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Poem: Oh Rascal Children Of Gaza by Khaled Juma

Oh rascal children of Gaza. You who constantly disturbed me with your screams under my window. You who filled every morning with rush and chaos. You who broke my vase and stole the lonely flower on my balcony. Come back, and scream as you want and break all the vases. Steal all the flowers. Come back.. Just come back..


hello male writer. before you is a typewriter. you have one day to write a novella with a woman as the protagonist without describing her breasts. the timer begins now


Her ass was like a peach, and brother I’m in her pit.

well. that one’s on me


so, they didn't want players killing kids in the new lego star wars, so they made them immune to friendly fire damage, but they didn't make them invincible, so now speedrunners are doing extended air combos on them to cross large gaps and climb tall structures. this has been dubbed Child Flight

me beating the shit out of my stepson gurt who i hate


I work at the radio and I have worked retail and I have worked food service.

The people who call in to the radio station are the dumbest people alive, holy shit.

Be honest, do you guys want the stories?


Caller: Hi. I'm pretty shocked you guys are putting people in danger with your traffic report.

Me: Could you elaborate please?

Caller: I'm on (freeway) and there's a branch hanging down. Someone is going to hit it and you haven't reported it. I've been listening all morning so I know you haven't.

Me: Just so I'm clear, the branch is not actually in the road? There is no hazard actually blocking anything?

Caller: no but there's going to be. It's going to be your fault when the branch falls.

Me: ma'am if there's not actually anything going on to report we can't report anything. You called to tell me about a tree.

Caller: Hi can I talk to Amy Winehouse?

Me: Amy Winehouse.

Caller: yeah I just heard her on your station.

Me: ...I don't know how to tell you this but no, I cannot put her on the phone.

Caller: she was just there

Me: That's a recording. She's not actually here.

(caller hung up before I could explain that not only is that not how radio music works, amy winehouse died in 2011.)

Caller: I cannot BELIEVE you guys would pay such FILTH. I'm AMERICAN.

Me: Which station are you having issue with?

Caller: The one playing that FILTH. The one saying "Imagine no religion." What kind of anti Christian message are you suggesting??

Me: the... Beatles song?

Caller: I'm AMERICAN.

Me: Is the issue that the Beatles are English...? Because I have bad news about most of the oldies station if so

Caller: I want to report about some false information being pushed as news, it's not relevant to the topic at hand and they're saying it is and they're trying to silence me and I think you need to do something about it.

Me: ma'am please slow down

Caller: the firewatch group on Facebook! They banned me for saying we shouldn't be talking about the Australia fires! You need to make them reinstate my place in the group or people that depend on me for fire news could be at risk!

Me: that's not our group, ma'am. Ours is the name of our station, we do not have any connection to the firewatch.

Caller: but it's news.

Me: there's more than one news source in the county ma'am.

(yes, she called to report her FB drama)

Caller: there's a cloud. It's big.

Me: is it a smoke cloud? Can you smell--

Caller: no I think it's a regular cloud. It's big though.

Me: do you see lightning...?

Caller: no it's just big. I didn't want anyone to worry.

Caller: play more Toby Keith.

Me: Sure, I'll pass that on to the DJ--

Caller: I wish I could be a cat.

Me: dang me too

Caller: anyway that's all I got for you today. Toby Keith, and I want to be a cat. Be sure to hug your animals. Meow!

Me: Meow!

Caller: Meow!

Me: Meow!


I wonder how Tuvok managed to infiltrate the Maquis in the first place. Did he just walk up to one and was like “Sir, I have no emotional investment in this conflict as I have no emotions, but I have decided that I would like to partake in your terrorist activities.”?

Hello fellow terrorists. Yes, I am also a terrorist that enjoy… *looks at notes* causing political strife.

Chakotay obviously wasn’t too picky; half his crew seemed to be there to spy on the other half.

But I’m surprised there were so many Vulcans in the Maquis. It doesn’t seem logical. Not to mention the issues with pon farr that might arise.

According to ENT, there are some rebel Vulcans…but Tuvok wasn’t even undercover. He used his real name. He had been in Starfleet for decades, had a wife and four kids. And somehow, Chakotay believed he would give it all up to join the Maquis? When he didn’t have a dog in the Maquis fight?

I didn’t even think about Tuvok using his real name. Did Chakotay even google him?

Tuvok: *changes his Spacebook profile picture from one were he wears his uniform to one were he’s wearing a vest*.

Chakotay: Seems legit.


The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power Title Sequence was all done practically and not with CGI (via IGN).

“The reason for this is: every time I try this, I get some delightful result that is, in some respects, unexpected. There are magical things that happen in nature — gravity, fluids, lighting — that one couldn’t really design using computer graphics.” —  Douglas Trumbull, Special Effect Advisor.

The series will premiere on September 2, 2022, on Prime Video.

A peasant in 1400 trying to keep their kids from wandering through the woods alone: Every single blade of grass is intelligent, aware, and thirsty for human blood.
An eighteenth century author, scribbling down everyone’s grandma’s death grass story: Ok there’s a lot of overlap so I’m going to compress all the death grass stories into one creature and uhhhhh give the story a moral
A nineteenth century fiction author: There’s a tiny flying grass baby who loves you and kisses your knees when you skin them.
21st century fiction authors: The BLOODMAN is an ancient evil that has gone unchecked for CENTURIES. He comes from the forest. He returns to the forest. Forget everything you know about tiny flying grass babies; BLOODMAN is coming
21st Century Fanfiction Authors: And he wants to BANG
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