
"Even castles made from sand fall to the ocean."


"Hi! I am the Goddess of the Sea, but just call me Sara. Feel free to ask me anything!" INBOX: open ASKS: 0 -- M!A: closed -- EVENT: none

hey, this au isn’t dead! we’re discussing a WIP event and i’m currently creating sprites for a mini rpg interaction game you’ll be able to download where you can explore the island, possibly as yuuri! please stay tuned, and tell me your thoughts on the game / if you’d like to see wip stuff! 

note: you’re still free to send asks!


ATTENTION ALL GIRLS AND LADIES: if you walk from home, school, office or anywhere and you are alone and you come across a little boy crying holding a piece of paper with an address on it, DO NOT TAKE HIM THERE! take him straight to the police station for this is the new 'gang' way of rape. The incident is getting worse. Warn your families. Reblog this so this message can get accross to everyone.

I will always reblog things like this, it won’t ruin your blog or the look of it, and this could potentially save a life.

PLEASE reblog this.

I have reblogged this about three times now and I will never not reblog it

i actually heard of this happening in atlanta not that long ago. that shit is terrifying as hell.

idc if it may ruin my blog look or whatever, if it means word gets out about these bastards then imma reblog x1000

reposting on my friends account

wow… guys stoop that low to involve a kid…


Thats really bad o.o


Seriously? What the heck

Anonymous asked:

Sara, how do you feel about eating fish?? (Sorry if this has been done before)

“How I feel? Well… since I am immortal, I don’t necessarily need to eat food or fish, in this case, so don’t worry about me eating fish! For others who do eat them though, I understand that they need it to survive… but please do not offer me fish as sacrifice/gift. I can’t stand to be the reason why many fish in my sea are getting injured.”

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