


I really like space. 23years of being. He/They pronouns.

I saw someone talking about Essek quoting Caduceus and going Aw Cad said it to Essek too but I don’t think he did. I think Caleb quoted Caduceus to Essek. Caleb will never forget a word Caduceus said at that dinner party and later he’ll bring up part of it to Caddy like “hey remember when you said xyz? That really helped me and I’m glad I was there to hear it”

And Caduceus will go “I said that?”

He doesn’t seem like the type of person to say the same cool thing twice. I think Caddy just pulls out these one-liners and then forgets he said them an hour later


obsessed with aabria deciding to sit on the floor in cooldown while aimee and anjali share chairs with friends she is truly a woman of the people (the people who sit on the floor that is)


Me finishing a WIP? It’s more likely than you think.

After completing this, I have lots more respect for those artists who upload comic chapters every week.

Anyway, this scene has been stuck in my head and I immediately started it right after the episode it’s in but then procrastinated BUT THEN decided to finish it after the latest turn of events in the campaign.


based on the 4 sided dive escape room question here is my take:

Liam’s PCs- Yes 100% they would escape not only because of their skill sets but also all of them are very team oriented. They would all work well together, getting out at record time and it would be a good experience for all of them they’d be friends upon escape.

Laura’s PCs- No only because they would do really well at the start but eventually Jester would get distracted and start to annoy Vex then it would devolve into following a red herring until time runs out. They would have a good time though, but it is contentious if they come out of the room friends.

Marisha’s PCs- Yes they could do it purely based on the fact that I think Beau could pull the team together. Her competitive energy would get Keyleth and Laudna fired up and they would get out. They would have a decent time (Beau might get intense) but they’d come out friends.

Ashely’s PCs- No they would not get out of the escape room. Yasha wouldn’t get the point of the activity, Pike would eventually get frustrated and she would have to be stopped so she wouldn’t smash stuff, Fearne would try to take the set dress. They would not even get past the first room but they’d come out friends.

Travis’ PCs-No I don’t believe they could purely because Grog as best as he would try he would be much help, Bertrand Bell and Chetney would have beef on who is in charge and Chetney snuck in a real knife, Fjord is low key a push over so despite him probably being good enough at doing the puzzles but he doesn’t speak up. They would not get out and Chetney would kill someone.

Taliesin’s PCs- I think they’d get out. With the amount of obscure knowledge and a general intelligence they could get out in the nick of time. However they would not be friends at the end of the escape. Percy and Ashton and Molly would all end up yelling and insulting each other. Kingsley and Caduceus would chill but Kingsley would be laughing so fucking hard at the end. They would get out but they’d kill each other if it happened again.

Sam’s PCs-They could do it, but it would depend on if Veth/Nott got distracted or not. If she figured it out they would be fine but let’s be real FCG and Tary would be just a little useless despite genuine effort. Scanlan would help but I think he’d be kind of a dick about it. They would get out but not end up being besties after very neutral.


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