
bustin makes me feel good

@amtrak12 / amtrak12.tumblr.com

30 something queer with the soul of a fandom old. She/her pronouns. I miss LiveJournal, forums, and Tumblr circa 2011. Yes I do still adore Ghostbusters 2016. Still trying to fix Doctor Who S4 finale all these years later. At Childhood's End is honestly the best DW book I've read, 12/10. Utterly enthralled with tarot cards and long, dangly earrings. Will claim a female TV character for my own without asking first

After editing 14 chapters/106k words over the past 8 months, I have come up with the following terms to describe what stage my draft is in at any given time:

Filler -- I know this scene needs to happen, but this blobby mess is not what it's supposed to look like

Vibes -- The blobby mess has gained some colors and contours. I have a throughline to pursue during subsequent rewrites

Editable -- No longer blobby! The conversations might be a bit meandering still or there's narration missing to control the pace, but otherwise the scene fits my intended purpose.

Readable -- I'm no longer horrified at the idea of a trusted beta reader viewing it

Polished and Ready to Post -- the final draft \0/


U say to urself "i dont need notches, ill know how to orient the pieces when sewing bc i made the pattern" this is the devil speaking. Put notches in ur pattern and cut them into ur fabric. Youll be glad for it

u say to urself “i don’t need stitch markers, ill know which stitch to attach when crocheting because i can tell” this is the devil speaking. Put stitch markers into your pieces

u say to urself, "i don't need to mark the beginning of the round when knitting, I can tell where it is by the tail" this is the devil speaking. u'll be glad for that stitch marker when you're 37 rows in and the tail is a distant memory

u say to urself "I don't need to grid my aida when cross-stitching, I can count perfectly fine" this is the devil speaking. Grid ur fabric or you'll spend half an hour trying to figure out which stitch in which of thirty shades of grey is one block out.

U say to urself "I dont need to leave a long tail, thats a waste of yarn" this is the devil speaking. Leave a long tail or you'll spend the next half an hour trying to pull the tails through with a crochet hook instead of weaving them in in minutes with a needle.


Do you want to restart your project six different times? Not using stitch markers is how you restart your project six different times and then give up in frustration. ASK ME HOW I KNOW.


You say to yourself that you don't need a life line in your lace, you know how to tink without issue. This is the devil, use a damn life line in your lace!

You say to yourself, you don't need to erase every extra pencil line before you ink onto real paper, you'll remember which ones not to draw. This is the devil speaking, clean your damn sketches, there is no undo on paper.


Devil speaks A LOT to crafters and artists

Trying to get our hands idle again to get back to his work or something

u say to urself, "I can just delete this chunk of text in this draft. It's wrong, bad, and useless." This is the devil speaking! All words can potentially be useful for something, even if that paragraph/page/chapter isn't right yet. At some point in the final editing process you may be grateful you saved an earlier draft and just incremented the draft number.




there is little worse in this world than people being horny for your favourite character that you are not horny for. shut up about his dick i wanna talk about his narrative significance


Also nothing will ever be funnier than the whole Leverage crew spending the first episode whining about how they work alone and this is a one-time thing ONLY and they DON’T work in a team EVER and then like two days later Nate tries to get rid of them and every single one of them is like “why are you trying to tear this family apart :(”

Hang on the season 2 premiere might have it beat

Nate: Why the fuck are you all in my house?

The entire rest of the crew: Our house :)

This isn’t even an exaggeration, they straight up just break into his house and start remodeling

The Leverage crew: *disperses at the end of The Nigerian Job*

[literally 5 seconds after they all walk offscreen]


When absolutely 0 of Biden’s accomplishments have made any kind of news, and we’ve been fed a steady diet of fear and panic for 3 years, no one gets to be shocked when he loses the next election to Donald 2.0.

Posting anything positive about the president here will get you called a capitalist bootlicker.

What do we expect to happen?

Anger sells better. Anger feels better, it feels righteous.

It’s easier to protest against a president you don’t like then to actually remain in charge and keep pushing ahead, even if small, consistent accomplishments are all you receive.

I know I’ll never be missing an election in my life again (barring some kind of major medical event).

I just wish it weren’t so damn frustrating, feeling like you’re screaming into the void constantly, fighting against apathy.

CMS just announced that the government will start taking high-cost drugs that were developed with taxpayer dollars and start pulling patents to force competition and low cost generics. That’s fucking momentous.

I saw 1 news article on it. I wouldn’t have known it happened if I didn’t read the news every day. This should have caused the kind of celebration that erupted when companies started announcing $35 insulin caps. Why didn’t it?

Low cost hearing aids, lower and $0 student loans, concrete investments in green architecture…there was an announcement like 2 days ago to replace all leaded pipes out of US cities over the next 10 years, which will be an absolute boon in jobs for construction workers and can make our homes safer for kids. I’m sure I’ll see a headline in a year, “Biden’s lead pipe program causes drivers traffic headaches.”

Republicans want 20 foot concrete barriers topped with barbed wire across the entire southern border, and Democrats want amnesty and ease to citizenship for just about anyone who crosses, and it really seems like until a compromise is made somewhere in there, Republicans will continue to turn out in massive numbers to elections because God told them to, and Democrats will continue to stay home because the last president didn’t accomplish 100% of their goals and voting for an imperfect president is a personal and ethical failing.

Now take that mentality and spread it over every single social and economic issue.


I remember how utterly scared and angry we were sone years ago when Trump was trying to bankrupt the USPS. People were talking about it left right and sideways, asking people to buy from the USPS gift shop, start a stamp collection, anything. Then, Biden got elected and put a huge stop to that by getting rid of the unfair laws that only the USPS had to abide by. Overnight, the USPS was saved, and how did everyone react?

They didn't. It was hardly mentioned. Not a blip.

Same exact thing when it came to net neutrality!! It was DEVASTATING when it was killed. People died in wildfires because Internet providers throttled data of firefighters. Xfinity actually stole identities in order to make it happen.

About a month ago, BAM, it was restored because Biden appointed a Democratic leader to the FFC. Did anyone talk about it? Nope. I saw ONE post.

okay, so as much as I think that Biden was the least shitty of two garbage presidential candidates, and as much as I disagree with some of the things he’s done… …I have to admit that the Biden-Harris administration has done more for the average American’s life than any other I can remember in the last 20-30 years. even with a congress made up of majority spoiled toddlers who would rather kill a man than vote “yes” to save a hundred thousand, they have:
Not only that but:
  • as many people who were vocally against it, they also made covid vaccines widely available and FREE for everyone during the pandemic
  • provided massive student loan debt relief
  • ENACTED A MINIMUM 15% CORPORATE TAX on large companies, who otherwise tend to skirt taxes with legally-gray methods
  • Rejoined the Paris Agreement - literally can’t believe I even have to say that
  • are providing relief to veterans exposed to burn pits
  • reauthorized the Violence Against Women Act and added protections for LGBTQ+ individuals and non-women victims, changed it so it now allows tribes to now hold non-native aggressors liable under tribal justice systems, and improved long and short term housing for victims (as well as increased emergency housing access)
I’m not going to say I agree with every action taken under the Biden-Harris admin (lol, looking at you specifically, IRS), but.  These things change people’s lives. Not just a little - they are the difference between literally dying a slow death from lack of medication and living happily.  Between getting heart surgery and NOT getting heart surgery, because you don’t have health insurance, because you just got out of prison for having one (1) molecule of weed stuck to your sleeve during a traffic stop. Election season is already starting, so if you have to remember one thing, remember this:

Adding to this list, the Biden-Harris administration has also:

And honestly, this administration has done so much more that I don’t have time to list - with wide-ranging effects that won’t be fully felt for another few years, but are MONUMENTAL for our country, our healthcare, our environment, our jobs, and our futures.

Please don’t allow shills and bots to convince you that voting doesn’t matter or that your vote is inconsequential.

Please register and vote in 2024.




i think this is probably true of every office, but there's a middle aged woman working in business who doesn't hold any particular place in the chain of command but is Sovereign. i was running support and she has access to more secure network drives than i do. im pretty sure she has an admin account. i was having trouble with my parking pass and my boss just said to talk to kristen- one day later i had parking in any garage on campus. she's not even in charge of parking in our building


This is also true of academia. In pretty much any department of the university — in my experience at least — there’s a person with a small-but-private office and an unassuming title (probably including a word like “secretary” or “assistant”), usually an older woman, and she actually runs the place. Faculty defer to her; department heads come and go, but Jill has been there for thirty years and knows how everything works, and she’s the person you go to if you want to get anything done. You’ll know her because when a professor directs you to her they won’t say “you need to talk to the Office of So-and-So because this falls under their purview”, but “you need to talk to Jill.” Her official job title is basically irrelevant because her actual role is acting as eminence grise for this whole operation.

I’ve personally had the experience where my advisor told me “you should do such-and-such certification, go talk to Jill,” and I went to talk to Jill & she said “actually you can’t do such-and-such because XYZ,” so I went back to my advisor to relay this, and he just kind of shrugged and was like, “well if Jill says no, then it can’t be done” and that was the end of it. Complete veto power, no higher authority to turn to, because the only reason Jill can’t do something is if it’s literally impossible.

Honestly there’s probably a whole dissertation about invisible labor and gender dynamics in there waiting to be written.


The one in my undergrad department was Linda C, and I think her hypercompetence must have risen to the point of allowing her to manipulate time itself, because in my experience, every time you needed to talk to Ms. C, you would end up chatting with her for at least an hour (which was both enjoyable and informative) and yet she got so much work done--it just didn't seem physically possible.

Take secretaries and administrative assistants out of any organization and you'll see it crumble in no time. They are the holder of the secrets to understanding red tape and other administrative nightmares.


The whole project of corporate IT was trying to get rid of this type of person and it's why nothing works anymore and we're all dying


I think ppl on Twitter years back called her "office Deborah" and she knows more than anyone else about everything and if you don't ask for her input shit starts breaking tbh.

yes, this is witnessed and true every college I've worked at. forrr example

everything went completely to shit when Susan retired from arts and humanities after 35 years* but her goodbye email was a thing of beauty. all it had was a weird janky bitmap animation of a door slamming shut and a line close to "I didn't let the door hit me and now I'm GONE" with just her initials, no big official block signature

fuck yeah Susan


This is true for every well run legal office over worked for. There is one secretary who knows everything and does everything and has more respect than the partners or the chair of the practice group. Everyone acknowledges the world would fall apart without her. She does the job of three people and still has time to chat and take long lunches. She has admin access no one else has.

And if the office didn't have this lady then the office wasn't well run at all


There was a woman like this at one of our offices, let’s call her Deborah for verisimilitude. She had worked for 35 years and then the head of her office retired and they were bringing in someone from another office to be the head, let’s call her Nadia. And Nadia was like, I need to talk to Deborah before I accept. And she asked Deborah if she planned to retire, and she was like, of course I will, it’s not like I can do another 30 years of this. And Nadia knew that if Deborah retired the office would fall apart, so she proposed that they become co-heads, with Nadia taking care of all the client facing responsibilities and Deborah being officially responsible for all the employee facing obligations.

One of the things that always bothers me about these scenarios is that titles come with certain amount of salary? And it pisses me off that everyone knows that this person is the linchpin of the organization but they don’t acknowledge it or necessarily pay that person for their expertise.

I think removing secretaries from the promotion path is one of the great sins of the modern era because it is actually a great way to learn all the things you need to run an organization but it becomes a dead end job. I’m glad Deborah got her promotion and recognition. I hope she got paid. And I hope more people get that path.


I’m sure someones already said this but I often see Tumblr described as a hellsite. This is fundamentally incorrect.

Tumblr is the faesite. Everybody is super confused and lost, you keep running into random places. Somehow you end up stuck there forever after interacting a couple of times. The people are all strange, everybody simultaneously seems to be from the future and the past as if time is meaningless.


also technology breaks at random, and sometimes you just suddenly feel a thousand years old

  • everybody has a half dozen names and none of them are their “real” name.
  • which name(s) you know gives you different powers over them.
  • there are Rules but you mostly have to figure them out for yourself.
  • getting the Rules wrong or breaking them can cost you more than you ever even knew you had.
  • Maximum Horny at all times
  • be careful what you wish for or you just might get it
  • Gift Of Prophecy
  • Illegal Use Of Bones

Reblog if you have used bones illegally


Story time! a few years ago my grandma found out that my sibling is nonbinary. Sibling was nervous at first bc it was an accident, and even tho our grandma fully accepted me as a trans guy, she presumably had no idea what being nb or genderfluid meant. and to an extent the sib was right—she was totally unaware that those concepts existed when we agreed to meet for lunch that day

but. but. she brought a full on PACKET of printed research and a pen. and asked questions. she took honest to god notes.

so anyway. thank you Grammy for loving your grandkids unconditionally. the feeling is mutual 💕

Grammy, squinting at her papers: “what’s this word mean? ‘nibling?’”

sibling: “so ‘pibling’ is the gender neutral word for aunt/uncle, like ‘parent’s sibling’, then ‘nibling’ is a play on that by taking the ‘n’ from niece/nephew, so—“

Grammy: “—so you’re my gribling?”

sibling: “Huh?”

Grammy: “like granddaughter or grandson”

Sibling: “Grammy—“

Grammy: “or is ‘grandthey’ better?”

Sibling: “you could just say—“

Grammy: “I just want to get it right for you because—“


Grammy: “…”

so anyway she still calls them gribling. and it’s wonderful

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