
Fake Plastic Trees

@blobwithagob / blobwithagob.tumblr.com

If I could be who you wanted, all the time. Blog dedicated to my obsession with mmfd, Nico Mirallegro, donut jumpers and the lovely people in the mmfd fandom. xx I have started a fanfic "Inside the eye of your mind" You can find it using the link below. xx

A couple is walking in St. Petersburg Square on Christmas Eve. They feel a slight precipitation.

“I think it’s raining,” says the man.

“No, it’s snowing,” replies the woman. 

“How about we ask this Communist officer here? He is always right!” exclaims the man. “Officer Rudolph, is it raining or snowing?”

“Definitely raining,” Officer Rudolph replies before walking off.

The man turns to his wife with a smile. “See? Rudolph the Red knows rain, dear.”

What pisses me off is the complexity of the context required to throw this pun so it made any sense.


You know what was weird about S3 to me? At so many points while watching, I thought “Aha, that was weird at first, but now they’re setting up the dominoes for a logical result.” And it took a left into Crazytown EVERY time. Just me? It almost seemed purposeful. Like, we’re clearly supposed to deduce that Kester knows Rae is full of horseshit about her and Finn. Does he do anything? The other therapist straight up calls Rae out on her rapidly shifting mental state, and I was like FINALLY we’re getting somewhere. Or…not. Chloe and Rae work it out, cause they’re ride or die…then that look happens. God, I just want to know everyone’s thought processes because I’m baffled still. (Do NOT even get me started on the review I read that said the look is proof that Chloe was a good friend, because she’d been burying her own feelings and desires for Rae’s sake. Urgggg)

I agree with all of this. I thought all the weird, stupid stuff that happened would have some sort of real purpose but in the end we were left with just more contrived bs. Kester’s role was just so hard to watch in series 3. I think him telling Rae that she was the patient that was most important to him was supposed to come off as touching but it just came off as creepy and inappropriate to me. Like does he just not care about his other patients?

Honestly,I get kind of tired of people making Chloe out to be some kind of martyr. This isn’t hating on her or anything but do people forget that she was fully prepared to pursue Finn in series 1 knowing that Rae had feelings for him or that she was going to pursue him in series 2 after he and Rae broke up? She certainly wasn’t “burying” her own desires then. That “look” in the series finale was so unnecessary and random. Like were they trying to hint that Chloe and Finn would get together? Seeing how series 3 seemed to care very little about respecting Rae and Finn’s relationship, I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if Finn and Chloe were to be together if they ever do a special or movie.

omg if they even ever put chloe and finn together i will scream until my vocal chords burst


I’m glad Rae and Chloe have repaired their friendship, and I want Rae to value ALL the relationships in her life. But this show is ABOUT RAE. And if they try to reverse engineer this in ten years time, I will put my back out jumping up out of my recliner to yell about it. 

Finn and Chloe are NOT IT. Please, reviewer, provide me with contextual evidence that Finn and Chloe should be together. And if you EVEN say “they look good together” I will nut your nosebone up into your brain. Chloe tried it on with Finn, he said he wasn’t into it. Soooooooo … *gestures to the door*

And all the Kester stuff … I DO NOT UNDERSTAND how someone didn’t speak up in a script meeting and say, “Are we SURE it’s a good idea to have Kester be fired and conduct therapy sessions in a parking garage? Are we CERTAIN he should advise her to end therapy just before a major life change, especially when she seems to be unraveling?” Everyone in the meeting was just … on board?

I really really really need a time machine and/or a pan-dimensional jumpbelt so I can go to a place where series 3 doesn’t exist. 

It’s that meeting that bothers me most. I mean they must of had a meeting to discuss the script and issues arising? I would have thought mental health professionals might have been contacted. Maybe the idea didn’t sound so bad when someone tells you about it: especially if there is a spin on her being some heroine of independence who doesn’t need the pretty boy to prop her up…..But the edited film we get to see is pretty damning about MH. I know that’s not the intention but you have Kesters dodgy practices, self harm relapses and pils being dished out and handed back…. Lots of false self reliance crap….

a spin on her being some heroine of independence who doesn’t need the pretty boy to prop her up….

That had to be what they were going for because nothing else makes a lick of sense but the execution was terrible.

I will never understand why they didn’t start S3 with Rae having quit therapy because she felt she didn’t need it anymore because life was good and she wasn’t self-harming then problems arise that she has trouble coping with and the message could have been even a strong person needs help sometimes. The pills issue will forever bother me because my honest opinion is that girl needs meds like you wouldn’t believe.

No Katie or Victor needed. Deal with Rae’s issues and use Archie as the voice of going to Uni and getting out of Stamford. It is so simple I don’t know how they fucked it up so bad. Rae could end the show single but don’t shit on the one positive portrayal of a mad fat teen girl being loved and desired.

@lilaviolet this would’ve been perfect, ugh. Especially with Archie being so underutilized. She could’ve split with Finn because she needed to prioritize her health, and I think most of us would’ve been cool with that. Especially if it called back to the idea that kicking things off with him post-suicide-attempt was problematic (i love them, but yeah). I’ll never stop wishing for that gap year. She works on herself, leaves it open for literally anything to happen in a reunion, and it actually ties into something that changed Real Rae’s life for the better.

Still stand by every word of this and if every Emu wrote a version of this I would die happy.


Blur | Beetlebum

And when she lets me slip away She turns me on all my violence is gone Nothing is wrong She turns me on I just slip away and I’m gone

the Irish word for Santa Claus literally translates to “daddy december” and I don’t know how to feel about that

great now i have to kinkshame ALL of IRELAND


Imagine telling Finn Nelson you don’t have snow at Christmas where you live

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