
Not a Witch, Just Magical

@thefizzynator / thefizzynator.tumblr.com

Japanese ★ she/her ★ witch hunt victim ★ has mental health issues
Anonymous asked:

You know, I feel bad that you've been falsely accused for everything you'll did. People don't understand that someone can change their life after time goes on, yet they're judging you from past behavior and not from present day. Hopefully one day everything about your problems right now will be solved, but I doubt anyone besides me would get that...



Actually, the reason is because the people who have those headcanons often delude themselves into thinking it’s canon, and harass people who don’t think so too.

Sorry what did you say? Sorry abt that. Couldn’t hear you over the CSA allegations. Say once more please? One more time por favor?

Literally one of the less-than-ten posts on the blog (WHICH IS THE POST YOU STOLE THE IMAGE FROM) debunks the allegation, which doesn’t matter anyway because it doesn’t have anything to do with trans headcanons whatsoever. Ad hominem much?

Oh, sorry, I forgot you shouldn’t expect rationality from someone who literally says shit like this:

“I’m going to cyberbully this bitch so hard”

Truly the words of a cultured logician of the highest calibre, eh. /s

Anonymous asked:

The word lesbian is entirely divorced from gender identity, and that's why trans people have participated in gay communities from the beginning. Lesbians are same sex attracted biological females. Please read nonbinary trans lesbian Leslie Feinberg to learn more about this.

I’m sick and tired of this insistence to call trans men “lesbians”, when those men clearly do not want to be called a lesbian. And by your definition, trans women can’t be lesbians. Read a dictionary.


On Lesbianism

I’ll state it at the top here, because many have not understood my stance. The purpose of this essay is not to say that Lesbian cannot mean “Female homosexual.” Rather, my objective is to show that Lesbian means more than that single definition suggests. Female Homosexuals are lesbians, unless they personally do not want to use that label. Now, on with the show: Lesbianism is not about gatekeeping, and I don’t want to have to keep convincing people that the movement popularized by someone who wrote a book full of lies and hate speech then immediately worked with Ronald Reagan is a bad movement. In the early ’70s, groups of what would now be called “gender critical” feminists threatened violence against many trans women who dared exist in women’s and lesbian spaces. For example, trans woman Beth Elliott, who was at the 1973 West Coast Lesbian Feminist Conference to perform with her lesbian band, was ridiculed onstage and had her existence protested. In 1979, radical feminist Janice Raymond, a professor at the University of Massachusetts, wrote the defining work of the TERF movement, “Transsexual Empire: The Making of the Shemale,” in which she argued that “transsexualism” should be “morally mandating it out of existence”—mainly by restricting access to transition care (a political position shared by the Trump administration). Soon after she wrote another paper, published for the government-funded, National Center for Healthcare Technology — and the Reagan administration cut off Medicare and private health insurance coverage for transition-related care.

Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminism is a fundamentally unsustainable ideology. Lesbianism is a fundamentally sustainable existence.

There used to be a lesbian bar or queer bar or gay bar in practically every small town — sometimes one of each. After surviving constant police raids, these queer spaces began closing even Before the AIDS epidemic. Because TERFs would take them over, kick out transfems and their friends. Suddenly, there weren’t enough local patrons to keep the bars open, because the majority had been kicked out. With America’s lack of public transportation, not enough people were coming from out of town either.

TERFs, even beyond that, were a fundamental part of the state apparatus that let AIDS kill millions.

For those who don’t know, Lesbian, from the time of Sappho of Lesbos to the about 1970′s, referred to someone who rejects the patriarchal hierarchy. It was not only a sexuality, but almost akin to a gender spectrum.

That changed in the 1970′s when TERFs co-opted 2nd Wave feminism, working with Ronald fucking Reagan to ban insurance for trans healthcare.

TERFs took over the narrative, the bars, the movement, and changed Lesbian from the most revolutionary and integral queer communal identity of 2 fucking THOUSAND years, from “Someone who rejects the patriarchal hierarchy” to “A woman with a vagina who’s sexually attracted to other women with vaginas”

How does this fit into the bi lesbian debate? As I said, Lesbian is more of a Gender Spectrum than anything else, it was used much in the same way that we use queer or genderqueer today.

And it’s intersectional too.

See, if you were to try to ascribe a rigid, biological, or localized model of an identity across multiple cultures, it will fail. It will exclude people who should not be excluded. ESPECIALLY Intersex people. That’s why “Two Spirit” isn’t something rigid- it is an umbrella term for the identities within over a dozen different cultures. In the next two sections, I have excerpts on Two-Spirit and Butch identity, to give a better idea of the linguistics of queer culture: This section on Two-Spirit comes from wikipedia, as it has the most links to further sources, I have linked all sources directly, though you can also access them from the Wikipedia page’s bibliography: Two-Spirit is a pan-Indian, umbrella term used by some Indigenous North Americans to describe Native people who fulfill a traditional ceremonial and social role that does not correlate to the western binary. [1] [2] [3] Created at the 1990 Indigenous lesbian and gay international gathering in Winnipeg, it was “specifically chosen to distinguish and distance Native American/First Nations people from non-Native peoples.“ [4] Criticism of Two-Spirit arises from 2 major points, 1. That it can exasperate the erasure of the traditional terms and identities of specific cultures.           a. Notice how this parallels criticisms of Gay being used as the umbrella           term for queer culture in general. 2. That it implies adherence to the Western binary; that Natives believe these individuals are "both male and female" [4]          a. Again, you’ll notice that this parallels my criticisms of the TERF definition of Lesbian, that tying LGBT+ identities to a rigid western gender binary does a disservice to LGBT+ people,—especially across cultures. “Two Spirit” wasn’t intended to be interchangeable with “LGBT Native American” or “Gay Indian”; [2] nor was it meant to replace traditional terms in Indigenous languages.  Rather, it was created to serve as a pan-Indian unifier. [1] [2] [4] —The term and identity of two-spirit “does not make sense” unless it is contextualized within a Native American or First Nations framework and traditional cultural understanding. [3] [10] [11] The ceremonial roles intended to be under the modern umbrella of two-spirit can vary widely, even among the Indigenous people who accept the English-language term. No one Native American/First Nations’ culture’s gender or sexuality categories apply to all, or even a majority of, these cultures. [4] [8] Butch: At the turn of the 20th century, the word “butch” meant “tough kid” or referred to a men’s haircut. It surfaced as a term used among women who identified as lesbians in the 1940s, but historians and scholars have struggled to identify exactly how or when it entered the queer lexicon. However it happened, “Butch” has come to mean a “lesbian of masculine appearance or behavior.” (I have heard that, though the words originate from French, Femme & Butch came into Lesbian culture from Latina lesbian culture, and if I find a good source for that I will share. If I had to guess, there may be some wonderful history to find of it in New Orleans—or somewhere similar.) Before “butch” became a term used by lesbians, there were other terms in the 1920s that described masculinity among queer women. According to the historian Lillian Faderman,“bull dagger” and “bull dyke” came out of the Black lesbian subculture of Harlem, where there were “mama” and “papa” relationships that looked like butch-femme partnerships. Performer Gladys Bentley epitomized this style with her men’s hats, ties and jackets. Women in same-sex relationships at this time didn’t yet use the word “lesbian” to describe themselves. Prison slang introduced the terms “daddy,” “husband,” and “top sargeant” into the working class lesbian subculture of the 1930s.  This lesbian history happened alongside Trans history, and often intersected, just as the Harlem renaissance had music at the forefront of black and lesbian (and trans!) culture, so too can trans musicians, actresses, and more be found all across history, and all across the US. Some of the earliest known trans musicians are Billy Tipton and Willmer “Little Ax” Broadnax—Both transmasculine musicians who hold an important place in not just queer history, but music history.

Lesbian isn’t rigid & biological, it’s social and personal, built up of community and self-determination.

And it has been for millennia.

So when people say that nonbinary lesbians aren’t lesbian, or asexual lesboromantics aren’t lesbian, or bisexual lesbians aren’t lesbian, it’s not if those things are technically true within the framework — It’s that those statements are working off a fundamentally claustrophobic, regressive, reductionist, Incorrect definition You’ll notice that whilst I have been able to give citations for TERFs, for Butch, and especially for Two-Spirit, there is little to say for Lesbianism. The chief reason for this is that lesbian history has been quite effectively erased-but it is not forgotten, and the anthropological work to recover what was lost is still ongoing. One of the primary issues is that so many who know or remember the history have so much trauma connected to "Lesbian” that they feel unable to reclaim it. Despite this trauma, just like the anthropological work, reclamation is ongoing.

Since Sappho, lesbian was someone who rejects the patriarchal hierarchy. For centuries, esbian wasn’t just a sexuality, it was intersectional community, kin to a gender spectrum, like today’s “queer”. When TERFs co-opted 2nd Wave feminism, they redefined Lesbian to “woman w/ a vag attracted to other women w/ vags”. So when you say “bi lesbians aren’t lesbian” it’s not whether that’s true within the framework, it’s that you’re working off a claustrophobic, regressive, and reductionist definition.

I want Feminism, Queerness, Lesbianism, to be fucking sustainable.

I wanna see happy trans and lesbian and queer kids in a green and blue fucking world some day.

I want them to be able to grow old in a world we made good.

Reblogging because I have made extensive rewrites to correct and give context.

I admire how you made such a massive amount of effort to write a gigantic monolith of text that most people won’t even bother to read, just to try to deny the fact that the word “lesbian” means “a person, whose gender identity is that of a woman, who has the propensity to be romantically and/or sexually attracted to others whose gender expression is that of a woman”, nothing more, nothing less


Actually, the reason is because the people who have those headcanons often delude themselves into thinking it’s canon, and harass people who don’t think so too.


DDR XX サーバーでの非難を受けて


本日(1月29日現在)、この理由で DanceDanceRevolution XX プロジェクトから除名されました。

It is with my greatest displeasure that […] I must announce that […] Haley Halcyon […] has been dismissed from the project[…] Unfortunately, it has come to our attention that she has violated our rules on NSFW content, as well as harassment and bullying among members of the public while she has been with us.
『残念ながら、[...] Haley Halcyon [...] はプロジェクトから解雇されたことを発表しなければなりません。[...] 報告によると、彼女はプロジェクトメンバーであった時、私たちの18禁コンテンツについてのルールを破り、一般のメンバーへ嫌がらせやいじめをしたそうです。』(一部抜粋・翻訳)




キャラクター「空 アキラ」は、私が音楽を発表するときの名義・マスコットとして使っているのに加えて、たまに18禁コンテンツも作っています。それでも、健全なアカウントと裏アカウントは、ちゃんと隔離されているように気を付けているので、間違ってエロ画像が検索にかかることはないでしょう。

DDR XX サーバーで18禁コンテンツを投稿した心当たりはありません。これは不公平だと思います。



しかし、ここ1年ほどの間に、DDR XX サーバーでいざこざを起こした記憶は、現在解決したものを除き、ありません。(chewi と Oni-91 とは仲直りしたはずです。)




DDR XX のスタッフに、必ず除名を撤回してもらえるとは思いません。ただ、自由で公正な議論で彼らと証拠を検証することは、私の権利だと思います。


In response to the warning from an unspecified Puyo Discord server

I’ve recently been notified that my ban from a certain Puyo Puyo themed Discord server was announced publicly. In this post, I will quote the announcement, address the points, and clarify my stance.

Content warning: This post mentions sensitive topics such as drug abuse, child abuse and pedophilia.


In response to the accusations on the DDR XX server

Today I've been expelled from the DanceDanceRevolution XX project for this reason:

It is my greatest displeasure that [...] I must announce that [...] Haley Halcyon [...] has been dismissed from the project[...] Unfortunately, it has come to our attention that she has violated our rules on NSFW content, as well as harassment and bullying among members of the public while she has been with us.

I must say that I haven't the foggiest idea what they're talking about when they say that I violated their rules on NSFW content. I can understand the point about harassment and bullying, but I have resolved the situation afterward, and I have been improving my behavior over the years.

1. Concerning NSFW content

Since this expulsion was one-sided with no consultation or confrontation from any other member of the project, I don't know on what evidence that they based this decision.

The character Akira Sora is the mascot for my own music, and I happen to also have done some NSFW artwork using the character. I plead Rule 34 for this. Plus, I keep my SFW presence insulated from my NSFW presence.

I don't recall posting anything NSFW on the DDR XX server. I think this is unfair.

2. Concerning harassment and bullying

It's no surprise that people have called me a jerk before. I am aware that I have poor social skills, and that I have strong opinions on several topics.

However, I don't recall starting anything on the DDR XX server in the last year or so. I'm reasonably sure that all squabbles on that server have been resolved by now (I reconciled with Chewi and Oni).

Concerning evidence from, like, 2017 Tumblr

Tumblr and I have a long history together. I've had this account for donkey's (y)ears, and with an account like that, you're bound to find some dirt on me, from back when I should have known better.

I know I used to be a prick. I guess I'm still a prick, but I've made some significant progress, as I've been trying to be less of one.

I don't expect the people from DDR XX to reintroduce me into the project. I don't feel entitled to that. But what I do feel entitled to is a free and fair discussion of the situation involving me, them, and evidence.


Don’t let an abused minor beg you to be her boyfriend when you’re 18. It’s gonna destroy your life.


Why is it that everyone who bashes people for drawing characters “too white” are also the ones that racebend characters into black people (even if they’re, like, Japanese)?

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