
Neurodivergent Witches

@neurowitchcraft / neurowitchcraft.tumblr.com

A blog to accumulate resources, and give advice to neurodiverse witches.

Witch tip:

Someone’s probably already covered this, but you know those metallic, silver (and gold and copper) sharpies? There’s literally nothing they do not show up on. You can put them on almost any dry material and they will stick. It’s amazing. If you’re into sigils, or just want an all-purpose labeling tool, you might want to invest in a handful of these.


do you have any advice at practicing visualization (especially when aspiring to astral travel) when one has ocd and intrusive thoughts often disrupt visualizing? (like for example, i'm imagining a door, i go over to open the door, but intrusive thoughts make it appear that i slam the door closed before i am able to walk through it)


This may not be the advice you are looking for, but I have very similar experiences with ADHD and so I will tell you what works for me is kind of to just go with what you are thinking until your thoughts kind of stable out. 

So for me it can take a bit before I am ready to astral travel because I spend a bit of time first just going with the flow of my thoughts. So for example, if you slam the door shut in your thoughts maybe look around for something else that is there. Hopefully eventually you will get to a place where you can control your visualizing enough to astral travel.

if anyone else has any other advice that would be great I know this is what works for me and it may not work for you. 

hope this helps



my all black cat is licking my tarot cards for no reason and if they aren’t charged as hell after that i’m gonna lose faith 

i don’t know what it is about my cards but he still does this semi regularly 10 months later and my readings have never been better

Favorite charging method: Cat


College witchcraft

It’s not easy because I don’t always have the energy. But I try to make the little things I do magical. So here are some of the things I do when I’m tired and low on energy:

•Doing shower spells with a homemade coconut sugar scrub.

•clearing out bad energy with an incense or just burning it because it relaxes me

•turning on my himalayan salt lamp and putting my hands above the soft glow of light

•crying because emotional blockages

•stretching to release pent up energy from my body that causes harmful tension to my muscles

•reading a poem and attaching a manifestation spell at the end

•cooking up food in my crockpot and stirring it like the delicious cauldron it is

•art: infusing color magic into your artwork

•meditation: which honestly is mostly me laying on the floor on my yoga mat with a few crystals of my choice because I got stressed out.

•talking to the moon 🌙 because she is beautiful and always there protecting me and supporting me.

It doesn’t have to be something big always. Just attach your own magical intentions and go with the flow.☀️


Mundane witch tips!

-when you’re about to sneeze, picture the negative energy going out of you

-when showering, take in that energy from the water! Water contains lots of energy!

-don’t have time to/forget to bless your tea when you make it? Bless the box of teabags with the intent on the energy being released when the tea is brewed bing bang you’re done, time saved


-enchant you’re jewelry for whatever mood or purpose you’re feeling that day

-cleanse your crystals every once in a while

-meditate for five minutes when you are feeling bored

-for my witches who wear glasses, put a spell on them to prevent you from dropping them!

-send a little positive energy into a pen at a bank/office so when the next person picks it up they get a little pick me up, for a little pay-it-forward kindness 

-glamours are great spells to put into sunglasses

-brush yourself to rid of negative energy when you’re feeling stressed

-put a lil essential oil in whatever school textbook you dread most to help you feel more positive towards the subject

-protect yourself daily, especially my empaths out there!

-touch your tarot deck/ shuffle it to stay in tune with it’s and your energy even if you don’t do a reading that day

-sigils on shaving razors so that you won’t cut yourself while shaving

-open your third eye when divining

-pick up those heads up pennies you find for good luck

hope this helps! feel free to add something! (Just give me credit and don’t delete my tags when reblogging) 


Smoke Cleansing With Wood

Smoke Cleansing. For most of us, Our first thought, Or go to would be white sage And While sage is great to use, It is to often relied on as the cure all and the only option. There are so many other herbs, and barks around us to use for their cleansing smoke that they are easy to overlook.  

My favorite wood to use is Palo Santo (Holy Wood from Peru) But not everyone has access to that. And for this reason, I present to you all, (SOME) Woods, And their magical correspondences.

Also note that the fallen leaves from these trees can also be used to smoke cleanse. Grind them up, And burn on charcoal. 

  • Birch-  Purification, Blessing, Protection, Expel negative Spirits
  • Cedar- Cleanses negative atmospheres
  •  Holly Purity, strength, Protection
  • Hawthorn- marriage, love and protection.
  • Juniper- Protection, and clears negativity 
  • Oak- healing, strength, money
  • Pine-  Purification, health, fortune, fertility, and prosperity
  • Willow-  Healing, protection, enchantments

“Don’t Work with Death!”

“Don’t work with death, because then you invite it into your house.”

Death is already in my house. Death is everywhere. Death is what decays the plant matter that feeds my garden. Death is what feeds the herbs I use in my spells, for each grows from what died before it.

Death is what feeds my family - death of plants, the death of animals. I would not disrespect the spirits of that which feeds us by ignoring their sacrifice. 

Death is the veil between my ancestors and myself, keeping them at rest and then acting as the gate for them to step into their next life.

When I do hospice work and sit with someone who is accepting their approaching death, I don’t tell them death is something to fear or avoid. I tell them death is the friend that walked beside them, every step of their life, maintaining the balance of the world, and waiting for them with open arms, to escort them to rebirth. 

“Don’t work with death!” 

I would not ignore life’s partner, not for arrogance or fear or ignorance. When I go to my own, I want to greet death with respect, acceptance, and gratitude. 


Curse Removing Wash 💧

From an ask I received (here). 


  • Basil (protection)
  • Sage (protection + banishing)
  • Rosemary (protection + banishing)
  • Chamomile (banishing + peace)
  • Sea salt (protection + banishing)
  • Distilled water (less impurities than tap water; lasts longer if you choose to store it for later use)


  1. Mix ingredients into a bottle and use on yourself in the shower and/or use when cleaning your home as a floor/window wash
  2. After you use the wash on yourself or in your home, proceed to shower or clean up as usual
  3. Store in a cool, dark place for later use
Source: lunaesteria

Witchy Moon*:・゚✧

A little guide on using the moon in your favor while practicing witchcraft!

The moon is so important in cycles and everyday life so pay attention to what she says!


A little Sachet Spell specially made for our patreon Bea!

You just need to put the above ingredients in a cloth pocket with a little note with your intention, and a little sigil too if you want.

Bring it with you or leave or it in your altar near something that you always use or under your pillow the day before doing something that you are specially nervous about.

You can change the words to fit your special intention and the sigil too, the one in the picture is for your true personality to shine.

A quick spell for social anxiety for one of our patreons!! 


Whew, finally back from school! Now that I’m free, it’s time to reassemble one of my best school essentials for next quarter—tiny, reusable packets of herbs that are perfect for spells on the go (or spicing up a dull meal…what’s the difference, really?). 

While I love the look of tiny bottles for portable ingredients, they’re not as space-saving as these repurposed straws. So though my best staples get bottled for easiest refills, I like to keep the odd ingredient (or extra backups of the classics) rattling around in my pockets like this! Some things to keep in mind:

  • Only melt the ends as they’re separated from the herbs by the pliers/tweezers—food safe plastic or not, you still don’t want that melting on your ingredients!
  • Most straws work for this, but thin plastic straws may warp and bubble further up the tube before the ends seal shut; try a few tests, and heat with care.
  • While I always carry around a pen knife, if you don’t, consider keeping these in a little pocket tin with a razor blade for easy opening. Cutting the small notch in the end is pretty effective for fingers-only opening, but may cause leaks in fluid-filled packets and should be avoided in those cases. Small, neat incisions with a knife also make for easier sealing for reuse! 

EDIT: while I didn’t touch on it too much here, I also use these to prepare ready-made spells. If you’re doing this, consider matching the color of the candle and straw to the spell intent!


A spell to help you sleep when you're in pain

This spell can easily be modified into a poppet spell, I simply chose to use an envelope because that’s what I had on hand.

What you’ll need:

  • a small envelope or jar
  • sigil for pain free rest
  • a tea light candle, in white or a color you associate with healing
  • sea salt or Epsom salt - healing, to absorb pain
  • Rosemary or lavender - sleep, protection, healing
  • chamomile - sleep, healing
  • sugar - for sweet dreams
  • quartz (optional)

Carefully carve your sigil into the candle, visualizing the restful sleep you desire. Light it so that it has time to melt. Then, layer your ingredients into your jar or envelope, thinking on each one’s job and how it will help reduce your pain and get some sleep.

Blow out the candle and let it cool a bit so that the wax is not super liquidy and seal your jar or envelope with it. Keep it under your pillow or near your bed when you sleep. Cleanse and recharge under the new moon.


Witch Tip #2

If you truly suspect you’ve been cursed, just go ahead and perform a curse removal spell instead of seeking out several different divination methods to confirm it. If the Bad Thing stops, that’s your confirmation. If not, then it isn’t a curse.


The Curse of Arrows

Locate the target on a map and point your body in that direction.

Lift your arms in a mimickry of drawing an arrow back on a bowstring.

As you pull the ‘arrow’ back, feel your anger towards this person in the area of your heart, touching your heart with your drawing hand. Imagine that the anger in your heart is a poison that has now drenched your arrow.

Let the arrow fly loose in the person’s direction, carrying with it the poison.


The idea that mentally ill people can’t practice witchcraft is a complete myth, and a very harmful one at that. It’s spread primarily by people who aren’t mentally ill themselves (and really have no business speaking for the experiences of actual mentally ill people).

Sure, it can be hard, but never once have depression or anxiety affected my magic in ways other than they affect my mundane life. I get tired, worried, hopeless, etc., but magic is a huge help in times like those. Witchcraft has been monumental in improving my mental health. It can ease anxiety and make me feel less helpless and give me a boost when I need it.

Not to mention that intense emotions can make for really powerful spells. (Fear and desperation really pack a punch in protections and curses, let me tell you.)

It can be hard to balance mental illness and a spiritual life, but whether or not mentally ill people do so is up to the *individual*, not a person making sweeping generalizations, to decide.

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