
S p a c e E x p l o r e r

@defenderiinred-blog / defenderiinred-blog.tumblr.com

Indie Commander Keith Kogane from Voltron: Defenders of the Universe | Semi Selective

Black and Red || Closed - Keith && Shiro

     It seems as though he can’t catch a break today.
When he eventually gets an answer as to who this intruder is, Shiro finds himself caught off guard all over again. It’s not as extreme as it was with the lions, but there is absolutely a look of surprise that crosses his face. Keith Kogane. So not only does this guy look similar to Keith, but they have the same name? This is either some huge cosmic coincidence, or something strange is going on. Perhaps the idea of a Keith from the future or another universe shouldn’t seem so bizarre and come across as a possibility, what with everything he’s seen and been through at this point, but… Shiro is still trying to lean toward massive coincidence.
     “Okay. Just try to hang in there, he tells the second Kogane once he gets answers to the rest of his questions. From the sound of it, he should get this stranger to Coran to be looked over and possibly put into one of the healing pods. Soon too, since it’s clear he’s back and forth between losing consciousness, and if there’s one thing you don’t want with a concussion, it’s to fall asleep.
Before he can move to help this Keith back to his feet, however, Shiro’s distracted by Allura’s voice as she comes down, looking for him. By the time he looks back a second later, wondering in the back of his mind how to explain the scene she’s about to walk into, Keith is unconscious. Figures.
What he knows of the situation is explained to Allura, and she’s as frustrated as he with the lack of actual information, if not more so. However, she does agree that it’s best to get him medical attention. They can question him more thoroughly when he’s awake and less shaken by injury and concussion. Thus, Shiro scoops the stranger up and follows Allura’s lead back up to the main area of the castle, both of them avoiding being spotted by the other Paladins, not wanting to have to try explaining this mess to them, too.
In the medical room, Coran gets a look at all the injuries Shiro tells him he heard about from the other and ends up determining that a few hours in the healing pods should be enough to fix him right up. God, he’s thankful for Altean technology… Without it, this process and every other severe injury would take so much longer to be dealt with. With Coran’s assistance, they get this second Keith into one of the pods and let it do its thing. The room slowly empties out as time passes, but Shiro remains there in one of the seats, waiting to have this bizarre day explained further – Allura and Coran are working together to see if they can’t come up with an explanation for a second Black Lion and how it ended up directly in the hangar without being noticed or the pilot himself being aware, so he hopes they come up with something. Until they do or until Keith wakes up, however, he’s here, waiting patiently for something to change.

  -- It's cold.

  It's far too cold for his liking. Unbidden, a memory of a planet not too long ago comes back, one of the many times he risked himself for the safety of others. He had been out of commission for a few weeks after that, forcibly drawing snow to one's body and keeping it there for at least ten minutes not that good of an idea. The room is mostly silent, noises he cannot make out in the background causing his brow to furrow unconsciously. Where is he? What happened to him to bring him here-- ah.

  The memories of before he passed out come back suddenly, and he remembers. The battle, the Black Lion getting knocked out of the battle and out of his control. The room he had awoken in. The strange man who knew his name.

  He really needed answers.

  His eyes flutter open, a subconscious wince at the bright light breaking through. This wasn't the same room he had been in moments before. Or had it been more than moments? A soft beeping distracts him from his thoughts, and he frowns before the light blue hue the world had taken faded away in a brief light show of sparkles, and his balance is lost, long legs stumbling as he exits the... pod?


  Okay. He really needed answers.

  Black eyes scan the room, a hand quickly pressing up against the pod to keep himself from falling while his legs regain feeling. It comes to his attention that his shoulder and chest no longer throb with pain, and the concussion that plagued him earlier no longer exists, and he frowns again. How long has he been out? His eyes land on the man from earlier, the one who knew his name, and relaxes slightly. Hopefully, things will get explained soon. Starting with where he is.


                                         I would do anything for you,                                              but I won’t risk your life.

               Keith Kogane. Commander of Voltron. Pilot of the Black Lion.

                           Head of Voltron, and Defender of the Universe.

   – “I’m fine. Are you okay? I think you’ve mistaken me for someone else, I don’t know any Shiro’s.“ An eyebrow raises in curiosity, before both quickly knit together in concern. This man – Shiro, he supposes – seemed extremely set on believing that Keith was someone else. His twin, apparently, if the hair was the only difference.

··“What.” He mumbled a bit as he squinted more and leaned forward to get a better look. When told that this other guy didn’t know anyone by the name of Shiro, he could feel his entire head heat up from absolute embarrassment as he backs right up again. “I-I’m so sorry, I… thought you were someone I knew…”


   -- “It’s okay, I am pretty curious about this person I’ve been mistaken for now, however.” A tiny smile appeared, and he ran his fingers through the knot at the back of his head. “You’re Shiro, right? It’s nice to meet you I suppose, although I kind of wish it could have been under better circumstances. I’m Keith.”



TAGGED BY: @ctoile RULES:  Tag ten followers



NAME: Keith Kogane NICKNAME: Commander, Kogane, Starboy. Nerd ( Lance ) ZODIAC SIGN: Virgo GENDER: Male FAVOURITE COLOUR: Red AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: Two to four, if he can find time to sleep. LAST THING YOU GOOGLED: “The Bunker Diary Book.” HEIGHT: 5′9″



NAME: Nathan NICKNAME: Nathan, Nate, Nerd, Smol Bean. ZODIAC SIGN: Leo GENDER: Gender?? what is that? FAVORITE COLOUR: Mint green, or black. AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: Either three hours, or seventeen. There is no in between. LAST THING YOU GOOGLED: “Touchdown Jesus Ohio” HEIGHT: 5′4″

TAGGING: u wanna do this? go for it buddy


-- ( It's not Munday, but screw it, I'm excited about this. I just came home from a con, and I was a Garrison Cadet version of Shiro! The jacket I made was actually really comfy, and I made a couple new friends after a Voltron in character Q & A panel, and there is a possibility that I may be joining them in August!! This convention is the reason I've been absent here, as I've been focusing a lot on finishing my Garrison Uniform, but now that this has passed, I should be back here more! )


Thomas Sanders — Losing my Motivation {Sentence Starters}

  • “Can I take a stab?”
  • “Who gave him a knife?!”
  • “Oh, I like dramatic twists!”
  • “No, you can’t play with us!”
  • “I’m not always the bad guy.”
  • “That was dark even for ME.”
  • “Avoiding things is my specialty.”
  • “I’m sorry, what is happening here?”
  • “I am a knight, thank you very much!”
  • “How could you do it? I trusted you…”
  • “Feelings… the bane of my existence.”
  • “Can’t be a bad video if you never make one.”
  • “Bleak. But, I appreciate you trying to contribute.”
  • “And, as usual, you were completely unnecessary.”
  • “Well, if it’s not a perfect idea, it’s not good enough!”
  • “Look, I am out there living the fanciful dream, okay?”
  • “HA! I LIKE that nickname and I’m gonna use it, now!”
  • “Did you actually look in a mirror when you put that on?”
  • “Um, rude much? I was just touching up my eyeshadow.”
  • “Shush and make a face of agreement like everyone else.”
  • “I have reason to believe YOU are the cause of our conundrum!”
  • “Whatever comes, you have to allow yourself to make mistakes.”
  • “Yeah, that has put me in some bad last-minute situations, before…”
  • “And, when in doubt, remember everything we do is all pointless, anyway.”
  • “I am the cause of this. But I’m also the solution… to a problem I had caused.”
  • “It was in my cardigan since my character was first introduced, isn’t that something?”
  • “There’s an infinitesimal amount of things in this bizarre, massive universe, brimming with exciting mysteries, and you don’t really know what to talk about?”
  • “Am I in a paradoxal loop where I endlessly generate a problem and try to solve it like a snake devouring its oWN TAIL IN ORDER TO SATIATE ITS HUNGER?”
Anonymous asked:

Defenderiinred / hotshotiinblue?

anonymously send me a url and listen to me scream abt them!
@defenderiinred / @hotshotiinblue

look @ this pretty cool person!! i haven’t talked to them v much but i love our rps together even tho i’m pulling snail mail on it too LMAO

like idk much about the old voltron but let me tell you my favorite thing i’ve heard so far from them was keith having the ‘subtlety of a freight train’ and i don’t know why that’s so funny to me??

but also the stuff they write is so good like i love it! i need more threads w/ you like damn what the hell, the need is very Strong™

but anyways i love their content too! old voltron or not, it’s still great and i would love MORE

Anonymous asked:

totally anonymously sets 'silentconfliction' all up in ur askbox


   -- ( gRAY!! I love them so much, like I’m not even kidding when I say that they’re one of my favorite people. I met them back when I was roleplaying in the Red vs Blu3 fandom and I looked up to them so much. I was a wee little bab back then and I aspired to one day write as good at them. Tbh I still do. The way they portrayed Wash -- and the way they currently do, as well as how they portray Shiro just makes me so happy to so see and I’m honored to be able to write with them.

   Roleplaying ability aside, they’re so friendly too! Like, they’re more than willing to talk to me whenever I hesitantly peek into their ims and we could just talk about our boys and have fun with it. They’re just an all-around amazing person, and I always can’t wait to see what they write next. )

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