
Nikki Scarlet

@nikkiscarlet / nikkiscarlet.tumblr.com

Nikki. 38. She/her. I mostly just reblog, and original content is rare.

it came to my realization that 99% of my fandom related headaches would be cured if everyone understood this

a comic i made is being sold on a shelf at my favorite cb store as of today and this post is still my biggest accomplishment of the day


This headcanon guide, if understood, would also reduce the Asks I get by about half.


abandonware should be public domain. force companies to actively support and provide products if they don't wanna lose the rights to them


Game companies hate emulation, but none of them seem to understand that a lot of us would just buy ROMs from them directly if we could. I don't want a fifth remake of Final Fantasy IV, I want to pay five bucks for the 3MB file you already made bank with thirty years ago. Nobody who wants to play something for the purpose of retro gaming is going to consider a $40 remake as the alternative option, and we're certainly not going to let the original dissappear. They're crying about opportunity cost for a product they're not even selling.

op i know you're probably talking about like, video games, etc, but this is also critical for research science - my lab has so much abandonware, either because the company's out of business, or the company decided to not maintain it, and it's a fucking nightmare. we have two windows 95 computers that are CRITICAL for performing experiments/data analysis because the software needed is abandonware. one of the main roles for a guy in my lab is to maintain these little dinosaurs because if they go out, we lose access to ~20 years of raw data for research. part of why is that these companies also make their own file types, and make it difficult-to-impossible to convert those file types without their specific software. by habit, i convert all research files to more generic versions (txt, pdf, tif, etc) so that i minimize risk of losing my shit, but some stuff can't be converted.

for example, we have a microscope that is perfectly functional, good microscope, but its software is abandonware because the company refused to maintain it. the company is still in business, still makes essentially the exact same software, but they made all of the old tech incompatible with new software to force people to buy the new microscope tech. it would cost a quarter million dollars to replace this microscope. this perfectly good microscope.

so like, i know a lot of people look at the original post here and go "well op just wants old video games to play" (which is valid! games companies should not be able to push shit to abandonware and then close it off) but also this is critical for like. biomedical research. if y'all had any idea how much basic infrastructure built on science relies on shit that is technically abandonware, you would probably be horrified.


Pride isn’t a “queer-friendly space”, pride IS queer space.

Kink doesn’t “belong” at pride, kink IS pride.

To say that these things are just-kind-of-also-included is such a diluted view of what these things actually are. These spaces have been mentally purified for so many people as things that are “also-okay-for-gays!”–


These spaces ARE OURS. Not just “friendly to us”. Not just “inclusive to us”. They ARE us. We don’t just “belong”… We’re the reason it exists in the first place!


do not forget the patron saint of these weeks that we celebrate ourselves proudly and openly in the streets

her name was Marsha P Johnson, and we have her to thank for so much.

remember, the first Pride was a riot, and she was one of the brave souls who endured it to help carve the path which so many of us walk today. she helped found several activist groups regarding LGBT safety and wellbeing. and she was absolutely radiant, too.

thank you, Marsha. we remember you.


The December Comfort Watches, Day 12: Josie and the Pussycats

Josie and the Pussycats was a 2001 box office bomb, and one reason it failed is that, apparently, no one knew who they were making the movie for. Filmmakers Harry Elfont and Debra Kaplan, who wrote and directed the movie, whipped up a satirical takedown of capitalism and the music industry winkingly aimed at adults, set it to music aimed squarely at teens, and made it for a studio who marketed it…


I remember taking Maddy to see this in the cinema and being amazed at how good it was.


Ok ok wait I'm rewatching the very beggining of ep 5 when Aziraphale talks about the 1965 doctor who annual and just

Aziraphale: "The 1965 Annual was indeed never printed, *looks at Crowley*, due to problems at the BBC"


Crowley, what happened in september 1965 at the BBC..?

A piece of trivia, from the Amazon X-ray, it says “the line ‘due to problems at the BBC’ is a nod to the British mockumentary sitcom ‘W1A’, which was narrated by none other than David Tennant.” So that would be the Doylist explanation. I’d love to hear a Watsonian explanation 😈😇


It's not really a Doylist explanation because the person who wrote that line* has never actually watched a W1A and didn't know David narrated it.


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