


moved to sinxerelyvalerie

Henlo cro- I'd like to see my boi Avriel in either the stealth or wraith paint brush for yo ask thingy! I'll post his reff and reboop you to it!



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Tell me one thing

Tell me one thing about yourself and tag 3 people.

I can’t really whistle @paula229 @solardanstem @blossom-howell

Tagged by @hetaliagurl5

Uhhhhh,,,, when I’m bored I light stuff on fire and take things apart to put them back together again(and shave my eyebrows, whoops)

Hhhhh I’m good at making non complex things seem complex


I have synesthesia!

Uhh I’m learning to tap dance


I’m trying to get a pet snake!

@gaypowersunite @sunshine-musicals-yea @hesthekingofsomewhere (sorry if you’ve been tagged already)

I can’t sleep if I don’t have my stuffed animal named Bun Bun tucked under my arm

Tommy Bracco is my phone lock screen

If I don’t listen to music I get really mad at people!

I’m legally blind in only my left eye

Despite blowing out my eardrum twice, I have 10/10 hearing

I snuggle with my dog at night to help prevent anxiety

I hate feeling anything, but I hate feeling numb too

My favorite Halloween candy are kit kats

im going to get a chameleon and im going to name them vendetta

I got really confused on who the person above was and then realised they were one of cali’s friends

I use to go with one of my bff at a piano in the middle of metro station. She plays and I sing and everyday something new happens

(Sofia-yuinomu on Insta btw)

I cut my index finger open with a butterknife today.

Jfc I’m a weak ass bitch

@bulle-black-hole @dragonrose00 (when you don’t know if you have any friends)

@aphcirclestealsursoulathogwarts (ur my third victim lmao)

I was second-degree caramel burned by my cat (animal) and still have a scar on my left arm from it.

Yeah, try explaining that to an ER nurse…

This os the first and last time I will ever respond to a chain post where I am tagged <3

i once worked at an adult novelty store…. @hatreda-and-her-cute-headaches @acutelatios @itachi-chan198

Today my son (4) drew an uhhhh “anatomically correct” stick man… and I laughed way harder than I should have.


I eat grit with mayo, and it’s the best sin you can commit. 

I tag anyone who reads this. ALL OF YOU.


Urrm…I have crazy long hair? As in, past my tail-bone long :3

I was born with a piece missing from my right ear so it looks like someone took a bite out of it xD

I have a huge birth mark spot on the left side of my body!


I can sing Mac Demarco’s Salad Days album back-to-front  ♪~(´ε` )

I have several hundred, but probably closer to a thousand original characters, each with their own stuff going on.

I play the piano and clarinet.

@blaubone @chuchelo-meluchelo @warlord-zellak (don’t do it if u don’t want to tho)

I want to eat my dog cuz he’s so cute. Sorry. <;3 @sayhdraws @yourlukrecijaxdeeme @sinisor


in my childhood I was engaged in rhythmic gymnastics and played the violin


i took  theater classes during grade/high school and quit during the high school musical practice @lostsoulwolf @shortstreets @momijiusako

I have entire playlists dedicated to my characters, and often listen to said playlist when drawing them. The more songs, the more complex the character.

I can speak english, french and a bit of spanish!

@whoever wants fo do it


Here have a shoutout of a AJPW server because why not

We made an Animal Jam server a while back and now we are willing to take in new members! We'll give you roles by the animal you own, by having an account, membership or not, if you are a minor, and more! All you need to do is ask :D

We also try to be as helpful as possible too so don't be afraid to ask for help!

Link: https://discord.gg/zbRysF


ok but imagine a roomba that’s programmed to react positively when being scratched or petted 

#or a roomba that’s programmed to recognize their owner and drive up to them for no other reason than to be petted

roomba company, please make this happen

I have a Neato Botvac that has an optical sensor to find its way around (Roombas just bump into things and derps off in a random direction) and yesterday it did its “dee-dummm” sad noise while under the couch, stopped what it was doing, and hummed over to me and stopped beside my chair, with its error message saying, “Please dust me off so I can see.” I wiped it off and sent it on its way, and it did its “doo doo do doooo!” of happiness and finished the living room. It’s never done that before, but I like to think that I’ve gained its trust over the past few months, and it knows it can come to me for help.


How Do Court Reporters Keep Straight Faces? These are from a book called Disorder in the Courts and are things people actually said in court, word for word, taken down and published by court reporters that had the torment of staying calm while the exchanges were taking place. ATTORNEY: What was the first thing your husband said to you that morning? WITNESS: He said, ‘Where am I, Cathy?’ ATTORNEY: And why did that upset you? WITNESS: My name is Susan! _______________________________ ATTORNEY: What gear were you in at the moment of the impact? WITNESS: Gucci sweats and Reeboks. ____________________________________________ ATTORNEY: Are you sexually active? WITNESS: No, I just lie there. ____________________________________________ ATTORNEY: What is your date of birth? WITNESS: July 18th. ATTORNEY: What year? WITNESS: Every year. _____________________________________ ATTORNEY: How old is your son, the one living with you? WITNESS: Thirty-eight or thirty-five, I can’t remember which. ATTORNEY: How long has he lived with you? WITNESS: Forty-five years. _________________________________ ATTORNEY: This myasthenia gravis, does it affect your memory at all? WITNESS: Yes. ATTORNEY: And in what ways does it affect your memory? WITNESS: I forget.. ATTORNEY: You forget? Can you give us an example of something you forgot? ___________________________________________ ATTORNEY: Now doctor, isn’t it true that when a person dies in his sleep, he doesn’t know about it until the next morning? WITNESS: Did you actually pass the bar exam? ____________________________________ ATTORNEY: The youngest son, the 20-year-old, how old is he? WITNESS: He’s 20, much like your IQ. ___________________________________________ ATTORNEY: Were you present when your picture was taken? WITNESS: Are you shitting me? _________________________________________ ATTORNEY: So the date of conception (of the baby) was August 8th? WITNESS: Yes. ATTORNEY: And what were you doing at that time? WITNESS: Getting laid ____________________________________________ ATTORNEY: She had three children , right? WITNESS: Yes. ATTORNEY: How many were boys? WITNESS: None. ATTORNEY: Were there any girls? WITNESS: Your Honor, I think I need a different attorney. Can I get a new attorney? ____________________________________________ ATTORNEY: How was your first marriage terminated? WITNESS: By death.. ATTORNEY: And by whose death was it terminated? WITNESS: Take a guess. ___________________________________________ ATTORNEY: Can you describe the individual? WITNESS: He was about medium height and had a beard ATTORNEY: Was this a male or a female? WITNESS: Unless the Circus was in town I’m going with male. _____________________________________ ATTORNEY: Is your appearance here this morning pursuant to a deposition notice which I sent to your attorney? WITNESS: No, this is how I dress when I go to work. ______________________________________ ATTORNEY: Doctor , how many of your autopsies have you performed on dead people? WITNESS: All of them. The live ones put up too much of a fight. _________________________________________ ATTORNEY: ALL your responses MUST be oral, OK? What school did you go to? WITNESS: Oral… _________________________________________ ATTORNEY: Do you recall the time that you examined the body? WITNESS: The autopsy started around 8:30 PM ATTORNEY: And Mr. Denton was dead at the time? WITNESS: If not, he was by the time I finished. ____________________________________________ ATTORNEY: Are you qualified to give a urine sample? WITNESS: Are you qualified to ask that question? ______________________________________ And last: ATTORNEY: Doctor, before you performed the autopsy, did you check for a pulse? WITNESS: No. ATTORNEY: Did you check for blood pressure? WITNESS: No. ATTORNEY: Did you check for breathing? WITNESS: No.. ATTORNEY: So, then it is possible that the patient was alive when you began the autopsy? WITNESS: No. ATTORNEY: How can you be so sure, Doctor? WITNESS: Because his brain was sitting on my desk in a jar. ATTORNEY: I see, but could the patient have still been alive, nevertheless? WITNESS: Yes, it is possible that he could have been alive and practicing law.

oh my god these are great

fuck this is like reading a jokes and not actual quotes

This is gold!😂


how can ppl say cats are heartless tbh

I once stayed at a game reserve in South Africa, and they had three cheetahs – two males and one female. The boys stuck together (they were brothers), but female cheetahs are solitary, save for when they are raising cubs. Which is hard work for cheetahs, because they don’t/can’t den, she’s working constantly to protect/move her cubs, as well as feeding both them and herself.

Now, these cheetahs ARE in a private reserve, but they’re still essentially wild. But they are more or less accustomed to the presence of people. And this cheetah, Ketswiri, got very badly injured in her leg one time, which usually would be fatal to a cheetah. The staff at the reserve helped her. Another time, she was starving, and they provided her a fresh antelope carcass. And she remembered this, because the science officer was telling us how one time he was watching Ketswiri and her cubs, and she wandered over and dumped all her cubs at his feet, and walked off. Like “watch my kids, I need some me time.” And he was panicking like COME BACK I CAN’T BABYSIT YOUR KIDS WTF

And this, children, is how cats literally domesticated themselves.


Heyo! Once you get this you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly, then send this on to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is super cool!)


i could make a huge list of things i hate about myself but i honest god cant think of anything positive… But here is a list of people i think are awesome though!! 


My boiiii you are very likely awesome in many ways!! But I won’t pressure you :> Thanks for the tag 💕

1. I actually really like the way I draw and write! I wish I had more time/patience/energy to do it. One of these days though! Sometimes I just look at my work and I just want more; it’s one of the best feelings! (Honurable mention: I can get very creative!)

2. I have a deep appreciation for my body! I love the way I look in the mirror, the way I jiggle when I dance! Lmao, I really want to eat better and excercise more! Just to keep my skin healthy-lookin y'know?

3. I like my sense of humor. I love how I can make people laugh sometimes!

4. Speaking of, I think I have a good laugh. The kind of laugh that just makes you laugh more, y'know? It’s goofy and inconsistent and sometimes I surprise myself into laughing harder! It’s great, haha!

5. I dunno if you can tell, but I can get very bubbly! When I’m in a good mood, everyone can tell (so I’m told). I’ve been told I have some pretty good vibes, and I think that’s really neat!

I feel like I could make this list go on and on, haha! I dunno what that says about me tbh. If the game was to list “things you hate about yourself,” I could probably make an extensive list for that one too, though. Oh, well :>

(Yeah, that’s 16 people… woops lol)

Holy cow! I’ve been tagged?! 

I could list a lot of things why i hate myself but i really can’t list 5 things i like about myself..so i’ll just tag this wonderful people!!

(oops that’s 15 people..heh)

oh. oh no.

well, here goes nothing.

1. i like the way my hair looks right now, it’s pretty edgy, but it’s also not?? which is weird and kinda hard to explain, but i like my hair.

2. i like that i want to learn and that i like learning. not to confuse with liking school because if i had the option, i would walk through hell and purgatory before going to school. well, i’d probably wimp out, but i’d get started.

3. i like that i wake up and go to bed pretty early naturally. i can’t stay up far past ten and i’m always awake by eight at the latest. now the way i spend the mornings awake aren’t exactly productive, but the idea’s there.

4. i’m clingy and has kept me with all of my closest irl friends. i need constant affection or i think that you’ve given up on me and while it’s incredibly annoying sometimes, it helps me decifer who are and aren’t my real friends.

5. i have a lot of talents to do with the arts and while none of them are amazing, a few kinda reach my expectations, which is pretty neat!

i barely know anyone on tumblr, yikes

Oooh woah i don’t know much good I can say about myself, but I’ll try!

1. I think I write pretty good angst?? I don’t know but I’m pretty proud of that

2. I care a lot about my friends, maybe a little too much. I often tell them I will “defend their honor”

3. I am a major theatre nerd and I act in plays a lot and I think I’m pretty good! It’s gonna be my major in college

4. I like how my hair looks. It can be kinda messy sometimes but I think it looks good!

5. I am a listener I guess??? Like, I’m the one who my friends usually vent to and they ask me for advice so….

(I don’t know many people on Tumblr oops)

Oh… okay I’ll try I guess

1. I’m pretty good at educating my friends. I always make sure they can get nderstand any topic they’re confused about.

2. People say I’m a good writer. I don’t know if that’s true but I try.

3. I love music. I’m in marching band, concert band, and jazz band. I sing whenever I feel like it, and have performed with my school’s drama department. I get compliments on my musicality pretty often so that’s cool.

4. Animals love me. There’s nothing to add there. I love animals and they love me back and it’s great.

5. When my mood is high (like, manic high) I take care of my friends to extreme degrees. I hug them, remind them they’re loved and valid and amazing. I help them with any issues they might have. I just get really hyped and love my friends a whole bunch.

Umm… oh shoot… this is hard.

1: Uh, I like my eyes I guess?

2: I’m decent at art and I get compliments on my artwork that I do. I even won 3rd place last year in a big art conference.

3: I’m an alright singer. I’m not the best in the world, but I have shocked multiple people when I sing.

4: I’m a mediocre editor, I’m definitely not as good as some of my friends, but I have made a few edits that I’m proud of.

5: I’m pretty intelligent in certain subjects, I’ve aways been top in my grade, but I’ve found myself struggling in certain things. If you get me on a subject that I enjoy and I could go on about facts and stuff about that subject.

Ahhh! Thank you, you’re fantastic!!


1. I don’t have to do my hair. It just.. does it’s own thing. And it’s a good thing (usually),, so that’s nice?

2. I like my voice (not that my singing is good, necessarily, I honestly have no Idea what I really sound like) but I find singing to be calming

3. I’ve improved a lot where my anxiety is concerned and I can talk to people and do a lot more things than I could a few years ago

4. I’m fairly intelligent? I pick things up pretty easy and have a good memory (except with certain things..)

5. Despite seeming kinda jaded I actually still see a lot of good in the world? And I guess it makes life a bit easier to handle sometimes..

Uhh, that’s five, sooo

Thanks for the tag, um I literally can’t think of one good thing about myself, so here are my tags. (I’m probably going to be tagging more than 10 people)

I just really love people, I’m sorry.

how about the fact that you’re so kind???? like how is that not something you like about yourself????

um… you right tho this is hard…. um

1. I really like my eyes… they’re green and they’re pretty….

2. I am really forgiving (sometimes too much so but this is supposed to be positive)

3. I have a lot of social anxiety issues and yet I work in customer service and I actually do really well at my job, and I’m kinda proud of myself for putting myself out there everyday and talking to strangers…

4. I can memorize like nobody’s business… I have gotten a lot of impressed compliments on this from people in my everyday life, lol.

5. I can art okay, I guess???? also I’ve been told my singing is pretty good too, so that’s nice…

Thank you so much! It’s gonna be a bit of a challenge, but it’ll be ok!

1. I am pretty good with computers!

2. I am very creative, which helps write stories

3. When I don’t want to disappoint someone, I can really push myself to do something

4. I am naturally pretty smart

5. I try my best to be a good friend and a good person

I’m tagging:

Awww @the-randomest-ofthe-fandomest thank you for the tag! I actually don’t like a lot about myself to be very honest, but I can try!

Things I like about myself:

1. I am hardworking. I won’t stop till I finish something I started. I’m always all in.

2. I’m pretty good at my sport (boxing), and I work hard to be the best I can.

3. When I truly care about someone, I will try my absolute hardest to make them feel happy and loved because they bring the only positively to my life that I have, and therefore deserve the best.

4. I am a person of my word. When I tell somebody that I’ll work on something, or that I’ll do a certain task by a certain time, I always make sure that I get it done. I believe that if you tell someone that you can do something, you do it because your word is one of the only things you have.

5. I try and not bothers others with my problems. I love the people that I talk to, so I try and make sure that I keep it as positive as possible and make them feel happier because I love them.

Okay!! Now I can’t wait to see how awesome everyone else is!!

@fanderily I would say this woke me up but I wasn’t sleeping to begin with I was more so just lying on my bed trying to sleep, BUT HERE WE GO 5 things I like about myself,

1. I care a lot about others, I remember one time my friend said she was having her period and at the same time she was going through hell and I asked her what her favorite chocolate was, and I made her brownies from scratch that were her favorite type of chocolate, it was milk chocolate.

2. My grades are all extremely good, like I only have A’s and B’s but I’ve been struggling the entire year but I still made it!

3. I am more mature than most people my age, like most people at my school who are my age are trying to either get high or get pregnant and I’m over here trying to write a fanfic and make people happy on the internet.

4. I am honest. I am usually made fun of for my brutal honesty and I’ve only ever lied when telling the truth could make someone cry, like I remember a convo with my friend where I asked her where she was bc she was absent and she was like “aw so you care about me?” In a mocking way and I was like UM YEA ANSWER MY QUESTION I WAS WORRIED!

5. I am an introvert. If I wasn’t an introvert, I wouldn’t spend my time reading books, watching cartoons, binging movies, and being in fandoms, and fandoms are a huge part of my life that have always been there since my childhood!

And now the victim list! (Aka people I love a lot and hope have a nice day!)


okay uh, 5 things i like about myself

1. I’m very patient, It takes a lot to get me genuinely angry. I can generally wait for a while without complaining and stuff. Sometimes my patience goes overboard, but nevertheless I think it’s a pretty good trait to have.

2. I’m generous, I never shy away from giving a friend something or lending it to them. Unless I’m broke.

3. I like to listen instead of talk. Sometimes this backfires because some people think I just don’t want to talk to them at all due to my lack of response, but I just really like listening to someone instead of relaying my opinions about what they’re talking about.

4. I like my hands. Uh, they help me with drawing and stuff so I like them.

5. My brain too. Helps with the ideas and thinking. Thanks brain ily.

i kinda lost ideas after the third one im sorry anyway time for the people to tag!


Omg I‘m one of your favorite followers?? How and when did that happen qwq Thank you so much @gamamaro I feel so honored!

Well okay here it goes:

1. I picked the right friends. Honestly. When I think about it- Almost everyone in my old class is drinking themselves into coma every weekend or smoking till they cough everything up again. I’m so relieved that my friends think it’s enough to just on the couch watching movies together instead of going to wild parties and shit. I think they’re actually just as lazy as I am xD

2. Sometimes I can actually draw. Like, just the fact that some days I can look at my drawings and say “wow. you really did a pretty good job on that” makes me unbelievably grateful. It’s not every day, but that’s understandable. I’m just glad.

3. I realized lately that I’m more of an introvert than a shy person. Which is honestly so shocking to me. I walked around thinking what I felt was shyness that I may never overcome when in actuality it isn’t that hard to talk to people. I can even write E-Mails and take on calls without almost crying or beating myself up over every little thing!

4. I’m rewatching Digimon for some reason. And I love myself for that.

5. I somehow managed to wring my way into the fanders-fandom. I follow Thomas for a long time already but I somehow never got into the fandom. But I’m queer and I’m happy to be here! Btw the first side I drew was Roman. I don’t think anyone cares but I just wanted to point that out :D

And onto the tag list, my friends!



Okay, here goes!

  • I try to be kind to everyone and I sort of pride myself on my kindness? I guess? Not to sound self centered?
  • I like the fact that I have somewhat of an ear for music. My brain can somehow say “this note just makes sense” if I’m singing in a strange key
  • I can be creative and make my own worlds in my head. Even if they are kinda crappy sometimes haha
  • Uhm… I sort of have curves? Like on my body and ya know… my sides? I kinda like those…
  • I’m mature in some ways that a lot of my classmates aren’t.

Here are the tags for my friends!

I only tagged nine peeps but I’m kinda drawing a blank… so here you go guys! Hi!

Thanks @sliderssiders for tagging me!! Nice to know I have friends!

Ok here we go

1. I really like my eyes. They are green, but depending on what I’m wearing or even feeling, they will change to blue or gray. I find that pretty cool.

2. I like my art. I’ve always been drawing and painting since I was about 3. I’ve gotten really good according to my friends. But yeah, I like that I’m artistic.

3. I’m really good at giving advice. A lot of my friends have some anxiety problems and one or two have depression. Some just don’t know what to do in certain situations. And I’m really glad that they always come to me.

4. I like my singing. I’m not the best, but my chorus teacher says that my voice is beautiful. Along with that, I’m glad I want to learn so many instruments.

5. I’m glad that my parents raised me to be mature. They said that when I was really young and saw they were talking about something serious, I would sit there and wait to talk. I’m glad I’m more mature than my classmates, because that means that teachers like me for not laughing at the stupid jokes they make.

Well, time to tag some cool people!

I know that’s only seven, but I don’t a lot of people. Thanks again to @sliderssiders for tagging me and making me think positive thoughts!!

Absolutely honored to be tagged! Thanks a million ❤️

1. My hair is pretty sweet; it’s super curly but holds straightness if i choose to straigten it.

2. I always thought my eyes are super cool looking; they’re greenish blue, but sometimes turn grey.

3. I love that I’m a fairly fast learner. With most things, if someone shows me how to do it once I’m set to do that thing nearly perfectly on the first try.

4. I love my style/aesthetic (I guess). I’ve always been told that I’m very trendy from a young age, plus the way I accessorize has always been complimented.

5. I absolutely love my hobbies. I find them super cool and interesting (of course I would), and think that they make me a pretty neat human.

Now for some awesome people;

Thanks again for the tag @antisocialbutterfly456 ❤️ I’m always willing to spread positivity!


Ohoho?? Got tagged???? HECKIE YEAH. Well shoot, let’s think of some nice things to say about myself!

1. I’ve been losing weight lately from eating better! I am under 200lbs for the first time in forever! Now I just need to start *exercising*… XD;;

2. I don’t have a lot of friends, but the ones I do have are good ones. I’m a fairly good judge of character, my first impressions are rarely wrong.

3. I’m a really good cook! Always have been though, I was a nut for Food Network and went to cooking classes in school. (Former chef, I didn’t like the professional kitchen enviroment so I just cook at home for my husband now.)

4. I can draw sometimes when my wrist wants to cooperate instead of hurt. X]

5. Uuuuhhhhhhhhh…. hhhhmmmmm… I guess I’m a good singer? But I’m too anxious to sing in front of anyone now, ahaha. I haven’t since like 10th grade in choir.

I uhm.. don’t know if I really know 10 people though… >_>” Can I just say @amber-acrylic and anyone else who wants to??? X];;

!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for tagging me hon! but oh boy 5 things? alright, here goes nothin cx

1. Personally, I think my fashion sense is pretty good!

2. I’m a really good co-worker. I try my hardest to make friends with the people around me, and to help everyone whenever I can

3. I’m very good with animals! Im very passionate about them, and I love ‘em more than anything

4. It’s probably hard to tell from my blog but, I have a pretty good sense of humor (at least people tell me I do)

5. I’m a very good student! I honestly shine a lot when it comes to school work, ending high school with a 4.0, completing career pathways in animals systems, computer technology, and entrepreneurship. A lot of my teachers really liked me, which felt nice

And now to pass it on to these lovelies!

And thanks again to @dogesphere for tagging me! ❤️

AAAaaaaa a hecc-

1- I really like my art and the way I rp and I want to keep improving that as much as possible!

2- I have few friends, but quality over quantity innit?? I prefer a small circle of cool peeps over a big circle of uncool peeps-

3- I'm really good at writing! I wanna improve on that and make my fanfics get better ;u;

4- I take care of my plants really well apparently, they're lile my leafy and tasty babie s

5- I have a zest for life! I hope I never get to lose it. ;u;

I tag... whoever wants to do this!

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