
In My Dreams I Travel

@chocolatequeennk / chocolatequeennk.tumblr.com

Nancy: Janeite, Anglophile, and author. Doctor Who--mainly Doctor/Rose related. Anti-Moffat posts are tagged. David Tennant. Star Wars. Alec Hardy is the DT character I'd most like to 'hang out' with.
I tag like my life depends on it, so if I post something you don't want to see, just ask me to add a tag.

Sometimes I worry maybe I’m the friend that no one likes but they all think everyone else likes me, so they all hide it, but then someone confesses they hate me, and everyone else agrees, and they team up to all stab me in the back 23 times at the Senate on the Ides of March

i have found that this is a perfectly valid concern


why does this have 32k notes? it’s just a picture of a knife in a ranch bottle, is there some unspoken joke that 32 thousand people share? what is going on here, i dont get it. it’s just a fucking picture of a knife in a ranch bottle. is there some spiritual connection people have to this picture? is there some ominous and mystical reasoning that this has 32 thousand notes? do people reblog this because it makes them look like some indie blogger? or is there just something funny to this? someone please explain


no one tell him


Summary: She’d once held all of Time in her hands, and when she did, she saw a timeline where it could finally be the Doctor in the TARDIS with Rose Tyler–just as it should be. She saw, and she pulled… A canon divergence series starting with the tail end of Tooth and Claw.

Submitter: @felixvanhuss

Note from submitter: Literally my all-time favourite Dr Who fic. This series is canon in my heart lol


If you live in the USA and you're pleading for donations to pay your rent, bills, or get food then dial 211! Please dial 211 before the last minute!

It's a toll free service with people who will help you find programs in your community to pay those bills, find food, and find housing! They will give you numbers to call so you can get help.

It is not 100% foolproof. Their job is to direct you to a program they believe will help your current issue, but it's still a step up from praying random strangers online will give you enough cash before a deadline! The added benefit of these community programs, which get funded by the local government most of the time, is if there are more people using them then they can get more money to help more people.

You're not taking resources from other people if you use your community services. Your taxes pay for them. Use them.

Dial 211 first to see if they can help, and if for some reason they can't, then make your donation posts!



Hi I work for my state's 211 service. It really breaks my heart how many people only know to call us at the last minute. 211's can provide a whole wealth of resources to use before things ever get to a cut off utility, eviction, or homelessness!

I can't speak for all 211's but most should also have a website detailing all the agencies in their database. if you don't like phone calls, this can be something to reference instead.

If you don't have health insurance but you need to see a doctor, reference 211! We list clinics that provide free or discounted general care, vision, and dental services to low income households and people without insurance! Many hospitals also have financial aid policies that can severely reduce your bill if you had an expensive procedure!

If you're stuck in a dead end job or need educational resources reference 211! There are a lot of programs focused on providing basic adult education as well as trade skills or other high demand fields! State governments are generally more interested in funneling people into work than providing benefits, but you can still use this to your advantage especially if you have some form of disability but are still able to work. That includes if you're neurodiverse or have mental health issues! Most of these programs are extremely underutilized.

If you believe you qualify for public benefits but the bureaucracy of the process is in your way, reference 211! There are agencies specifically geared towards helping people obtain the benefits they qualify for- for free!

If you need help with your taxes-

If you need help finding a pro bono lawyer-

If you need help finding affordable housing/section 8 housing-

If you need help finding food pantries-

If you need help paying for your prescriptions-

If you need help obtaining disability aids or assistive technology-

If you need help finding transportation options-

If you need help following a natural or personal disaster (like a home fire)-

If you need help repairing a home you or your family owns or it needs modifications to be accessible-

If you need Queer resources-

Reference your 211!!!!!

I had no idea what 211 was before working for it but I wish I had. I've learned so much about what resources are actually available to the community even in a ho hum area of the country like my state. I've saved my partner literally thousands of dollars just from the medical resources I've gathered.

Not enough young people know about or utilize these services but they are there for you!

P. S.

This isn't an intended use of 211, but I like to reference the agency listings when I look for jobs. Many of the agencies listed are non-profits which, while they certainly are not perfect, generally have lower barriers of entry to decent paying jobs with benefits. The work environments tend to be much kinder and at least pretend to be forward thinking. You're more likely to find jobs without as many people applying as well, especially if they're only advertising their positions through their own website.


THIS. Also, to prevent people from misquoting this poem in the future, here's the whole thing, written by German Lutheran pastor Martin Niemoller in 1946:

"First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—      Because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—      Because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—      Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."

What's more Niemoller was a national conservative. He originally supported the Nazi Party, hoping it would bring about a national revival (as did many Germans), until Hitler proclaimed the supremacy of state over religion and Protestant churches, at which point he allied with other pastors and Lutheran organizations against Nazification. He was also anti-Semitic, making many pejorative remarks about Jews, such as them deserving persecution for crucifying Jesus and believing they should be kept out of any positions in the government. He was imprisoned from 1937-1945, during which time he reconsidered his earlier views.

This poem is a warning, not because Niemoller saw it happen. It is because this is his story. This poem is him saying "don't be how I was, because for however much you support a regime and the hate it doles onto the people marginalized and labelled for extermination, they will one day come for you, like they came for me". No one is immune from the prejudice of the state - there is never only one scapegoat.


I just want you to know that over the years I've become such a grouch about christmas. a real scrooge. (just the capitalism, and expectations behind it, has made me feel yuck)

but reading your dw fics has given me much more of an appreciation for the holidays, and for the first time in a long time, I had a good holiday season.

so thank you. thank you so much.

I forgot what christmas was about honestly.

happy belated Christmas queen


This might legitimately be the nicest thing anyone has ever said about my writing. I am so glad my stories helped you have a good holiday season!

I love Christmas—the actual peace on Earth, goodwill toward men, caring about people, being with the people you love part of Christmas. It is easy to lose sight of that part, and I’m glad my stories reminded you of it.

(PS: was that ko-fi from you? If it was, thank you so much!)


peeling those sour rainbow gummy strips into long thin strings and putting them into cheap energy drink to create something im calling battery acid spaghetti will update once ive finished it

dont do this

I really hope its not too bad bc i actually love both components.

it forms a dry skin at the top made of the sour pellets. not a great start.

tastes really good actually. i also feel like i am about to explode.

do not do this.


Unanimous consensus: Do not do this

Other people: Hold on I’m about to do this


Oh boy, a bunch of stone spikes standing in a barren wasteland. I'm certain this is a place of honor, and that many highly esteemed deeds are commemorated here. A place of value to be sure!

Posts we're going to have to show the aliens to explain ourselves as a species #45469890


Are you frustrated you can't leave second kudos on AO3? or third kudos? or whatever-who's-counting kudos?

Well, have I got the html for you!

Plop any of these in a comment (by copy&pasting the code) to make an author's day and show your appreciation!

  • Second kudos: <img src="https://i.ibb.co/tHMjbb6/second-kudos.png" alt="second kudos">
  • Third kudos: <img src="https://i.ibb.co/52bggQH/third-kudos.png" alt="third kudos">
  • nth kudos: <img src="https://i.ibb.co/6y7qGtC/nth-kudos.png" alt="nth kudos">
  • yet another kudos: <img src="https://i.ibb.co/wKtcj0s/yet-another-kudos.png" alt="yet another kudos">

It will look something like this (and will be transparent with white outline on dark backgrounds):

Feel free to spread and use these as much as you like! (and if you have ideas for other variations, let me know ✌️)


feeling nostalgic for fandom meta. Yeah incorrect quotes and memes are cool but have you tried an in depth psychological analysis of your fave with supporting evidence and quotes from their source material? Have you used tumblr’s unique format to your full advantage to ramble on and on about the tropes that they address and subvert and how their arc changes and develops? Have you ever sat down with a spreadsheet to get real autistic about all of their canon iterations and compared it to fanon portrayals?

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