
Tokyo prison, I'm going to relight your feelings


Ignis | 23 | she/her |

i genuinely hope that boop day inspires everyone to interact more with other tumblr users. because it’s clearly way more fun this way!! even once the boop button is gone, there’s still asks, tag and ask games, comments, dms, fuck it let’s bring back blog rates i don’t care. part of the reason that tumblr is dying is that its way less social than it used to be. let’s fix that!!


We gotta do something about the way dog owners behave. No other pet owner is just bringin the pet wherever the fuck they go all the time but for some reason with dog owners they think its fine if they bring their dog to the gym and taco bell and whatever. And you invite a dog owner to your house where youve got your own pets youve got your dog and your cats and whatever it is you have and this dog owner shows up at your door like "oh i brought my dog i hope thats okay hes so sweet youll love him" and it is always the most untrained poorly behaved agressive animal that has ever lived. And we all have to pretend like its acceptable behaviour well im sick of it


that screenshot going around where that random person says james baldwin sounds like a pretentious blogger is driving me insane because like, imaging living in one of the most racist time periods in modern history, cultivating an eloquent and sophisticated manner of speech in part out of interest but also out of necessity to deflect racially motivated accusations of being uneducated (all while making irreplaceable contributions to literature and the humanities), only to still have deeply incurious white adults scoff at how seriously you seem to take yourself before defaulting to elevating (white) european literature like it's their factory setting decades later 🥴

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