
Demand More


The world keeps spinning, and the tales keep turning, and people come and people go, but they're never forgotten. And the one truth we know, it held true one more time... That love, true love, the really, really good kind of love never dies.

Random Hades II thought that's been sitting in my head:

Has Chaos taken a more femme form to mirror their lost daughter, Nyx?

I feel like their new form looks a lot like her, rather than simply a femme variant of their Hades form. The long hair, the dark lips, etc, make me think of Nyx.


The spirit of Diogenes is alive and well


This is funny, obviously, but even if you don't go to the extreme of the example above, this is a separate seat for one person, with a back and 4 legs:


But it's not a chair. It's a bar stool.

This, however, are all chairs:

Each one is missing at least one component of the chair definition above.

So like... it's almost like strict definitions are exclusionary.

Reblog to hit a transphobe with a separate seat for one person

Reblog to hit a

transphobe with a separate

seat for one person

Beep boop! I look for accidental haiku posts. Sometimes I mess up.


I laughed so hard during the last like... five minutes of that fucking episode that I developed a cough and a migraine and a neckache all at the same time.

And Ally trying to backtrack but no one will let them.

Brennan having to go right back into it.



bring back tumblr ask culture let me. bother you with questions and statements


reblog to let people know it's ok to bother you with questions and statements


Tonight, we remember one who lent his enormous talent to telling the story we have all come to love. Hail, the victorious dead!

May the Simbelmynë cover his tomb as it did the tomb of the one he so accurately portrayed.

Bernard Hill Dec 17, 1944 - May 5, 2024


I love all the avatars who are like “the Eye is silly and I’m not afraid of it or it’s power” and then immediately go “but you’re a silly little man and just for that, I’m gonna tell you my entire life story.”


My favorite part about this post is the people in the comments basically debating the validity of Smirke's Fourteen.

"Wouldn't fear of the Unknown be the Dark and not the Stranger?"

"The hopelessness of the Vast is inherently different from the hopelessness of the Buried"

Guys, the whole point is that they are NOT distinct from each other, at least not so distinct as to rationally be considered fourteen distinct, individual beings. Recall that it was once described along the lines of the blind men and the Elephant, but instead of blindness being the problem, it was SCALE.

Smirke is constantly called a dumbass throughout the latter portion of the show because his whole thing was DUMB. It was SILLY. It tried to put something alien and gigantic and eldritch into polite little boxes when it fundamentally COULD NOT BE.

I'm not making fun, I'm just laughing imagining like... all of us in the Archives or something, bickering about the exact parameters of each Fear when there aren't any unless you start getting REALLY arbitrary but it's better than doing our jobs.


An Invocation of The Goddesses of Dawn and Twilight

Let us pray, Family. And let us remember.

Let us sing of the dawn-bringer, the dawn-breaker, the golden charioteer who dwells on mountain peaks and the ocean's edge. She hears each oath, witnesses each act, and resides over all with a fair and merciful hand. Strong of arm and bright of eye, wreathed in flame and summer, let all those who seek to do her children harm flee before her.

We sing to you, oh Goddess of the Dawn, and beg your forgiveness. Laid low by the treachery of kin and supplicant, hear us now and rise as you were borne: Saffron-cloaked, first of all to wake and unbar the gates of Heaven. Loving and beloved, Sister of the Sun and Bride of Twilight.

Let us pray.

Let us sing of Cassandra, who died and lived and died and lived again. She meets the lost amid the twilight of doubt and leads them through the night to the eternal dawn of conviction. Gentle friend of frail and fragile mortals; starlight her crown and moonlight her gown, she stands steward over the witching hour. Lady of Doubt, Sister of Grief, you have come home.

We sing to you, Cassandra, and beg your forgiveness. Long did you wait in the forest of fear and nightmares, your true name and nature lost to the failure of your children. Praise to your Saint, your Chosen, who entered the darkness and met you, lost, amid the twilight of doubt.

Let us sing of the forgotten, now remembered.

Let us sing of Ankarna and Cassandra, Dawn and Dusk, Conviction and Doubt, Lady Wives of Moon and Sun who share the skies above.


Okay so if I miss anything, let me know but despite how last episode ended, I'm still GIDDY about how far ahead of the Rat Grinders the Bad Kids are. Like, they don't know what the Bad Kids know. They don't even know what THEY don't know at this point. They're probably making such big moves because they think they've got it in the bag and there isn't going to be any consequences.

To Whit, as far as the Rat Grinders know:

  • The Bad Kids are assholes
  • The Bad Kids know Kipperlily killed Buddy
  • The Bad Kids know something about the devil's honey but not necessarily what's going on with it?
  • (though to me when I watched the episode it was unclear if that was the Rat Grinders or if that was JUST Porter, so the Bad Kids may have been making veiled comments about devil's honey with the Rat Grinders having zero clue what they were talking about)
  • They MAYBE know about the fact that the Rat Grinders were involved with Lucy's death

Like, they know someone broke into Ruben's house but like... TECHNICALLY it shouldn't have been the Bad Kids. The Bad Kids shouldn't know where Ruben lives, so while I would imagine they'd immediately assume it was the Bad Kids, based on what they know, it can't have been the Bad Kids. The Bad Kids shouldn't know where Ruben lives and would have no reason to break in.

Unless they figured out Wanda Childa was Fig, but that's really the only way I would think they'd concretely know the Bad Kids knew where they lived.

They don't know that the Bad Kids know Buddy is alive and a cleric of the Unnamed God.

They don't know that the Bad Kids know Porter is involved, or that they know Porter's backstory (something I seriously doubt the Rat Grinders know).

They don't know that the Bad Kids know for a fact what happened to Lucy and Professor Badgood.

They don't know that the Bad Kids know Bobby Dawn is involved and complicit.

They don't know that the Bad Kids know about the temple to the Unnamed God in the Mountains of Chaos, or that the Rat Grinders have gone there frequently.

They don't know that the Bad Kids know the true name of the Unnamed God or her history.

They don't know that the Bad Kids have been in communication with Ankarna.

They OBVIOUSLY don't know that Fig has literally claimed the infernal portfolio of the Unnamed God, or at least a considerable piece of it.

They don't know that the Bad Kids literally know EVERYTHING. The entire plan. Nothing they do or say will be that big of a shock. They've read their DMs, they've gone through their therapy files, they've broken into their offices and found their dirtiest secrets with almost consistent Nat 20s and Over-30 rolls.

The Rat Grinders think they're like four steps ahead but while the specifics might catch the Bad Kids off guard, the Rat Grinders are STILL underestimating them, I think, on top of just being blissfully ignorant of how Done-zo they, the Rat Grinders, are.


Random FHJY thoughts:

If Adaine had accepted the diamonds from Oisin, she probably would have gotten dragon madness, since he told her they were from his grandmother's hord.

Zara's name was also written by Fig on that same paper, if the fake name doesn't work, Zara would make an amazing godess of war. Also, we still don't know who her paramour is, I don't think? And I'm sure it's going to be really cool.

Ankarna might get split into two, thanks to the fake name. If everyone who worships this "nameless" goddess attributes her properties to "Bacharath," then she might be created as a rage goddess but wouldn't have a domain. And since Fig believes in Ankarna as she was, and knows her by name, it might actually free her to be dawn and justice again.


Brennan Lee Mulligan has managed to snag onto an ancient hyperfixation of mine: the cultural drift of gods and how they morph, shift, and split apart over the course of decades and centuries.

The Greek Gods are a great example because we only get glimpses of their pre-Hellenic versions, but we see what they morphed into over time with Rome and in some cases, we can see where they came from and how they changed.

It would make PERFECT sense for the Bad Kids decision to give them a fake name to lead to a new, nascent Goddess rather than a renewed goddess of old.


I wish there wasn't an emphasis on the fact that Porter uses the Mindless Rage feature so that my kneejerk assumption that he got big because he's a Path of the Giant barbarian could have any merit.

Path of the Giant stuff is cool as hell.


Is it just me or are the new tumblr users convinced there's a penalty of some kind for using this site like it's meant to be used?

reblogs have always been in short supply for artists, sadly, but it's hitting the shitposts and even the cat pictures lately. Gotta keep getting the word out that reblogs are good and keep people posting new material that will be passed around for the next 12 years

They’re used to other social media sites, where the only equivalent of reblogging is straight-up content theft; so the idea that you can put someone else’s stuff on your page and have it not be a bad thing is a strange experience for them.

They’re likely also used to an algorithm recommending content based on what they hit “like” on, so they probably think that that’s how this works, too.

That and I think some people confuse “reblog” with “repost” so when they see someone saying “don’t repost” they think it applies to reblogging stuff.


Working at the sex shop really did rewire my brain. There was basically no topic that was too taboo to talk about, and what little propriety I’d had evaporated. I’d be out walking and chatting with friends about erotica I’d had to read that day only to be shushed and realize people were staring at me.

It always struck me as a little bit silly but I learned to curb myself for others comfort levels. Mostly.

But I have one distinct memory of decorating holiday cookies with my parents and my grandmother. My mom had worked in a sex shop back in her day, and I never hid my line of work from my family, so I was telling a work story.

I was conscious that my dad was slightly more sensitive, so I was using pretty broad descriptions, but I happened to mention silicone lube and my nana asked, “What’s that?”

I went into full sales mode. Focused on the little reindeer cookie I was decorating I started info dumping, “Oh, it’s pretty great. Water based lubricants get absorbed through vaginal mucous membranes, but silicone is too dense and our body can’t absorb it the same way. So once you apply some silicone you never have to worry about chafing, and a little goes a long way. It’s especially popular with older women, because they start producing less natural lubricant and absorb water based lubes so quickly.”

There was a silent beat after this statement.

I looked up.

My mom and grandmother were looking at me with rapt attention, and I belatedly realized I was addressing two older women who probably would welcome extra lubrication.

And then there was my dad, blushing so pink with embarrassment that I thought he was about to faint.

“I can talk about something else,” I offered in apology to my dad.

“Like hell! He can go in the other room, tell me more!” My nana declared. My dad scampered off to busy himself in another room while I answered their questions and talked about brands and pricing.

I slipped them each a small bottle of silicone lube for the holidays.

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