
Yaku's Girl

@krazyotakunerd / krazyotakunerd.tumblr.com

Phoebe, she/they, 21, Yaku Morisuke's girlfriend (sorry, no criticism) U Know? Personal Navigation

“U know?” Masterlist

- Being a YouTuber is stressful. When your friends accidentally find out about your secret crush on another YouTuber during a game of UNO? Things get worse. When mutuals go crazy with ship names and send him clips? It’s all over.

Pairing: Sero Hanta x fem!reader

Genre: youtube au, fluff, crack, pining

Status: Ongoing

Rated 17+ for horny memes, thirst tweets, some sexts if you squint I think, oops

A/N: Hey! This is really my first time writing a SMAU and really fanfic that isn’t just in my head but I love Sero and will do my best to do him and this justice!! Big thanks to Sof ( @myherowritings ) for inspiring me to start thinking of these things again and to actually try and share it with the world!! If you haven’t seen her work I HIGHLY recommend doing so!! And also shoutout to my sweet bbygorl Abbie for helping me with the planning and lowkey just being my cowriter and hyping me up throughout the early stages of this!!!!

Part 1- Uno

Part 2 - Oh no

Part 3 - @ Chargebolt

Part 6 - a b o r t



an acquaintance told me i had the subtle guardedness of someone who “learned social skills the hard way” and i’d honestly have much preferred they took out a gun and shot me


I'm absolutely obsessed with Laios' logic that the other shapeshifters made mistakes the real party members were too knowledgeable/careful/wise to make

but for Marcille he's like "only the real Marcille would do something that fucking stupid"


Please return us to a world where Notp and squick are used for a ship you don’t like instead of just making up a load of bullshit about how immoral it is or w/e lol 


a short selection of concepts and phrases that used to be commonplace in fandom and we’d really benefit from making that a thing again:

NOTP: the opposite of an OTP (One True Pairing). It is a ship a fan strongly dislikes. The word is a portmanteau of ‘no’ and ‘OTP’ and thus is not a contraction of any particular phrase.

Squick: anything that is a deep-seated, visceral turn-off. Squicks may be shared by many fans or be specific to one; one person’s kink may be another person’s squick.

YKINMKATO, or kink-tomato: Your Kink Is Not My Kink, And That’s Okay: used to indicate support for fannish diversity and to distinguish between disapproval or kink shaming and simply having different taste.

DLDR: Don’t Like, Don’t Read: a phrase used to warn against complaints about an aspect of fic or meta. A “live and let live” philosophy of fandom, which places the responsability for avoiding content one doesn’t want to see on the side of the fanwork consumer, rather that on the creator’s.

SALS: Ship And Let Ship: similar to the above specifically about shipping tastes.

YMMV: Your Mileage May Vary: a phrase used to acknowledge that any given individual’s personal opinion on the topic at hand may differ due to their own tastes, standards, values, experiences, etc.

As the OP points out, all of these crucially imply no moral judgment of what they’re designing.

(definitions lifted more or less wholesale from fanlore’s relevant pages)


bring the healthy fun back to fandom!

If ever a time comes when I don’t reblog this when it appears on my dash, assume I’m dead

PS “Trigger” also does not imply a moral judgement.


there’s a decent amt of neurologists who’ve called the sleep schedules we’re obligated to be on despite flagrant conflict with our natural circadian rhythms “borderline torture” and the work hours we’re expected to put in despite the fact that the average person can only maintain maximal efficiency and focus for 3 hours at a time “nearly inhumane” and i think about that a lot


Under PENALTY of INSTANT DEATH do NOT make blackout poetry of my posts. It is improper behavior and makes me wanna explode. You will receive 80 concussions. Don't make me spell it out again


[image description: a screenshot of the original post with sections blacked out. the new text reads, "PENINS exploion spell". /end description]




I'm a fucking idiot

Did your best buddy it's ok




Alternate universe Ratatouille



This post shot me in the chest twice

I’m so used to seeing the edited one with his dick I got mad it wasn’t there like

This post shot me in the chest thrice

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