
Black Heart πŸ–€ Vore


Just another gay vore writer Into many fandoms and scenarios

Hey all, putting this out there to let y'all know that I'm open to prompts and asks.

If you have a question feel free to ask it, but know I might not answer everything, but it's always worth a shot.

If you're sending a prompt, I'd appreciate it if you would include some details such as:

  • Who's involved?
  • If it matters, who's the pred and who's the prey?
  • What types of vore would you want to see (oral, anal, etc.)?
  • What scenario are these guys in?

The more of these you include the more likely it will inspire me to write something up for you. The prompt doesn't have to tie to a fandom either, so keep that in mind.

As a heads up I'm not into detailed digestion or disposal at all, so you won't see that here. Also, if it's not obvious I'm into m/m vore only And I generally prefer scenarios with unwilling prey.

Hope to hear from some of you soon. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜…


From Bro to Brotein

Steven and Michael have been Bros since 7th grade. They found a mutual love of working out and it soon blossomed into a full nurtured gym bromance. They kept each other accountable, they pushed each other, and they wanted to be the same size. Their target weight, the 250 lbs club. A club that was so prestigious that both men busted their ass for it.

Yet for all their dedication, Steven and Michael couldn't find a way to break into that illustrious weight category. That was until, Steven discovered a way to put on mass bulk researching weight gaining tips. To eat someone completely and utterly, digest them, and add their weight to yours. A ridiculous notion, right? It was until Steven finally put it into action.

Both men had gotten done at the gym, still slightly sweaty underneath their gym clothes. They were going to their usual post protein snack spot. Michael was hungry, but Steven was starving himself for gains. As they got out of their car to enter into the restaurant, Steven pounced. His mouth opened wider than what seemed humanly possible and wet "GLOMLP" sound was heard around Michael's ears. Michael's head had been devoured in just one gulp. Michael struggled, but Steven clamps Michael's arms by his side.

Steven swallowed Michael's head and neck, it bulges on Steven's throat going down. He could hear Michael's muffled shouts through his bulky neck. He paid them little mind as he turned his best friend into a snack. Afterwards those wide and beefy shoulders came into Steven's mouth. Steven was soaking Michael in his saliva. It draws out the taste even through the layers of fabric that Michael had on. With the widest part of Michael's body now headed down his throat, Steven knew that his meal was all but accomplished.

Steven fed his mouth Michael's chest and drooled as if this was his first meal. Steven remembered all the progress pics that Michael had taken. All that beef, it belongs to him. With another swallow, Steven can feel the bumps of those rock hard abs even through Michael's hoodie. Those delicious bumpy muscles are explored as Michael's hoodie lifts to expose them. Soon after, Steven opens his mouth to nibble and chew on those muscular globes. Michael had always had a dumpy truck ass, but tasting it now made him question himself in a few places. This temporary confusion causes Steven to slap Michael's ass a few times. Steven ignores his temporary confusion to power down the rest of that delectable bubble butt.

Michael was curling up more and more behind Steven's powerful abs. Although they were giving away to Michael's bulky and muscular form. As sure as the day is long Michael's body bulges Steven's hoodie from underneath. His long athletic legs are slowly reduced. Those hefty thunder thighs don't last long against Steven's ravenous hunger. Neither do those herculean calves, doubled up like a couple of turkey drumsticks. Steven's tongue snakes out to collect those socked feet, Michael's slides falling and clattering to the ground. With one final, hungry and triumphant gulp, Steven bellies his best friend.

There is an audible bounce when Michael truly lands inside of Steven's belly. It's cramped, squishy, and hot inside. There's barely any room to move. On the outside, Michael's form was clearly visible. Steven runs his hands over the bulge that Michael made. Every twitch of Michael's form sent pleasure to Steven, including down south. Steven leans back for a moment, his belly acting like a counterweight. At first he thought he was feeling bout of indigestion from such a hefty meal. However a rumble in his belly races up through his chest and out his mouth.


The burp shakes the entire parking lot. A pile of Michael's soggy clothing comes flying up landing neatly next to his slides. Steven proudly rubs over his belly and fingers his belly button. As much as he valued his friendship with michael, he valued his relationship with his body much more. Satisfied after smacking his lips, tasting Michael's delicious flavor again, he waddles back to the car and heads home. Once home, Steven takes a couple of before pictures in the mirror. Various poses of him holding his titanic gut in front of him. All the while his heavy belly gurgles as it begins to break down the stud trapped within. Steven flops on his bed, a possessive hand over his belly with a smile. Then he drifts to sleep while his belly works overtime on his Michael.

A few days later, Steven goes to the scale after completely digesting Michael. He was a little anxious. Steven had waited until Michael had completely digested. He hoped that digesting his best friend was going to be worth it for all of this. After stepping on the scale, Steven smiles down at the number between his feet.

250 lbs

"Thanks, Mike." Steven smirks before stepping off the scale and heading to the gym. As he drives, a new goal weight was set in mind and he knew just how to get there.


Listen Scott, it's hopeless for you now. I'm stronger, quicker, and most importantly hungry. Stiles already went down pretty quick and I bet you would be no different. So why waste my time and yours? Give up and I might even fuck you before I gobble you up. Otherwise, I'll just take that dusky bubble butt by force, but you probably like that too wouldn't you, nerd?

... Oh so you're going to be a good boy? Thought so. Now then, let me give you a pounding before I devour you!


It was a beautiful day for a hike in the woods, and Tom, or Hungry Bear as he was known on-line, was enjoying the time off. Standing 6'8" and coming in a just over 500 lbs, the beast of a man took a moment to stop and drink from his water bottle and take off his shirt, letting his massive hairy gut spill out and enjoy the sun and fresh air. His pride and joy, he casually rubbed the behemoth and chuckled at the grumble that came from it in response. Yep, time for lunch he mused to himself and he started to make his way back to his cabin. He got about halfway there when he noticed what sounded like muffled music coming from another cabin that was rented out from time to time. Curiosity brought him closer as he first noticed numerous beer cans strewn about the back yard and in the pool. Getting closer, he peered inside the glass doors and saw something that made his gut roar with hunger. Naked and passed out in the living room were three tasty looking twinks, their young bodies looking like the finest of steaks just waiting for the big hungry bear.

β€œWell, don’t mind if I do.” he said as he opened the unlocked door and slipped inside.

The loud music was mildly annoying but easily ignored as Tom walked up to the first twink passed out on a pool table. A tall but almost painfully skinny blonde with a long soft cock. No doubt the walking toothpick would be massive when erect, almost as if nature was compensating for the lack of muscle. Leaning in close, Tom ran his tongue from the tip of the soft cock, up the smooth hairless torso, to the tender lips. The taste was amazing, as it was with all males that Tom ate. Not wanting to wait any longer, Tom grabbed the large skinny feet of the boy and shoved them into his drooling maw. Even though Tom has been eating other males since he was a teen, it still amazed him how his perfect predator body could so easily take in another full sized human with no effort. The large feet quickly and easily went down his throat followed by the lightly hairy and long legs. A few more gulps and the boys long cock and almost non-existent bony ass were sliding into Tom’s mouth. The mans tongue began to explore every part, even worming it’s way into the boys tight anus as he took the twinks hands and guided them into the greedy mouth, pinning the boys arms to his sides. A few moans came from his meal but Tom pain no attention and he picked the boy up and let gravity aid in his meal. A few more gulps and the boy was in up to his neck, leaving the best part of the meal, the final gulp. Still out cold, the poor boy would never know what happened as Tom placed a hand on the top of the boys head and pushed him in the rest of the way. With the last swallow, the first course was done.

β€œDamn good meat, but not very filling was he?” Tom asked his gut as the last of the boy slid inside. The now bigger dome of flesh let out a series of gurgles that Tom took as an agreement. β€œDon’t you worry baby, there’s more.”

Walking over to the next part of his feast, Tom looked down with amusement at the next boy with short brown hair and also on the skinny side, though not as scrawny as the blonde boy had been. Not wanting to tease his gut with foreplay, Tom easily picked up the smaller male and shoved the boys head into his waiting mouth. Almost instantly his meal began to move some as Tom took one great swallow after another. This one wasn’t as wasted as the first had been. As the boys smooth chest passed over Tom’s tongue the boy began to squirm and buck, but against such a powerful predator as Tom, it was all for nothing. Reaching the boys waist, Tom easily shoved the boy in up to his knees, then with one final gulp, the boys feet slipped out of sight and down the slimy throat.

As his second course finished its trip into the waiting gut, Tom had to adjust his balance as his already monster of a gut grew even larger. β€œYeah, now that’s much better. But not quite full.” he said as he eyed the last twink asleep in a chair.

This was the smallest of the three, maybe 5'6" with short, bright red hair. He looked so cute and delicious sitting there, lightly snoring. Aside from a patch of red pubic hair, the boy was totally smooth with perhaps an average sized cock. And while Tom’s gut growled in anticipation for this last bit of meat, he also felt another urge start to fill him. With the other two boys already dealt with, Tom saw no reason to not have some fun first. Reaching under his squirming gut, he managed to unzip his shorts and let them fall to the ground. Not one to were underwear, Tom’s 11 inches sprang to attention as he grabbed the boy and flipped him over to his small ass was sticking up in the air. Picking up his large gut, he waddled into position and dropped the boy filled monster on top of the red head. Before the boy could react, Tom let his large mushroom head probe the boys smooth butt until he found the tight hole and shoved in up to the hilt. No amount of beer could dull this kind of pain as the boys eyes snapped open with a howl of pain and surprise.

But Tom didn’t care, he was a predator after all, and these boys were his rightful prey. The feeling of the two in his gut still trying to fight their way out mixed with the screams of the one he was impaling only filled the man with a sense of power. He was bigger, stronger, and he would snuff out these boys and turn them into fuel for his body, just like any predator did with prey. If anything, these boys should feel honored they would be digested by such a perfect male like Tom.

The boy beneath him began to scream less and started to weaken as he was crushed by the weight of the gut on top of him as Tom pulled out until only his cock head was left inside before going all the way back in. This went on for a good five minutes before Tom felt his release coming. He quickened his pace, the boy now limp like a rag doll. Then, throwing his head back and letting out a powerful roar Tom shoved himself in one last time and began shooting wave after wave of hot cum inside the boy. After a few minutes and what felt like a few gallons of cum, Tom pulled out and took a few steps back, looking down at his little fuck toy. The boy didn’t move but was still breathing.

β€œWell boy, I thank you for the fun, but its time to join your friends as meat.” Tom said with a happy smile as he picked the boy up and carefully maneuvered him so that the man could eat him ass first. Opening wide, Tom slowly lowered the boy’s butt into his waiting maw, enjoying the taste of his own cum as it began to pour out of the boy’s bruised hole. Then with a powerful shove, most of the boys small body was pushed down into the hot and constricting throat. As the boy was roughly folded in half, he tried to let out a moan of complaint, but as Tom gave another swallow the throat crushed the boy to the point he passed out. Tom took a moment to enjoy his reflection in a near by mirror showing his huge gut and the last of the boy sticking out of his mouth, now just a pair of arms and legs. Reaching out to take off the only thing the boy had been wearing, some cute white ankle socks, Tom took one last swallow, sending the last of his meal into his greedy gut.

With a happy sigh, Tom slowly made his way to the couch and collapsed down on it, almost breaking it. His gut was now a mountain of flesh with the occasional bit of noticeable movement from inside.

β€œYou boys did a good job fulfilling your mission in life. You were born meat and now your going to make me stronger.” Tom said as he rubbed what he could of his belly. Then tilting his head back, he relaxed his throat and let lose a belch that shook the windows and caused his gut to shrink down some. Instantly the movements inside intensified for a brief moment then slowed and finally stopped. Tom’s cock began to stiffen as he thought of the boys now dead and waiting to be digested.

The life of an alpha predator was a good one indeed.


Jaws of Danger

You run until your legs give out, your lungs burn, and your knees feel like jelly. Get for all it was worth, you still can't outrun him. The wolf that was hunting you that was ready to turn you into a meal did not relent. For all your struggle, it just ended with you cornered and helpless. However he doesn't immediately pounce on you. Instead he revels in your helplessness, you're going to be his food. You know it and so does he.

His claws remove you of your clothing, leaving you naked and more helpless than you were before. He slowly licks his lips as he grabs you by your neck. He doesn't bother addressing you, you're not meant for conversation, you're just food. He opens up his mouth and begins to swallow you whole.

The experience you have inside of the werewolf esophagus would be valuable data for those curious. It stinks and smells of previous prey caught by the successful predator. The heat is relentless and the pressure is unrelenting. From your head to your feet, at no time did you feel comfortable. From what you're able to gather, the werewolf is deeply satisfied with his meal. His heartbeat is steady as you pass by and you feel like you can make out his humming.

Eventually you are tucked away into his stomach. A neat and around little ball you make on his muscular frame. The stomach walls here are just as relenting and there is hardly any room. You're naked form will soon be digested and processed down to its bare nutrients. Once then, who knows what you will add to the werewolf. There is a tightness all of a sudden followed by a deep burp and a vibration. It squeezes your form and causes you to slowly black out. The last of your perceptions allow you to feel his claw rubbing over your belly.

Peter woke up the next morning happy and fat. His hunt had been successful and no doubt he enjoyed the physical sensation of last night's hunt. He stretches underneath his tree and picks himself up. He slowly makes his way to his home to prepare himself for the day. The poor soul inside his belly is carried with him.


Hot Tub Party

Brody and Kyle had no idea what to expect when they arrived at the hot tub. Gino and Dylan have been in there for a while, drinks in hand, and laughing amongst themselves. When Kyle asked what was so funny, Gino had replied that it was an inside joke. Unfortunately for Brody and Kyle, the joke was going to be on them.

The night went on, Brody and Kyle didn't expect anything. There were a couple of sly comments about how delicious Cody and Kyle looked. Cody just assumed that it was just bro talk. They didn't notice how Gino was practically drooling. The way that Dylan licked his lips went unnoticed either. Eventually, by the time they did it was too late.

Gino had mentioned how hungry he was wrapping his arm around Kyle. Kyle recommended that they get pizza and Dylan made a sly joke on how they would never get to see it. Before Cody gets the chance to clarify what Dylan meant by that, he watches Gino devour Kyle. His best friend bulges out Gino's throat as he wiggles all the way down. It was surreal and unfortunately it was an experience that Cody got at the hands of Dylan.

Dylan and Gino swallow their perspective prey, enjoying the sensations of them fighting the entire way down. It wasn't a difficult task considering how practiced they both were. With every gulp, there was less of Kyle and Cody and more Dylan and Gino. Their bellies expand eventually pushing against one another. The thrashing coming from within was a soothing feeling for both of them. Live prey, caught and belly bound, nothing they could do, but squirm. It was the best feeling in the world.

They toss their head back collecting the feet and swallow down what remains. There is a soft thump as Kyle and Cody settle into their forever homes. Gino and Dylan settle back into the hot tub, one hand on top of that huge guts. Gino plays with his belly button while Dylan picks at his teeth. Eventually all of the squirming inside of their collective bellies works up a belch. It silences the squirming once and for all.

Gino and Dylan press their bellies together feeling the quiet contents in there finally rest. They chuckle at one another as they burp again. The leftover trunks of their food splat onto the hot tub.


You don't get it Derek. You're my favorite snack and my favorite nephew. When I see that muscled form of yours I have no choice but to indulge. You are my personal gift from God. Someone who I can devour at a moment's notice because how scrumptious you happen to be. You may not like it, but at least you know now it's your fate. Whenever I'm hungry, whenever I'm starving, I think of you. I guess it's my own way of showing you love. If loving you traps you in my belly, and so be it.


I had been going to my room, and at that time my little brother had stayed in the living room with my best friend, when I came back I saw only my friend with a very swollen belly. When I saw it, I was scared, until he called me to start caressing his belly, I could feel my brother fighting his stomach


Big Brother's Indulgence

Martin had been warned so many times about the noise. Once was an honest mistake, two was recklessness, and three was just a blatant disregard. Kyle had to lay down the law. He pardons himself from the game chat that he was on and makes his way towards Martin's room. Martin had a friend over, Sam, the two of them together were a nightmare. However, both of them together would be delicious.

Kyle opens up the door and interrupts both of the noisemakers. Right before he was about to grab them, he could see cans of Coke all over the floor. So not only had Martin failed to entertain his guests at unreasonable noise levels, but he went right into Kyle's secret stash of sodas. Now this was more than just punishment, this was earned gluttony.

Kyle's belly growled out in anticipation and Martin immediately realized that he had fucked up. He had watched Kyle swallow up a couple of religious solicitors once. Martin was fully aware of what his brother could do and began to plead for his mercy. Sam foolishly believed that this was a punishment was relegated family members to try to make a subtle exit. Kyle grabs him by the shoulders and opens his mouth possibly wide. Sam screams but it is immediately cut off by the muscled walls of Kyle's throat. To make sure that Martin doesn't try a similar stunt, Kyle seizes Martin by the shirt. He gets a front-row ticket to his brother's gluttony.

Kyle shoves Sam into his mouth. The saliva slicks up the shoulders and helps them slide past that pink tongue. Afterward, the lean chest and abs follow quickly. Martin's room is filled with Kyle's gluttony and satisfied moans. His stomach greedily awaited the arrival of Sam. It gets its first bit of food when Sam's head pops past that tight stomach ring. It was an uninviting and hostile place, Kyle's belly. Inside was digesting Pizza and leftovers, and he was pretty sure that there was a Best Buy t-shirt. All that remains of the unhelpful worker that Kyle had snapped up.

Martin watched as Sam's legs uselessly outside of his brother's maw. His thighs are slowly reduced down to the calves. Kyle removes the sneakers from Martin's feet. He leaves the socks though, it was always a bit of a kink of his. Then Martin watches as Sam goes from best friend to brother food with a single gulp. The bulge passes down into Kyle's throat and then expands inside of his belly. Martin can hear Sam's cries from inside. He watches Kyle rub over that belly and Martin trapped within. Martin knows that it was fucked up way to think, but he silently hopes that Sam was enough for Kyle's hunger.

For a moment, Kyle just pushes his brother's face up against his expanding dome. Martin could feel every twitch that Sam made and realized that if he ever wanted to see Sam again, he'd have to ask Kyle to lift his shirt. Kyle didn't usually let his meals go and this wasn't the first time that he had snacked on Martin's friends. Billy, Josh, and Steve had all made their way down Kyle's throat.

Then a rumbling vibrates Kyle's belly and Martin knows exactly what was about to happen. With a loud burp, the nastiest-smelling air is expelled. It was wet too, bits of spittle landing on Martin's face. All of it, unfortunately, smelled like Sam. The dome slightly shrinks to reveal Martin continuing to struggle. The fight inside the belly becomes clear for a moment. Then the belly expands again leaving the prey obscured.

Kyle's eyes then drift down to Martin, his little brother. For a moment there is an exchange, no words. Could Kyle eat his brother? His own flesh and blood? Was that a line that he could cross? Martin hoped that there was some limit to Kyle's gluttony. Maybe eating one of his friends was enough and Kyle would let him go? Perhaps, there was a chance. Kyle lifted him so that Martin was close enough to smell Kyle's Sam-scented breath. The pool of saliva building up at the back of his mouth was intimidating. Still, Kyle wouldn't actually do it right, right?

Martin's hopes get dashed as Kyle licks his lips. Martin doesn't remember what Kyle says after that. Something about how the second course is always sweeter or something along that line. What Martin does remember is Kyle opening up his mouth and his world turning to darkness…

Kyle could feel the weight of his gaming chair creek. Other chairs he had owned would have broken by now, but this one had been properly reinforced. If Kyle was going to eat like a pig, then he should have a chair that fits him like one. Martin and Sam had saved him only one Coke. So who is the real pig here? It was still Kyle, now with Martin and Sam trapped inside of his belly.

The struggle had calmed down a while ago, both boys accepting their fate as food for Kyle. Kyle savors their taste with a refreshing Coke as he texts the game chat that he will be a moment. He was going to order some more food for himself and in a way, Martin and Sam. Of course, if they ate the food that already came down, it was their business. Kyle had already gotten his.

So while Kyle waited for the food delivery, his hands roamed over that mighty gut. His little brother was trapped inside, wondering if he would see the sun again. Kyle wasn't sure if his little brother would be let out. Sam would be a permanent resident, much like his other little friends. Kyle thought about the questions his dad might ask. It was enough to make him reconsider or… Kyle could just show his dad where Martin had gone. The thought of that makes him chuckle as he rubs his fat gut. As he daydreams about the scenario, Martin plays with his belly button.

The doorbell cuts him out of his delusions. He stands with his hefty belly and stretches realizing that the food was here. Right before he was about to head to the door, his belly growled.

The question is this: Did Kyle want thirds?



Keith always figured that because of his size and his muscles that he could handle just about anything. All his life his friends had called him a physical specimen. Someone who could never be toppled or dominated. Unfortunately that was no longer the case.

The last thing that Keith remembered was this cutie asking him to dance. After a while he remembers getting tired and then passing out. When he woke up he was restrained and had some sort of Speedo on.

No one would answer any of his questions. They would just say that he had been selected for something. After that he felt a bunch of different hands begin to feel up his muscles. They all called him good meat and how he would be perfect. Whatever that meant.

Soon after he was being oiled up with olive oil. His muscles began to glisten and shine as he was prepared. When they began to take the restraints off him, he thought this was his big escape. However all he was able to do was push a couple people down. Soon he was restrained in a much different way. He had an apple stuffed in his mouth and his entire body had been wrapped up in vegetable twine. Then he's blindfolded as someone then yells that table 43's meal was done.

Keith could only judge but it seemed he was on some giant serving platter. He could hear the wheels bring him to another room. There was soft music playing like at one of those fancy restaurants. The cart he is on stops and places him onto a table. He had no idea what was going to happen. Why on Earth was he being trussed up like food? This was utterly ridiculous and he was going to sue everyone in this place when it's over.

Whoever had ordered him muttered something about him being delicious. The Apple is gently plucked from his mouth. Before he can yell out any obscenities it feels like his head is being pushed into a moist cave. Then the sensation of his face being licked overwhelms his senses. It doesn't dawn on him that he was slowly being eaten alive.

His neck and shoulders are pushed deeper into the throat of his predator. Those rounded muscles meaning nothing to the hungry individual. Keith tries to struggle, but his muscles are still restrained by the vegetable twine. With another gulp his chest and abdomen come in next. It was about this time where he realized that he was going. He was being eaten! Devoured by some perv! How the hell was any of this even possible?

Not that it mattered, the hungry patron gets to that flaccid cock and ass. He begins to swipe those muscular globes like a credit card. It was utterly delectable to him, much to the dismay of keith. He was being humiliated and devoured. More than likely in a public setting to boot! Worst part is is that he was pretty sure that no one was going to be able to help him.

His muscular thighs and powerful calves are slowly swallowed up like noodles. The entire trip down the esophagus was wet, hot, and loud. It got even louder when he passed by the heartbeat. Before long his large and flat feet are scooped up by the tongue. They drop inside and join Keith rounding out this man's belly.

This was it. A lifetime of working out, dieting, and proper sleep schedule just to end up as someone's dinner. He was curled up into the fetal position, still bound by the vegetable twine even now. His entire body bulging out on somebody's abdomen. All the while his devourer rubbed over the hefty meal. Keith couldn't hear anything through the gurgling and churning of his own body. Keith shut his eyes and realized that this was his fate...

Devin walked out of his favorite establishment with a heavy gut on him. One might describe him as a twunk. Not so lean and not so built either, a perfect in between. However the man he ate certainly put a number on his physique. With a satisfied smile, he cradles his belly with his hands. This beefcake was all his to digest for the next couple of days. As if to pay compliments to the chef, he lets out a ferocious burp before heading into the night. With his enormous belly in tow.

Anonymous asked:

A story about Klaus Mikaelson gobbling Tyler Lockwood. Maybe with some pit hypnotism?

Klaus was wandering through his family mansion in Mystic Falls. It had been empty for a while now after he and Elijah had moved to New Orleans, but it was still his house. He was really going to have to transfer the title again since there were still a few people he'd rather not be able to get in. One of which had just burst through the front doors.

"Well, if it isn't my biggest disappointment..." Klaus sneered.

Tyler stood there angrily staring at him, "What are you doing here?"

"I'm not in the habit of explaining myself to little pups with anger issues."

Klaus looked Tyler over. The hybrid pup was sweaty from rushing over, a detail that made Klaus' stomach rumble. His werewolf side had been extra hungry today and he hadn't yet gotten a chance to grab a snack. It certainly looked like one had decided to deliver itself though.

"Klaus, I swear to-" Tyler paused, sniffing the air.

Wandering the grounds hadn't just been a chance for Klaus to look around. He had been marking his territory with his natural musk, something Tyler's heightened senses could easily pick up on. As the hybrid pup followed his nose, Klaus started unbuttoning his shirt for two reasons. One, the smell of him would be stronger. Two, he didn't want to pop the buttons off of this one, it was one of his favorites.

"What is that?" Tyler said slowly coming closer.

"Isn't it obvious? It's the smell of your sire."

"That's you?"

Klaus just chuckled as he pulled off his shirt and folded it over the back of a nearby chair. His musk was free to waft about the room now. Tyler had zeroed in on the scent now.

"Why do you-" Tyler was clearly starting to get a little dizzy, "smell so good?"

"Because I'm the one that made you what you are you ungrateful little pup. You'll never be able to resist my scent."

Tyler finally stood right in front of him. His sniffing causing him to lean forward towards Klaus' armpit. He wanted to be even closer.

"You really are weak. Not even the slightest attempt to resist at all." Klaus scoffed, "Well, at least I can make good use of you."

"Anything... you... want..."

"I've got somewhere else you can sniff, pup."

Klaus pushed Tyler down on his knees before he unbuckled his belt, then unbuttoned and unzipped his pants. Tyler dove into the open zipper face first, rubbing his nose around Klaus' package as he breathed in the sweeter musk he found there.

"Good boy, now... take it out."

Tyler looked up at him, more dazed than before. He pulled down Klaus' underwear, freeing the long thick cock behind them. The pup continued to rub his face into and along any exposed skin he could find.

"Open up." Klaus ordered.

Tyler stared up at him, mouth agape and tongue sticking out. Klaus grabbed the base of his cock and smacked the head against the softest part of Tyler's tongue. Then he grabbed the pup's hair and pulled him in, shoving his length down down the pup's throat.

Tyler choked a bit at first, but his instinctual need to please his sire took over and he was swallowing on the cock in no time. Klaus groaned as he used the pup's throat. He would have loved to bend Tyler over and take his ass too, but his stomach kept reminding him that it needed some meat.

Eventually the grumbling became so strong he couldn't even enjoy the hot wet throat. He yanked Tyler back up to his feet. Klaus lifted his arm exposing one of his pits and the pup predictably dove right in. Tyler dragged his nose across the musky skin, breathing in deep. Just moments later he was lapping at the sweaty armpit while Klaus encouraged him. It was like a drug to him. The taste and smell of Klaus' pits were the only thing in the world as far as he was concerned.

"Strip." Klaus commanded.

Tyler peeled off his clothes while minimizing any time he might have been away from under Klaus' arm. He felt completely desperate now. He didn't care that he was standing there naked as he kicked away his clothes.

"There's at least one thing you're good for." Klaus muttered.

Tyler whined as he was pulled away from Klaus' pit. The sound didn't last long, as his sire had already opened his mouth wide and wrapped it around his head. He was still dizzy as the tongue lapped at his face and neck.

Klaus grabbed Tyler's biceps and lifted him up off the ground, shoving him down into his throat. He swallowed the pup up to his shoulders, his stomach eager to receive the big hunk of meat he was in the process of feeding it. Another gulp pulled Tyler deeper, letting Klaus lick the salty sweat off his abs.

Then of course Klaus' favorite parts of any meal entered his maw. Tyler's cock and ass brought a whole new batch of flavors to enjoy. Tyler was rock hard, just like Klaus expected. The effect of a sire's musk always made their progeny horny. The pup actually humped against his tongue he was so desperate to get off.

Klaus wasn't interested in Tyler's pleasure though and as soon as he felt like he'd gotten all the flavor he could he grabbed Tyler's thighs and pushed him deeper into his throat. It didn't take long from there, just a few swallows and Klaus was slurping down Tyler's bare feet. One more big gulp and the pup was gone.

Klaus sighed with satisfaction as he dropped into a chair. His full stomach protruded out in front of him. He gave it a few rubs as he eagerly waited for Tyler to snap out of his dazed state. That's when he'd really start to enjoy his meal, when it fought back.

Tyler did eventually come back to his senses inside Klaus' gut. He tried to fight against it, hoping he could force his way out, but nothing seemed to work. One particularly fierce struggle knocked a belch out of Klaus that reverberated through his body and thinned the available air.

His sire just laughed and poked back at him any time he tried move, "Not so useless as a meal, at least."

Klaus snickered as he settled in. This was the only time he'd actually enjoyed spending with his pup lately. Shame it was just as food in his belly.



Story requested by @blackheartvore

One of the hardest things about training werewolves was controlling the unhinged appetite that came with it. Every 30 minutes, Scott must stop and call a snack break because of just how hungry Eli and Liam got. Liam was a little bit easier to manage, considering that he had more experience. Now Eli, on the other hand, was practically a bottomless hole.Β  He Inhales the protein bars down his throat at rapid speeds. To the point where Scott was sure he might have eaten the box along with it!

By the time they had reached the two-hour mark, the snacks were gone. Scott frowns as he looks at both of them and shakes his head." I will get some new snacks. For now, you guys stretch. I shouldn't be long, maybe about 15 minutes."

Scott leaves both werewolves alone as Eli looks at Liam as focuses on stretching." How do you do it? How do you manage? I can hardly go 20 minutes before I need a snack."

"It's pretty easy. I ensure I have gotten my secret snack before I start training.I shouldn't be telling you this, but all werewolves can eat people. I don't know if it's because we are natural predators. Either way, it's effortless to get them down. We even swallow our kind sometimes." Liam says as he rubs over his flat abs and shows off a little symbol on his belly." This is Mason. He is my go-to snack." Liam says proudly.

"Wait… can I do that?" Eli asks, looking at his belly.

"No way! It takes years of experience before it's considered safe. Besides you, you would need an alpha, and a" Liam was cut off as Eli pounced on him from behind. The last thing he sees before the light disappears is the back of Eli's mouth and a thick string of drool.

Eli manages to work down Liam's neck and shoulders. Was this supposed to be hard? It was certainly fun but not complicated! With the broadest part of Liam now in his bulging throat, Eli works on the chest next. His tongue slathers the beef that slides across his tongue while his teeth nibble on Liam's back. Eli's hands dragged down Liam's shorts and used those thick hips to drag him in. Not long after that, Eli swallows heavily, dragging Liam's abdomen across his tongue.Β 

Eli huffs with experience once he gets to the hips and Liam's ass. Until this point, the excitement had driven him, but now he's slowing down, especially getting that ass crammed down his throat. It was vast, and his cheeks bulged as Liam got gobbled down. Still, Eli was enjoying it as, eventually, those hips started to sink deeper and deeper. Eli shuts his eyes and bliss as he takes those legs inside. Those hairy thighs and calves go down like long noodles. Eli certainly takes his time. Both of his hands rest firmly on his belly. Then with a bit of finality, with both Liam's feet wiggling on the outside, Eli wraps his tongue around the last bit of his meal.

Liam hits Eli's belly with a soft thump. The werewolf bulges incredibly well and relaxes with them. He would reform as soon as Eli got done with him. However, Eli falls to the ground as he rubs over his fat gut." Damn…. This was sooo good. You tasted amazing, Liam."Β 

Eli holds his fist to his mouth as he feels his belly shake and vibrate momentarily. Then he unleashes a giant burp that rattles the training room. It knocks down several dumbbells and a couple of training dummies. Although Eli was so preoccupied with this that he didn't notice someone coming in. They come and stand right over Eli's head.

The young werewolf looks up and smiles weakly while he rubs his belly. He had completely forgotten that the other was going to be back.

"Hi, Scott! Me and Liam did some training while you were away. I think I did pretty good." Eli says, giving his Liam-filled gut a couple of slaps.

"I'm sure you did. But Eli, there is a lesson you need to learn."Β  Scott says as he bends down to look at Eli with a fierce glare. Not to mention the young werewolf can hear the alpha's belly rumble with hunger." You don't mess with the werewolf's food."

Then an all too familiar experience to Liam, Scott opens his mouth wide around Eli's head.

A short while later…

Scott was on the phone with Derek talking to him about how training was going with Eli. Every time he mentions the young werewolf, he rubs over his belly with a slight smirk. His hands love to glide over where Scott's Mark for Eli had been created. Another one for his collection. Secretly he was proud of the young man for getting Liam down. It was quite the feat, figuring it out without prompting. He would tell him as much when he returned as Scott burps out Eli's training shirt.

"Oh, sorry, Derek. Must have been something I ate." Scott smiles and licks his lips.

That was great! Eli being a natural just seems right. πŸ˜…

Anonymous asked:

hi there, are there any other fandoms you'd like to get asks for?

I'm working on a couple asks outside of Teen Wolf at the moment. I do like supernatural genre shows in general. Though I'm not really into gaming or anime stuff. But best bet is to just send an ask and see what happens. πŸ–€


Just wanted to put out a reminder that I'm open to prompts and I have a pinned post regarding sending them in.


A story request of Derek gorging some prey with Stiles being the belly slave? πŸ™


Hale Brutality

Stiles could only watch with a mix of horror and eroticism as Derek single-handedly dismantled the hunter camp. For weeks now, he has been telling them to leave The preserve and to go about their business. Of course, in typical hunter arrogance, they chose not to listen, and now we're paying the price. Derek had already knocked out two of them, with the third being kneed his gut and thrown to the ground. Their rifles had been snapped in half, a terrifying display of power by the werewolf. One of many that Derek was about to demonstrate would-be poachers.

Derek drags the semi-conscious one next to the others. Then he plants his boot on his chest as he picks up the ones that work out cold. Stiles watches Derek's eyes turn ice blue and say something about the price of trespassing. He couldn't make out the words because soon Derek had slammed both of the hunters together, then opened up his mouth. It was a grotesque feat of gluttony as Derek devoured both hunters simultaneously. Stiles' jaw had fallen to hell by how far it dropped. He imagined the third Hunter was in a similar position.

Stiles had seen it before, Derek eating the stray hunter or even members of their pack. At least he let the pack out when he was done with them. The human boy didn't understand the monstrous way that one could even stretch their mouth around two human heads, let alone swallow them. They bulge on the way down as their shoulders are mushed together. Derek makes short work of them, their bodies disappearing before his eyes. Stiles manages to peel his eyes away from the evil long enough to see the horrified expression on the last Hunter's face. It wasn't even right to call the other two hunters anymore, just food.

Soon all that remains of Derek's first entree is the weak kicking of boots. Derek removes them as they clatter to the ground by the hunter's head. The bulges of two grown men had traveled down Derek, bulging out his black muscle shirt that exploded into tatters. The belt was keeping it up as it sat comfortably on Derek's waist. The werewolf wipes his lips and stares down at the last one. Stiles could only imagine what it felt like to stare into those cruel eyes, unable to see any sympathy. To be regarded only as food and treated as such before disappearing behind a pair of dripping werewolf jaws. Sentenced to an eternity of moist hell and suffering…

Sometime later…

Stiles was on top of Derek, silently humping his belly while rubbing his hands over Derek's gut. Derek had commanded him to rub his belly even through his nap. His nap had begun when he let out a massive burp, releasing the clothing that he had bothered to swallow. Now Stiles was tending to the werewolf's noisy belly that digested the remnants of the hunters. Stiles gasps as he eventually gets off, shooting his load and soiling himself. As terrified as he was of becoming Derek's next meal, there was no denial of the arousal that he got heard especially considering when Stiles looked to see Derek, he was peaceful in sleep. Unbothered by what the human thought of him, he was only concerned that he rubbed his belly throughout his post-snack nap and the consequences of failing to do so.

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