
JareDave: The Knight of Heart

@ifightformyfriends / ifightformyfriends.tumblr.com

I fight for my friends

Trying to watch hannibal without subtitles:

Hannibal: Mmmbdmsnn, Will? Did you sjduk mmfndm hdudhebjsbj jdjdinsk?

Will: I don't even know who I mnfmmd dmdjndm sndmnd even when shhsmmdi ajsjdjdm mcmcmcm... ndjdnmd mind.....

The music:


When you hear a new song on the radio and you’re desperately trying to pick a notable phrase so you can google it later

Gather round, kids. Let me tell you a story from ye olden days because I am tumblr elderly. I used to DJ for a radio station. I played records and CDs and we had station IDs from bands on 8 track cartes. People would call me asking what songs were–but they had to mumble, sing, or play the song on an instrument. I had someone call me to ask what Smells Like Teen Spirit was when it was a single. They played it on an accordion. I forgot about it until a moment ago when I saw this post.


They played it on an accordion


Bro I think you met Weird Al



When these men run D&D 5e and end up with these really great story moments, that is not because anyone can do that with 5e; the ability to improv stories without a game giving you guidance is a learned skill that they are professionals at. Bennan Lee Mulligan has stated that he likes 5e because he's fully capable of improving very interesting story moments on the spot without rules helping him, and 5e doesn't get in the way of that. That works for him, but it is not something you should expect everyone to do.

Think of it like... Gordon Ramsey wouldn't need a recipe to turn a simple pile of ingredients into an amazing meal. But that's not because "oh yeah you can just do that", it's because he is Gordon Ramsey and is a professional chef and has years and years of experience cooking.

If someone is telling you "hey man, maybe you should try using a recipe first", you saying "nah Gordon Ramsey doesn't need that, why should I?" makes you look a bit foolish (and in this metaphor "recipe" is "game that has rules for social interaction beyond a pass/fail Diplomacy/Intimidate/Bluff roll)

Yeah, to be honest, I think most of my desire to play DnD is just a desire for structured improv in a private setting with people I get along with.

Good news is that there are other systems built for that kind of experience

That are much better at it! Powered By The Apocalypse spawned an entire genre of games with mixed narrative results woven throughout the system and, as a whole, can tell much more nuanced stories as a result. Focusing an entire system around a single d20 roll (VERY swingy, no consistency or reliability of supposedly specialized skills) combined with a binary Pass/Fail system results in the stories told by that system being inordinately funneled into 'Kill everyone' compared to systems with a wider variety of outcomes. Any exceptions to this are the result of GMs swimming upcurrent to make 5e work for the stories they want to tell which go against what the system want to and is designed to do.

The distilled experience most 5e players are after seems like is ignoring the rules and rolling a d20, and the DMs kneejerk reaction to the number rolled with their character in mind determines their success. Great news! No need to give money or time to Wizards, you can find systems closer to that playstyle, or just do it directly!

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