david sichler

@the-sum-of-many-poets / the-sum-of-many-poets.tumblr.com


magic goatskin

a mouth maneuver

morbidly queues in carnival outré

pockets to the south

pouts like a weary church step

barbs the lower vermillion

meta hangdog like

perhaps a deep sea fish

barely visible by lanterns

sends a joyless speech bubble to its lips

uses filigreed edges

uses a coal mine confession

writhes under a microscope an anthrax question

another mouth

receives the sabotage

makes a strangled cloth of its face & responds with a readymade

bumper sticker suggests

an infidel’s slack prayer

the wake of its yawn is an air raid siren


the idea is woodwormed

it tells the sorrier truth anyway

over time

it builds a crumbling wall against human cannonballs

against falling platitudes

take a cue from nature it says

shut down

drop a leaf

drop a grieving letter

stares at the ground as if burying a loved one

i’m valise the mouth says

guts unpacked in front of him


maybe he’s just curious

but no

I don’t want to talk about drunk war leaders

snipers a smile into the moving crowd

a glass vial with a moth inside


it does what it’s always been able to do

lands a navigator’s kiss on ursa minor

manifesto sparkilo fuming

the boy who befriended light

where is he

who sheltered in a field from boarding school scourge

the trees he said

their shadows became his companions

laugh buries fatigue

bells the opiate mind

joins the moth

joins the porch light that was never the moon

mouth tells the head

take a deep breath

hold it like you’re swimming towards an answer

exhales a whistling sheoak

toys the rough hem of a broken nail

the pretence of something important

do you see it

teflon like

a twenty first century choking hazard

stares back anyway

unable to hold a memory

©️ david sichler


magic goatskin

a mouth maneuver

morbidly queues in carnival outré

pockets to the south

pouts like a weary church step

barbs the lower vermillion

meta hangdog like

perhaps a deep sea fish

barely visible by lanterns

sends a joyless speech bubble to its lips

uses filigreed edges

uses a coal mine confession

writhes under a microscope an anthrax question

another mouth

receives the sabotage

makes a strangled cloth of its face & responds with a readymade

bumper sticker suggests

an infidel’s slack prayer

the wake of its yawn is an air raid siren


the idea is woodwormed

it tells the sorrier truth anyway

over time

it builds a crumbling wall against human cannonballs

against falling platitudes

take a cue from nature it says

shut down

drop a leaf

drop a grieving letter

stares at the ground as if burying a loved one

i’m valise the mouth says

guts unpacked in front of him


maybe he’s just curious

but no

I don’t want to talk about drunk war leaders

snipers a smile into the moving crowd

a glass vial with a moth inside


it does what it’s always been able to do

lands a navigator’s kiss on ursa minor

manifesto sparkilo fuming

the boy who befriended light

where is he

who sheltered in a field from boarding school scourge

the trees he said

their shadows became his companions

laugh buries fatigue

bells the opiate mind

joins the moth

joins the porch light that was never the moon

mouth tells the head

take a deep breath

hold it like you’re swimming towards an answer

exhales a whistling sheoak

toys the rough hem of a broken nail

the pretence of something important

do you see it

teflon like

a twenty first century choking hazard

stares back anyway

unable to hold a memory

©️ david sichler



around sunset

the sow

leapt four feet in the air

gave one squeak & fell down dead

the farmer’s banjo arm

a cursed ear

clutched in his palm

& the perley’s sick cow

who went mad

ran into the pond & drowned itself

surely the raving tree

slave to the wind

spoke a proposition through the leaves

found a restless soul

obsequious & broken

& claimed it

this harlequin woman

jinxed the village with a strand of her hair


she even uttered a poem

conjuring sweet ambergris from plague

blame belongs with her

in the ground

in the crevice with elizabeth howe

the witch’s mark upon her

away from the sycamore & its wooing limbs

the trials of piously high anxieties

already the genius

draws a diagram for killing

ann putnam junior

her most aggressive accuser


fourteen years later

walks the ruins of her own future

what could a twelve year old know of executions

the piss & shit of hangings

what furrows a child’s mind

ask the mother

ask the wasp in her mouth

feeding a puritan’s satan fetish

a small gnarly man they say

with cloven feet

approximately the height of a walking stick

first comes anger

followed by mischief


he is the walking stick

& who will carefully

lovingly guide

the blind widow of elizabeth howe

©️david sichler


between the brenta & the sile

santa sofia’s gothic fingers

pick the locks of the city

a foundry of clandestine meetings

& we are

a bridge of sighs


confessing to the long shadows

ancient salt traders

watching buildings plunge into the water

iridescent on the murky emerald

like phantoms on a staircase

sometimes a garland

sometimes a wreath

these submissive ships

move through the canals & islands

romance petrified on their walls

crumbling & edified

carrying lagoon dwellers & winged lions

how they transcend

the hem of piss & vomit left by day trippers

& we rally this crooked masterpiece

we will not forsake

its dim lost corners of sorrow

& love

a wick of light

turning with the gardenia’s caramel perfume

©️ david sichler


mineral slippers

caught in their nocturnal jump

seems the stars

vanitas that they are

poured themselves into a salt lake

its phantom wake

a saucer of milk before dawn


rise you diligent baker

we make animal tracks in its crust

disobedient cubs

etching our own hieroglyphs


the wood swallow

the lace monitor so long it licks the horizon

& me

the greater bilby

we call from the rosetta stone

to the nothingness

as great voids compel us to do

moot on existential absurdities

elevate a flake to the sun

at certain angles

a prism switches on

in tribute to the rain

a cryptic response locked inside

amplifies when it touches the tongue

the famine of colour is a paradox

white holds the quiet like a bell jar

as if a century seized in its own cog

©️david sichler


idol kashi gyraf

of botanical wallpaper & mules for door handles

the manuscript spoke a second ago

so much brass


merzbach love affair

escher concrete essay

concrete comma

complete naegeli

skeleton cuckoo on the shoulder


on the villa of your shoulder

geese cliches

& conifers don’t mean so much

when you arrive home

the rucola won’t taste the same

in seven hours

take the medication

strap an airline friendly pillow to your giraffe neck

think of deep sea fish

think of the chasms they come from

think of parmesan from parma

wrapped in cotton

wrapped in your suitcase with nebbiolo & all of its nom de plumes

things are different on ober level

even the lauris nobilis

hedged into an over zealous moon

what beats inside of the tropical palm house

& the grumpy hedge of shonbrunn palace

hovers over the danube

waiting for the bells

the two of clubs is missing

usurped by the rita taxi business card

two worlds are missing in your jet lag

you write a letter home

wherever that is

catch up

come back to me when the ache for lecco is less overwhelming

the glimmer from the lake is on video loop

not beta

lost in the heyday of the eighties

still it hangs on to mtv’s

set in italy

set in vienna

alban berg sculpture sings to the skull of karlskirche

a song in the comb

decorated by a soldier passing time in the trenches

forsaken by such delicate things

last night he dreamt of idrija lace

& the carniolan honey bee

©️david sichler



where art blooms

a wet dog

from a highways bus stop

so does hope

ad was sent as an artifact to siphon

in its fecundity

speaks a fusillade of mandolines

chopping forty-two different ways

ad infinitum

the unfulfilled decision is gaining weight

bring back lady bird johnson’s

anti-billboard campaign

in a stomping war over street art

ad exits

stacked like a ziggurat defeated

post regicide

macbeth like

scrubs the infomercial from its hands

enough cologne


anti-aging cream from the shark’s anus

tomorrow’s landfill never wrote a letter

wish you were here

take a deep breath

of visual fresh air

just a wee trapdoor of sky

& imagine us

carrying a crayon that beautifies

our new cave walls

©️david sichler



I found an old concert ticket

in the lint of your coat pocket

a naive heart scrawled on the back

the perforated line

travels through the middle like

a prophecy

if I hold it to the light

the tome of its tired icon

seems to float

which has me thinking of ghosts

the sentimental kind

that speak to us

from some sovereign moment in our future

that spook the wings in our chest

& launch a constellation of trysts

i’ve pinned it above the calendar

the bank sends every year

a kitsch loyalty gift of painterly scenes

july is a storm over a seaside town

& the image you took of mackenzie falls

it had its own pulse you said

your box brownie

swallowed its soul with voodoo

but not even a photo could stop it from beating

this road trip

we’ll smoke chesterfield kings

holiday reckless

drink black coffee from your grandmother’s tartan thermos

perch with the gulls on limestone cliffs

watching white caps break off the fleurieu

swaddled like newborns

in our coats from fletcher jones

until the wilds

pull at our seams

©️david sichler


valley of woodwinds canine

as for the punctual starling

what will it make of your size six shoes

tiny canoes

that much smaller without you

will it build a home in the heel

confide with a single note

the forfeit of all things to the forest

the clouds are warships

stealing amethyst from its plume

what does a starling make

of unseen workings

germane & sacred

of bodies transformed

of collaborations with the soul

a divine premonition

somehow a threshold confessor

the moat of its eye


yields a broken levee


look favourably on its attempt

somewhere in the quill of its song

the hollow of a hebrew word

spares a god’s fatigue

that leaf

rocking a cradled goodbye

just the wind mocking a human gesture

the spring of such antics

the pendulum of a bird’s tail

how did we stray so far into the feral

& think we’d be safe

lilies were stargazing long before this

before this

you were indestructible

but no bargain exists

between the sick & a poisonous thistle


she is haunted like a newborn burgundy

dressed in the pyjamas of the departed

the bird has lost its call

the bird is a hammer

tapping a fault line

tapping an amputated smile

an algorithm to wake an android child


you'll find him at the foot of a ruse

toes in the gloaming

rehearsed in the dolour of others


his marrow arm

carrying a firefly’s cradle

your cheek

a flushed stone pulled from orbit


the body’s earthquake

the unbroken lung

internal fleets

speaking animal frequencies


have you seen the mother of loneliness

her woeful bay

calling for the scruff of grief

©️david sichler


dream heavy

I know a planet that dreams

sometimes of us

a sleep story

within a light year

where we make lists

such as

band-aids & dental floss

a planet’s winsome human art installation

which features a sun

& the dial it casts across small creatures

like the ladybird

lovingly named by a lonely person

some will tell you

a portent of impending wealth

but what bearing did money ever have on a light year

just blink & you’ll see what I mean

they live in the eyelid of a lilac dusk

celestial ash

irritated into pearls

i’ve buried oyster shells

in the tragedy of cesspits

so they may dream about planets

& swallow moons

©️David Sichler


learning to be less warlike

pigeons understand space & time

which could explain why they perch for so long

two swollen hills of an open locket

hinged for life


a theory of bobbing heads

I concur

I concur

a mannerism that brings greater vision

unsolved riddles trouble birds too

since mesopotamia

when a rock dove was an ancestor in waiting

far from urban gatherings

of no feral homeland

in perpetual audience with the


diesel smoke

breadcrumb city

an orchestra

every wing a note

the trill of the third more narrow feather

whimpering in the bell tower

from the twenty six letters of our sacred alphabet

they curate










a war mangy figure

that may return home

to feed a symbol of peace

©️David Sichler


visitations of mental potpourri


when he winks

it means four different things

but sometimes


it’s a gem’s grinning tooth

pinched between over-proofed bellows

leaking a knackered whistle


he’s driving the shredded tyre to the rim


when I return home

i’ll wear this dust like danger

it will lodge in the bottle of my throat

to cough when i’m older


is it still a right of passage if it has lumber support


the road is a shared headphone jack

humming us all into oneness

i’m spiritual aluminium


choose life is printed on the t-shirt next to me


I choose a river with no memory

its silent exclamation

bends a motherly arm

cradling rib cages articulated on the brink of flight


I fall asleep in its meatless scaffold


in the opus of cracking insects

my neck is a cinnamon brush fire


those teenage curios

I keep them on the inside

this one’s a horse running cardinal points with my lungs


a patina charm to hang with my others

they ruckus like a bag of marbles kissing


my verso

convex at the edges

calls me back to its quicksilver pond


I imagine it’s like that where you’re from

his smile is animal rescue when he says




i’m under the sun’s orange fist

I stretch my black arm to the spinifex

mine is the first red step

when I take the photo

I spill into frame the shape of

sump oil


there’s no water or topsoil in


just precious stones

houses half buried

& holes

holes for missing persons


tom rode pick-up for falling cowboys

when he smiled

colts would gallop from the gap in his teeth

forelock in their eyes like lost teens


©️David Sichler


an acolyte visits

for the tree it was before

tree of the trans apocalyptic

formerly known as

a long latin name

that once

sipped from the pond with its bonnet of green

a failed prophet

silvered by the sun

the new barren emblem

diablo is in the limbs

no water loving creature comes here

from the bird of its mouth

from lake’s cracked lip

abandoned by everything but faith

the old habit

still advocating to the ground

that rain is on the way

that somewhere

far from the sting of eucalyptus

a cloud of aching storms

will waste its mercy on the ocean

©️David Sichler


bakelite filibuster

& maybe

a mare called kettle

on account of the steam she blows at full gallop

an analogue wind

a turpentine cowboy


even a wire tumbleweed

& because they go hand in hand

stoic lassoing

arm in arm

I fell in love with a luddite will be sung


much lamenting about microwaves

down low

low as a coin on a railway track

left by mischief

for a locomotive to pancake

low in the old static radio


the words will stoke the furnace while the answers sleep

they’ll catch up the way tinnitus

spooks ears

quasi helium graffiti

some distant pilot cowboy of the sky

his equine wonder

gleaning antimatter rantings

matter of fact

space junk from the mesosphere

interstellar greetings of our greatest hits


like a dying apostle

apologies for the apologist

knee deep in arcing filaments




& like all good hallelujahs

it comes back as a falling satellite

©️David Sichler


the condition of women

if ever the said elizabeth shall be found

troublesome or riotous

upon the throne of nags she shall go

banished thereafter

a condensation sketch of shrews

& scolds

off with the other ghosts

of no man’s land

as the breath of rooms

as vapor to haunted windows


can you hear the knell of her crystal mouth

a fingernail of stylus circling

as brethren’s foot to neck

as lock to scold’s bridle

to the women of nominally free states

keep your her say to yourself

femme flaneur

what did you see before your voice disappeared

I heard narcissism believes its own future

if it plays the lead

& he

he drinks of his own reflection


watch him drink the sea

ampersand’s impersonating a mayan sacrifice

seems like an unfair swap

a woman for the gods

& if you’ve never seen it

this is what a ground swell looks like

a woman built out of will

not myth

I once saw kikuyu grass conquer a telegraph pole

& here you say

you don’t believe

©️David Sichler


kati thanda

nasa took this photo on your birthday

the pinkish object is a gas cloud surrounding a dying star


a trojan bird

fell in love with a salt flower

river gave a wolfish grin

held back the water

just to see it bloom a little longer

a banded stilt was listening

for a moment

we were celestial blacksmiths

speaking with

not to

the land

a blue whale spooning

a venetian glass blower’s




©️David Sichler


houndstooth accumulator

took an offer on someone else’s breath

it’s all too loud when i’m up

against it

you revel in the little things

you send smoke signals telling everyone

it’s a siberian cat

you describe the pistachio cheesecake with puffery


i’m here to fix your hyperdrive

so we can speed through the sad parts

when modems fry in electrical storms

we agree


this is time-travelling

we see distant lightning

somewhere the internet is dying

& like tech support

you send smoke signals


I say this super quietly

if nothing bad happens

this could be our tropical holiday

the clouds had their own paparazzi

we took photos & gave them titles

cloud leaning on a sky making a peace sign

cloud leaning on a doe

in heavy winds a mosquito can ride a raindrop

now that’s leaning

so much burden

from such tiny freight

i’ve spoken with the lightning

the cloud tells us

your modem is safe with me

& just when we’re getting the hang of it

three years evaporate

a fugue candle searches for a birthday cake

1863 days since a tugboat fell in love with a german film star

wedded to my olfactory as a spice harp

the first comets were sumac

everything that followed was shifting dunes

even with rhizomes

hubris was a city built on it

once there was an organ compared to eden

scar tissue zipper

if i’m honest I found this by the roadside

I found house dust from a lifetime

bird tracks

a mopoke perhaps

responsible for the reggae break in the middle

tearing paper is a breaking wave

me fighting the ceramic swan in the front garden is a breaking wave

it went on for far too long

the fight was taken by the tides

as canopic jars for gaius plinius secundus

memories ergo

considered of least concern on the endangered list

by mummification

by proxy

learnt nothing encyclopedic from it

repurposed the wind chimes

as fashion

as this year’s fig leaf

as this eulogy amending tactic

©️David Sichler

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