
Justified Progeny of a Justified Legend

@progeny-of-a-justified-legend / progeny-of-a-justified-legend.tumblr.com

DEPUTY A.P. MARSHAL RAYLAN GRAY RP CHARACTER BLOG. OC Indie. Open to all futuristic-themed verses/crossovers having elements of cyberpunk, supernatural, horror, and/or sci-fi aspects/genres that take place during the lifetime of the character (from birthyear 2225 onwards). Can be Justified-show/book influenced. Mun and Muse 21+ years of age. 10+ years role playing experience. Trigger Warnings and NSFW content/mature themes like gore, violence, sex, language etc. is tagged and may, on ocassion, be linked under READ MORE / KEEP READING. FC: Timothy Olyphant. Tracking tags: progeny of a justified legend (spaces in-between words instead of hyphens) and progenyofajustifiedlegend = This RPer took the Roleplay Anti-Hate Pledge and This blogger took the anti-shipping war pledge
hey y’all should reblog this if you have a muse that’s 50+ and not necessarily just age-wise but also in terms of faceclaim. as much as i love supernatural / immortal muses that are hella old ( seriously i love it a lot ) i really would love to follow and interact with more muses that are legitimately 50+, both in age and appearance. gimme your old muses –– the grumpy ones and the ones who refuse to believe they’re getting old and the ones who accept it and the ones who don’t let their age get them down and the ones who panic every time a birthday nears. i’d love to see more of this in general in the rpc, so please toss them my way!

some writing advice:  think about your creative output in terms of  effort,  and not achievements.  this means taking time to appreciate the time you spend trying to research something,  trying to read replies,  trying to write replies.  appreciate that you’re trying to fight writer’s block.  appreciate that you’re plotting even when you’re not putting fingers to keyboard,  or pen to paper.  the number of replies you have is not a measure of success.  the number of followers you feel you can keep up with is not a measure of success.  if you’re trying,  you’re writing.  you have the potential for your effort to become more effective over time,  because drive is something that cannot be given,  like talent might be. 

effort also allows the process of improving,  reading other people’s work,  and gathering criticism more effective,  because you’re always making the same effort to get better.  there’s nothing wrong with not being perfect.  just try to open your mouth,  write something,  plan to write something,  and be open to the world around you,  giving its feedback  newton’s law !  )  in equal and opposite direction.  effort and practice to improve > sitting on the bum of any ‘natural’ talent forever.


Creating a character backstory that’s real and fit for a story🧐

1. The backstory is not your story. Don’t live in the past. 

A lot of the time writers seem to get lost in the character backstory. It has the word ‘back’ for a reason. It supports your story, don’t use it to fill up your book. Don’t live in the past. 

2. Utilize the backstory to character development

Perhaps your character has a fear of clowns. If you put your character in a carnival with plenty of clowns where they lose their friends they have two things to overcome. Finding their friends and their fear. How will they react? How will they overcome it? 

These types of things shape your character throughout your book. Targeting the phycology of your character and making them more produced over time is a great way to show development. Backstories can show readers the strength of a character’s attachment to people, places or ideas and thus make it more painful when the character faces the loss of any of those things. 

3: Make sure your main story arc is the most interesting. Don’t make it obvious 

YOUR BACKSTORY ISN’T YOUR STORY. Yes, you can make a backstory interesting, and you should do so, but not more interesting than your story. If that’s the case then you should be writing a different story. 

And please, don’t make your backstory too obvious. Other than the obvious foreshadowing if I introduced a character with a fear of water because she almost drowned you expect something to happen with drowning later. Maybe if the character’s sister almost died from drowning it’s less obvious. 

4: Create character backstory without the clumsy info dump

Avoid using unnecessary info and a block of info to introduce your backstory. Whether this is done by flashback, dream sequence or dialogue in which one character describes an incident to another, be sure to keep the dramatization as grounded and concrete as the rest of your story so that it is compelling for the reader. 

Have a natural trigger in the story for it to come up. Don’t just clumsily have a character start talking about her dead father. A strong sensory impression like a smell or a song might bring back the recollection or maybe a phrase.

1. Pace how you give away your background story.

If you give it away to fast you lose all the mystery. Keep the reader wanting more and overall it improves. 


Kristin Kreuk Icons

762 100x100 icons of Kristin Kreuk in Beauty and the Best. Made for a friend originally, but I thought I’d share the wealth seeing there’s a noticable lack of icons for her. PLEASE LIKE OR REBLOG IF YOU USE. Feel free to edit them as you need (some of them are a bit dark.) Screen caps curtesy of screencapped.net
Click HERE to download zip file. Download should automatically start.

I have been stalling to doing this because I like to keep my milestones instead of doing them and it not being an actual milestone when the giveaway is done. But this is different, I have 900+ followers and I was on hiatus when my anniversary passed. Asta is a little over 1 year old! I’m proud of how far she has come and I’m so happy to be able to be here with all of you. SO I’m going to do a giveaway for my anniversary and follower count. I can’t do a bias list, because I feel guilty when I leave people out. SO this is better for me!


  1. You have to follow me (if a side blog, make sure you are following me on your main, please)
  2. After the giveaway, you can’t unfollow me (if I get new followers during the time period of the giveaway). If that happens and you are chosen, you will not get the prize.
  3. Reblogs counts as one entry
  4. Like counts as one entry
  5. Comments will count as one entry


  • If you are chosen and you have side blogs, you can choose what ever muse you want for the prize
  • I will be choosing this through a randomizer
  • If you have a multimuse, I will do the promo with either all of your muses, or one of your choosing
  • Same goes with the aesthetics

I am giving away:

  • 1st prize is a promo, a dual promo (if wanted) and an aesthetic or a promo and 2 aesthetics
  • 2nd prize is an aesthetic of your muse, an aesthetic of our muses and 1-4 headcanons of your muse and Asta in a verse of your choice.
  • 3rd prize is a choice of an aesthetic or 1-4 headcanons

The giveaway will last March 28- April 18. Remember the rules and have fun! If you want examples of my promo/dual promo/aesthetics, tell me!

I give all of my love to those that stuck with me during my hiatus and all of those that just followed me. I am a big procrastinator and this is when I finally got to doing this!

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