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Been here for a few months now, and I still have no idea what I'm doing.

You are looking at an Ammonite Fossil skull. In India ammonite fossils are identified with the god Vishnu and are used in various ceremonies. The name Ammonite comes from the Greek ram-horn God called Ammon. Ammonites are the most widely known fossil; they are cephalopods and first appeared in the seas 415 million years ago. (Source)


Someone’s saying it



Fun fact my boyfriend plays this game called Magic the gathering at this comic book store and I started going with him and we noticed that the other guys started saying really sexist and offensive things around me since I’m the only girl so he immediately took me home and taught me how to play so now I go there to play and beat all of them.

They spend thousands of dollars on decks to win and I picked out cards that my boyfriend already owned and made my own deck and go there and win one guy literally threw his deck in the trash and walked out of the store screaming

*sigh* manbabies


Oh I did. I won first place in a commander tournament as the only woman playing out of 10 other men and no one congratulated me and all the piss babies tried everything they could to say I didn’t actually do the legal infinte combo that wiped out the entire pod. And then proceeded to whine for the rest of the night. I LIVE FOR THIS GUYS. 💀 valar morghulis 💀


LMFAOOOO yes. Destroy them



all it takes is one homophobe with a gun. just one. in a gay bar opened in honour of the owner’s brother who died from aids, named specifically for his heartbeat as a place that was intended to keep his spirit alive. shooter saw two men kissing in front of his wife and kid and got “very angry”. 50 people dead, 53 in the hospital, because one guy who owned a gun saw two guys kiss and got mad


This weekend, the worst mass shooting in American history took place at a gay bar in Orlando during a pride celebration, taking 50 lives and wounding over 50 more.  The media has spun a story about the murderer’s religious motivations, but his father has said that he was disgusted by the sight of two men kissing in public months before the event.

The right to same-sex marriage was a huge step in the LGBTQ movement, but it’s far from the end of our struggle.  Queer people, every day, fear persecution, alienation, and violence from those close to them and complete strangers.  In 2016, we’re still arguing about which bathroom trans people should be allowed to use.  America is a truly backwards place.

Two people of the same (or any) sex should be allowed to kiss, hold hands, and show affection in public without fear of being treated as lesser.  I created these two images in honor of this sentiment, and in honor of those whose lives were taken in a gross act of terrorism early Sunday morning because an insane bigot was made uncomfortable by a public display of affection.

Show your support of equal rights by living life.  Post a picture of yourself being proud of who you are with your loved ones (or by yourself).  Draw something, like I did.  Remind America that the queer community is out, proud, and unwilling to accept any more of this senseless violence and persecution.  (And please, PLEASE, do not counter homophobic bigotry with racism, as the media so often does!!!)

Thanks for listening.


“gay marriage is legal what more do you want” stop killing us


im a fucking clingy ass person so i love when other people are clingy too like yes please reassure me that you don’t hate me and you actually enjoy being around me


Skyrim rp

Several weeks later, Cymeri sat in his office balancing the ledgers for his guild. The trip to the dwemer ruins had proved to be profitable, though the risk had been too close for comfort. If only mercenaries were more affordable… A knock sounded at the door, the next second Daglin poked his head in.

“A letter sir, from Deachir.”

Cymeri took a moment to read over the letter, “Daglin, it looks like I’ll be leaving on a short trip. Our friend may have found another dwemer site to explore, and I’m on my way to meet him there.”

deachir was waiting in the falling apart city of winterhold. more like a half ripped apart city. how boring. to damn cold to.deachir was in the room he rented in the inn wearing his vampire royal armor reading more books. there was a dwemer site he had found half burryed in the snow and a random dwarven looking sphere on the table in one of the little houses that had fallen in on its self. he had the jornal he found there to. sounds like a small group of merecnaries went in and never came back. he needed more info he had had a feeling cymeri would know more about it


Cymeri looked upon the ruined town of Winterhold. There was no place he detested more. It was a dying town that clung to life by the barest of threads. Additionally, their ridiculous hatred for magic did nothing to help Cymeri’s own opinion of them. With a heavy sigh, he finished the trek to the inn.

Entering the common room, he looked around for Deachir. Not immediately being able to find him, he took a seat close to the fire and called out for a glass of mead. He figured the elf would show up eventually if he just waited.

deachir perked up hearing the familiar voice. he grabbed his notes and his glass of ‘wine’ and walked out of the room. “cymeri! i was wondering when you were going to arrive..” deachir nodded as he walked over. the fire glinting off the vampire royal armor and his cape waved around him a bit. “good to see you” cymeri sat down and set out the notes. “i found info around the  ruin but i couldnt find any more info..the ruin is half in the ice and i found this..” he showed cymeri the sphere and gave him the notes to read

Small talk was appearantly not one of Deachir’s strong suits. Cymeri chuckled to himself at the thought. Going over the notes that were presented to him, Cymeri believed he recognized it as Mzuleft. “I may know this place, and if I’m right,” Cymeri held up the sphere, “this is actually a key. Though to what I’m not sure.” He returned to the notes, racking his brain for anything he may have also read. “I don‘t believe the key will be used here, but Mzuleft was known for its library, so we should at least find an answer.”

deachir nodded and looked at the sphere then put it down sighing, “its good to see your walking around. how does your back feel?” when cymeris mead came deachir just causally payed for it. he drank out of the cup he had humming a little and looked to the other man again his eyes grolwing a bit brighter. “do you know anything else about the place?”

“I should be asking you that question.” Cymeri eyed his companion. “I’ve never seen someone shrug off a blow like that as you did. As to Mzuleft however, not much else that I can recall. It was something like a dwemer college or a library. Hopefully they used alternatives to paper, otherwise this may be a fruitless venture.”

“well im not human you know…” deachir muttered smiling behind his glass as he watched his companion. could no one really tell he wasnt human? so weird really. he nodded to his words and chewed on his lip showing off a fang. “ill asume your willing to travel with me to mzuleft and go inside? perhaps there is still info there…” he muttered 

“A deadric prince in disguise, and I didn’t suspect  a thing.” Cymeri replied sarcastically. “I’d rather wait till tomorrow morning before we head out though. It’ll take us most of a day’s march to get there, and I’d rather not try to find my way there in the dark.” That being said, he took out some additional papers. He began comparing the map and notes, and started writing a list of necessary supplies.

Deachir looked slightly annoyed. Was it really not that obvious? He leaned back playing with his ‘wine’ as watched him. He really was a interesting person for some odd reason. “Alright we will head out crack of dawn”

Cymeri finished his list,then left to the shop to purchase what they needed. By the time he returned, Deachir had already retired to his room. Cymeri decided to do the same.

The following morning the pair headed out. Cymeri, who usually enjoyed his morning strolls, found Deahir to be a rather poor fit for conversation. His responses were curt, if not just simple grunts. Cymeri shrugged it off, and stayed ahead of the sullen elf while they started their journey.

Deachire head was throbbing. “Damn fucken sun…” the elf mumbled as he followed cymeri closely. He blinked a few times and looked to his companion. “Must be nice not getting a headache from the sun my friend…consider yourself lucky..” he huffed. “You find any other notes?”

He doesn’t mean to say that... It took Cymeri a second to realize a question was asked of him as well. “No, I didn’t find anything more. Even what I did find won’t prepare us for what we may be walking into. The books are incomplete or based off simple speculation. I don’t think anyone has actually been in  Mzuleft since the dwemer.”


Skyrim rp

Several weeks later, Cymeri sat in his office balancing the ledgers for his guild. The trip to the dwemer ruins had proved to be profitable, though the risk had been too close for comfort. If only mercenaries were more affordable… A knock sounded at the door, the next second Daglin poked his head in.

“A letter sir, from Deachir.”

Cymeri took a moment to read over the letter, “Daglin, it looks like I’ll be leaving on a short trip. Our friend may have found another dwemer site to explore, and I’m on my way to meet him there.”

deachir was waiting in the falling apart city of winterhold. more like a half ripped apart city. how boring. to damn cold to.deachir was in the room he rented in the inn wearing his vampire royal armor reading more books. there was a dwemer site he had found half burryed in the snow and a random dwarven looking sphere on the table in one of the little houses that had fallen in on its self. he had the jornal he found there to. sounds like a small group of merecnaries went in and never came back. he needed more info he had had a feeling cymeri would know more about it


Cymeri looked upon the ruined town of Winterhold. There was no place he detested more. It was a dying town that clung to life by the barest of threads. Additionally, their ridiculous hatred for magic did nothing to help Cymeri’s own opinion of them. With a heavy sigh, he finished the trek to the inn.

Entering the common room, he looked around for Deachir. Not immediately being able to find him, he took a seat close to the fire and called out for a glass of mead. He figured the elf would show up eventually if he just waited.

deachir perked up hearing the familiar voice. he grabbed his notes and his glass of ‘wine’ and walked out of the room. “cymeri! i was wondering when you were going to arrive..” deachir nodded as he walked over. the fire glinting off the vampire royal armor and his cape waved around him a bit. “good to see you” cymeri sat down and set out the notes. “i found info around the  ruin but i couldnt find any more info..the ruin is half in the ice and i found this..” he showed cymeri the sphere and gave him the notes to read

Small talk was appearantly not one of Deachir’s strong suits. Cymeri chuckled to himself at the thought. Going over the notes that were presented to him, Cymeri believed he recognized it as Mzuleft. “I may know this place, and if I’m right,” Cymeri held up the sphere, “this is actually a key. Though to what I’m not sure.” He returned to the notes, racking his brain for anything he may have also read. “I don‘t believe the key will be used here, but Mzuleft was known for its library, so we should at least find an answer.”

deachir nodded and looked at the sphere then put it down sighing, “its good to see your walking around. how does your back feel?” when cymeris mead came deachir just causally payed for it. he drank out of the cup he had humming a little and looked to the other man again his eyes grolwing a bit brighter. “do you know anything else about the place?”

“I should be asking you that question.” Cymeri eyed his companion. “I’ve never seen someone shrug off a blow like that as you did. As to Mzuleft however, not much else that I can recall. It was something like a dwemer college or a library. Hopefully they used alternatives to paper, otherwise this may be a fruitless venture.”

“well im not human you know…” deachir muttered smiling behind his glass as he watched his companion. could no one really tell he wasnt human? so weird really. he nodded to his words and chewed on his lip showing off a fang. “ill asume your willing to travel with me to mzuleft and go inside? perhaps there is still info there…” he muttered 

“A deadric prince in disguise, and I didn’t suspect  a thing.” Cymeri replied sarcastically. “I’d rather wait till tomorrow morning before we head out though. It’ll take us most of a day’s march to get there, and I’d rather not try to find my way there in the dark.” That being said, he took out some additional papers. He began comparing the map and notes, and started writing a list of necessary supplies.

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