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@elenaditgoia / elenaditgoia.tumblr.com

❦ ELENA ❦ ❦ 27 YEARS OLD BI WOMAN ❦ ❦ SHE/HER ❦ ❦ LIBRA ❦ ❦ FIRENZE, ITALY ❦ ❦ elenaditgoia.tilda.ws ❦ ❦ elenaditgoia@gmail.com ❦

listen. listen. the consumption of animal products is about mutually beneficial relationships Not domination and that's why prioritizing animal r*ghts over animal welfare is an absolutely brain fungus take to have

urban leftists who've never so much as raised a chicken will be like "umm think about the politics of your diet???" because they can't conceive of the fact that domestication is an incredibly sweet gig for most livestock where they don't have to look for their own food or shelter or water are protected from predators and also get free healthcare and a quick clean death


a woman will be 28 or whatever and all the 24 year olds are in shock like “no fucking way I seriously couldn’t tell. you don’t look near death at all”

Anonymous asked:

hi hi the person asking for donations you just boosted in ask seemed like a scam. that blog was made literally 5 days ago with no history and the link was extremely suspicious. I know u have good intentions but just be careful please thank you!

You're right, I quickly scanned the blog before answering but didn't check thoroughly. I deleted the post now!


Plenty of highly intelligent people end up getting sucked in to cults because they just wanted people to hang out with. There are antivaxxer nurses. Your ability to act on empirical reason breaks down fast if your social and emotional needs aren't being met.

Like, I reject this idea that people end up becoming tradwives or antivaxxers or cult members because they were dumb. These groups prey on people by filling the social and emotional needs of vulnerable people. They look for people who need help, and give it to them on predatory conditions.

Fucking around with astrology does not introduce some sort of idealogical poison to your brain. That is ridiculous. Some people turn to astrology because they want a sense of agency in an increasingly atomized world. Some people get into astrology because the night sky is pretty. People /believe/ in astrology because they have some underlying desire to believe in astrology.

High control groups will trawl astrology communities looking for the despondent directionless mfers with few community ties. This trick works even better on college campuses, which are full of despondent directionless mfers with few community ties.

I am frustrated with this idea that participating in ostensibly silly things somehow lowers your psychic defense stat, as if it's a video game. That's now how indoctrination works. You are mistaking a correlation for a causation.


Posts that would be indistinguishable from Christian tradwife propaganda if they weren't spoken in the tumblr dialect

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