
Prompt #8 Favorite Scene (again)

Reasons why this scene is amazing.

Porsche rubbing Kinn's back in comfort because Tankhun is genuinely pissed at him even while being incredibly dramatic and Kinn is feeling guilty and absolutely hates to upset his brother.

Not one, not two, but three trained bodyguards completely freaked the hell out and abandoned their charges(well, unless you count Porsche climbing on Kinn's back as some kind of protection) at the sight of "zombie" Pete.

That Yok is there. Tankhun feels close enough to Yok to include her and look, Yok is the first person in Tankhun's life that isn't either related to him or paid by his family in who knows how long, so that's a big deal.

Arm being upset that Tankhun told Pete's ghost to visit his dreams. The little flinch and "why?" look is hilarious.

The fond little face pat and smile that Kinn gives Pete when they realize he's alive, before he's literally knocked out of the way by Arme and Pol mobbing Pete.

The Pete mobbing. Porsche poking his arm to make sure he's really not a ghost before they all pile onto Pete's poor bruised body, my little gang together once more.


ok imagine 10 things i hate about you. now imagine 10 things i hate about you, but gay. now imagine that kat and bianca are assassins who kill corrupt politicians and businessmen. now imagine that this is real. many good and wonderful things are possible in this world if you watch thai dramas.


I get my media recommendations the old fashioned way: by watching someone I follow on here go on an unhinged reblog spree of media related content until I eventually decide to go "alright, what's all this then"


β€œIn school, they get an assignment to write about their hero. Macau writes about his brother.Β 

or Vegas is no hero.”

Prompt:Β Apr 13-14: Heroes

me writing more VegasMacau brother angst? Oh, absolutely!Β 


So my secret dream is that Kinn and Vegas both pick up a ton of non-mafia hobbies down the line.

Now, Kinn is a shit cook. He plucks a trigger much more steadily than he’ll ever pluck Kim’s guitar. His clumsy attempts at painting draw a rare smile to Porsche’s mother’s lips. Kinn knits the lumpiest, most uneven scarf in a climate where nobody will ever want to wear it.

Kinn is bad at his hobbies.

And it is so freeing, to enjoy something and to be bad at it. For Kinn, who has always had to be the bestβ€”for Kinn, whose father’s money made him the best even when he wasn’tβ€”what a tremendous relief, to love something and to do it poorly.

Meanwhileβ€”Vegas is an excellent cook. His hands are just as dexterous on the pliers whether he is extracting the movement from a clock or the bones from a man’s ear. His bird’s eye chili plants thrive on the balcony.

Vegas is good at his hobbies.

And it is so satiating, to enjoy something and to be good at it. For Vegas, who has never been the bestβ€”for Vegas, whose father’s goalposts moved every time he thought he might be good enoughβ€”what a tremendous relief, to love something and to do it well.

Privately (and sometimes not so privately), they laugh at each other. Privately (always privately), they are so much happier.

(And neither of them plays chess. <3)

op πŸ₯ΉπŸ₯ΉπŸ₯Ή


I think I’m always chasing that particular high you only get from certain rare stories - the ones that resonate with you on a strange personal level, like an implacable aroma that reminds you of something that was once very dear to you but has somehow been forgotten. Those stories that rewire your brain just a little, just for a while. Not every great story has this effect - I have enjoyed many excellent books and movies that did not change me.

It’s just that now and then, if you’re very lucky, you’ll come across a story that feels like home, or a like limb you didn’t even know you had or how you got by all these years without using it. These stories haunt you and become part of your personal canon.


The Undermining of Kinn Theerapanyakul

Or: how Porsche acting out both threatens and strengthens Kinn's leadership

In episode 2, we see Porsche antagonize a minor, who turns out to be the son of Gun Theerapanyakul. And that, of course, sets Gun off --

He whines to Korn about the main family lowering their standards for the bodyguards, then turns to Kinn - implying that it's all his fault. That Kinn is too incompetent as a leader to keep his bodyguards in line.

But Korn puts a stop to it...

... by immediately undermining Kinn.

Although Korn is at the head of the table here, Kinn is supposed to be in charge - as we see in episode 1, he's the acting head of the main family, taking over for his father because of Korn's 'poor' health, and he was trying to give a report on the main family's business when Macau and Porsche burst in.

Korn's statement here is intrusive, but... it also gives Kinn an out for dealing with Gun.

Kinn keeps a strong, blank face when Gun is accusing him, but if you look at his hands (hidden from view behind his tablet) you'll see that he's fidgeting here.

Gun's anger makes Kinn nervous.

If this had been where the scene ended, Korn would have both helped and hurt Kinn - it would have stopped any further argument and saved him potential embarrassment, but it would have also cut Kinn's leadership to only a performative role. Telling everyone that the bodyguards are Korn's responsibility, not Kinn's.

But then here comes Porsche --

--ruining Korn's attempt at calm (just look how aghast he is) and dialing the tension up to 11!

This is where things take a turn for Kinn - because Korn can't (or won't) step in again.

It's up to Kinn to rescue Porsche, which he does by taking back control - he takes on the blame for Porsche's behaviour, while correcting his father: the bodyguards are his people.

And it's his responsibility to discipline Porsche, which he does in the most showy (and least damaging) way that he can to appease Gun.

The scene ends with Kinn firmly in control. He stares Gun down, takes a cool sip of his tea, and gets back to business.

Kinn is more clearly in-charge here than he was at the start of the scene. And it's thanks to Porsche.


the first time i watched porsche wheedle a promise out of kinn for fifty thousand baht, only to promptly ditch kinn to pee into a goddamn bottle, i was like oh man. this guy's a bastard πŸ˜‚

on rewatch, knowing he's the furthest thing from a bastard, it reads different.

he holds out his hand to stop the guy with the knife. you can see his eyes darting around, counting the number of men β€” one two three four β€” and then he goes "right. brb :)"

because four men is a lot to take down in one shot. no rich bitch is worth being sent home in a body bag. so he turns his back, neatly removing himself from the fight, and he evaluates.

and then he trounces them 😌

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