispers in the shadows, though few can hear it.

@soranis-sunshadow / soranis-sunshadow.tumblr.com

Entrapdak Blog here filled with long essays and shitposts galore. I've got everything, just scroll through the pinned masterpost and see how deep the rabbit hole goes.

In celebration of the third Entrapdak Zine being published, here is my contribution to it!

(Please no reposts!)

At a party with a LUVD constellation in the sky, what else could they do but sneak away to have some alone time?

Includes my contribution to @soranis-sunshadow​ ‘s ‘Hordak in Mel Medarda’s Dresses’ challenge; Hordak is wearing an altered version of Medarda’s opera dress (altered to have more Horde- and Dryl-related decoration).

In addition to this art, I also sent in one of my first ficlets written for this fandom, Heart, which tells of Hordak and Entrapta watching the stars on their first night reunited post-canon.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a Zine to enjoy!

:jaw drops on floor:

This looks incredible!

Did you highlight a Luvd constellation?


Hordak to Entrapta: With nothing but a broken ship I built a empire

Hordak in my stories canon: I actually had a lot of help and I should probably tell Scorpia the fait of her mother’s they were a big help in empire building

(He was just trying to impress early on making it look he did it all by himself)


It ain't help he's ever asked for so it doesn't count (to him) :P



I see more than mere exhaustion that can be fixed with sleep. She’s exhausted from Beast Island, from betrayal, from others taking her for granted, from spending so many years helping the princesses and still being an outsider. She feels old. She sees no point in staying with these Rebellion “friends”.

Entrapta, go back to Crypto Castle with Hordak. Eat your favorite tiny foods. Wrap yourself in blankets and watch your favorite robot documentary. Fall asleep in Hordak’s arms. You deserve a long rest … from everything.


Along the Stream - Chapter 4

Chapter 4 of Along the Stream is up on AO3!


Hordak sees a physician, Entrapta continues to prepare for the peace conference, and Adora heads down to the Heart of Etheria to disable it once and for all.

CW: basic medical procedures (i.e. drawing blood etc.) written by someone with no medical knowledge whatsoever. *awkward smile and thumbs up* Also some Hordak-typical food-related issues. Nothing that has not already come up before, though.

(Medical stuff inspired by I believe various posts by @soranis-sunshadow that I've read over the course of time and remembered bits and pieces of. But I also tried not to copy anything exactly. Either way, check her blog for some good (and professional!) analyses on Hordak and Horde Clone biology!)


Imagine if you will

Two women find a space bat alien crashed in their "Backyard"

They bring him to their King/father/father in law.

Space bat offers tech to mechanize a modern army and is approved if said operations were overseen by daughter and daughter in law

Daughter and Daughter in law teach space bat the ways of the planet, they also don't like the king

Space bat and two women turn against the king.

The two women die leaving space bat alone and in charge of their lands as well as leaving only surviving withs said space bat.

Just imagine.


I really like that take on Hordak's back story. It would be really fun if Scorpia's moms were crucial players.


Who doesn't love a good political plot and some behind the scenes scheeming?


More Random Backstory Hordak thoughts

-Hordak stayed mostly in his ship but kept in touch with King Grandad via Scorpia moms who were with him most of the time

-Hordak was tasked to mechanize the Scorpia Kingdom army and thus the Fright Zone turned basically into the Factory hells cape we all know and love.

-Scorpia mom ‘persuaded’ him to turn on King Grandad when he realized that they weren’t gonna help him with pleasing Prime

-Scorpia mom told Hordak a lot about what Etheria was like and helped his fashion sense.

Anonymous asked:

Hordak as Buzz Lightyear. Yes please. Like both are "stranded on a strange planet" with no way to contact and receive more orders.

Is it 95? yeah, this'll be my 95th shitpost. Thank you anon!


Poor Hordak, he wasn't even Top Shelf.


Hordak: “Were clones! We’re all clones you hear me!”

Hordak is put back in his toy box ;p

His other brothers in their own boxes:


I feel like the world has gotten collectively dumber in the past 5 years there has to be an event somewhere we can trace and directly link to these developments maybe someone turned a microwave in a way that they shouldn’t have I don’t know I just know something happened


I’m teaching a writing class to some teenagers on Friday, and we’re talking about Character Flaws. I have some stuff I’m going to talk about, but I wondered if you have any insight about choosing flaws, why have flaws in the first place, or advice on how to write flaws?

I’d get major credibility if the author of Coraline gave them some sweet, sweet wisdom.



I don't really know the difference between character flaws and character, to be honest. If you make a whole person there will be things they do well, and places where they are broken. Writing whole people is the challenge and the joy.


Hordak: I can make you machines and robots

King Scorpia: Great...You build your factory thing in a good location, how about near your spaceship thing. That totally won't come back to bite me in the hide

and that's how the Fright Zone as we know it was born ;p


He had to build it near a power source, you know? A power source like the reactor of his crashed ship. If it can power FTL, it can power a hastily modernized and automated city.


Plus I think Hordak was ok with it cuz he liked to keep near his ship. It’s where whatever little equipment he can find to keep himself “Stabilize” was so, it probably made him feel safe for him then spending all the time at Horror hall at the time.

Honestly could see it where Scorpia moms went to the ship more to check on things while King Grandad stayed at Horror hall thinking all was well in the land.

Anonymous asked:

Don’t you have anything better to do than draw a manipulative ship with a massive age difference and ignore real questions from people one why the heck you would ship something like Entrapdak


I just think they’re neat!

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