
Pascal van den Bos


I’m a musician, Manager of PMT, also a member of UMSPAF

you are challenged by champion fern!

i commissioned unbound's sound director, pascal van den bos, for a battle theme for fern! do listen out for some of the melody references to some very important links in his life... and get ready to be absolutely destroyed in battle!

there's a link to this in the battle scene of steps, and i definitely recommend listening while reading!


TimelessHeir sent an audio recording of him saying “mm wife bad” in the discord server so this is what i did with it lol


Whenever Americans use Cryillic like. That. I just. Instantly shrivel up an cry

Like idk how to tell you this but н isnt h and и isnt n

It’s true and you should say it.

Я isnt R
Р isnt P
В isnt B

If you want to explain, what does it mean then? 0.0

н makes n sound,и makes ee sound, я makes ya sound, р makes r sound, в makes v sound


you mean, like, ня?


oh no. It can be made with Cyrillic now





oh yeah, in celebration of 2019, i feel like it is important to note that 2019 is the last year that chara falling into the underground can happen….


you know what that means yall, gotta go dive into a hole in a mountain this year or never


so there’s a pretty well known minecraft server called 2b2t that was originally made by facepunch/4chan idiots at least five years ago with the goal of creating a server that 1. has no moderation and 2. never changes maps. naturally a lot of idiot griefer players were attracted to this concept and basically turned the server into a lawless hellworld where any new player is at the mercy of the griefer warlords. the griefers built a colossal, monolithic cobblestone wall around the worldspawn so new players with no items wouldn’t be able to escape from it, allowing griefers with powerful equipment to spawnkill new players as much as they liked. new players punched dozens of tiny little tunnels through this wall which created a way to escape the worldspawn area if you explored enough

one time in july of 2012 i heard about this server and decided to explore it a bit. that’s what the huge wall around the worldspawn looked like from outside the worldspawn. the worldspawn was basically the epicenter of a massive radius of uninhabitable land where stuff like trees and animals had all been stripped away by griefers to make it as hard as possible to survive. i managed to run fairly far away from the worldspawn and reach an area that looked relatively normal and uninhabited so i dug a small underground bunker at the bottom of the world and planted a couple farms and logged out. i kind of forgot about it after that and didn’t log back in until i randomly remembered the server existed again in march of 2015 and decided to see if my little bunker was still there which is when i discovered that it was and saw this REALLY good sign somebody had left after discovering it

at that time in 2015 i just kind of laughed and took that screenshot and explored my bunker a bit and saw that people had come and destroyed the farms i had built and holed up the entrance to my bunker but otherwise left it in tact, which made me pretty proud. i logged out and forgot about the server again until just now (august of 2017) when i logged back in again. my bunker was pretty much the same as in 2015 except that funny sign had been removed by someone. i didn’t go back up to the surface when i had logged in in 2015, so decided to dig myself back up and see what it was like

when i originally dug down in this area in 2012, it just looked like any other naturally generated tundra/forest biome in minecraft. what i found when i came back up to the surface just now five years later was a strange massive manmade cobblestone structure and several giant fountains of lava. there weren’t any other players nearby. someone had spawned four withers nearby which seemed to (thankfully) be stuck in a ditch like area and were just blowing shit up indefinitely. i wandered around and found another underground base near mine which happened to have some melons growing in it, so i took a few to resupply the melons in my griefed farm. i got a bit lost but finally found the hole leading back to my bunker and buried myself again and planted my melon seeds. i can hear the wither explosions from my bunker now, which is kind of worrying. i don’t really feel like doing anything else in here so maybe i’ll log back in and 2020 and see if my little bunker with the melons is still there then


We’re pleased to announce Diverging Delicacies, a fan album 100% less anticipated but 100% more audible than the Homestuck Epilogues. This album, set to release this summer, will feature songs for some of your favorite moments from both of your favorite iterations of Earth C! 

We’re still seeking artists and musicians/composers who want to contribute to the album, so check out this post for more info if you’re interested! https://hsfanmusic.skaia.net/post/184183362891/accepting-musiciansartists


could u imagine if ppl talked about catholicism the same way they talked about like… indigenous ppl’s religions….

girl in horror movie holding a bible open: “according to legend, a mob tortured a half-man, half-god, and nailed him to a wooden cross, leaving him to starve to death. But days later, on this very night, they found he had clawed his way out of the grave. Now those who believe lie in wait for him to rise again, To honour him, they have weekly gatherings where they chant and sing, and at the end of it they eat his flesh and blood.”

girl’s friend: “wow.. thats so creepy…”

horror movie jock: “it’s only a myth, don’t worry”


why is this a screenshot

The original post will kill if you look at it directly

If i have to die to find out why they can’t be together than so be it


In case you missed the stream or the previous announcement, The Paradox Music Team have been working on our next album: Beforusbound. Think of it as an expanded version of our previous release, Alternate Hues and Melodies but about the beforus trolls and the events that happened during their session.

The album will come out on June 12th, 2019 and will be completely free of charge.


We’re working on a sort of sequel album to AlterniaBound, coming soon!


This is not an exaggeration.  Your download speed would slow down to the point where Windows would make this kind of absurd estimate, and you’d sigh and leave the room for a while (because you couldn’t use the computer while it was doing this for fear it would crash and lose all your progress) and then you’d come back in 40 minutes and maybe it would now say 52 years or maybe it would say 3 minutes, who knew, not Windows.


The struggle


Back in my day …

Source: memescomedy

I am happy to tell you that we will be streaming Stable Time Loops and Paradoxes 2 on Saturday, April 13th, 2019 to the celebrate it’s release. It’ll be a pretty fun stream full of good music, and I hope y’all can drop by. 

You can find the stream here

You can listen to STLaP 2 and our previous releases here

Also do make sure to watch the announcement video until the end for another special announcement 



Track art for @potatoboss323 , quite possibly the dankest troll you’ll ever meet. I’ve been working with the Paradox Music Team for a while now and it’s been such a wonderful experience!

thank you so much for this, it’s truly amazing! 🙏

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