


Tink |25| My Shops A small pin collector and designer

All preorders for the Steven/Mr. Knight pin have been shipped out!

Thank you to everyone who helped in the process of having him made, and a big thank you again to @kuku_karina on IG for the design! I love the beautiful pearlescent swirl for the sky! And the screen printing details are amazing! Karina always manages to create something wonderful and pull a design off! We had a bump in the road for Steven with his mask, and she thought of the perfect idea and it worked!

If you're interested in adding the adorable precious bean that is Steven to your collection, or Marc, you can find a link to my shop in my bio! Thank you!πŸŒ™


*Not the official art proof, I'm still working on making the art 'pin ready'* Drawn once again, by the still amazingly talented @kuku_karina on IG! Thank you so much !!

Hey guys! The presale for Jake Lockley is currently live, the link for him is in my bio!

If we're able to get this made, I think this will be the first individual Jake pin that has been made! Which makes this pin extra special, so let's give some love to our favorite cabbie! πŸš•

While Jake doesn't officially have a suit yet that we've seen (hopefully one day), I still wanted to keep the magnetic theme going with him, so I figured, what better way to do that, than to make his iconic fake mustache magnetic! πŸ˜‚

**If we ever eventually get to see what his suit looks like, I will plan to hopefully make that an addition to this series

Pin details: πŸš•

- $65 shipped

- LE 50

- There are currently 11 presale spots available due to the early bird drop for those who pre-ordered Steven

- 3 inches

- Silver plating

- Hard enamel

- Screen printing

- Mustache will be magnetic

- Custom back stamp

Let me know if you have any questions! If you're interested, feel free to also let me know! And if you snag one, drop a 'claimed' down below! Thanks guys!πŸŒ™

Update on the progress for Jake!



Ahhhhh, he's just so beautiful!!!! Thank you so much @tinkspins πŸ’šπŸ«‚ (My camera can't capture how lovely the marble halo effect is, it's just superb!) Also another massive thank you to tink for the updates and just being super lovely!


I'm so glad he got there safely !! Look at him !! Yessss the pearlescent swirl is *chefs kiss* and the camera just doesn't do it justice! And of course !! I always do my best to give those who are waiting on a pin from me as many updates as I possibly can! Thank you for the support !! πŸ’™πŸ’™


Hi guys! Happy 2 year premiere anniversary to one of the shows that has really changed my life, Moon Knight!πŸŒ™

As a way to say that I'm appreciative of everything it's done, and to thank you guys as well, here's a discount on both Marc and Steven pins for today!

Discount code is: 2YEARMOONIVERSARY


πŸŒ™πŸͺ²Art Drop πŸŒ™πŸͺ²

Hey guys! Both Marc and Steven are now done, and Jake will hopefully follow them next! Which means, it's be time to share one of the next pins that will be coming up:

So I present to you an art drop of our favorite badass egyptian superhero Layla El-Faouly, drawn by the still amazingly talented @kuku_karina on IG ! Thank you so much as always, and feel better! I love her little side smirk and her wild and crazy curls, they're *chefs kiss*

Layla is not a part of the Unmasked Series, as she doesn't really have any unmasking to do lol, so no magnets will be involved this time! My plan for this pin is to have hinges on the back for her wings so that you can move them to extend out or fold them back down behind her! The gif posted is a visual example of how I plan for the wings to move!

I'm still figuring out what other special effects I'll be adding on to her, cause there's quite a bit that I could do! If she gets enough interest, I don't have plans to pin her immediately, but I definitely would love to see her made one day!

More details for this pin will come out eventually! Please let me know what you think and if you're interested by commenting down below! Thank you! πŸŒ™πŸͺ²


*Not the official art proof, I'm still working on making the art 'pin ready'* Drawn once again, by the still amazingly talented @kuku_karina on IG! Thank you so much !!

Hey guys! The presale for Jake Lockley is currently live, the link for him is in my bio!

If we're able to get this made, I think this will be the first individual Jake pin that has been made! Which makes this pin extra special, so let's give some love to our favorite cabbie! πŸš•

While Jake doesn't officially have a suit yet that we've seen (hopefully one day), I still wanted to keep the magnetic theme going with him, so I figured, what better way to do that, than to make his iconic fake mustache magnetic! πŸ˜‚

**If we ever eventually get to see what his suit looks like, I will plan to hopefully make that an addition to this series

Pin details: πŸš•

- $65 shipped

- LE 50

- There are currently 11 presale spots available due to the early bird drop for those who pre-ordered Steven

- 3 inches

- Silver plating

- Hard enamel

- Screen printing

- Mustache will be magnetic

- Custom back stamp

Let me know if you have any questions! If you're interested, feel free to also let me know! And if you snag one, drop a 'claimed' down below! Thanks guys!πŸŒ™


Might as well post about my Steven/Mr Knight presale now since he'll be put into production soon! He was also of course drawn by the talented kuku_karina on IG!

Pin details:

- $65 shipped

- Limited Edition of 50

- 3 inches

- Silver plating

- Hard enamel

- Screen printing

- Mask will be magnetic

- Custom back stamp

There are currently only 3 spots left available, so snag one while you still can! If you're interested you can find a link in my bio where it says "My Shops", or feel free to message me directly! If you're not interested at all, that's completely fine! Feel free to share the post around to others who may be (: thank you so much! πŸŒ™

Here is an example of Marc all finished:

And for anyone curious, my presale for Jake will drop early next month in February! Anyone who snags Steven in the presale will be allowed to snag Jake early before anyone else (:

Steven is all finished and he's on his way to me! (Along with a few extra Marcs)


I just had to share this stunning pin I got from @tinkspins it was more than worth waiting on it shipping to the UK (it came very quickly). The detail and care are unbelievable, and the texture and colour of his hair (my favourite Oscar Isaac thing is his hair) and the moon is just Wow. I love how the mask is magnetic. Can't wait to get Steven and Jake next.


I'm so sorry for a late reply,

I'm so glad you're so happy with Marc !! Thank you for your kind words about him ;w; (those curls are *chefs kiss*)

The magnetic mask has been one of my favorite things I've done so far!

I hope you enjoy Steven and Jake just as much !! πŸ’™πŸ’™


Hey guys! Life has been super busy and wild, so it's been a minute since I've tried to have any new pins made, but I thought this would be a good way to hopefully get back into things!

So I present to you a live presale pin of Marc Spector/Moon Knight drawn by the talented kuku_karina on IG!

The plan for this pin is to have the mask be a magnet that'll go on top of the main pin so that you can mask and unmask Marc whenever you'd like! And if you were wondering, yes I already have plans to do Steven, Jake, and possibly even Layla if this presale goes well!

Pin details:

- $65 shipped

- Limited Edition of 50

- 3 inches

- Silver and gold plating

- Hard enamel

- Screen printing

- Mask will be magnetic

- Custom back stamp

There are currently only 10 presale spots left available, so snag one while you still can! If you're interested, you can find a link in my bio where it says "My shops", or feel free to message me directly! If you're not interested, that's fine! Sharing it around to others who might be would be super helpful! Thank you!πŸŒ™

Presale for Marc is sold out! But there will be extras in hand! Here are some update pictures, first of the official art proof, and then some sample pictures!

I completely forgot to update this so here are some pics of him all finished (: I'll have extras available on my shop asap!

I have finally added some pins in stock to my shop! I'll be able to add more eventually!πŸŒ™


Might as well post about my Steven/Mr Knight presale now since he'll be put into production soon! He was also of course drawn by the talented kuku_karina on IG!

Pin details:

- $65 shipped

- Limited Edition of 50

- 3 inches

- Silver plating

- Hard enamel

- Screen printing

- Mask will be magnetic

- Custom back stamp

There are currently only 3 spots left available, so snag one while you still can! If you're interested you can find a link in my bio where it says "My Shops", or feel free to message me directly! If you're not interested at all, that's completely fine! Feel free to share the post around to others who may be (: thank you so much! πŸŒ™

Here is an example of Marc all finished:

And for anyone curious, my presale for Jake will drop early next month in February! Anyone who snags Steven in the presale will be allowed to snag Jake early before anyone else (:


Hey guys! Life has been super busy and wild, so it's been a minute since I've tried to have any new pins made, but I thought this would be a good way to hopefully get back into things!

So I present to you a live presale pin of Marc Spector/Moon Knight drawn by the talented kuku_karina on IG!

The plan for this pin is to have the mask be a magnet that'll go on top of the main pin so that you can mask and unmask Marc whenever you'd like! And if you were wondering, yes I already have plans to do Steven, Jake, and possibly even Layla if this presale goes well!

Pin details:

- $65 shipped

- Limited Edition of 50

- 3 inches

- Silver and gold plating

- Hard enamel

- Screen printing

- Mask will be magnetic

- Custom back stamp

There are currently only 10 presale spots left available, so snag one while you still can! If you're interested, you can find a link in my bio where it says "My shops", or feel free to message me directly! If you're not interested, that's fine! Sharing it around to others who might be would be super helpful! Thank you!πŸŒ™

Presale for Marc is sold out! But there will be extras in hand! Here are some update pictures, first of the official art proof, and then some sample pictures!

I completely forgot to update this so here are some pics of him all finished (: I'll have extras available on my shop asap!


Hey guys! Life has been super busy and wild, so it's been a minute since I've tried to have any new pins made, but I thought this would be a good way to hopefully get back into things!

So I present to you a live presale pin of Marc Spector/Moon Knight drawn by the talented kuku_karina on IG!

The plan for this pin is to have the mask be a magnet that'll go on top of the main pin so that you can mask and unmask Marc whenever you'd like! And if you were wondering, yes I already have plans to do Steven, Jake, and possibly even Layla if this presale goes well!

Pin details:

- $65 shipped

- Limited Edition of 50

- 3 inches

- Silver and gold plating

- Hard enamel

- Screen printing

- Mask will be magnetic

- Custom back stamp

There are currently only 10 presale spots left available, so snag one while you still can! If you're interested, you can find a link in my bio where it says "My shops", or feel free to message me directly! If you're not interested, that's fine! Sharing it around to others who might be would be super helpful! Thank you!πŸŒ™

Presale for Marc is sold out! But there will be extras in hand! Here are some update pictures, first of the official art proof, and then some sample pictures!


Hey guys! Life has been super busy and wild, so it's been a minute since I've tried to have any new pins made, but I thought this would be a good way to hopefully get back into things!

So I present to you a live presale pin of Marc Spector/Moon Knight drawn by the talented kuku_karina on IG!

The plan for this pin is to have the mask be a magnet that'll go on top of the main pin so that you can mask and unmask Marc whenever you'd like! And if you were wondering, yes I already have plans to do Steven, Jake, and possibly even Layla if this presale goes well!

Pin details:

- $65 shipped

- Limited Edition of 50

- 3 inches

- Silver and gold plating

- Hard enamel

- Screen printing

- Mask will be magnetic

- Custom back stamp

There are currently only 10 presale spots left available, so snag one while you still can! If you're interested, you can find a link in my bio where it says "My shops", or feel free to message me directly! If you're not interested, that's fine! Sharing it around to others who might be would be super helpful! Thank you!πŸŒ™


This is a presale I currently have going, its a design I decided I wanted to make based off the Moon Knight comics, because this moment and pretty much a lot of the Lemire run meant a lot to me and I'm sure to a lot of others too!

There are only 7 spots left available!

Pin details are:

- $86 shipped

- 5 inches

- screen printing

- black nickel plating

- LE 50

If you'd like to claim a spot, please comment "claim 1"

Once the spots are all filled, I'll have a link available and I'll send it to you in a message, thank you! (:

Please understand that due to the size of the pin and effects that are being done for it, is what causes the price to be the way that it is!








ID. A digital banner and collage with the words:Β β€œOur kickstarter is here!Β  Pledge for exclusive access to fan content made with love - by fans, for fans - including stretch goals featuring merch bundles.” in two different blue fonts.Β  Along the bottom from left to right are four more images with writing above each image:Β β€œart print @amyvalhalla - stickers @ceraunos - pin @tinkspins - illustration (for the cover) by Isabelle Hemlock / @catholicnicky. Underneath the various images is a blue watercolor cloud, and a paper edge along the bottom.Β  END IDΒ 

To pledge please click here :]

Special thanks to all our content creators, as well as those who have cheered us on along the way, here’s a rough index of what you can see in the zine:


Today is the day the blue Viktor pin presale goes live! If you are 100% interested and wish to be put down to claim a spot, please comment "sold 1" and you'll find the order here on my etsy (:

Pin details:

- $35-40

- LE (depends on how many interested)

- 2.75 inches

- screen printing

- pearlescent swirl

- custom back stamp

- two rubber clutches

Only 25 presale spots are available!


Final art proof for Viktor!

Update on Viktor pins! Super exciting!

Newest update for the Viktor pins!

Update on Viktor!

Viktor pins have finally arrived! I'm working on grading them and I'll be shipping out the preorders later today! The rest will eventually be available on my shops (:

@tinkspins Viktor arrived safely today!! Thank you so much!! He was well worth it! πŸ’™ I hope you'll do Silco or other characters sometime! ☺️☺️ Thanks for reaching out Tink!!!

Oh I'm so glad to hear !! You're quite welcome!! πŸ’™πŸ’™

I may or may not have WIPs for Jinx and Vi πŸ‘€

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